tv [untitled] April 6, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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writes told time segments and then secretary gates has traveled to saudi arabia to a supposedly discuss the role of iran track of the u.s. turned on both mubarak and saleh put hates me doing a little reassuring taking our villa but the u.s. is still on his side. let's not forget that we sat in a parked car. on the well. we have the government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because the freedom.
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ajam are in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. a new website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to do about the ongoing financial part unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you never see mainstream news. media so. we listen. to her until such time as. a guy. welcome michel intel on the obama show we've heard our guests have to say on
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the topic now i want to hear our audience is going to use you to video respond to twitter for part of the question that we posed on you tube every monday and on thursday on the show going responses like your voice in. time for tonight's tool time award answer ninety goes to a fox news host who has no qualms about using extreme measures to discipline children gretchen carlson and her morning show colleagues were discussing a story out of colorado today or an eight year old through severe temper tantrum in class so severe that they decided to call the police to get the child under control and how do you think the police restrained him by using pepper spray yeah i'm pretty sure that most people will find that to be a little bit extreme but they're really not gretchen. because he does have
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a temper issue i've just been talked to about it but wait a minute would you think they should have not pepper sprayed him i would think i'm not in law enforcement but i would think that if if your son we saw officers watching right now would be trained in a way to be able to get somebody wielding a board. he states he had a sharp stick he was very short using others he said quote get away from me you and then a word that starts what i say one hundred percent pepper spray and you do a man separate from parenting classes as well. wow ok so apparently gretchen is gung ho about using congress great i'm sorry but how she not seen the way the pepper spray makes grown men fall to their knees in tears luckily that her colleagues managed to provide a bit of a more saner response in this situation i guess just right if you're a police officer tell me can you take down an eight year old out care for sport i think yes absolutely all right in my book it's called discipline. god forbid that
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a child throws a temper tantrum around gretchen can you imagine what she would do if a kid forgot to put away his toys but now what's the appropriate punishment for that being handcuffed to a chair in the corner for timeout maybe but let's get one thing straight here i would bet money that if it was gretchen's child that was being pepper sprayed by cops she wouldn't be so cool with it so for once i actually agree with the other hosts of the show but there were no other alternatives to calm this child besides spraying him in the face with pepper spray you got to be kidding me if the police aren't trained well enough to keep a child under control then i really doubt the police will be useful say a grown man was robbing you but back to gretchen's analysis the fact that she would speak out against using extreme abusive measures like this to punish children is surprising enough but to say i'm cool with it well that's was going a little too far if you ask me i'm sure that her viewers gave her plenty of feedback on her comments so i'll let her stew in that pile of hatred for but for her support of spray first ask questions later to dealing with children carlsen is
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tonight's tools i wear. secretary to friends robert gates is in saudi arabia today meeting with king abdullah supposedly the main topic of discussion will be iran fota both nations whom they suspect has been playing a role in trying to exploit the unrest in the region to their advantage and that's according to pentagon spokesman geoff morrell we have to wonder if there are some tensions in this relationship the administration turning on yemen sali long time al a should make the saudis question how deep a friendship with the u.s. can really go and perhaps libya has shown as the perfect example these days but not even being oil rich can save you joining me to discuss that is jack rice criminal defense attorney and former cia officer jack thanks so much for joining us tonight . now for starters the pentagon spokesman described the relationship between robert gates and of doula as excellent that's kind of similar to when we heard hillary clinton last years saying that she had
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a very close relationship with no hosni mubarak as well so do you think if you were the saudis you'd be a little bit skeptical here saying if the u.s. has now turned its back on mubarak saying that they've also now turned their back on solid and even oil didn't help gadhafi out. oh those are great questions and i agree there is could be a lot of attention that's going on right now i don't care how much they want to shine this of i mean i think about as secretary because robert gates was actually my pasta for period when i was working at cia but he was the head of the agency at sony and i look at where he is right now i mean here's the problem keep marriage. is there sort of a skid support equation ship that america has with much of the middle east and even other parts of the world we talk about the need for democracy and arson or in places like egypt or where we are right now in tripoli or where we are other parts of the world even in yemen and yet at the same time historically when the americans have done is they have supported essentially authoritarian dictators this is
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happened throughout the middle east but typically with our we've seen the same thing with king look at saudi arabia and with saudis in general or go back to me sharp and pakistani i mean this happens over and over shall i just go directly to the source here let's think about what you did in iraq a former lawyer when we decided we wanted essentially a dictator in place of the popularly elected leader and if so this is not new and that's our problem giving elsa has something to do with why you know supposedly the administration is really pushing for yemen's president saleh to get out but they haven't announced it publicly they haven't said mubarak you must set down they haven't said they did with gadhafi that he has to go they're doing all of this behind the scenes and is that a way to try to appease the saudis may they also haven't said anything about the fact that saudi arabian troops went into bahrain. well you are absolutely right that is exactly what they're trying to do if they do this out of the public eye
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they're hoping that he will simply go away but if we take a look at them for a second and the real problem they are what everybody is concerned about is are. they are operating reaching here i'm looking back and see this page spec of what you and i were talking about just a body blow the problem is is that skin support approach between supporting authoritarian dictators which we've been more than willing to do on the one side well saying that you sometimes need to go but then you create this vacuum and see that's our short term problem and our long term problem in the short term we're trying to do is we're saying we want to know where everything is one issue that we have it will be business for oil for all sorts of things but what we create is essentially an entire population who despises the government and us despises the united states so in the long term it is complete disaster so robert gates the secretary of rolls into saudi arabia interested. this is
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a great relationship with the saudis are looking at is same ohara what is said here we're talking about what happened in egypt we're now looking at tripoli we're looking at yemen where else are we next are our heads on the block next and that's really what they want to see robert gates say no no no we really like you well maybe so it probably is a little bit of a kiss up trip then i can imagine what do you make of this focus that they're putting on iran is that just you know is that just a way to kind of detract from what they're really talking about is that they tell people this is going on and this is about iran of the fact that they think that iran is taking advantage of the protests me does not also in a way deal it get in line is these people's movements that are going on in these countries. of course it does i mean he absolutely does the problem is obviously you know i think about this in terms of my experience working in the middle east again in cairo and even in turkey in jordan in the.
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territories iraq way everywhere i go in and i've talked to a lot of people about this probably is it was a credibility gap on the americans eat when they say one and the other while you may be talking about this there are a few others who really are going to focus on whether glenn beck is still over it thought and you have problem while the americans don't think you need things that they want this is not an anti left or anti right it just is so your willingness to actually focus what's really important issue we really says a lot about your program well thank you i do have to admit we will be spending about and minute or two talking about glenn beck leaving t.v. but that's just because i'm so happy that i couldn't hold it in anymore now jack i also want to ask you though in terms of yemen right you could say the obviously they're saying that in the arabian peninsula is
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a huge threat for us obviously we give a lot of military aid so you haven't something that the pentagon has said so far that they're not willing to cut off despite the situation there but bias turning our back on solid does not mean that instead of counterterrorism we're actually trying to choose these ideals and choose the people's movement or do you that that we're going to be very much involved in who in this transition and whoever might be a successor. if you give a damn about ideals honestly we go we could act like you would by the way i would argue that president obama has been hypocritical august issue as president bush would get very same thing was true about clinton and bush sr and basically and everybody else that we've had white house for the last thirty forty fifty years so what we're going to see the american still everything that you have to try to make it next person who will bring stability and you get better i just spoke about let's be short term solution which causes the long term cash that we're now dealing with throw out the big things and you know we're also seeing the results of that right
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now in libya where the rebels are saying that nato isn't doing enough it really seems to be at a bit of a standstill and that situation isn't going anywhere and of course a lot of people don't have a positive at paying you know where it could go with yemen as well jack i want to thank you so much for filling us in and there's definitely a lot going on in the region right now thanks. thank you. now it's time for a quick break and when we return we have big huge me glenn beck our very favorite fear mongering cloudesley boss he is the lord give you some of our favorite clips when the man who provided such anger and entertainment is felt and then scott walker is starting to feel a backlash from his attacks on the working people of wisconsin so it's all about the huge alex moral upset that house republicans across the country shaking the never let's. get some closure see the story at the scene so surely sleep is if you understand it and then he'd slip something else here's some of the part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew
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you don't know i'm charged is a big issue. let's not forget that we have an apartheid regime right now. i think rock the leader on the well. we never got the it says we're going to keep you safe get ready because of the freedom. hey guys welcome to show intel on the i want to show we part of our guests have to
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say on the topic now i want to hear an audience just go on to you tube the video response part of twitter for part of the questions that we've posted on you tube every monday and on thursday when the show long response is going to leave your voice. well ladies and gentlemen we have some very very sad news for you today seems as if
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glenn back in fox news are going to be getting a new chapter and they will now fade out the glenn beck program even though it's the third highest rated program on get out word glenn beck will stop the daily show and work on more individual projects at the end of this year that's what they announce today at least and i'm sorry folks but i really have to take a moment and think of what will life be like without glenn beck without the daily doomsday machine that keeps spira live in all of our hearts do you remember how he told us who the good guys and the real bad guys were and then put them into terms that as average folk can relate to vampires. the government is full of empires and they are trying to suck the life blood out of the economy there's only two ways for this movie to end either the economy becomes like walking gad or you drive us stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers. you know glenn also has a laser focus on socialism he's always been so very concerned about the threat of
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socialist taking over this country and he was always the lot to tell average americans that the head honcho in the oval office was really a socialist in disguise. are you sure she was party chair church like all those evil conservatives like me have been claiming for a while he originally said. no and then went on reading about the budget and energy spending. you see what i mean it doesn't matter what legislation is making waves because obama is a socialist so nobody else has the balls to come forward and say that the way to glenn beck really does and you know what else going it's done for us he's taught us that our children's lives are at stake the government and its friends are indoctrinating our children for the control of their minds your freedom and our choice and our future it must stop. here that brainwashing and these are just to name a few of the ways that he's really bent over backwards for us his daily efforts to
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right the wrongs of the world to prove fox news is fair and balanced and his general hatred for anyone who isn't white has really put life into perspective for millions of viewers every single night why hundreds of advertisers stopped selling their products during his program is really beyond me. he said obama is a racist and has a deep seated hatred for white people so as we bid that they do let's just take another moment to reflect upon the ways that he spread his message. i'm sorry but. this is like the tree. next morning sex again with the nine month. old son. philip. let me get into my. clothes she really knows that here. but
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i just got here. but this guy here is an awful lot about what. i think. about glenn beck really does bring me to tears and i have so many questions will chuck's suddenly be considered out of style will chalkboards no longer be a hot commodity where can i go to define survivor kids for when the world ends over at least somebody please tell me if i'm still supposed to invest in gold believe me media critics comedians they're all going to suffer without their daily dose of back to make fun of but all joking aside as far as i'm concerned the sooner that his show is over the better thank the lord how little even though they'll still be spreading his bile on the radio at least i don't have to see this space on t.v. anymore he was back. now just as we saw barack obama officially launch
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a reelection campaign that lacked any inspiration or any excitement anything that would make a voter feel passionately about voting the state of wisconsin has showed us all of that on the local level and what was supposed to be a run of the mill easy reelection for a conservative judge on the state supreme court has turned into a full referendum of governor scott walker's policies and his anti-union legislation now it seems the democratic judge show and kloppenburg has taken a lead over the incumbent even scott walker's old seat in a walkie was won by a democrat in a landslide victory so is this a sign of a rejection of november's elections and that old win for republicans and doesn't mean that perhaps americans should focus on local elections to bring about change rather than presidential candidates who if obama is the example never seem to bring it earlier from our studio in los angeles i caught up with and it's fair enough the young turks and i first asked her if she thought the what we're seeing it was constant is a response november's elections
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a reaction by the progressive movement. i don't think that it's a reaction to the november elections i think it's a direct reaction to republicans in the state attacking workers' rights i feel like for the first time progresses in the state are waking up because they're feeling the republicans targeting their rights when it comes to collective bargaining or union rights and so they're really standing up and fighting for what they believe so the whole issue with scott walker is positive because i think that it's really triggered political activism in the state and i think that that could snowball into something larger on the national level but as far as this being a reaction to the november elections i don't think so i think it's a little more unique than i you don't think so one thing that we saw in november was not only a lot of republicans come in to take new senate seats or new seats in the house but we saw a lot of republican governors sweep in as well and of course you know this all played out with this pretext that so many of the states are going through
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a financial crisis the need these republicans that are going to change things that are going to get the house in order and balance the budgets and yet now we're seeing in many of those states that the way they choose to do that is by going after the collective bargaining rights of unions. well the thing is i don't think that any of the middle class and working class families in wisconsin or anywhere else in the united states expected the republicans to balance the budget on their backs so i don't i don't think that it's a response to the november elections i don't think it's them saying. i don't think it's them saying like ok we didn't like the republicans and now we're now we're going to go through the democrats again and after that we're going to go out for the republicans again that pattern i don't know if that's the case here i think that what's really happening is they're upset with the fact the republicans are attacking their workers' rights and they want to make sure that you know especially with the supreme court the state supreme court situation right now in wisconsin
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they want to do whatever is possible to prevent that republic. in law for passing through so then does it tell us that perhaps we need to pay a lot more attention perhaps voters need to pay a lot more attention to their state and local elections you know often all we hear about is of course these races on the national level but if you look at some of the biggest changes that are happening they're not happening on capitol hill or in the white house washington is a changing they're happening in states where these people are going after collective bargaining rights where they're going after restrictive abortion laws or trying to eliminate some child labor laws i feel like this is really an area we need to focus on. yes i agree with that one hundred percent i think that it's really important for. constituents in each district and each state to really hold their politicians accountable because right now if you really focus on obama you focus on the administration they're not doing enough to appease their base and i guess we'll talk about that a little bit later but what you need to do is make sure that you hold your local
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representatives accountable so they are forced to represent you and what you want and what you need if they're not representing you then you vote him out and i think that that's possibly what's going to happen with the supreme court in wisconsin right now let's get to. you know i feel personally like it's been one disappointment one flip flop after another and of course this week we saw the exact same thing happen when it comes to. mohammad and now trying him in a military commission instead of in a federal civilian courts and you know it's like i feel like these guys just don't care and maybe they even did it on purpose we often hear the phrase that republicans fear their base and the democrats actually hate their own base but i thought was interesting rachel maddow took it one step further last night and said you know not only do these democrats hate their base but they also now think that it's good politics to hate them and they kick them in the teeth publicly and then they think that's ok. yes they do think it's ok and you know glenn greenwald from
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salon dot com wrote a great. excellent piece about this and he perfectly gives you know these examples that show how the obama administration basically abandoned his base not only abandons his base kicks them in the teeth and gets away with it and the reason for that is i think it has a lot to do with like hopelessness ok because if you're not going to vote for the obama administration if you're a progressive and you're not going to vote for the obama administration especially for reelection then what are you going to vote for a republican and the democrats have been so successful at making progressive voters fear the g.o.p. that they know that they're always going to have this unconditional love for progressives even if they abandon the base progressives are going to feel like they have no other choice they can't vote for the g.o.p. so they're going to vote for obama and since obama already knows he has their votes now he can focus on people that are a little shaky maybe the independents maybe the people that are unsure of who
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they're going to vote for during the next election so it's really a difficult situation because it's hard for voters to hold obama accountable if they have no other choice. yeah i definitely am with you there and i think that they they have that feeling they think that some of these voters that are on board just count they think that a lot of fear will play into it and i think that's what we see out of this new election you know that obama has launched with this new video it's really not even about candidate obama it's not about inspiring people anymore it's just kind of well you know that's the logical thing to do because it's your responsibility and think of what could be worse but i find that so frustrating me isn't there something we can do so way we can fight back i don't want to hear about my responsibility to go out and vote from somebody who in my opinion didn't live up to his responsibilities or fulfilling his promises is a politician. yeah you know it's just pose a really difficult question there that people in the blogosphere are debating right
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now as we speak joan walsh from salon dot com made the argument that maybe it's a good idea to hold off supporting obama until next year i don't know what kind of change that's going to bring about. she also argues that being our primary elections for the democrats also doesn't make sense because of the fact that it might possibly divide the democratic base i disagree with her on that i'm willing to take that risk i would love to have another option i would love to you know really scare obama into focusing more on the people who have supported him in the people who have been voting for him so i would love to have a primary election for the democrats and i'd love to have another option but i don't think that that's going to happen it's very unlikely it's a difficult question to answer but i think that right now the most important thing to do is to focus on state representatives and focus on whether or not they're representing their constituents i want to thank you for joining with us i don't
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think we're going to see a primary challenger but i do wish that somehow we could at least take their feet to the fire a little bit put some fear back in their hearts that they might not care reelected so easily thanks. thank you. our before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day tim ball then to the world's most boring candidate finally has a scandal under his belt last night a staff member from his exploratory committee got a little too drunk in iowa and then try to break into the house of a fifteen year old girl at three o'clock in the morning so i would be alone to show tweets we apologize for our tools i'm so good last night maybe teapot really can connect with you there tonight show thanks for tuning in to me we come back tomorrow we'll continue to count down the clock a little bit government shutdown in the meantime don't forget to hit the fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always catch dolly youtube dot com slash below to show where you post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety
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