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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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we'll. read you the latest in some instances. as you drive over. well as more rebels are reportedly killed by the blows of an air strikes in libya are libyans who were once singing nato's praises now trying it out against the coalition an outrage. and the organization the u.s. went to to lead an intervention in libya become the punching bag of lawmakers on capitol hill are they really concerned with performing united nations or are other interests at stake. we must maintain firm ties with our allies and enemies must be clearly identified i hope that this is ministration can tell who's who so
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which one is billie on a raw slate and an ally or enemy or the lover or hater there is never a dull moment with this congresswoman will take a look at foreign affairs through rock colored glasses. that afternoon it's thursday april seventh four pm in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster your watching our team now as fighting continues in libya are the tides turning are rebels now turning on nato for failing them libyan rebels blames a mistaken nato air strike today for killing at least two rebels and injuring more than a dozen reports are still coming in and one said later a rebel spokeswoman said the attack came from forces loyal to libyan leader moammar gadhafi but if that's the case it would be the first by libyan warplanes since the u.s. and nato big thing
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a no fly zone in libya three weeks ago and it was accidental. by nato this isn't a first it comes after another last week killed thirteen rebels marty's own igor piece going off is on the ground in benghazi and he reports a change of tune among rebels were once hailing nato as their savior and are now protesting and outrage as a first hand account from the rebels. a veteran of the libyan army moved any served his country all the way to retirement. he's fighting for the revolution and is among the few rebels from the front with military training and experience. their forces are not even we are ready to face the test but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since need to take control always on operation wings of need more than one thousand sorties into maybe including four hundred technicians the un's planes around the food of that of his forces have now been destroyed but
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he's going to help from the skies on the ground and the rebels are still taking a pounding the political leaders feel there are civilians in the strattera and we daily have a new martyrs. just a week ago ghazi was speak of the revolution we were it seems the entire city police need to fully support but the front line could still be back for the list of those killed or busy schedule you the it seems the regional meet all these over your life history tactics is rising as well. this morning are becoming a problem seen me on using media all feeling to protect civilians they are asking for help and will be demanding it. all the way to full for gadhafi to kill or still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow us. but experts say arms of the law wouldn't house
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when the war where the rebels need is not so much an arms they can use arms but without training we're not going to be anything we force are now servicing that the u.s. and egypt are all great we train anti that a few forces going beyond the mandate of a un resolution that established do not know i thought you got this one of our d. in the media. and i'm joined now by pepe escobar he's correspondent in asia times he's been covering the developments in libya pepe thanks for joining us now you know what do you think is really going on here is nato making mistakes are they failing the rebels are they illiquid it to deal with what they thought they would be doing to get this done what you think is really the nature of what's going on here the nature of going on these nato incompetence number one ok you know what they want they want a colo states of cut off the forces in the desert like sitting ducks so they can bomb them at will like this was
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a replay of theirs it's forum in iraq more than twenty years ago this is not going to happen because qaddafi now is using most it building tactics no you don't you don't remain a leader for forty years without learning a lot from previous wars and learning for answers from a knows it dawns that the real effects all hoshi means guerrilla tactics what went wrong with saddam hussein's army for instance it what is he doing what kind of his forces are doing there disguising their remaining tanks and armored personnel carriers inside or around the cities so you have a poor sister of twenty or thirty takes that can be easily blown by nature their forces they are spread out so he's using guerilla against a guerrilla ok let me say it's working ok let me get in here that i do think that nato is a real life being the diplomatic efforts by worth being a u.s. former congressman visiting khadafi to speak with him and you turn allies and u.s. envoys going to meet with the rebels and directly talking with gadhafi. what is
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saying is that you know the cleverest pentagon generals from the start the knew this would be a stalemate and this explains why the us itself they're going to destruction itself has realised there's got to be some sort of negotiation this thing is which positional force are good to negotiate from as it stands the rabble so they don't have anything apart from these few of eastern seat is in syria nika so the british for instance they have been considering for forty eight hours now sending a yes train specialists to train these forces in the east this could take months separately possible people are already talking about a cease fire next week like a measure of you know sounding this you know this is the third case cover the turkish government is making a pretty much between cut off the end the rabble send next week we're going to host a meeting with both sparky's and start to negotiate
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a cease fire that's the only possible solution like as soon as us went out of the equation by a bit on the hearts in a committed by africa but of their headquarters in stuttgart nato to covert the whole sequence because they do have a strategy for a fight in that passage haemorrhage is know how to do it they don't everything in sight but you cannot do this anymore and i think the end game if the united states now do you think that they believe that they can ask and awfully and really and have developed and weneth. but it's absolutely possible in terms of and analyzing the forces of their own the ground what you see is a stalemate and got that feel it will be in a sixty forty percent of positional force at the moment what do you think else that they what do you think the u.s. is trying to do now what do you think their next step is i mean we know that obama signed allowing a cia to train forthwith train rebel forces and it could be on the ground there are reports that from our correspondent that that's going on what do you think the
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united states is now trying to accomplish we can look at their trades and go for a hail mary pass you know somebody from a look at their feet you know or circle comes up with approval through verbal bullet in their head this is not going to happen because they know that they turned that by military they could hang on for months they still have excess sewer cut deficits fern's inside libya plus his sons in the arab world plus his firms in other african countries which have been completely sidelined from google seizures don't forget african union most of these governments their proclivity and they were totally sidelined by the west so the only possible solution as i see is that thirty million so we have to wait until next week to see where this is go i mean now critics including yourself have the case the united states are trying to install essentially a puppet government that would represent more bicester an entrance obviously the regime has not been sympathetic to the west in
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a way that the united states of and like it to be so what do you think really is the goal there now is that still what you think the u.s. is trying to accomplish. look if if the state only considers underground login is seen practice is the bokeh man is the center of labor we've got to have a western libya with the knesset firmly in place with access to limited firms knoppix all stood by any means and we have eastern libya syria nika controlled by the rebels we have very thought you. government where you can find anybody from a former capacity loyalists islam is so like well qaida all ports in this room it all scored for you know weapons contractors and supported by the west of course but that's all right in the oil market by captor. right i want to ask you about that because could this actually backfire on the united states make a comparison back to when the united states back to the mujahideen during the
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soviet occupation in afghanistan now those are some of the fighters that the united states is fighting and its mission there today could this backfire in the same way with the u.s. backing the rebels of course like it's the great certainly cho was joe's was with us who will be talking about blowback as we speak yes the u.s. and the brits basically want to arm the rebels you know that could happen in effect it's already happened they raided some arms depots in eastern libya and this said oh ok they're really fringe. in the maghreb further the already half surface to air missiles and the took this out of libya so it's probably somewhere in shops in central africa and this you know african countries they know how these networks work because they have people on the ground they know where they go how they cross the desert all these things so this is already happening can you imagine if these rebels are armed by the cia pentagon s.a.'s from
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britain and all that can be measured this is six months we don't have mujahideen to suit well it seems really uncertain now i want to ask you you're in brazil you would you know i reporter for asia times i want to know how this is being perceived the u.s. role internationally because as you saw in there apart from our correspondents from with in benghazi people see the u.s. as overstepping the u.n. resolution resolution how is this being perceived from your end. look this is important i made a strategic decision not to go to the arab world so i could cover the big fish to raid because i'm a reporter of course but the good thing about taking the big picture is that for instance looking at brazil at the moment obama which is very popular in brazil more than eighty percent he launched a war against an african nation he's an african american president truman a country which has an enormous african-american population brazil and it's
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a pacifist country and most progressive in brazil are totally possible and they are actually saying look of course we can approve of obama some of his policies but we cannot approve a war against an african country and we have to defend some sort of humanitarian relief that is not being met by underneath us nato aggression so the all over south america likely will do i argentina ecuador believe if it is well or what the u.s. did by launching a war by it it's on the arts went down very very good that's a really interesting point you mentioned humanitarian aspect and many critics see that as going far beyond a humanitarian war i wonder if you think that it is exactly what the bric countries and germany that had for tensions to the u.n. resolution feared would happen what's happening right now you're totally right sector asia times a group a story last week talking about a u.s.
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soldier deal in fact and u.n. ambassador strong germany and from the bric countries he learned about this deal before when they were discussed in trust resolution and this is the main topic of their refusal to fill out the abstainer which is a very thick long matic way of say we don't agree with all this because they were raising objections see what looked like do the same thing about the rate in yemen for instance and obviously from the french bric american side that's right azar the contradictions and. and double standards that have come out over the last month during libya. all of this other unrest i know you've been following it and we appreciate you bringing us your perspective especially from outside of the u.s. from brazil that was pepe escobar is a journalist louise i'm sure respondent for the asia times. still ahead right here on r t it takes three make over you when edition from elations with israel to china up next here why some members of congress buildings you when the face slipped
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through rocks colored lenses and. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through to be made can you trust no one. is to do with it global mission that we've seen where we had a state controlled capitalism school session when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. now you'll recall the united states went to the united nations to take the lead on libya which we have been talking so much about on a military intervention and
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a no fly zone but this week the u.n. has become a punching bag of u.s. lawmakers as ambassador to the u.n. susan rice has been on the hill defending the organization against budget cuts at a hearing today on reforming the u.n. it quickly pitted believers against nonbelievers take a listen. the un we all agree is far from perfect but it delivers real results for every american by then send us security through a genuine burden sharing we should pay for un programs and activities that advance interest and our values if other countries want different things to be funded they can pay for it so kind of it pretty much hated susan rice against opposing views of what the united nations should be about committee they're mostly house republicans they are very critical of you when i'm joined now by robert naiman policy director at just foreign policy to discuss it with me thank you so much for joining us so as
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i mentioned this really pitted rice against house republicans and you know despite everything to you one worked on another thing that was really an issue was it was one issue that lawmakers really chose to focus on before we get into questions i want to play you a clip from the hearing jennifer through americans historic. israel to the walls. of. israel as a punching bag. duces resolutions criticizing in condemning israel israel bias that the u.n. tends to exhibit the u.n. continues to be used to propagate anti israel bias. so lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were really very concerned about israel more than any other issue at same during this hearing so do lawmakers really care about reforming the when or do they care more about having a position on israel hard as my question to you. i don't get the letter and this is
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something that american you know most americans have no idea this discussion is. but it's being watched closely but israel lobby groups that are using this is an opportunity to. really hit the administration. trying to push them back. in creating an environment in which the administration would be afraid. pushing back is it's free here because most americans are painted this the opportunity for these members of congress which actually most of them don't really care about the u.n. but to show you know show the flag is it were for their quote of. israel in fact the people there you know then like this. going to happen in
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september when the palestinian authority because the united nations. requests their health thank you britain now it's by member state well and that was late and in her opening statements today that that not happen and tell there is not an agreement in the middle east between israel and palestine republicans though you said you don't believe that they really care about the u.n. but nonetheless they're trying to cut funding and right against those cuts but to be fair the u.s. does make up twenty two percent of the u.n. budget they are the largest contributor to the point the taxpayer should be on the line for this much well first of all the way the funding yes allocators according to the size of your economy that's one of us this year is so large because the share the world economy is so large and that's and that's how it's been for years i think that this is less about. taxpayers' money is being
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spent after all you know were what the government is flushing in its future i think this is just a stick to beat the administration with and to get the united nations with or to make a threat against you know any christian the us criticism of israel if you know that states were to withdraw from the united nations in some ways you need to radically is why that was why that why do you believe that because it was so great no need for example you know we saw recently the. un security council was unable to do anything about the issue is really suddenly exposed in the west bank which is the main obstacle so there's no shit settlement at least at this moment it's a meeting of total talks at these webs of congress. it want. the palestinians and others a broader resolution the un security council's vetoed by the states which is sort
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of thing that the congress you know to me but they want to go even further i mean that's not enough many of them what they had actually funding withheld so they were taken one step further but it isn't just the interest in regard to israel i do want to address some of the other issues that lawmakers had with the united nations they're very but don't share the same views as the united states who are part of the united nations i want to play you some of that the comment that came out of today and white to lawmakers but the u.s. should not fun united nations in the way that it does. not giving in to an organization that permits communist china were human rights abuse or stamp a veto power over what it does as you know brothers and sisters are illegal in china we know that cuba for example is a state sponsor of terror we know they are harboring terrorists united nations is being used to serve as a vehicle perhaps to see how global government will function the idea that we're
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going to take our barbells and go home like various aspects of the un including when it exercises that stomach radical right to disagree with us is to me a juvenile posture so who is right is it a juvenile that everybody should agree with you in the united nations or should the united states be very angry that there are countries in the un into not agree with the us or they do not do everything the way that the united states wants them to do . mr connerly that's the only adult in your clip shown in here you know ross they can attack the united nations because of the fact that this red settlement was even consider. so you know she's objecting to the idea that other people get to speak even though the united states has the ability to veto everybody everybody in the world can be if you toed drive you know is that but that's not you know that's not enough that's not enough for again i'm sure she's a smart person she understands per well the whole of this world but she's posturing
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and in order to push back the administration right what to think about pushback one thing you know united nations within it the u.s. is trying to cast itself as the reformer you know everyone can have agreed at the un doesn't operate perfectly and it's flawed and so the united states has been the one to lead that charge however insiders that i think today cover the un everything all day they have it united states still have strong arms everybody into or tries to and to advancing its goals and having a say in every issue so what do you make of the reality here. oh of course you know news is far from perfect institution there are no perfect human institutions and nations has a lot of problems that come from the fact that you know there's no boss that can tell brussels to do so things have to be negotiated the united states has a lot of influence because it's sure it's rule in the security council and of
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course it's also true that the united states has multiple objectives that the united nations and you know quote unquote reform in the sense of you know making sure that money's not misspent there's only one thing on the menu so when it's doing things for example like trying to get the security council resolution on libya obviously that's a much higher priority you know twisting words if they have to overlook something in order to get if you will somebody of course they're going to. nobody in congress really is seriously objected to that kind of borg and that takes place at the right as i'm picking and choosing when it comes to what you object to now you mentioned roughly and she is the powerful chair of this committee the house foreign affairs committee she is the new chair and she also has a bill she has legislation she wants to make on funding voluntary and that she wants a guard us from a seat on the human rights council as well now she is outspoken on other issues she's basically completely in opposition to all of obama's foreign policy goals at
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least when it comes to china russia israel but i want to take a look at where she came from and her trajectory let's take a look at this report from r.t. correspondent kalen ford. you know how we can make this an even better to her fans she's a dog a defender of democracy this is elite let me hear from you mr berman if i may just for food she's a ferocious she was. going to rustling in the new chairman of the house foreign affairs committee of the more radical right wingers or. porton positions within the republican party and managed to acquire strategic pursue a position in the foreign policy machine and often today when it comes to dealing with common threats world leaders are met with an open hand from president obama and it clenched fist from. a cuban exile who came to the us as a child following the cuban revolution in one nine hundred fifty nine. wrestling in one her seat in congress twenty years ago in a campaign centered on freeing terrorist orlando bosh responsible for the bombing
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of this cuban airliner that killed seventy three people. it's a large florida thanks great part to the efforts of. the now we can imagine what it would be like with them actually setting the agenda with the committee that is setting the legislative agenda in her three months as chairman roslyn has wasted no time we must maintain firm ties with our allies and enemies must be clearly identified i hope that this administration can tell who's who for her allies she has expressed and we support this is the most designer congresswoman congress person. that exists today she is somebody who has unreservedly supported israel in all of its most violent.
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really genocidal acts but for those she perceives as enemies like china it's all tough talk if the president repression continue. use the beijing games will indeed become the genocide olympics critics say roslin and has a double standard on human rights denouncing photos and giving friends a free pass she counter softens and mire the gali lama but there's there's really no consistency if you look at her politics if that were the case then she wouldn't be advocating for the neglect of the palestinian people and the usurpation of the marker see for people in hunger. she's also taken a tough stance on the united nations i think that it's a place that's made up of bullies and. after two years of obama style multilateralism the chairman has made it her mission to limit the un's power in. this ministry this is the street and their orders were really.
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sure anything that we were ready for that you were also on her chopping block the administration's two years of building economic and political partnerships with countries like russia has russia not been providing nuclear technology and assistance to ram for decades has russia not provided missile assistance. for decades even as the us depends on russia's support for un sanctions against iran. by her predecessor. eager to defer to the white house on matters of foreign policy i would like her obama faces in trying to reset relations with strategic allies like russia and china and ford artsy washington d.c. so robert i'm curious do you think that roslin in her new position because she undermine u.s. interests abroad at least in opposition to the obama administration's openness and
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reset with russia for example wanting to trade with china shandor might not. non-significant you need to continue trading with china that's not western you know it's it's continue its relations with russia you know if you did so if they were implemented just a bit are you saying our influence is limited i think your influence is limited and true in every administration and this regime has brought autonomy in foreign affairs so it's number one number two a lot of this is true but what's really there isn't actually many issues there isn't that much difference between the administrative. rossley in practice. you know the united states. the russian were supplying. nuclear technology to the bush administration it's a great point and really it's posture and really quickly robert i'm curious about a double standard in congress because earlier we heard a florida lawmaker in
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a hearing today criticize cuba as a sponsor of terrorism when criticizing the u.n. but killing for its report showed off light and helped free a terrorist responsible for the bombing of a cuban airliner that killed seventy three people is there a double standard in congress who certainly rossley you know this is or her track record of yours her definition of terrorists people just like. there's your point you know when it comes to cuban exiles using terrorism you can go to that's not terrorism that's worked on for years all right i want to thank you for going back and forth with me on those many interesting issues coming out of congress in dealing with the united nations today that was robert naiman director of just foreign policy that up going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to our team dot com slash usa check out our you tube page it's youtube dot com slash r t america and follow me on twitter at lauren lesser send me a message tell us what you think about the show and then.


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