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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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twenty years ago the largest country. to surgically to. what had been. the church began a journey. where did it take. a priest in finland is being questioned by police just hours after. the story of how he faces the second for speaking out against him are of one of the world's most notorious terrorists. as the u.k. france itself to the forefront of protecting libyan citizens british lawmakers rage over why the country sold millions of dollars of weapons to kill gadhafi in the lead up to the unrest. almost a year after the plane crash that killed poland's president kaczynski and ninety five others in western russia moscow hands over new files to warsaw.
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international news live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. just past eleven pm here in the russian capital and ten pm in finland where a priest faces been defrocked after describing one of the world's most wanted criminals as a terrorist police have questioned the pastor after his references to model the man behind the moscow metro and airport bombings among other crimes in a picture of a met the churchmen whose words are leaving him accused of inciting religious hatred or its knees may be the last days the same man wears his pastas color you hum waller faces being defrocked for speaking out against i use the word would appear raised us word but it didn't go to morrow and his internet mult peace become central it was the first. to publish the terrorists' words on the tax he claims the
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businessman school siege the nasty express mosque a matter of war means and most recently the day my dear the port attack the website is banned in russia but in finland it enjoys quite a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick to follow. this guy. it's hard to preserve. this what does the letters say is a load of the if i don't stop the fight ok so there they will cut my head away from with on the heels you home all are we want to police but in stands and it has been prosecuted himself been sued for criticizing what finland calls a legally operating organization and the same people who are promoting.
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promoting. morrigan is a racist. racist statements about. the chickens which is of course not the truth because more recently consenting internationally a college. international terrorist in russia a manhunt is on for a morrow and people close to him but in helsinki he may end up dining next to his relatives. who is a brother order kumar of reseller he lives in stockholm it is only with all the families that we can know of the. people walking down these quiet and prosperous streets may be unaware of the disturbing case of you harm or larry there used to thinking of their country as fair and politically. correct but
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would they remain just as neutral if tragedy knocks on their door here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbor is in russia only four hundred kilometers away aren't quite so lucky. up troll it's only a step from extremist rattray to action and there is seldom a warning call biting a good for minority strong minority who want to do terrible things. if. there are so many. who were going there is quite a team after the pastor now finland's prosecutor's office the church and some of the world's most determined terrorists you home all the way has already changed address and divorced his wife to avoid putting sure and his children at risk is now considering a move to russia that we have
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a double moral if you do feel that you even a democratic country i don't feel it's in aggression over our tea house in key finland. well a little earlier i spoke with one who's the chairman of the finnish caucuses friendship society you saw in that report and he told us how the authorities reacted after the reverend mohler is plight was featured here. russia today interview with the was broadcast that. morning. this morning shortly after that. for the rights of minorities in finland she gave a press release. claiming accusing me of serious crimes of incitement of a think hatred against chechens that he was immediately invited to police interrogation his thinking is only fulfilled he is.
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finished priest and priest he has. finished public the truth about the activities of. influence because in film. information charles terrorists the so-called. has been operating for several years without any reaction from the government or officials of and of course the priests are you how mollari in these requests is acting according to. exactly correct moral principles and claude mckay who analyzes global terrorism and conflict told r.t. that by another extremist web sites european countries are giving a green light to terrorists europe doesn't understand most of the open country
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doesn't understand that it's actually a link between terrorist action and those. in the areas provided it's the formation. you're going to see. some people being dejan he said. we need to keep. scrutinize we do. if you believe you. can still see exactly which. condition we. can totally smooth through this is an argument for hearsay early even before we do the internet existed. i was never convinced we were. after the after. us if you have the chance to put. it in
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a. contingency but i do think it's not too simplistic we. pulled working from the european strategic intelligence and security center there and we're closely following this story as it develops here on our t.v. screen as well as all i know at r.t. dot com. britain may not be behind arming the libyan rebels but lawmakers in london a furious at their colleagues allowed weapons to be sold to the gadhafi regime as recently as last year it's among several arab nations who bought firepower from the u.k. which later saw uprisings and this is accuse them of misjudging whether those guns will be turned on civilians as more emmett you know explains in the. security forces put down or rest in the middle east with rubber bullets tear gas and other irritant ammunition and they've got plenty a u.k. was still selling arms to libya just months before colonel gadhafi turned them on his own people with government ministers approving
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a deal for sniper rifles bullets and take out. very very strict guidelines that say where where it is likely that human rights violations might take place are not supposed to sell their weapons i would say looking back through a number of credible sources including amnesty international but it was always likely always very very likely the equipment supplied to colonel gadhafi would and could be. in the brutal crackdown of protesters arms export is big business in the u.k. valued at nearly twelve billion dollars in two thousand and nine now a highly critical report by m.p.'s exposes the scale of u.k. arms sales to some of the world's most brutal regimes the libyan export licenses were some of the most valuable according to the reports the u.k. sold nearly three hundred fifty million dollars worth of arms there in the year leading up to september two thousand and ten in the same year egypt bought twenty seven million dollars worth of small guns and electronic warfare equipment from the
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u.k. and paul rein ordered more than ten million dollars of guns and crowd control agents dozens of arms export licenses to the region have now been hastily revoked but still days into unrest in cairo u.k. prime minister david cameron led junkets to the middle east to flaunt the wares of british arms dealers i can't imagine who was in the provinces office and said to him look you can arming these dictators. for its. own population and i was a really good time to go and try and sell them some. more but i can't imagine what damage. people say british weaponry in the hands of people who are invading and putting down its progress the moment reports also say the government misjudged the risk of selling arms to countries like egypt and bahrain but many
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would go much further one of the things that you've seen is a characteristic of british around the world over the last ten years has been the provision of this highly militarized security sector it's exactly the opposite about trying to stimulate to see we are providing the means by which those countries regimes can come tell them democracy since the violence began more than a thousand. thousand people have been killed in libya and dozens killed and a thousand injured in bahrain circumstantial evidence gathered by reports also suggests much of that damage was done with british weapons when the under arrest started it at least the government scrambled to suspend that school licenses but this report is evidence that it clears the stable door after the forst of both states when british weapons were probably already being used against civilians in bahrain and libya the government still hasn't ruled out arming the rebels in libya
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everybody has to be seen whether these damning revelations will make them think twice the british foreign secretary has said that the u.n. resolution on libya made it legal to give people aid in order to defend themselves and the pressure on western governments to arm the rebels is growing with colonel gadhafi taking in his heels a string of high profile figures is speaking out in favor of the move bill clinton for instance has said he would be inclined to do it so far the ukase officially authored telecommunications equipment to the rebels but many suspect help of a different kind may be on the way to your emmett's r.t. london. russia insists it will not participate in any military operations to settle the conflicts in north africa or present evidence says the country will abide by the un security council's decisions. we assume that a number of ongoing conflicts should be settled peacefully without the participation of army formations and on the basis of international mediation and
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any case what it does not see its participation in military operations that are now taking place in this rather complex region we proceed from this in pursuing our foreign policy or making domestic decisions while sticking to the earlier decisions by the un security council. of the libyan rebels are condemning nato's lack of action in the country claiming the alliance is not doing enough to protect. despite the coalition's efforts to get out the forces renewed their offensive in misrata people there are suffering further violence and have been under siege from government forces over the last forty days what lines from the online political magazine spiked told me earlier that there's no chance of a campaign ending sitting we're going to be in this kind of stuck situation where every time we. make some progress there we get shot by the nato air strike help for the rebels aren't strong enough to actually get rid of gadhafi either and we'll just have this prolonged and very nasty civil war going on either you have
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a situation where the nato wasn't able to go any further and actually just made things worse by not actually allowing one side or the other to win the fights or there's a slippery slope which again becomes more and more involved to the point which. is actually very heavily involved just as it was in afghanistan. the russian prosecutor's office has given poland new details documents into the plane crash that killed the polish president and much of the country's political elite investigation still underway into the tragedy in western russia last april when artie's alice hit watch the handover. the importance of the ceremony lies with what it symbolizes the continued cooperation between russia and poland two s selfish water cools that tragic plane crash it was also a significance in that within the fourteen of volumes that were handed over today new fresh eyewitness accounts were included that were taken his recently as january
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and so within those through volumes the russian prosecutor general's office said that they attempted to onset ates requests for information that were put forward by the produce some continuing to symbolize the levels of cooperation and of course poland has repeatedly cooled full more evidence to be handed a vest saying that it's with all enabled to conclude it saved independent probe do you see insufficient evidence we have been expecting the polish sides were released the results of their own investigation on the tenth of april but they have now lost for a six month extension so we can expect the results of that probe in october the interstate aviation committee c which rules a commission headed by prime minister vladimir putin which included aviation experts from russia poland and the united states to live with the results of its investigation on the twelfth of january and the commission of found that pilot's
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era was mostly to play bass say that the crew failed to respond to the time he functioned poor from the ground from the soul of to room groups the plane to another airfield which very cold weather conditions were also found that the crew came in so loud that ramon altitudes and that they failed to adequately respond to the warnings all of the planes the safety systems at the commission also did say that the crew may have improved on very strong the psychological pressure to land says no of the crew members were found to be in the cockpit. at the time of landings the transcripts from the black box flight recorders show that the commander of the polish air force was in the cockpit at the time of landing and to the international response to the find himself a commission from r.c. been seen except in books last longer people within the poland say that question marks is still remain they say that not enough has been done to investigate the
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actions of the ground full stop off at the airfield in this dense could they have done more to prevent the plane from trying to land and today's terribly details come just a few days will full this coming weekend commemorative events which will mark one year on since the plane crash and the events to be attended by both presidents come off the bat. on a separate report and then by the way you can catch up on the news you may have missed any time you want to r.t. dot com tony for insight and analysis of there as well for example twenty five years after the worst nuclear energy disaster altie has been back to chernobyl of course one of the next year to share skis but the week exploring the remains of what was once the premier soviet town is haunting pictures up there the web site at alton dot com. also israel allows nearly a thousand homes to build in the disputed part of east jerusalem setting the stage for a bumpy ride for the troubled palestinian peace talks and you can also discover all
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of these best video reports on you tube channel. is the. same. a panel of independent legal experts are now looking into the case of calcutta gonski the former oil tycoon who's in jail over fraud and embezzlement president have suggested that russian and foreign specialists should give their opinion on the most recent guilty verdict and the two the man who ran the oil giant you cos piece of oliver is holding this fraud saying. the presidential human rights council
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comprises legal experts from here in russia as well as abroad they'll be looking into the latest conviction against he and his business partner. would see the jail time the amount of time they could spend in jail extended up to possibly twenty seventeenth time and time again the holocaust be on those that supports him or said that his imprisonment is politically motivated and president dmitri medvedev has been asked many times himself to comment on the on the of the holocaust the case and he said that it isn't his responsibility as the head of state it would be irresponsible for from him to comment on an individual legal case to do with the people he wasted his voice would have one way or the other though he has said that he the un acknowledged that the holocaust the case polarizes opinions both here in russia and the broad called sitting at the imprisonment all over because of course he and he said that he would be interesting to see the the views the findings of the expert panel that have hold of the facts in front of them
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rather than just the opinions of people in the streets appealed against his conviction in december last year and until that appeal process is complete we can't see any of the the findings from this probe because that could impact upon a fifth appeal process taking place what is certain is that this is one of it built the most high profile case by russian legal history since his arrest in two thousand and three has been much interest in the holocaust really ten years since that arrest took place in the first conviction taking place in two thousand and five full tax evasion and then this latest conviction and sentencing took place in december which saw his jail time extended that was full and bessel meant. for money laundering will be lots of people all around the world of course being many column inches written and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of tell. vision reports comprised of compiled all of this case so many people very very keen to find out
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what this investigation will put forward. well time now to bring you some of the world's other main news this before dmitri joins us with the business news forces opposed to ivory coast's incumbent leader in the presidential palace where he's holed up or by those been negotiating his departure from the country after spending months refusing to quit health the last live in was disputed election was led by supporters of the widely accepted new president or listen to what dora u.n. and french troops launched airstrikes as part of the mission to protect civilians. scores of immigrants are feared dead after their boat capsized on route from tallinn island over two hundred people were on the vessel which was caught in rough seas and heavy winds were trying to escape the turmoil in north africa rescuers have so far managed to save forty eight people but also recovered several bodies from the sea and just a few dozen miles from their producer a tiny island that's been inundated with refugees in recent months. japanese
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emergency crews and managed to stop radioactive water from leaking into the pacific before shima plant operator injected a chemical agent which is solidified soil where the water had been escaping engineers have been pumping thousands of tons of low level radioactive water into the ocean during attempts to cool the reactors. and the trial of italian prime minister silvio berlusconi on allegations he paid for sex with an underage prostitute has been opened and adjourned it was tight security in milan as protest as the news crews swarmed outside the courthouse as the seven minute hearing took place on this journey wasn't there and denies the charges as well as all the claims and the three other trials lined up against him and his case will reconvene only may thirty first. one in a few minutes from the crosstalk panel questions whether washington's foreign policy is a help or hindrance to the country's effects that's our debate a bit later but first a look at the business news with dmitri. thanks
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bill the booming oil price is causing the russian government to revise its economic forecasts for twenty eleven now if these never enjoy a price for this year of one hundred five dollars per barrel instead of seventy five dollars this means the budget deficit will be much lower than previously forecast and around one percent of the gross domestic product rather than the early expected three point six percent at the same time the country's g.d.p. forecast of four point two percent growth remains unchanged lie i leave you didn't remember a bank explaining. this is neutral or going to go solution the only of which is very significant for the economy grows is the capital flows the revenues created was ill growth in the past we could really get into the sort of decision for. the amount of revenue it is neutral for recovery grows after the grossest we have an increase in the revenue to gears of this huge capital all feel to be here when you
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throw in big guns are going to grow so it is a reflective exactly in the focus of the g.d.p. for just a living so close look now at how the oil market is standing well prices have hit a thirteen month high report showing us oil supplies and expectedly fell last week is further supporting the market along with continuing concerns about the unrest in north america and the middle east therefore we're seeing brant crude more than one hundred twenty two dollars per barrel light sweet almost one hundred dollars this hour and not superstition coffee capital says there are other industries and sectors of russia's economy that could also benefit from the increased oil price. in addition to girls' names as a substantial domestic police who are said to belittle aspersions those who have been removed as a rule to strengthen there's a reason as a concern is and see course from those the rule caused among major beneficiaries
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will be as i mentioned to really bring. the telecom companies which has been doing quintals push on theory as recently. two were sixth round about three miles the factors i would say infrastructure company or something chill on a construction company is also a benefit this has been visible in the market for the past few weeks and former retail koosman names would also do world money needs was very strong there is this year good thing the ex-wife could stood out as well so overall you know the overall . in the course of the second quarter to quarter. grid you had there reciprocation and gradual shift of large pools to show money in free will still sectors time to look at the stock markets u.s. stocks are edging higher against the backdrop of a rally year i would strongly expect a german manufacturer and work towards among top gainers are cisco systems and
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american express the dow is up point three so is the nasdaq. european stocks were trading wednesday with minus i of course the board head of the e.c.b. decision on whether it will raise interest rates by twenty five baseball rangle resources was up for hire on gold and silver futures touching new highs retailer marks and spencer group was leading the way in the footsie gaining one six percent at the close air and russia markets were also gaining the r.t.s. putting on one percent and i six point six percent there was a rally pretty much all across the board in most blue chips as proof take a look at this core up one percent at the close and a high oil price. probably that's a lot more than four percent that's one called prices obviously last two and a half percent almost following its merger with regional communication companies michael stein from i could see a bank comments on market's performance that oil stocks are stronger mostly because
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of the improvement in oil prices with oil hitting one hundred twenty two dollars a barrel the silver companies are probably mattel. are worth more than four percent because underlying silver processors are up strongly against a day hitting new record highs we saw weaknesses in x five the retail company on speculation of the company i mean merged with a global retail giant in a move which would dilute the company's exposure to the fast growing russian consumer market and either from the business for today join my colleague or even really care and she will be bringing you an update to morrow morning eight moscow time that's for me i'll see tomorrow.
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disarming saddam hussein. target iraqi citizens. this event brings further assurance it's a torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever. playfellows again over embassy in kabul. chance to launch occupied afghanistan. and now occupy sales at guantanamo bay. met.
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it is appropriate to get a record of this which is which if he didn't have a good face slap stomach slap if you can shoot him enough so that it shocks especially for just the stuff but you don't actually break it in terms of could deter a geisha take place that we use in jail if one tom morris from the senior leadership forgot to. give me nothing to. believe transference. would be so much brighter if. someone from finest impressions.


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