tv [untitled] April 8, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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john berman here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture a. new web site which twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never. knew. that is so. meet the political. parties are.
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you guys welcome to shower and tell on the obama show we've heard our guests not to say on the topic now i want to hear. just go on to you tube the video response i want to twitter first part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is. your voice. ok it's time for tonight's told time award and tonight it goes to the morning host of fox and friends this trio over at fox news has a very long history of spinning the truth delivering g.o.p. talking points daily but this week they found something new to complain about and it wasn't the impending government shutdown or the three u.s. military conflicts taking place around. world it was this hugo and this is you've
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got to see to believe this which is our crayola changing the colors of the rainbow instead holding collars of the cultures he clearly said to the crayons. that's right the fox and friends hosts are actually pissed the crayola has recognized that there is more than one skin tone in the world now before we go any further the image the fox showed was actually markers not koreans maybe somebody should tell them that there's a difference but i thought some friends host kind of theory they believe the crayola is just pandering to liberal parents who are politically correct they even brought in michelle malkin the conservative blogger and commentator to get her reaction. will get in catchphrase to make sure that both k. to color stuff in your missionary case washable borchers is going on which job out there and if it's just goofy i have to say i'm proud that i survived my childhood without the multicultural markers i was fine with first seattle and i
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think really most elementary school kids are fine with pink or blue you know my son draws everybody with blue anyway i see that in their. own shell where to begin first of all what is wrong with markers or kranz that actually show the numerous skin tones of people from around the world you know when i was little i could read do with colors well they didn't look like skin there would be some people who were red some people who were yellow and it really hampered my artistic skills and michelle let's be honest your skin isn't that peachy color that's been the only one around for years so i would think we would appreciate this change and i personally say bravo for these multicultural colors but here's the really interesting part of the story what's behind this attack on creole is recognition of diversity by the fox and friends hosts well the markers and the grants have actually been around for years media matters pointed out a story about the multicultural colors was posted on a website on april fools day. what you know just
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a few days later fox and friends ran with the story so did they fall for a hoax or was it just a slow news day and they needed something to bitch about either way gretchen carlson steve doocy and brian kilmeade are all tools for wasting viewers' times with his stupid story. now more than one hundred senators and congressmen have signed on to a letter written by sen orrin hatch demanding that attorney general eric holder bring more prosecutions for violations of federal obscenity laws according to hatch and his colleagues we now know more about excuse me we know more now than ever about how legal adult obscenity important contributes to violence against women harm to children and sex trafficking and of this material harms individuals families and communities and the problems are only getting worse but do we really know these things and should this really be a priority for congress right now joining me to discuss it is chris clark logan with internet safety one or if and that will usher in chief of reason magazine thank you both for joining me tonight for starters can somebody explain to me
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exactly what obscenity is when it comes to pornography where you draw that line about a porn connoisseur there's a big distinction between the harmful to minors content that content which actually is legal for your me to you know to create to possess to distribute legal for any adult to distribute which is harmful to minors to children in content which actually is pertinent in nature which actually is hardcore sexual content which has no artistic literary or scientific value and that type of content it actually is legally defined as obscenity and therefore not protected by the first amendment so all the rest of it was true you know i mean to do kind of subject to what you might be offended by what you might be termed gothic definitions of potter stewart i know it when i see it and there's been you call the community standards over the years and legal and legal interpretations that don't actually have a hard and fast rule you can't in fact because there's just. as you make it
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a statutory thing to come up against the first amendment so instead there is for consensual adult pornography and evolving and completely non-statutory standard but we have seen is that the u.s. department of justice has filled time and time again to act. prosecuted finnerty in recent years but when they have actually gone and gone up against prosecuting of sanity and we have seen that b.s. legal measures are protected by the us supreme court because we do find that the majority of the content that is available today involves things like women in gauging in sexual acts while ingesting vomits while rolling around in p. we see a lot of hard core group sex based reality it's cetera which doesn't necessarily fall under our protected free speech and there are legal protections and measure we just hope that apartment just actually pursue enforcement of those laws ok so obviously there is a gray area as to what you consider free speech what you consider seen or not but then tell me you know according to senator hatch we very clearly now know the
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effects that this type of pornography has on communities has on children on sex trafficking on women what evidence is there for that well we have seen you know of course that there is an increase the amount of. individuals who are actually using hardcore pornography to groom and also to legitimize biol and against women to normalize that type of content within their shops we always like legal brothels in las vegas i'm sorry about that overseas and go overseas and consumption of individuals who are also prosecuting or who are actually targeting children for sexual abuse or in possession of hardcore pornography to testify to the fact that their use of hardcore pornography lead in a downward spiral when i so desire and us is right because obviously we're talking about our own laws here at home even in the united states that we're seeing that a lot of individuals who are actually targeting children sexually abusing children section or in possession of hardcore pornography violence this prevalent hardcore pornography some of the deviant sexual behavior is becoming normalized that's
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contributing to violence against women even in individuals who are actually perpetrating sex abuse sexual victimization against even partners are are often in possession. they frequent users of hardcore pornography right now i want you to get in here too because there's a reason why that answer was vague and rambling since one thousand nine hundred three when the internet came around and pornography is everywhere we've all seen it and probably participated in it to some degree at least there's some you know going on behind you we've only magine it since that time crime is down everywhere in america crime against minors is down sexual crime against minors is down rape is down all these numbers are growing like this as porn is going like this what we need to do is to whip up some kind of moral panic so that we can say oh this we're going to link this to children it's going to be terrible that's why we're quoting the brothel statistics in zero thirty nine we look at the fact that all these statistics are going down and you talk about early sex crimes against children down
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fifty three percent abortion has dropped teen pregnancy is drop divorce rate is drop domestic violence tends to you and i even see it as also there are dropped out of the end of story it's in front of me but right and that study actually ended two thousand and four and two thousand and four you actually see a spike an increase in sexual about their nesting violence and a lot of the cars have been a sushi within our product we also look at children and they're acting out sexually the younger generation it has been the generation that has the predominate impact they're the ones who are ingesting a lot of this content you see an increase in teen on teen sexual violence we also see an increase a twenty percent spike actually interested in her acting out sexually against other children because of their access to hardcore pornography which is a very violent deviant and takes a lot of content which isn't part of a normal healthy sexual relationship is what's happening because of people like orrin hatch seventeen year olds one thousand year olds are being prosecuted for
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promoter for distribution of pornography because they're sending each other texts of their boobs they're being grown up and i never had sex sting as apparently they all of the protecting the children this is how mad we've gotten with this moral panic over and about. you know and this is not about a moral panic this is actually just about enforcing the u.s. law this is we've had three years here is it fair to necessarily make the connection that just because more people out there watching porn just because the point might be getting a little more fetishizing more hardcore that these people necessarily want to act that would mean you're saying that perhaps some of these people that do become violent happen to be fans of porn you could say they were going to be crazy and beat someone up anyway well i'm just curious as to how you can make this direct correlation we're running out of time so just tell me why this is something that congress needs to be worried about right now considering everything else that's going this is a u.s. law we've seen it time and time again the u.s. supreme court has actually upheld our federal obscenity laws and it is within the realm of the responsibility of the department of justice to enforce existing
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obscenity laws because we have seen there are numerous studies to show this that has an association a correlation with increases and child sexual abuse victim is a share in teen violence and also violence against women and so we think it's an important thing but if you prosecute him for saying last words it's an important reminder of why the government shutdown would be such a bad thing when the business of government is to deprive people of liberty for consensual sex that's a disgrace ok so if the government doesn't shut down in midnight tonight you can watch all the hardcore scary porn that you want you guys break you so much for joining us tonight yes thank you now it's been a little bit of a while since i've done one of my unplugged segments on this show but i couldn't think of a better day to bring it back today that our government has been put on the brink of a shutdown not over money and a general concern for how much our government is spending but over abortion and quite frankly over a false concern about abortion the hyde amendment already prohibits federal funding
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to go towards abortions something the republicans are conveniently trying to ignore instead of spreading lies working people up into a frenzy telling them that their tax dollars are going towards it so let me give you a little bit of truth land pair. it is an organization is an organization that is so incredibly important to women's health specifically lower income women that wouldn't have access to cancer screenings or s.t.d. testing or birth control because they can't afford health insurance so by due funding planned parenthood you're not saving lives quite the opposite you're putting more lives into jeopardy sort of threatening a government shutdown based on lies that's just the most ludicrous the most disgusting the most absolutely insane thing that i can imagine but of course you know that the funding planned parenthood only scratches the surface when it comes to the war that the g.o.p. is waging on women's reproductive rights we told you how to grasp the and kansas have passed new laws prohibiting a female from having an abortion after twenty weeks of pregnancy all based on
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a statistic that claims that the fetus can feel pain by this point in time but if you look at the science behind the statistic it's highly debated amongst analysts all across the country and in indiana where they passed a similar bill we told you how one state g.o.p. representative wanted to add an amendment to the measure to ban abortions based on rape or incest for fear that a woman would lie just to get an abortion and whoever believes that is sick they also want to help professionals to tell the woman that an abortion could cause breast cancer again a debug healthcare statistic another lie in arizona just signed a law banning abortions based on race or gender even though there haven't been any reports of that happening and it's a non issue so that means that governments really should be spending taxpayer dollars on real problems but today let's also shine a light on i hope they're just the latest state to wage war against the woman's uterus and yes i said it uterus the new that word according to the g.o.p.
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idaho state houses created an anti-abortion law where they want to protect all fetuses even those conceived by rape or incest because get this it's not that this is fault oh but rape is the woman's fault are you people craig. easy i go republican state representative grant crane made this statement to his fellow legislators he said the hand of the almighty was at work his ways are higher than our ways and he has the ability to take difficult tragic horrific circumstances and then turn them into wonderful examples so if a woman gets raped thing you want to tell her that god wanted it that way one hundred if we can generalize all instances of difficult tragic and horrific circumstances as an opportunity to become wonderful examples is unjustified to say the least but you know what if you want to play that game but i did say that the reason that we have modern science modern medicine things like birth control and abortion is because god gave us grains and because god wanted us to develop them to
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look at the horrors that religion has pressed upon people and turn them into wonderful examples of how to welcome progress and logic and to accept them and be free from the constraints of close minded zealots like you and that's the hand of the almighty you're just too scared to see it. i must say that that sounds rather convincing doesn't it now still to come tonight we have our friday fireside chat and then it's time for happy hour archie producer jenny churchill and jay grauer founder of realist idealist labs will join me for a little fun. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then he'd look something else here see some other part of it and realize everything you saw. i'm trying hard to look at the big picture.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right now. i think iraq is needed and wanted well. we haven't got the it says nuclear can can safely get ready if you give them their freedom. hey guys welcome to shellings hell on the on a ship with part of our guests not to say on the topic now i want to hear audience says no i think you seem to video responses are to twitter for fun of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday night with the show your responses please play your voice.
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black sites those secret prisons of agency held in a number of countries where they house suspected terrorists and it whatever they wanted with them because it was all the secret and out of the public's eyes but you know that just because you signed those orders doesn't mean that we aren't still detaining people in afghanistan longer merit based was a huge prison they can house up to twenty six hundred detainees and despite the pentagon's denials for years we've been hearing from human rights groups from former detainees the that's not all that there are more out there and today the a.p. released a harrowing report detailing what that more is and this time it was an anonymous government official that laid it all out and admitted those dirty deeds there are according to this report by him those here roughly twenty secretive temporary prison sites in afghanistan there run by the joint special operations command jaison the military's elite counterterrorism unit and unlike previous statements from the pentagon that a detainee could only be held at a temporary site for maybe fourteen days turns out they can be held there for as
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long as nine. elites and all they might not be getting water boarded they're subject to isolation to sleep deprivation she humiliation like being porous to strip nude and it sounds a lot like what they're doing to bradley manning right now on u.s. soil doesn't it and by international standards those things are still considered torture by the standards of obama's executive order or interrogations that's been banned and the dreamland of winning hearts and minds that's a nightmare so while obama signed this order closing cia black sites and batting torture it turns out that now it's just the military that is running these secret prisons and even though they may have stopped waterboarding they're still torturing people so i'm not really sure what the point of all the fanfare was that changing the agency that conducts these brutal acts doesn't change the fact that the u.s. is still inducting them so i guess that pans out a lot like the last two years where we realize that changing the president from
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bush to obama doesn't change the majority of our policies least of all when it comes to the war on terror and you remember when obama stuff calling it the war on terror to you as if that made all the difference in the world it's a sham it's a cool exists see full joke and shame on me for ever believing it. it's friday finally i've been waiting for all week logs though it's time for a happy hour tonight and since all week long we've been forced to talk about the looming government shutdown and since republicans there's jerks that wanted to shut down over abortion and got a you got a we can make fun of some younger republicans who aren't yet in office or hopefully it never will be but let's listen to the young cons latest video.
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so. you can. talk. to her. about this because your son or. i mean i'm almost speechless because it sucks so bad but then i could just talk about how much it sucks but like you do it i mean it's interesting. i mean for me the funniest part was on the site where they were like releasing their new video and the kids are the college kids out there can relate to this because we really we mentioned things from our childhood like who came on and finding. really old because i considered those things like way younger than me it was weird clip we can show they were there mentioning donkey kong. that works. on and i would still like you know donkey kong poking on and finding even during times
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like gangster rap it just doesn't work you know the fact that you all made me watch this video today reminded me of something i've been meaning to do for a long time which is a p.s.a. to all of america and i'd like to deliver that now which is please young white suburban suburban i met of this great country of ours please quit rapping on video just stop whatever whatever idea you have in your mind about how good you're going to look if you're wrong it's just not good stuff please stop my favorite. my favorite part was we were talking about this in the green room as chris clark was leaving and she said that when she was younger she also thought that she was going to be a rapper so she had been at dartmouth now maybe she will be there if you are going to read just don't put it on video just don't put it where we are it's a lot of video so we can make fun of it and what i was pushing. ok now let's move on to something that i guess is a little bit more serious because it's not just people talking on video these are
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people that actually are have horrible thoughts in their mind forty six percent of mississippi republicans think that interracial marriage should be illegal that's according to public policy polling. i have we gone back hundreds of years in this world and i would know a whole lot about mississippi i've never been there if you guys ever been there before i've been there are grew up pretty close to the border grew up in a small town in columbia tennessee is the mule couple of the world so i'm actually highly dubious of the study you know if you look at the details of the study was that about four hundred people in a rural area i have to say growing up in a small rural southern town the idea that half those people would think first of all they don't you want government of all their lives at all much less regulating their marriages yeah actually i had a similar thought when i looked at it i mediately was like something seems off here so i did a little digging into it and i have to say i think there's something seriously fishy about this study considering if you look at previous studies in the same area tennessee kentucky alabama and mississippi all together the rate thought that way
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was only thirty six percent and that was ten years ago and we like to think that we're progressing in the opposite direction so that is already something i think of the opposite direction looking at the world people are treating now muslim americans let's look at the boxes reacting to different skin tone color kranz not i really big issue comes when you break down the survey further and look at the cross charts and when you look at the cross charts conservatives in mississippi who consider themselves liberal so on the liberal side of the conservative scale fifty five percent said that they wanted an original marriage to be illegal if you go slightly liberal seventy something percent said it there's clearly something off there because that just doesn't make any sense but now the fact that anybody says that at all is going to be right i mean it should be zero that if you is going to we'd still be saying this is a ridiculous number right the fact that i know you wonder what it means to be liberal in this is really i saw a little different there when i get a good idea or two this just is running out of time but i think it's so fun these days if you want to get a job you're going to get
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a lot of really odd questions thrown your way because they want to judge your sense of humor your critical thinking skills of course so i have a good one for you. whoever wants to answer first you tell me if you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender how would you get out. question my question if you are you know i want asking to quite how you the size of been on sharpened pencil because you are the size of an un sharpened pencil to me it seems like you should be able to climb out of the blender i'm not the one that made enough money i let you know what in the back and i would just wait patiently till it put it in a banana and climb up the banana or or make them turn and i'm sure the same terminal for you to have handy or not is a side leg so i was right. i think this is great so i guess my yes was all good there but you're crazy if you're turned into them sometimes i. try to pencil like you out on the blades and you know joe that's what this is because of every every job interview should include questions like this i really think look this one is
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the one i think that's hilarious and the easiest how else could you market ping pong balls if big pong itself became obsolete are you kidding me if you not see what college kids you know that it is yet you never seen beer pong and i mean how do you know where the sensors are on your last night but i couldn't find my favorite was actually how many balloons would it take to fill this room and at my answer would be the exact amount for an office party i don't know how could you know someone in a job interview what you hope god will tell you when you reach the pearly gates and then. i mean what if they paid anything else ever reach those pearly gates actually has a right to do something about it and say yes i'm very very right now i got a funny one but i don't know what's going to make everybody be religious they want to come work with you that's just me and i maybe i got to revaluate then you're like going into the hole figuring out what religion people are you're really not supposed to ask ok what's your favorite curse reservoir politico's know what that's what your favorite curse word and what i would have if i wasn't on t.v.
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right now but i tell you but unfortunately i have a few restrictions ok explain quantum electrodynamics in two minutes but you only. thank you it's very small it's a large circle and it's moving also dynamic also dynamic so there's that i think that pretty much sums up the entire concept and you could say that maybe that's going to be the name of the next gen james bond movie but it sounds about right on for maybe the rock i mean you are going to want to thank. you very much for joining me on this but i think for night's show thanks for tuning into may treat them back on monday investigations here in the u.s. may be overshadowing the events in libya but that doesn't change the fact that the u.s. is still participating in a war so we'll bring you the latest details in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the alone a show or to post the interviews as well so show me some tidy up next is the news
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