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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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a finnish priest is charged with inciting racial hatred after giving an interview to us. in which he slammed the man behind a string of deadly bombings in russia. needs all these a trail of flames in libya after reportedly showing a rebel take position because the biggest oil field. portugal turns the e.u. to drag it out of a financial black hole of trade into roles waves of anger among european taxpayers who have to foot yet another bailout bill. and stocks continue to drop worldwide following a quake that shook the northeast of japan investors keep
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a close eye on potential damages to nuclear power plants more of that in our business but most of the. international news now from a studio here in central moscow this is our teachers past ten pm here in the russian capital and nine pm in finland where a priest is charged with inciting racial hatred after speaking out against russia's number one terrorist document of his internet propaganda in an interview with us here in l a t a pastor also claims he's been receiving constant threats from the leader of the chechen militants in finland the priest is seen as the real criminal . now reports. say you from a liar is being prosecuted for inciting reaches patriots and for publicly criticizing the finish it's already described as illegally praising organizing. up
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first century russian political consistent couple those of all the years i don't know what the organization is all about this is a media outlet an internet website which made itself a name by being a mouthpiece for terrorist to home on this website is banned in russia as well as in a number of other countries across the world but in finland it enjoys what it costs a bilocation will own the internet and in downtown houses. quarters all these organizations are in the very center of the city now you have a lhari was the cause and the only man in finland to hold police say that this was outrageous and that finland should not shelter extremist organizing since he was not really surprised when up for a short while he was getting death threats from people members of these organizations and those letters was signed by the local market who saw what he wanted police release and phillis him to be a little interested in. using e-mail came. down. and
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here is the. terrorist and some party turned to me. away if i continue my fight. you don't need personal investigation you have the sufferers and the. finnish police choose. the dad to that. is the president also part of the government therefore. disposable person respectable person is going to recap of who these responsible person ease some of these moves to known atrocities are expressed train bombing in two thousand and nine. the most much a system in twenty times and most recently the attack on the country's largest airport the idea of the talk a lot of us not only russia's most wanted man is also on the internationally stocked paris the us wasn't acknowledge that he has links. so with all that's in
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mind what is the priest indeed persecuted for citing obvious facts which the rest of the world knowledge is worth calling a terrorist a terrorist but then learned deems that as a brit and. katrina reporting there from double standards promote international terrorism that's opinion of the deputy head of russia's state duma security committee did not a good call also said it's alarming that finland is among the countries which call chechen terror a liberation movement for terrorism is terrorism no matter how it's disguised it is a menace to all of mankind double standards are the reason terrorism still exists a country labeled militants from illegal armed groups who commit terror acts against innocent people as terrorists for a country to claim them freedom fighters is just despicable i never expected anything like this from the finnish authorities. still to come this hour here in
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r.t. marketing conflict the us spends millions of dollars to justify its wars abroad to the people in those countries why violence makes a tough sell also. with the international space station prepared to celebrate fifty years ago and first flight into orbit the event that inspired generations to reach for the stars. live in opposition claims nato has hit one of their top positions witnesses say up to fifty people were killed in the strike meanwhile the rebels have sent their first crude oil shipment to qatar. has more now from the rebel controlled city of benghazi. according to some reports nato did attack accidentally a number off with the rebel fighters and there are tanks around twenty kilometers away from the oil rich town of gregor clearly under control all forgot that these troops and the doctors say that thirteen people were killed in this attack however
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we do also hear these reports from the witnesses of what happened there today earlier and they say that it killed not thirteen but at least forty or forty five rebels be checkpoints off of the rubble so forces right near the were attacked and basically sent the rebels running in can us retreating once again and one of our teams was actually filming there at the time they see that so they didn't hear any planes they didn't hear anything in the east just so all of a sudden various explosions going on right in there is so everybody get in their cars and to just back you wait from that place including the rebels and he will be sold the army being evacuated bosses filled with soldiers going faster than the world at the time and they say it was really chaos they actually one of the rebels actually jumped into their car just running away from this attack and it all comes
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after after one of the biggest oil deposits clearly under control of gadhafi that came under attack earlier gadhafi is accusing me to doing that by in fact the alliance says that it was fees job everybody here is now saying that nato is not doing enough they don't think that nato is complying with the obligations of the resolution of the united nations to protect civilians and some people here have including those among the interim government they even say they should ask the united nations to stop this operation. all together we talked to some of the locals and the rebels and prepared this report a veteran of the libyan army moved any served his country all the way to retirement but now he's fighting for the revolution and is among the few rebels at the front with military training and experience. their forces are not even we are ready to
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fight to the death but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since needing to control the north whereas on operation it's going to need more than one thousand sorties in from me including four hundred technicians the un's planes around a third of god have his forces have now been destroyed but he spread the help from the skies on the ground to the rebels are still deepening abounding. later is failed there are civilians in misrata daily have many monitors. just a week ago ghazi was revolutionary it seems the entire seek ways need to for its work because the front line could still back the list of girls missing can be the it seems to me all the u.s. district tactics is crazy as well. this one are becoming a common scene mean or accusing needs of all feeling to protect civilians they are
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asking for help anymore the demanding it. was their way to fall for gadhafi to kill is still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow us. but experts say arming the rebels in the long term helps win the war with the rebels need is not so much they can use the arms training. we are servicing that the u.s. and egypt are calling. forces going beyond the un resolution that established the north winds are you going to spin off or eat in libya international involvement in libya is directly connected with the interests of big corporations says the former governor of minnesota jesse ventura and his interview is coming up in about twenty minutes from now here's a brief preview for you in the meantime. libya has oil so it's very important
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to get the oil how could we didn't intervene in rwanda. we should all the documents in our book on there you have the genocide of nearly a million people nor would you lifted a finger because there was nothing to go in there for that they could for lack of better term rape pillage mineral wealth or you or whatever else international corporations would be. that's the u.s. and nato embroiled in conflicts around the world is another campaign going on alongside with millions of american taxpayers' dollars pouring into it that is more or less to expose the information war being waged on local populations. the reality of war the war is hell and that's why you only go to war when it's an absolute interest to your national security it's one reason why coalition forces do battle with an information war to fight alongside the real one playing out on the ground
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in afghanistan for example so it's not widely known by these milestones along restored american history we have surpassed the soviet campaign there we have spent . a lot of money but instead carries this message the morning after this. welcome to the new day of hope and reconstruction in the war torn region which accommodates conflict with the peace that's the nato version told in this promotional film it was given to international journalists like myself at the annual nato summit presumably to spread the message public relations after it's like these are nothing new and commander of the nato forces the united states spends billions of dollars alone to market its version of the war to the world including p.r. at home and abroad u.s. funded media as well as psychological operations for example a leaked classified cia document revealed the plan for our lights a quote strategic communication program across nato troop contributors that could
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provide a buffer if at the becomes opposition to fight declining public support for the war from france and germany the cia tapped afghan women as the perfect messenger to make an emotional appeal about the taliban and professed their aspirations for the future as this woman does here and some media picked up on this message to hear time magazine equates pulling out u.s. troops from afghanistan with brutality against women however if you remember about this poor girl this happened while he was trooper there. and it's not clear efforts like this even work it's absolutely impossible to tell but i would be willing to suggest that. it's very ineffective i mean while hillary clinton says the u.s. is losing when it comes to broadcasting its message abroad on state funded t.v. stations unfortunately we are paying a big price for it even though the u.s.
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is spent one billion dollars alone to broadcast its message to the arab world where it's at war through the state news network. the network has logged in just half a percent of you worship. you know we're all showing perhaps you can't sell a war welcome to the new game unless you have a buyer lauren mr r. t. york. by the way you can always catch the latest stories on the best videos on our website at r.t. dot com it's online all the time we've also got all the in-depth analysis updated around the clock let's have a quick look at some of our stories online for you right now going beyond the call of duty a russian policeman who dug up a body in a cemetery and brought it to his office after suspecting foul play has found himself in trouble. and we take you to the heartland of russia's nuclear might have been screeching shut off to foreigners for decades it's now open to everyone and
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there's no shortage of sites for the curious tourist town and much more for your website r.t. dot com. portugal has announced that it's unable to deal with its economic crisis and as for help the eurozone is now set to call thought for a third successive bailout package which is set to exceed one hundred billion dollars now joined live by john gaunts of the referendum campaign in the u.k. live there in birmingham joe good to see you here a lot so a third a euro zone nation has given up on requests that bailout to stabilize its economy but with germany strong despite what i'm sure you want to see this really isn't the end of the euro yet is it. yes less than bell the euro is crashing and burning as i predicted two months ago exclusively on
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a russian today you talk about the germans in a recent poll the german people fifty one percent of them want the return of the mark their photo providing a strong economy and they are further to the back teeth of supporting the pig economies of greece this roy it's on the street in greece greece are going to pay back cultural are going to go now in costly british between three and four billion pounds and we're not even a member of the eurozone it's ridiculous but they also do have this racial issue notice clips the better let me just ask you britain is a member of the eurozone but is a member of the e.u. and surely has an obligation to help out its partners these are important trading partners within the e.u. doesn't look like a show sure after about a year we were never given a vote on that we've never had our democratic right that's where you we in the e.u. referendum campaign are we must have a straight in approach whether we want to stay in this very expensive club we're paying thirty eight million pounds a day to europe for every two pounds sixty we put in we only get
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a pound back we don't have a duty to bail out portugal we did not have to keep our island we made seven billion pounds worth of welfare cuts and then we gave seven billion to ireland go figure that does not add up and now spain is going to go the same way on our lousy coalition government will give the british people the right to have a vote and you know the reason they won't give us their vote because they know that seventy five percent of people in a recent e.u. referendum campaign and congress poll said they want to get out of this expensive undemocratic club and the euro is going to crash and burn spain will follow protocol and i say not a penny to portugal not one single penny one single cent one single euro it's nothing to do yes but you know i actually came to our country back if the u.k. does the money it's going to be on the basis of a loan plus interest surplus. u.k. government can make money out of portugal color. question for you but you lend me
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a million pounds bill i promise you i'll pay it back even though i'm skint one of them to get the money back for a while and it doesn't matter whether it's a loan or whether it's a grant we're not going to get that cash back we're not only your service not our responsibility to draw in sign this are up to twenty thirty and we've got to do it now appears that george osborne the present chancellor noted it through as well the british people have been betrayed we've never been given a right to vote for whether we want to be in this or not we want our country back we want to keep our pound thank goodness we never ever joined this madness how can you link the economy of an economic powerhouse well the united kingdom or germany with somewhere like greece you're going to imagine the answer is you can't and it's failed and the sooner it collapses lets out let me ask you one thing you criticize george osborne there but surely portugal is really playing into his hands this is a perfect example of what can happen if a country's debt gets out of control so doesn't this go to strengthen the british government's position on the need for horse was there are two measures there in
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scoring political points out of portugal is not of course course we need all those measures whether we need to cut so deeply and so quickly is another matter i would disagree with children born or not but i'll tell you all children david cameron have also done just recently they can increase india three hundred million pounds a year and yesterday we heard they're going to give six hundred fifty million pounds pakistan to build schools over their own schools every year r.t. came to a full into bits charity to learn english expression begins at home and in moments of recession it appeared a recession to start out we shouldn't we should be cutting foreign aid now we're giving money to pakistan and india got a nuclear program that got carriers which are scrap they are cruel we scrapped a lot of our hari is well we're sucking many members of our armed forces who are fighting on a firm line in afghanistan at the moment and in. they're coming back should be unemployed this government this coalition these condemns i've lost the plot so well
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they should give us having a referendum on may the first on the alternative folks in system that's not a referendum we need the referendum we need in our great country is it straight in or out of here girl usually say to you and the british people want out yes that's what you say but are you going to get that referendum are you kidding a lot of support from the british people of eight worrying about this and supporting what you have to say or is there. it's came on your program a few months ago bill when i came on your program a few months ago you said a similar question we got massive traction now we've got members of the conservative party openly talking about whether or not we need to stay in the don't forget the live plants as well it was a manifesto commitment from them even members on the labor benches to say let's have a quote as a democrat how could anyone object to the idea that we should have a vote on whether we stay in or out are not telling people to get out although i will tell you seventy five percent of people do want to get out i'll be living in
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a democracy because of this single issue we must vote but whether we get a referendum not this kind of becoming irrelevant because this currency is doomed the old monty python sketch you know this power of his deceased deceased his power is no more well let me say this currency is dead it is deceased is is it is extinct it can not survive spain will go next joe back to your make a persuasive argument it's always good to have a right to have your thoughts i know you show your i love i love me in an art it's a great station with independent views keep it up thank you john pleasure to have you on. from birmingham in the u.k. time now to bring you some more world news this hour a powerful earthquake has struck off the coast of japan triggering a tsunami warning which was later lifted residents of the northeast of the country have been ordered to evacuate to higher ground the quake is not power at several nuclear plants which are using emergency surprise comes amid
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a struggle to restore cooling systems of the atomic station damaged by last month's deadly tsunami. at least twelve people have been killed and twenty two more wounded as a gunman opened fire in a school in brazil's rio de janeiro police exchanged fire with a man who was carrying two guns before he took his own life a suicide note has reportedly been found on the body the attackers believed to be a twenty four year old former student at the school. or not to a story beyond russian soil. spacecraft successfully talked at the international space station two russians an american will spend five months there bringing the total r s s crew to six before it was dedicated to eureka guerin the first man in space and it took place just a week before the fiftieth anniversary of his legendary for each other's artist tells us in a report even today the pony's like pioneers legacy is inspiring new generations to follow their dreams astronauts spend most of their lives preparing for the possibility of going to space now russian cosmonaut for example takes about two hundred fifty exams a year and that's it and this is a call for
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a baby how to go through all the hard work men and women put into their professions one of the thing they fear is something a little more about it and that's an unwavering good dream of literally reaching for something big aspiring cosmonauts surrogate of retired watches intently as a so you see i'm a twenty one spacecraft is hosted to its vertical position at only fourteen he's so certain about his future but he's already made headway he went to the u.s. and became the first youngster to spend fifteen minutes floating in the zero gravity environment hostile not strain and. i thought the full weight of my body as if i was to intreat. my hands this early start is something the first man in space utica got in could himself have related to and his feet fifty years ago marked the beginning of a long list of achievements in manned space exploration.
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from walking on the route. to building the massive international space station. but it doesn't stop there next possibly a hotel in orbit yet another space dream which you for this hotel project there will be full rooms at the station with enough food for seven people there will be trivia luminaries so that everyone can observe the. in stocks i've always wanted to become a cosmonaut that didn't happen but i'm sure that one day i'll travel to space tourist price tag is a hefty thirty five to forty million dollars but there is a cheaper alternative another project aims to send space tourists to lower earth orbit where they'll spend five minutes of zero gravity and see the planet in its entirety for two hundred thousand dollars go games to some large groups of people one hundred kilometers above ground will be able to seal planets and the course. to
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do this they plan to use the ability of this plane to carry cargo on its body the plane will take off with a small space shuttle which will be released at a certain altitude but arguably the most a bishops of space projects is the mars five hundred experiment simulating a voyage to the red planet in the event this global ambition becomes reality and when that time comes young sergey is certain he'll be ready to take on the challenge not mark i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well to the moons of jupiter saturn can live there in future. and like many space men and women he believes it will only be a matter of time that's our cilia r.t. by phone or in kazakhstan. that brings us to twenty five minutes very nearly twenty five minutes past the hour here or to be back with a look at our main news stories about six minutes from now in the meantime it's the latest from the world of business with the meter that's coming away in just
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a few moments here in the. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. which beasts and which right if you get stung from feinstein. starts on t.v. don't come. away watching business see russian equities sold off sharply in the last five minutes of
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trade on news of the seven point one earthquake in northeast japan there is little information on the extent of the damage to the stricken nuclear power plant in fukushima reports no signs of new problems in the short so far let's take a look at the market reaction in more detail now this is what the closing picture for the r.t.s. my six on looks like a last minute selloff because the bulls has to close one percent driven mostly by energy stocks lukoil shed a one point seven percent profit taking on declining at that time well prices followed by ross near one point three percent steelmaker m.k. dropped more than one half percent after its last you've never missed expectations of wall street's trading they're still going on slipped into the red on news of japan and that the negative movement is deepening without began the section of the session actually up half a percent after some encouraging jobs data that tech shares are doing well retailers are struggling well prices have resumed their client following the quake
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in japan and ongoing unrest the middle east and weakening dollar these are factors also contributing to the growth as a result w c i is more than one hundred and ten dollars a barrel brant one hundred twenty two and a half. interest rates in the eurozone have gone up for the first time in three years the european central bank raised its key here. twenty five basis point one point two five percent the move is likely to put more pressure on single currency nations struggling to pay their debts among them is portugal which is asked for a bailout from the e.u. that may amount to seventy five billion euro. when you've got countries that was hearing two or trying to do it or stare as you could use increased taxes and reduce public spending when you try and impose increase interest rates on them as well that's just another factor that's going to hurt them as well so i don't think there's hardly ready for it but there doesn't seem to be any true choice at the moment and certainly the sea be not factoring that into account when the window of
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raising interest rates prices consumer confidence declined in the first quarter of this year following gains at the end of twenty two and the index dropped three points to minus thirteen the decline was driven by rising commodity prices and inflation about nine percent disposable incomes turned negative in the first two months of the year after sixteen months of gangs. all the drop was quite surprising we attribute it to. a certain inflation and they're very weak real wages growth so inflation there they can girlfriend probably consumers did kill this so we think that this might be a reason for the central bank to postpone mind mindtree policy because consumer is not is not. coming up next on our see the headlines with bill to stay with us.
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the official anti allocation joint i pod touch from the substrate.


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