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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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or. where did it take. a finnish breeze speaking out against one of the world's most wanted terrorists and his country's tolerance of expression is just questioned by police following an artsy report. b.b. unravels lash out of nato as anger with the alliance tactics of the country grows together with a number of civilian casualties. as a new crew arrives at the international space station to mark the centuries announced birds fly into orbit it will have the latest mission space projects. and business russia's consumer confidence declined in the first quarter of this
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year due to rising commodity prices and poor harvests business bulletin for this and other stories in twenty minutes. watching r.t. coming to live from moscow nine am here in the russian capital i'm marina josh welcome to the program crease in finland is being accused of inciting religious hatred after he described one of the world's most wanted criminals as a terrorist i used the word you would interest you used the word. police have questioned the pastor ever gave an interview to r.t. in which he discussed the man behind the moscow metro bombings you have a laurie has been a long time critic of a website called the cost cost center where stream is freely express their views and i was the first to publish remarks claims responsibility for these acts of
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terror the site is banned in many european countries but also probably operates in finland don't back the chairman of the finnish caucasus friendship society says the case reflects a russian feeling in the e.u. . he has told the finnish public the truth about the activities of a lot of influence because in finland the. information channel of terrorists the so-called. you know parade thing for several years without any kind of reaction from the government or officials of the land and of course this raises serious questions about whether the finnish show before it is government of finland is promoting terrorism against russia i would say that the reason he's in the lobby there is a very strong and o.b. going on in the european parliament especially and also through with the european
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parliament in a wall european union member states and of course across europe they are trying to . they're trying to recruit. politicians and journalists and other people to. run to russia. activities and not the russian propaganda club monaco a who analyzes global terrorism and conflict told you that by allowing extremist web sites european countries are giving a green light to terrorists. most of your going country because an understand that there is a clear link between the terrorist action and propaganda and the terrorist propaganda is information issue and is a part of the global terrorist action some people in the intelligence community say . we we need to keep them because by keeping them open we will scrutinize where they do call
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a global view of their. acquaintance so we can still see exactly which. was which organization bearing its global cannot always struggle this is an argument for your say even before the internet existed it was never convinced i think once you can put the terrorists in jail it's a good day. after the day after. if you have a chance but waiting waiting waiting at the end of the day you see the agents but i do nothing it's not the way it's not a security policy all right we're in a large spoke to r.t. right after he was questioned by finnish police. i think it's it is me and it's not only this of you so it's everywhere in the newspapers no insults there i am so nervous i'm going to be able to create heat but look at all of those
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little reality. and you can find more of firsthand comments on the case and watch the full conversation with the priest on our website r.t.e. dot com. and they could often forces losing the battle on the ground in libya turn to criticizing nato the rebels have hit out of the alliance for not doing enough to help and not supplying them with weapons and despite an el fly zone being officially aimed at protecting civilians and artie's the work is going after ports from gazi nato is seen as very much a part of this war. a veteran of the libyan army moved danny serve his country all the way to retirement but now he's fighting for the revolution and is among the few rebels at the front with military training and experience. or forces for not even we are ready to fight to the death but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since needing to control the north winds on operation it's
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going to need more than one thousand sorties into libya including four hundred technicians the u.n. screens around a third of that are peace forces have now been destroyed but despite help from the skies on the ground the rebels are still taking a pounding. lead to his field there are civilians in a strike and we do really have them in your marketers and yes they're building taking proper actions against the gadhafi troops for the rebels taking the town of gregory means clearing the way west or just when it seemed they were at the doors of that world which down a new series of mortar attacks by going to have these forces. retreat. just a week ago because it was revolutionary committees seen the entire cd praise neato for its support was the right like it seems to back the list of girls feel the
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missing piece can be it seems to reach me it's all good u.s. history and tactics is rising as well protests like this one are becoming a common scene meenie are accusing need of feeling to protect civilians they are asking for help anymore the are demanding it. what are they waiting for for gadhafi to kill or still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow us. but experts say arming the rebels more than helps more with the rebels need is in which you can use your arms without really really being before it's only our servicing that the u.s. and egypt. forces are going be on the mentally ill be. that established. you've got this kind of. the media and
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a different side of the conflict is being covered by our leader who is in tripoli you can check out her blog on our website and a lot of her most recent and. that although they are not on the front lines of reporters in tripoli are still having to deal with a lot of pressure locked up in a hotel and closely watched by these miners the taste of correspondents life at the bottom section of our team. nato intervention as only worsen the situation on the ground in libya according to rob lines from the online political magazine spiked he says we are now looking into a long and bloody stalemate we're going to be in this kind of stuck situation where . the kids after these men make some progress. by the nato airstrikes and they're held back by the rebels aren't strong enough to actually get rid of gadhafi either. very nasty civil war going on so they're in this position i whether it's actually helping to maintain the. two sides and actually probably more people will
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die as a result of this intervention than this there been no intervention at all either you have a situation where the nato was able to go any further and actually just made things worse by not actually allowing one side or the other to win the fights or there's a slippery slope which becomes more and more involved to the point which. is actually very heavily involved just as it was iraq and afghanistan. maybe is a double edged sword which makes it hard to draw a line between the people's well and the international responsibility to protect them from gadhafi so as has the ass i've been through a former governor of minnesota is interviews coming up next hour but here's a quick look. libya is difficult because it sure reports everyone between a rock and a hard place and one here and you feel well that's libya's business it's their country if they want to overthrow their leader or change whatever they do in their
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country you know it's their business to do so we should necessarily our business you know but here's the rock and hard place with a double edged sword you also don't want to see genocide or a slaughter take place because words for you should come for us all the guns and weapons and by the way where do you think you can get something for. where. we're the biggest arms dealer in the world. every time you ask forces are sent into military action there is always a media battle going on alongside it the former yugoslavia organic stand huge amounts of taxpayers' dollars are spare of winning the hearts and minds of people on the ground but as art is allowing this to reports war can often be a hard thing to sell. the reality of war and war is hell and that's why you only go to war when it's an absolute interest to your national security it's one reason why
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coalition forces do battle with an information war to fight alongside the real one playing out on the ground in afghanistan for example so what's not widely known by these milestones along restored american history we have surpassed the soviet campaign there we have spent exceptional amount of money but instead carries this message good morning afghanistan welcome to the new. of hope in reconstruction in the war torn region we could call it a huge conflict but. that's the nato version told in this promotional film it was given to international journalists like myself at the annual nato summit presumably to spread the message public relations after it's like it these are nothing new and commander of the nato forces the united states spends billions of dollars alone to market its version of the war to the world including p.r. at home and abroad u.s.
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funded media as well as psychological operations for example a leaked classified cia document revealed a plan for ally it's a quote strategic communication program across nato troop contributors that taps into the key concerns of specific western european audiences that could provide a buffer if apathy becomes opposition to fight declining public support for the war from france and germany girl she will cool city with a turnabout and. talk to time outside our hosts can watch on her firmly into a neighbor's the cia tapped afghan women as the perfect messenger to make an emotional appeal about the taliban and profess their aspirations for the future as this woman does here. on some media picked up on this message to hear time magazine equates pulling out u.s. troops from afghanistan with brutality against women however if you remember about
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this poor girl this happened while he was troops through there and some like feminist writer jill of each argues these p.r. tactics are an assault on women too i think it absolutely exploits the women's issue and exploits women used purely to advance u.s. foreign policy objectives they certainly weren't interested in women's rights in that region before it became strategically important to them in this so-called war on terror. and it's not clear. efforts like this even work it's absolutely impossible to tell but i would be willing to suggest that. it's very ineffective and maybe u.s. defense secretary robert gates would agree he's now resorting to scolding allies for getting ready to abandon the war i mean while hillary clinton says the u.s. is losing when it comes to broadcasting its message abroad on state funded t.v. stations unfortunately we are paying a big price for it even though the u.s.
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is spent one billion dollars alone to broadcast its message to the arab world where it's at war through the state news network. the network has locked in just half a percent of viewership i asked them or were they know where all showing perhaps you can't sell a war welcome to the new game unless you have a buyer lauren mr archie york. the difference between the p.r. campaign and the reality is striking while he can see that for yourself bite me out our exclusive photo gallery and report from afghanistan on our website that's our dot com. an offshoot of last resort that's how prime minister has described the country's request for a financial bailout from the e.u. analysts say the worst case scenario for the country that's long been predicted may
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be looming it's estimated that the rescue plan will top one hundred billion u.s. dollars with anger to spread around europe over other players having to pay the bill but the contrary has long resisted taking a bailout as a reason ireland did before and this may soon exhaust the patience of masters and plunge the global economy into further trouble according to karl denninger the markets sicko. i think the first question one has to ask is where is the credibility behind the projections of both the european union and over here in america we've heard of stress tests we were told that everything was ok so banks were turning around and buying us debt thinking that they were going to be backstop to now all of a sudden hoops portugal isn't ok and as recently as a week ago we were told they were going to need a bailout so this is the third time and i'm wondering how long before the market
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says ok that's enough i don't think wall street per se is responsible for portugal there were a lot of allegations that wall street banks were writing derivatives in greece i don't know that we are really got to the bottom of that but portugal is just simply a matter of we're spending more than we're making which incidentally is what we're doing in the united states as well and finally people are throwing up their hands and saying we don't think we're going to get paid and that's where the problem always comes from i think the primary thing to consider is credibility because that is all a government or an individual or a business has and when it's lost it's very hard to get it back so we have gone down this road now for four years where we have made claims and we could fix this with quantitative easing interest rate cuts and all of the other platitudes and all that's happened is our deficit is skyrocketing we most certainly have a longer leash than portugal or even spain does in this regard but it's not infinite and the lawmakers in washington seem to have this idea that they can continue to play this game on an indefinite basis there is
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a line in the sand beyond which international investors in particular are going to throw their hands up and say we're just not going to deal with this anymore and then the federal reserve is left with all bad choices and the latest edition of the kind of reporting where the plight of the u.s. economy earthing money laundering and the trading on the drugs are to blame for the crisis i have more power here on our team. and i tell you something say i remember just this. vividly when i was working in washington i did every friday cocktails on park avenue and watch this parade of losing travel down park avenue into the basement of citibank everyone knew this was lovely there was being a lot of glass citibank from drug money this was an open secret nobody got out of this so i'm glad to see now twenty at least twenty twenty five years later people are beginning to understand that the global finance community the global banking system runs entirely on cocaine whether. or
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not. let's not take a look at some other stories from around the world in ivory coast forces loyal to internationally recognized president alassane ouattara have failed to drive incumbent leader along from the presidential palace where he's holed up you want him french troops continue to strike some military targets john the tension comes amid failed attempts to negotiate a departure of from the country while he claims he has no intention of stepping down. efforts are underway japan's fukushima power plants to prevent explosions there workers are jacked into one reactor to start a build up of hydrogen which could lead to a blast explosions of this type have already happened in three reactors earlier workers are highly radioactive water into the pacific ocean. crowds in mexico have taken to the streets to protest against violence linked to the country's eagle drug trade and marches were organized following the murder of
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a well known author a son along with six other people last month meanwhile police have uncovered a mass grave with over fifty bodies of people killed in drug related violence that violence has been sleeping the country since the government launched the fight against the cartels five years ago. well there have been some new arrivals in orbit as and new crews boarded the international space station sort of space craft brought three astronauts near for a five month mission the ship docked successfully to. i says a few hours ago and are now tell of the six people on board the station they will be celebrating fifty years of manned space exploration next week so as craft in man named after of the first manned space yuri gagarin and his legacy is inspiring a bowl of future a further space exploration as artie's tests are still in our records but after all spend most of their lives preparing for the possibility of going to space the russian cosmonaut for example takes about two hundred per year and that's in
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addition to all the visible pray they will have to go through all the hard work men and women put into their professions one of the thing they fear is something a little more about it and that's an unwavering childhood dream of literally reach for something big aspiring cosmonauts surrogate every tire watches intently as the so you see i'm a twenty one spacecraft is hoisted to its vertical position at only fourteen he's so certain about his future that he's already made headway he went to the u.s. and became the first youngster to spend fifteen minutes floating in a zero gravity environment hostile not straining. when the plane was going up i took the food weight of my body as if i was drawing treats i could hardly move my hands this early start is something the first man in space you regarding could himself have related to and his feet fifty years ago marked the beginning of a long list of achievements in manned space exploration.
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from walking on the moon. to building the massive international space station. but it doesn't stop there next possibly a hotel in orbit yet another space dream. for this hotel project there will be forums at the station with enough food for seven people they'll be civita luminaries so that everyone can observe the earth and stars i've always wanted to become a cosmonaut. that didn't happen but now i'm sure that one day i'll travel to space a tourist price tag is a hefty thirty five to forty billion dollars but there is a cheaper alternative another project aims to send space tourists to lower earth orbit where they'll spend five minutes of zero gravity and see the planet in its entirety for two hundred thousand dollars with. large groups of people one hundred kilometers above ground will be able to seal planets and of course. to do this they
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plan to use the ability of this point to carry cargo on its body the plane will take off with a small space shuttle which will be released at a certain altitude but arguably the most of vicious of space projects is the mars five hundred experiment simulating a voyage to the red planet in the event this global ambition becomes reality and when that time comes young sergei a certain he'll be ready to take on the challenge not mars but i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well of jupiter saturn you see and live there in future. and like many space men and women he believes it will only be a matter of time that's our silly r.t.e. baikonur in kazakhstan. well over his up to date here on our corrina will bring us the latest business news for shortly.
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well preserved as both are with me kareena malakand good to have you with me russia's consumer confidence has declined in the first quarter of this year following the gains at the end of two thousand and ten the index of consumer confidence fell three points to minus thirteen decline was driven by wise in commodity prices and a poor harvest pushed inflation about nine percent disposable incomes turned negative for the first two months of the year after sixteen months of gains. and the plan liberalization of the european gas market has come in fierce criticism at moscow's international energy forum but generally trouble from the center of international studies says forcing suppliers to give up control of the pipelines in
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europe will destroy any incentive to invest in infrastructure. thank you brings a huge unstability unpredictability because we cannot be sure now that all alone. exports contracts will be fulfilled in terms of transportation so these types of contracts supply and transportation are now deployed it under a new guarantees and the third kitchen then the supplier who has let's say twenty year contracts will get access to these particular pipeline he needs to bring these gas that he's consume are. ethical in the markets gave out most of their gains thursday afternoon after the bank of japan eased its march the policy leaving policy rates unchanged at the end of its two day meeting shares of financial group gain point seven percent in hong kong local and mainland chinese properties about broadening the red meanwhile china and chemical corp is gaining nearly two percent
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after china allowed a fuel price increase about five percent played on one state. here in russia markets and in wednesday's trading session in the black the r.t.s. one percent of my xix was over half a percent higher most of the bullshit or otherwise it was. ok markets will be dominated by a combination of factors a thursday michael stein from says there will be domestic corporate results and the european central banks interest rates decisions they invest just will pay close attention to the outcome of the e.c. be meeting where it's expected that interest rates will be increased by twenty five basis points this would be the first interest rate increase since the crisis began and will be a sobering sign for a lot of investors domestically investors who paid close attention to earnings releases from a number of companies including synergy. producer magnitogorsk steel producer will
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also get the trading more operational update from alliance oil. and state run companies could become hot stocks should the government push they. push through with their proposed privatization reforms that according to. what we're seeing now suppose this change of the russian government pulls it could be a huge structural change. in market so if indeed reforms would go of companies like. it and the rules then you know you might have. absolutely unique situations in terms of potential of sight to the new target price just give you a simple examples of goods from would manage to the cause by ten percent it would be a huge boost huge way to have twenty to thirty percent upside potential target price so if i were asked to name a few surprises over the next twelve months i think it's likely to come from this
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corner as always statement to police companies which would liberalize and become more transparent more. that's all i have for this hour but don't forget you can always find lost or is just love us or or website. from.
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being a. disarming saddam hussein. passed charge of iraqi citizens. this if it brings further assurance that the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever. sighs again over embassy in kabul. chance too much occupied afghanistan. now occupy sales at guantanamo bay. in the med.
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it is appropriate to that of course is what this weekend with the geneva. face lab studies life if you can should do nothing so that it shocks them especially if it's slow but you don't actually break any bones could deter gazin techniques that we use in j.j. kuantan are out for what the city leaders should. be nothing to. believe.


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