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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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in the immediate. a finnish priest who's charged with inciting a racial hatred after giving an interview to us here at our teeth during the interview he slammed the man behind a string of deadly bombings in russia. nato planes a bomb a rebel tank position with multiple casualties reported and a major khadafi controlled oil field is said to have been destroyed by the coalition calling the true motives of the alliance into question in libya. and the crew of the international space station prepare to celebrate fifty years since the government's first flight into all this event that inspired it generations to reach for the stars. and a news just in
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a seven point four earthquake hits northeast japan leading stocks worldwide to shrug off an aftershock and russia's market and first they said one percent down more than that since twenty minutes time in our business for those of. you with r.t. live from moscow now a finnish priest is charged with inciting a racial hatred after speaking out against russia's number one terrorist talk will not off and his internet propaganda all of this during an interview so out see the pastor also claims he's been receiving a constant death threats from the leader of the chechen militants however in finland the creased is being seen as the real criminal. reports plus a view from a liar is being prosecuted for inside seeing really just
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a traitor in court publicly criticizing what the finnish authorities describe as illegally grazing organizing that is the cup the central russian political system for those of all the years and i don't know what the organization is all about this is a media outlet. an internet website which made itself a name by being a mouthpiece for terrorist double mark this website is banned in russia as well as in a number of other countries across the world but in finland it enjoys quite a constable locational on the internet and in downtown houses. quarters all these organizations are in the very center of the city now you have the lhari was the cost and the only man in finland to hold police say that this was outrageous and that finland should not shelter extremist organizing since he was not really surprised when up to a short while he was getting death threats from people members of these organizations and those letters was signed by the local market himself but what he wanted police releasing phillis him to be
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a little interested in. using e-mail came from. and here is a. terrorist and some body and it was in dismay he says to me. if i called you know my fight against. you don't you personal investigation you have these sufferers on the. finish please don't shoot me they are a dad to. is the president also part of the government and therefore. responsible person respectable person going to do anything is going to recap of who these responsible person ease some of his most known actual cities are and ask express train bombing in two thousand and nine. the most natural system in twenty times and most recently the attack on the country's largest airport the idea that
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took a lot of his not only russia's most wanted man he's also on the internationally stopped paris the u.s. wasn't acknowledge that he has links to al qaida so with all doesn't mind what is the praise indeed persecuted for for citing obvious facts which the rest of the world. knowledge is for calling a terrorist the terrorist but then one deems this man as a pretty white. parties occur over quoting double standards promote international terrorism that's the opinion of the deputy head of russia's state duma security committee canady good cough also said it's alarming that finland is among the countries which call chechen terror a liberation. that terrorism is terrorism no matter how it's disguised it is a minister all of mankind double standards are the reason terrorism still exists once a country labels militants from illegal armed groups who commit terror acts against innocent people as terrorists for another country to claim them freedom fighters is
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just despicable i never expected anything like this from the finnish authorities. he would still come for you in the program marketing conflict the u.s. spends millions of dollars to justify its wars abroad to the people in these countries look at why violence makes a tough sell but also. a fresh move to leaving the past behind russia gives potent a newly declassified documents that may shed light on the nine hundred forty counts in that massacre. got a libyan opposition claims that nato has hit one of the tank positions reports say thirteen people were killed in the strike meanwhile the rebels have sent their first crude oil shipment to qatar. as an author joins me live from the rebel held city of benghazi you go to we've seen on this day we've seen losses incurred by government troops from seeing the opposition forces work as well but now we're seeing them being caused by the alliance. well first of all i learned to apologize
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in advance if we experience some problems with the sound because the wind is really strong today in going guys the concerning the latest of mines out there on the front there is quite a lot of conflicting information coming out of there at the moment according to some reports nato did attack accidentally a number also the rebel fighters and there are tanks around twenty kilometers away from the oil rich town of brega really under control all for god i feel troops and the doctors in the large job which is a c. to the east of baghdad basically the the next big city after bin guys even doctors be there say that thirteen people were killed in this attack however we do also hear these reports from the witnesses all of what happened today earlier and they say that in fact it didn't seem like it were nato planes but it seems inside
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that those least this attack was conducted by god that. forces and it killed not thirteen but at least forty or forty five rebels and right after that. the the the checkpoints all for the rebels so forces right near i'd be which is around fifty sixty kilometers east of where i go they were attacked and basically sent the rebels running in can us retreating once again and one of our teams was actually filming there at the time they see that. they didn't hear any planes they didn't hear anything the dish just all of a sudden various explosions going on right in various so everybody get in their cars and to just stood ever actuate from that place including the rebels and he when they saw the army being evacuated bosses filled with soldiers going faster than the world at the time and they say it was really chaos they actually one of
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the rebels actually jumped into their car just running away from this attack and it all comes after after one of the biggest oil deposits clearly under control of gadhafi that came under attack earlier that he is accusing me to call for doing that by in fact the alliance says that it was the duffys job it was done by his a forces so we are monitoring the situation at the moment because according to all the reports from the front. the city of osh diaby itself is now possibly being shelled also both on its western gates and even on the way eastern gates which means from the side of being guys he said we're going to see what's going to happen next if the troops forces me try to take over the control or he might want to go around it and just go straight towards big guys he
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will have to see how the situation. develops and it may actually be in no name just a few hours because it's the idea is only a few hours drive away from here so a tense time away you are you going to be getting reports here about levels of resentment and anger among the rebels are being directed towards the coalition forces the not doing enough to supply arms on but just a cool support to the anti government forces here put some is it possible do you think that the nato forces are proving to be somewhat of a disappointment for the rebels. well i've been here for some time now and it's pretty clear here that the general mood i'm all of the public i'm all the people here in benghazi towards the needle has changed just over the past week because a week ago everybody here in the city was saying how neato were their saviors they were praising the alliance for stopping qaddafi's forces pushing them away from gaza and opening the way for the opposition fighters to go dance west and they were
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actually able to make this giant leap several hundred kilometers west now they're pushed back and the front line the entire week has been moving back and forth but only just around the city of baghdad just where this alleged me to attack on the rebels forces happened today earlier and everybody here is now saying that nato is not doing enough they don't think that nato is complying with the obligations of the resolution of the united nations to protect civilians and some people here who including those along the interim government they even say that perhaps they should ask the united nations to stop this operation altogether we talked to some of you will locals and the rebels and prepared this report earlier here's what they had to say and here's some of their stories. believe me an army moved. through
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all the way to retirement right now and. he's fighting for the revolution and is among a few rebels at the front with military training and experience. their forces are not given we are ready to fight to the death but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since needing to control all the north winds on operation it's needed more than one thousand sorties into libya including four hundred and technicians the un's claims around a third of that every sports is have now been destroyed with the splendid help from the skerries on the ground and the rebels are still taking a bound in. the tourist field there are civilians in the strider only daily are green you monitors and yes they are taking proper actions against the good night for the troops for the rebels taking the down on gregor means clearing the way west well just when it seemed they were epidaurus of it will reach down
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a new series of mortar attacks by going to appease forces he already can retreat. just a week ago because it was a revolutionary theory it seems the entire seat police need to support the front line kids. that we're still. missing this can be it seems to me it's all good us is tactics it's raising as well protests like this one are becoming a common scene i mean you are accusing need to all feeling to protect civilians they are asking for help anymore the are demanding it. will or they're waiting for gadhafi to kill or still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow this. but experts say arming the rebels alone wouldn't helps when the war with the rebels need is not so much they can use arms training
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going to be reinforced are now surfacing that the u.s. and egypt are called retreat and even if your forces going beyond the u.n. resolution that established then authorize are you going to be going off in libya now as the u.s. and nato are embroiled in coffins around the world there's another campaign going on alongside with millions of american taxpayers' dollars being poured into a loyalist and are exposed to information war being waged on local populations. the reality of war that war is hell and that's why you only go to war when it's an absolute interest to your national security it's one reason why coalition forces do battle with an information war to fight alongside the real one playing out on the ground in afghanistan for example so it's not widely known by these milestones
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along the stuart american history we have surpassed the soviet campaign there we have spent. a lot of money but in. stead carries this message of morning and welcome to the new gate of hope and reconstruction in the war torn region which accommodates the conflict with the peace that's the nato version told in this promotional film it was given to international journalists like myself at the annual nato summit presumably to spread the message public relations after it's like these are nothing new and commander of the nato forces the united states spends billions of dollars alone to market its version of the war to the world including p.r. at home and abroad u.s. funded media as well as psychological operations for example a leaked classified cia document revealed a plan for ally it's a quote strategic communication program across nato troop contributors that could provide a buffer if out of the becomes opposition to fight declining public support for the
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war from france and germany the cia tapped afghan women as the perfect messenger to make an emotional appeal about the taliban and professed their aspirations for the future as this woman does here. some media picked up on this message to hear time magazine equates pulling out u.s. troops from afghanistan with brutality against women however you are about this poor girl this happened while he was true crew there. and it's not clear efforts like this even work it's absolutely impossible to tell but i would be willing to suggest that. it's very ineffective i mean while hillary clinton says the u.s. is losing when it comes to broadcasting its message abroad on state funded t.v. stations unfortunately we are paying a big price for it even though the u.s. is spent one billion dollars alone to broadcast its message to the arab world where
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it's at war through the state news network. the network has locked. in just half a percent of your worship i think you know we're all showing perhaps you can't sell a war welcome to the new day unless you have a buyer lauren mr r. t. york. now do you remember you can always catch the latest stories on the best videos on our website that's hot seat dot com for so got a lot of our in-depth analysis there and it's updated around the clock but some a look at some of the stories waiting for you online right now and going beyond the call of duty russian the policeman who dug up a border you know cemetery and for her to his office software suspecting foul play is now front and self in deep trouble. and we take you to the heartland of russia's nuclear might be up and shut off the foreigners for decades it's now open to everyone and there's no shortage of sites for the curious tourists and
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a much much more on our website www dot c dot com. russia has handed a new portion of the classified documents on the cuts in massacre over poland around twenty two thousand polish officers were killed by so few secret police and the nine hundred forty incident. he has more on this. the russian prosecutor general's office of handed to the polish government. the full investigation into what happened. happened in one thousand nine hundred forty in the. west of russia twenty two thousand trollish officers were killed by. secret police know the soviet union has denied involvement in the massacre for many
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many years claiming the killing. to me however. message that soviet forces had been involved in. this led to a warming of relations between warsaw and moscow that warming of relations is taking a turn for the worse in recent times following last year's plane crash. killed. ninety five others including many senior members of the polish political elite now that plane was actually on their way to take part in a any memorial service that could work towards russia and poland putting the catty muscle behind them and moving on is two countries. regarding russia's investigation . to poland investigation continues into what happened. pretty relevant putting ok let's get you up to date now on some world news headlines this hour
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a powerful seven point four magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of japan and it's triggered a new tsunami warning residents of the northeast of the country have been ordered to evacuate to higher ground that region is still in tatters following the tsunami of last month early reports of more of a wave of up to two meters high japanese authorities say the workers trying to bring the stricken the fukushima nuclear plant under control acknowledge being evacuated. at least thirteen people have been killed and twenty two more wounded as a gunman opened fire in a school in brazil's rio de janeiro police exchanged fire with the man who was carrying two guns before he took his own life a suicide note is reported to have been found on his person the attacker is a believed to be a twenty four year old former student up the school. bus for school admits it cannot keep its economy afloat the eurozone is finding itself coughing up for
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a third a bailout which following a severe but unsuccessful austerity cuts lisbon will take on yet more debt than the e.u. sets alone at more than one hundred billion dollars tempers in the euro zone are still volatile over the bailouts of greece and ireland. and today i want to use a box cutter and it states you will be working to debunk the superficial optimism around the u.s. economy and explore the secret ties between big banking and the big drugs but we'll bring you the culture of course in about seven minutes time but for now is a preacher. let me tell you something stacey i remember just very vividly when i was working on wall street nine hundred eighty s. every friday. on park avenue and watched this parade of limousines travel the park avenue into the basement of citibank everyone knew this was money that was being a lot of my citi bank from drug money this was an open secret nobody got out of this so i'm glad to see now twenty at least twenty twenty five years later people
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are beginning to understand that the global finance community the global banking system runs entirely on cocaine which. are not as good to a story that is beyond them just out of this world but russia's soyuz spacecraft has successfully talk to the international space station the russians and america will spend five months bringing the total i says crew to six but flight was dedicated to your car in the first man in space that took place just a week before the fiftieth anniversary of its legendary voyage and its artists are similar reports even today the pioneers legacy is inspiring a new generations to follow their dreams. astronauts read most of their lives preparing for the possibility of going to space now roughen calls were not very example takes about two hundred fifty exams a year and after this the world appears it will pray they have to go through all sides from all the hard work man and woman put into their professions one of the
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things they fear is something a little more romantic and that's an unwavering apology and dream of literally reaching for something big aspiring cosmonaut sygate every tire watches intently as the sill you see of me twenty one spacecraft is wasted to its vertical position and . only fourteen he's so certain about his future but he's already made headway he went to the u.s. and became the first youngster to spend fifteen minutes floating in the zero gravity environment cosmonauts train in somalia when the plane was going up i thought the food weight of my body as if i was to intreat i could hardly move my hands this early start is something the first man in space utica got in could himself have related to and his feet fifty years ago marked the beginning of a long list of achievements in manned space exploration. for walking on the move. to building the massive international space station.
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but it doesn't stop there next possibly a hotel in orbit yet another space dream which did occur to you for this hotel project there will be four rooms at the station with enough room for seven people there will be to be eliminated so that everyone could observe the earth and stars i've always wanted to become a cosmonaut that didn't happen but now i'm sure that one day i'll travel to space a tourist price tag is a hefty thirty five to forty million dollars but there is a cheaper alternative another project aims to send space tourists to lower earth orbit where they'll spend five minutes of zero gravity and see the planet in its entirety for two hundred thousand dollars. to some large groups of people one hundred kilometers above ground will be able to seal planets and the course. to do this they plan to use the ability of this plane to carry cargo on its body the
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plane will take off with a small space shuttle which will be released at a certain altitude but arguably the most and vicious of space projects is the mars five hundred experiment simulating a voyage to the red planet in the event this global ambition becomes a reality. and when that time comes young sergei is certain he'll be ready to take on the challenge no martin i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well to the moons of jupiter saturn they say you can leave there in future. and like many space men and women he believes it will only be a matter of time that's are still your are to baikonur in kazakhstan starting up today all of the latest news around r.t. time now for the business with the victory. welcome to the program russian air could be sold off sharply in the last five minutes of trade while news of the seven point four earthquake in northeast japan
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now there's little information on the extent of damage but the stricken nuclear power plant in fukushima reports no signs of new problems after the shock let's take a look at the market reaction in more detail and. this is what the closing picture for the r.t.s. m i six looks like a last minute sell also lost cause the board says to close one percent lower driven mostly by energy stocks so you look at them and more details lou call is down one point seven percent closed down one point two percent steelmaker m.k. is there more than one half percent after its last year's net profit mistake speculations and banking stocks also took a beating b.c.b. down two percent wall street where wall street has slipped into the year read on news from japan the dow began the session up half a point after some encouraging jobs data tech shares are doing well while retailers are struggling the dow is down point three percent this hour. european markets
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although they did see a recovery the previous hour now also going into negative ground you case for these down point two percent dax point two percent as well shares in german construction group dropped at one point one of five percent after and warned of losses as australian units. were saying news that their interest rates in the euro zone have gone up for the first time in three years the european central bank is raise and he rates twenty five basis points one point two five percent this move is likely to put more pressure on single currency nations struggling to pay their debts and among them is portugal which is finally for a bailout from the e.u. that may amount to seventy five billion euro. when you've got countries that are hearing too or trying to do it or stirs the packages increase taxes and reduce public spending when you try and impose increasing interest rates on them as well that's just another factor that's going to hurt them as well so i don't think
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they're entirely ready for it but there doesn't seem to be any true choice of the moment and certainly the see if we are not factoring that into account when the window of raising interest rates. russia's consumer confidence as they climbed in the first quarter of this year following gains at the end of twenty the consumer confidence index fell three points to minus the decline was driven by rising commodity prices and the poor harvest pushing inflation above nine percent disposable incomes turned negative in the first two months of the year after sixteen months and. all the drop was quite surprising we attribute it to. inflation and they're very weak real wages growth so inflation. there they income growth and probably consumers need to feel this so we think that this might be a reason for the central bank to postpone mind montreal surprise because consumer
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is not does not kill him. or their families in the capital with comments we will be back next. wealthy british style. is not the type of.
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market finance come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with much cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our feet. download to you fishel on t.n.t. cation your money phone the i pod touch from the i choose shops to. munch on see life on the go. see video on demand oxys minefield costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. questions on the quality jobs calm.


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