tv [untitled] April 6, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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he volunteers once again flared up. these are the images for girls has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for asian. british companies accusing governor gray's misjudgement over the selling of weapons to arab regimes now using them against their own people. but pretty soon film finds himself under attack first week. in march and is terrilyn supporters in helsinki. breaking the news breaking the budget the u.s. networks count the cost of covering disasters and wars but still find the millions needed to pay their star anchors. our special report of the infamous guantanamo bay detention center is coming up next as filmmakers expose what's really going on there.
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regarding visits to. face yes we have quite a quarter we go. just about every wednesday. ever and i quite get from puerto rico to guantanamo the flights are story. you will be required to pay eighty four dollars a night for a person. watching. and whatever a good as you occur for telephone or area. you'll be able to achieve good care for which they are getting. you know you'll see a somewhat of a character and you'll be able to photograph all right this is very good mission yeah i thank you very much if i saw it every more proper question would be hard. to figure. i think when i
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leave here guantanamo bay one most interesting experiences that i've had is actually having the opportunity to ask or the media around it's interesting talking to people from all around the world from korea from sweden from the middle east from north america mali around the world has had the opportunity to speak with different people and hear this here how they feel about the detainees here how they feel about politics it's age it's an interesting experience and i feel like this is lieutenant moss and his job is to show us that everything is ok here we have come here because we want to know what is really going on at guantanamo filling isn't allowed inside the prison camp so we were thinking of shooting with a hidden camera. unfortunately that's just not going to happen. we know there's a swedish guy held inside here his name is mark. will be released later on when he
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returns to sweden give only one press conference. you say you spent five months on of jonestown where did you stay. how did you finance all these trips six trips in two years where were you. supported bin laden and al qaeda did you meet al qaeda fighters did you carry arms what do you think of bin laden. and after that he won't talk to us and refuses to talk to anyone who has anything to do with the media. but to tell his story we have to go back in time to long before the press conference when martin was still held at guantanamo. and when there was only one official version as you can hear it on the radio station voice of america and al qaeda detainees are being scrutinized and interrogated at
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the u.s. naval base at guantanamo bay cuba only a select few american servicemen and u.s. officials have direct contact with the prisoners. u.s. officials insist that detainees are not tortured or subject to any cruel treatment during interrogation sessions in fact they say some interrogators go out of their way to make their captors feel comfortable hoping to coax information from them in an easy going fashion. exactly right here the story could have ended if it wasn't for this man we saw in a public square in stockholm he's much his father and he had a feeling that things were not good at guantanamo. one two two four one forty two forty five degrees and he looked up and and chained. night totally isolated not allowed to speak to see or to hear but not things father didn't know
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that it was the other way around it was matted together with most of the other prisoners that had in fact decided to stop talking rumor now was that it wasn't forty degrees or hard at guantanamo anymore the the army had started exposing prisoners to freezing temperatures to get them to talk what i would do is urge him as a father to reach out to communicate with his son the letter which we will transport and ask his son to just cooperate come clean this will help him to turn in his future care richard prosper the man with a good advice and puppy dog eyes. he is an expert of international law and is signed by the president to visit the countries that have citizens being held at guantanamo. here he was in sweden to persuade mentees
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father to convince his son to start to talk again well that's what we're calling the geneva conventions but he by his conduct is not the benefits of privileges to be a prisoner of war don't think about them in chains day and night so we have three. whose father. still live. we need to keep in mind that the people in u.s. custody are not there because they stole a car. or robbed a bank. that's not why they're there they're not common criminals. they're enemy combatants and terrorists who are be exchanged for acts of war against our country and that is why different rules after.
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saying no and the head of the international red cross for example people break spirits are human rights issues say the un see it clearly what you're doing is against. human rights conventions there was a fundamental problem the only thing i know for certain is that these are bad people the united states at one point in time signed the geneva convention and there it's stated that prisoners of war need only to answer four questions name rank and nationality and id number. four simple questions won't get you very far when you need answers to hundreds of questions a prison camp full of prisoners of war you only need to answer for questions is a useless prison camp. but there were no other rules. and leaders from countries who had citizens at guantanamo were worried prime minister. the first matter he brought up. was the swedish prisoner he was very forthright very frank
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and very concerned about. the situation seems to be out of control. taking the bait. simply cheek television. what nobody knew was the president had written a letter. a letter that only the president's inner circle world where of in the letter he wrote that there was a new paradigm in the world and the rules were no longer defined by the u.s. but by terrorists this new world order and got him thinking and after extensive discussions he came to the simple conclusion of the geneva convention. could not be applied to terrorists. and for that reason he came up with a new word for the prisoners at guantanamo unlawful. no
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one had heard this word before. and no one knew what the consequences of this were with. afghanistan. now. we're at guantanamo or good know as the army has nicknamed it we still haven't. he's still being held in here. most of the time we're on this bus touring all the recreational activities of the soldiers stationed here.
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when the operation first started out it was something that was new and just like with everything you want to prove prove it in the u.s. military has a lot of pride in trying to improve the living standards for its troops to keep morale. up. phase. of the subway here slowly we're improving the condition of the soldiers and this is just. but we haven't come here to take part in the soldiers' delight over the variety of fast food and we want to know what's really going on here. here we are at the gates to camp delta where the prisoners are kept. the person in front is sergeant barry johnson the man behind the scenes who has the authority over our guides as the second man is colonel mcqueen
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responsible for security. just how much business you can. believe in how do you. we are americans and being american soldiers we come up with a way of life a democracy that provides rights to people to be treated humanely fair for the system how do you do that because i'm a military profession as military professional i've been given a mission and that mission says that i will safely secured the detainees within camp delta and that i will provide a humane treatment people get i did one last. question. that the family for example the family of this we disputing you know they don't know why he's here they thought that he went to study they have no information they don't they haven't been able to see him for a year what would you tell them if you met them what would you say to them. i would
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think the detention standpoint. each and every detainee here is being treated humanely. we. still trying to convince a man to take this opportunity to tell us what had happened but something always came up making it difficult for us to meet. but now he's promised to help us to get in touch with other prisoners released from guantanamo. this is jamal from manchester who was with matting in guantanamo. and there. who still hasn't decided if he wants to talk. to each other. you know i don't even remember the first i mean i just remember. speaking to them i know because what they would do the americans will put you next to each different people to see if you know
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a person from before off opposite speaks english that way next opposite to see you know is there any connection with these guys from you know maybe the monitor from before that was part of it that oh yeah eleven people constantly moved around what got to you would be called three. or i would say. i ones of up i would not let them know. so i refused on thought one on skype or. was it for me the most crucial thing here is to create. a way you very. maybe. it seems hard to talk about what happens to them in guantanamo. especially from. maybe because he's devoted two years to keeping silent.
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i was in the war nor tortured physically. my head contrary to add with americans told them all they wanted to know. for about six months but it was too much so i stopped talking with them for two years. they started using the methods you heard about. me i've been in the interrogation room i was kept in there for twelve fourteen hours. and they put on air conditioning at about degrees below zero.
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still nice to be talking to the god. and this girl's life and we have you on the next phase being the pump someone who's next to you in this crisis so yeah i did the same thing myself talk to the cops. name is sergeant dangerously. enough for thirty eight military police company from early kentucky. we didn't just go into this and to get this. i think it's like this. i'm making this case law enforcement from toledo ohio.
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and in specialist marco from going to get. you know the swedish guy he's there he's. my personally actually i can tell you that you know we don't comment on specifically cheney or specific nationalities so that question to him he would be against. the. money you go through these days i just don't get my job there is a funny story that one of them is still in there. so much. for soldiers and one time i'm old don't talk and neither do the prisoners. maybe it has something to do with this man. his name is general miller and he's the
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commanding officer at guantanamo he's agreed to a short interview he is in an unusually good mood change here quite calm most mission is to detain him a combatants and then to gain intelligence from there to be able to win the global war on terrorism and so we are detaining these in the combatants in a humane manner in a matter. that is appropriate today in accordance as much as we can with the geneva convention. we do we work very hard to ensure that the detainees are maintained. in this matter. but what's what's wrong with the. work and. when we were doing listen jervey with miller we were not aware of how important he was to the story because no other single person has had as much
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influence over how the prisoners at guantanamo are treated. but what we do know is that miller hasn't always been in charge of the base. before we left we found a short article about general rick baucus who was in command before knoller. because it was fired under very weird circumstances the only ones who seemed willing to speculate why is military corruption an organization consisting of ex military personnel who investigate corruption within the army ok all i can say to you is we're on the telephone all i can say to you is we have a network of sources that we call see. potential informants. i can say on the telephone. back there is a one star general brigadier general. he ran into trouble with
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a two star general who is in charge of the interrogation. i think it's been they complained about policy dealing with those first he would come and sit down in front of a cage and i should speak to the detainees that were in the cages and then the soldiers silencing the the american soldiers would simply to see the big general come down and sit down on the ground in front of a. bank use a gun fired because he was too nice to the prisoners. and was opposed to a secret list of unconventional questioning methods and out word goldring out theirs. is that. some of the interrogations may i don't have to prove. violation. or what we would are sure where you hear when general was here no we came just after
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you had or you know why. right here. have you heard anything. nothing that i would want to repeat because i don't know whether this is true. and as far as the history of general back is. all we know as far as he was he everyone here is on a tour of. six months and he finished six months already more home we called up the baucus is old press secretary and southern command. both. you can ask and i don't know how to get a budget and you don't want her in the military retired or even. even tired our earlier this month. window we are to go ahead no way gate i didn't either but baucus has not retired he has been reassigned to a desk job. out of his own number k.
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area grow our own john. kerry now. this redacted many of his then the filmmaker and. agree to ask if you quest as a bad guy about what happened there. but you're told it not on there anymore and any public affairs and ari refer you to the other command of public affairs officer you don't talk about it point i'm an. off the record or. ok thank you for. the story now baucus. we would contact him again. even if he's in just a small dawn in a much bigger game. the security of the world requires disarming saddam hussein. saddam hussein and his sons must leave iraq
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within forty eight hours. passed chardy of iraqi citizens. is a bad brings a further assurance that the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever. but when these pictures from saddam's ghraib prison came out. it's clear they have a scandal on their hands some say these methods originated in guantanamo. we just haven't seen the pictures rumors have also begun to circulate new rumors of interrogators using sex and hip hop music to get people to crack.
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use the sexual act a theory to gain against you. personally know me personally know by people who is happens in school. if. the. world if it was under their child a lot of other things but then they sense in a girl who. will come to me and she came up to me and started to talk to you know we can and she told me she could do many things for me so she started to thirty three give me a massage and she grabbed me at certain places. and she actually told me that she could do plenty for me. but when she came close or just certain spots then i put up my hands and trying to protect myself and when she saw
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that at the end she got angry since i didn't want to you know we heard she said that whenever i wanted to see her and she said her name was sylvia. just tell them that you want to see me. and then we'll arrange everything and after that and she left. maybe that sounds like a prisoner's dream. to have a uniform come in give him a. but we are sure the methods aren't used for the prisoner's comfort and convenience. what kind of bizarre interrogation methods are being used at guantanamo and what happens to the prisoners that are still being held there and
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are these methods really sanctioned from above. part of the answer comes thanks to the album ghraib scandal in iraq. which set off a storm of protests and a wave of investigations which made public thousands of previously classified documents. human rights activists all over the world began taking measures to get prisoners released from guantanamo even in the western europe forced to get a piece of paper like this which is called the evolution of interrogation techniques one count of these are techniques actually approved by our secretary of defense donald rumsfeld and if you read them you get sickened by them among all the documents we find a story a story that has its beginning in the fall of two thousand and two they have
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a problem at guantanamo the prisoners have stopped talking and the old methods don't seem to be effective anymore. now they want to interrogate for twenty hour sessions remove prisoners clothes let them stand naked in uncomfortable positions make him wear what. they also want permission under medical supervision to lower the temperatures in interrogation rooms. and take advantage of prisoners phobias. for example prisoners fear of dogs. so here you are circularly of defense authorizing the use of dogs and of course the word phobias is particularly interesting because that has to do with. their. just there for muslims to toss around cliche with later happens in the interrogation room. when the new methods are implemented only the prisoners know and their interrogators the problem is that
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