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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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there's. a priest in finland that's being questioned by police just hours after a party broadcast the story of how he faces the sack for speaking out against. one of the world's most notorious terrorists. as the u.k. stross itself in the forefront of protecting libyan citizens british lawmakers rage over why the country sold millions of dollars of weapons to kill gadhafi in the lead up to the unrest. and almost a year after the plane crash that killed poland's president kaczynski and ninety five others in western russia moscow hands over new files to warsaw.
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international news live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. just past eight pm here in the russian capital and seven pm in finland where a priest faces being the frocked after describing one of the world's most wanted criminals as a terrorist police are questioning the pastor after his references to model the man behind the moscow metro an airport bombings among other crimes. met the churchman whose words are leaving him accused of inciting religious hatred. yes here is these may be the last days these man whereas he is pastas color you hum waller faces being defrocked priest speaking out against i use the word word dearest they use words president morrow and his internet mouthpiece come across central this site
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was the first published the terrorist's words on the tax claims the business and school siege the netsky express a matter of warnings and most recently the idea that our ports attack the website is banned in russia and in finland it enjoys why it's a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick to follow. this guy emailed it hundred percent. what does the letters you slow the evil i don't stop to fight again. they will cut my hair away from with somebody else you home all are we want a police but instead worker ended up being prosecuted himself been sued for
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criticizing bush calls illegally operating organization the same people who are promoting terrorism against russia they are promoting public opinion a little more reclaimable mori is a racist. remembering racist. or causes people of the chechens which is of course not good because maurice only three percent internationally a college. international terrorist in russia a manhunt is on for a morrow and people close to him but in helsinki you may end up dining next to his relatives or more of with their brother morrow. he lives in stockholm. and we can quite often. people walking down these quiet and prosperous streets maybe unaware of the disturbing case of you have more than there used to
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thinking of their country as spare and politically correct but who do remain just as neutral in tragedy knocks on their door here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbors in russia only four hundred kilometers away aren't quite so lucky. patrol it's only a step from extremist rhetoric to action and there is seldom a warning call by doing good for a minority of birds. who want to do terrible thing. and. it is. there are only one. who went but. there is quite a team after the pasta now finland's prosecutor's office the church and some of the world's most determined terrorists you have all the way has already changed address and divorced his wife to avoid putting your and his children at risk is now
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considering a move to russia we have a double moral if you do feel that you even a democratic country i don't feel it's a democrat sure why our tea house in key finland. where you her was summoned to a police station after broadcast this story with us now talk to patrick crew from the finnish fascist committee thanks for joining us in helsinki i understand you talk to you today did he tell you why he thinks he's being questioned by the police . yes i spoke to hello i spoke to you have to do but in fact the story it's all over the finish first day so what has happened here is to finish for minorities. to finish police to investigate if you are male mollari is guilty. of incitement to racial hatred. to
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a person of opinion here as expression of you homilies blog as a whole will constitute a hate crime against the people. and what do you make of these charges. this part of a coordinated campaign to. support your activities or your cover story hasn't. yet let me just ask you dr morrow is known as one of the world's most dangerous criminals why is it you think the finnish authorities appear to think differently about him. the trick church and separatist have worried. political support in finland. and this is. why is that. it is through a deed to entourage in finland anything that is bad for russia
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is good for free will and. anything that is bad for russia is good for payment. many people would be confused by that thinking that relations were pretty good between the two countries can explain more to that statement. the. fundamental change in the. relations between finland and russia have to default a little bit to me even. if it's related to make me conflict in the baltic states. well let's put the politics aside between the two countries let's talk about what's happening. to this priest at the moment do you understand he's still in custody still being questioned by the police no no no no he was there for a for less than an hour and what about you know is he feeling threatened at the moment what's the state of his own safety. if you care for except
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for the threat. that is coming from lack of a question for other community and. feel and i don't think he is in any great danger what about a little earlier you told me that the finnish press is really covering this story it's all over the finnish media at the moment how are they reporting this story what sort of picture they paid twelve. generally. very much against war. for the very reasons that you cited earlier i mean this is a general consensus among not just the press but also the finnish people i mean how the finnish people are reacting to this story. mostly in differently mostly indifferently there are two. groups which are. going to russia on a ship or traditional finnish right wing people and then come the call call
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themselves. human rights activists imagine a little earlier that there was a threat from the caucuses i guess his safety the authorities infinity is the case are they expressing concern are they providing any protection for him. that i heard of what about you. mr. you want to laurie the priest who we're talking about today he was actually taken into police custody as a result of this broadcast here in r.t. you are now appearing on r.t. does that in any way compromise your safety your position you know i would i would . not become critical if you know. your activities over the. course of european feeling in finland or. because torture and he court this month next week
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a charge of irene being illegal entry under i agree with the circumstances of the shipment. claim people from the cliff. many of them really. really interesting ok well it's an intriguing story developing there in helsinki petrie crew from the finnish fascist committee thanks very much indeed for joining us live here on. well clawed when it came from the european strategic intelligence and security center told r.t. is that such treatment is highly questionable. it's absolutely unacceptable to say do trade of traits against someone. in sight but i will say it's equally acceptable to see a website acetylene in europe treating question some of the american
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soldiers in afghanistan we're following cafcass and there for years. we frequently refer to look after their for defying terrorist actions not only in court as is valuable in afghanistan in north africa in africa yes i consider there are parts of the proper. authorities of the global jihad. so yes definitely they are even if they don't take themselves and their hands and they don't build a bomb or to make a bomb to explore the part of the purest organisation so i think basically europe is sweet in addressing the stranger for a problem europe doesn't understand most of the open country doesn't understand that there is actually a link between the terrorist action and there is propaganda and terrorist
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propaganda information if you want it's a part of the global terrorist action. britain may be behind the libyan rebels but lawmakers in london a furious that their colleagues allowed weapons to be sold to the could i think regime as recently as last year it's among several arab nations who brought firepower from the u.k. which later saw uprisings and this is accuse them of misjudging whether those guns would be turned on civilians as more emmett's explains. the security forces put down on rest in the middle east with such a gas and other irritant down the mission and they've got plenty of the u.k. was still selling arms to libya just four months before colonel gadhafi turned on his own people the government ministers approving a deal for sniper rifles bullets and take out. there a very strict set of guidelines that say where where it is likely that human rights violations might so place you're not supposed to saw the weapons and i would say looking back through
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a number of credible sources including amnesty international but it was always likely always very very likely the equipment supplied to colonel gadhafi would and could be used in the brutal crackdown of the protesters arms exports is big business in the u.k. valued at nearly twelve billion dollars in two thousand and nine now a highly critical report by m.p.'s exposes the scale of u.k. arms sales to some of the world's most brutal regimes the libyan export licenses were some of the most valuable according to the reports the u.k. sold nearly three hundred fifty million dollars worth of arms there in the year leading up to september two thousand and ten in the same year egypt ports twenty seven million dollars worth of small guns and electronic warfare equipment from the u.k. and bahrain ordered more than ten million dollars of guns and crowd control agents dozens of arms export licenses to the region have now been hastily revoked but
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still days into unrest in cairo u.k. prime minister david cameron. junkets to the middle east to flaunt the wares of british arms dealers i can't imagine who was in the promised office who said look. it's. out of the world. population and i was a really good time to go and try and sell them some. more i can't imagine what. people see british weaponry in the hands of the people who are invading bahrain and putting down these protesters at the moment reports also say the government misjudged the risk of selling arms to countries like egypt and bahrain but many would go much further one of the things that you've seen is a characteristic of british aid around the world over the last ten years has been the provision of this highly militarized security sector to the office it's about
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trying to stimulate to see we are providing the means by which those countries regimes can can tell. since the violence began more than a thousand people have been killed in libya and dozens killed and a thousand injured in bahrain circumstantial evidence gathered by reports also suggests much of that damage was done with british weapons when the un breasts started a bit least the government scrambled to suspend export licenses but this report is evidence that it plays the stable door after the fall of the cold states when british weapons were probably already being used against civilians in bahrain and libya the government still hasn't ruled out arming the rebels in libya everything has to be seen but if these damning revelations will make them think twice the british foreign secretary has said that the u.n. resolution on libya made it legal to give people aid in order to defend themselves and the pressure on western governments to arm the rebels is growing with colonel
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gadhafi taking in his heels as. string of high profile figures is speaking out in favor of the move bill clinton for instance has said he would be inclined to do it so far that ukase officially offered telecommunications equipment to the rebels but many suspect help of a different kind may be on the way to your emmett's r.t. . by the way we have more insight for you from the war activist john reese who you saw in and it's reporting that will be later this hour here on r.t. . catch up on the news you may have missed any time you wanted r.t. dot com plenty of other views and there as well for you. including israel allows nearly a thousand homes to be built in a disputed part of east jerusalem setting the stage for a bumpy ride for the troubled palestinian peace talks. also in line fifty years after you're a good parent took mon can be on the earth's atmosphere for the first time the
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latest batch of space travelers make their way to the international space station you can follow their mission outing dot com. a panel of independent legal experts and i look into the case of we cull could of course keep the former oil tycoon who is in jail over fraud and embezzlement present video suggested that russian and foreign specialists should give their opinion on the most recent guilty verdict handed to the man who ran the oil giant you cos peter oliver is following this for r.t. . the presidential human rights council comprises legal experts from here in russia as well as abroad looking into the latest conviction. and his business partner. would see the jail time the amount of time he could spend in jail extended up to possibly twenty seventeen time and time again the holocaust and those that support him have said that his imprisonment is politically motivated and president putin
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made it has been asked many times himself to comment on the on the of the holocaust the case and he said that it is in his responsibilities the head of state i would be irresponsible phone call from him to comment on an individual legal case to do with the the weights that his voice would have out one way or the other he has said and acknowledged the holocaust the case polarizes opinions both here in russia and abroad concerning the imprisonment of what. he said interesting to see the the views the findings of an expert panel that has hold of the facts in front of them rather than just the pinions of people in the streets he appealed against his conviction in december last year and until that appeal process is complete we can see any of the the findings probe. the process taking place. this is one of the most high profile case in russian
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legal history since his arrest in two thousand and three has been much interest. ten years since that arrest took place and the conviction taking place in two thousand and five tax evasion and then this latest conviction and sentencing that took place in december which saw his jail time extended embezzlement. for money laundering will be lots of people all around the world of course many column inches written and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of television reports comprised of compiled in this case so many people very very keen to find out what investigation will put forward. the russian the prosecutor's office has given poland new detailed documents into the plane crash that killed the polish president and much of the country's political elite investigation still underway into the tragedy in western russia last april lottie's
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on a separate watched the handover. the importance of the ceremony lies within what it symbolizes the continued cooperation between russia and poland to a stoppage water cools the tragic plane crash it was also a significance in that within the fourteen of volumes that were handed a bit today new fresh eye witness accounts that were taken his recently as january and so within those through. the russian the prosecutor general's office said that they attempted to on sept eighth requests for information that were put forward by the produce continuing to symbolize the levels of cooperation but of course evidence has repeatedly called full more evidence to be handed a vest saying that it's been a bill which you concluded saved independent probe using insufficient evidence we have been expecting the polish sides to you were released the results of their own
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investigation on the tenth of april but they have now last for a six month extension so we can expect the results of that probe in october the interstate aviation committee which was a commission headed by prime minister vladimir putin in which included aviation experts from russia poland and the united states delivered the results of this investigation on the twelfth of january as a commission of found the pilot's era was mostly to play bass say that of the crew failed to respond in a timely fashion to poor from the ground who was so moved to remove groups the plane to another airfield was very cold weather conditions but also you found that the crew came in so loud that among those altitudes and that they failed to adequately respond to the warnings all of the planes the safety systems at the commission also did say that the crew may have been groups under very strong a psychological pressure to lands is not approved members were found to be in the
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cockpit. at the time of landings the transcripts from the black box flight recorders so he commanded the polish air force was in the cockpit at the time of landing and the international response to the findings of fact commission has largely been seen except the books the last number of people with colin say the question marks still remain they say that not enough has been done to investigate the actions of the ground full staff at the airfield in smith could they have done more to prevent the plane from trying to land and so today certainly does come just a few days before this coming weekend commemorative events which will not one year on since the plane crash in the events to be attended by both presidents come on. time now to bring you some of the world's other main news this hour for dimitri princes the business news of forces opposed to ivory coast incumbent me still the presidential it's where he's holed up by both has been negotiating his departure
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from the country after spending months refusing to quit after last november's disputed election is sort was led by supporters of the widely accepted new president on a sunday with u.n. and french troops launched airstrikes as part of the mission to protect civilians. schools of immigrants after the boat capsized on route from tunis yet to an italian island over two hundred people were on the vessel which was caught in rough seas and heavy winds all trying to escape the term or in north africa rescuers have so far managed to save forty seven people but it also recovered several bodies from the sea with just a few dozen miles from the tiny island that's been inundated with refugees in recent months. jeff an emergency crews are trying to stop radioactive water from leaking into the pacific plant operator injected a chemical agent which has solidified the soil near where the water had been escaping engineers have been pumping fell's of tons of low level radioactive water into the ocean during attempts to cool the reactors. with some of our main news
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stories and about six minutes from now in the meantime as promised well the latest business news is next with the retreat. banks bill the booming oil price is causing the russian government to revive its economic forecast for twenty eleven it now sees an average world price for this year one hundred five dollars per barrel instead of seventy five this means the budget deficit will be much lower than previously forecast at around one percent for the growth in the third quarter rather than the early protections of breakpoint thirty percent at the same time the country's g.d.p. forecast of four point two percent growth remains unchanged i love you you know the m.d.m. bank explains why. the oil price is neutral or going to go solution the only which is a very significant thing for the economy grows is the capital flows in the revenues
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straight it was overpriced in the past i can relate it into the study decision funds. means that this amount of revenue is neutral for recovery rose after the grossest we have a increase in for revenue the gears of this huge capital all feel in the here when you throw in big guns are going to grow so it is a reflection of exactly the forecast of the g.d.p. for just a little. secret of the world market right now prices did hit some new thirty month highs that's after a report showing us world supplies expect in the for last week further supported in the market along with continued concern for the rest of north africa and brant crude currently trading a hundred twenty two dollars fifty three cents still about one hundred eighty nine dollars a barrel maximization coffee capital says there are other industries and sectors of russia's economy that could also benefit from increased oil prices. in addition to
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girls' names is rather substantial domestic police who are going to flip especially those who use rules as a rule the search for strengthen is a visas occurrences and see. some of the rule caused but among the major beneficiaries will be as i mentioned the really banking sector the telecom companies which has been doing quite well as passionately as recently. two were driven by the factors i would say infrastructure companies something juno construction company is also the benefit of that has been visible in the market from the post reads and from a retail consumer names would also the world need was very strong earlier this year giving the exploitive could start kitchen counter as well so overall you know the overall record is a thing in the course of the second quarter to quarter. grid you had there
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reciprocation and gradual shift of large coolest emotional money in free will still sectors. of the stock market now u.s. stock trading higher against the backdrop of rallies euro's and stronger than expected german manufacturing reports among the top gamers are cisco systems gaining four point two percent and american express running one point three percent this hour. european markets ended the wednesday session on a positive note well before three hundred x. gaining half a percent niners were high across the board that's all ahead of the e.c.b. as decision on whether it will raise interest rates rang gold resources was up more than three percent after gold and silver just touched new highs retailer marks and spencer was talking up with six point six percent growth. here in russia markets are also gaining out because of wednesday's session out the us up one percent nice x. point six percent there was a rally pretty much all across the board most new chips were gaining on both bourses as take
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a look at those stop. sanity majors were getting on the back and stronger world prices up one percent. four point three percent of the clothes on the gold prices were. falling as measured with regional communication companies let's listen to a mother comment from michael stein from the bank. stocks are stronger mostly because of the improvement in oil prices with oil hitting one hundred twenty two dollars a barrel. silver companies are pulling metal and are both up more than four percent because underlying silver prices are up strongly against hitting new record highs we saw weaknesses in x five retail company on speculation of the company mean merge with a global retail giant in a move which would dilute the company's exposure to the fast growing russian consumer market so for now bill is next with the headlines on our thinking stay with us.
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wealthy british style. market why not.


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