tv [untitled] April 9, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT
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market. scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines fueling into cars a report on our team hungry for the full slate we've got it from the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers r.t. . this is the r.t. news channel broadcasting around the world from central moscow these are the top stories tonight the shared grief poles and russians alike gathered to mourn the length selection scheme ninety five members of the polish political elite killed in a plane crash in western russia a year ago. the british military reports sitting seven pro-government tanks in libya but meantime support for nato is still shaky of the previous pluggers in the operation and a group of african leaders are on
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a mission to try and ease the conflict between the government and rebels this week and. also top financial minds gather in an iconic american town to discuss what went wrong with the world's economy and where it needs to go from boy to repeat the placing of dollars the reserve currency and increased role of emerging markets are among the main topics. it's a level thirty one pm moscow time up next the war in the first anniversary of the plane crash near smolensk in our spotlight show we'll go north says guests about the tragedy and how it's affected relations between russia. hello again it wasn't just part like the interview show. day where commemorating the anniversary of the tragic plane crash at the airfield near the russian city of
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smolensk until a geisha headed by polish president lech kaczynski was on their way to russia to take part in a morning ceremony for thousands of victims of the nine hundred forty cats in mass but the plane crashed just short of a runway and a russian. tragedy shocked people on both sides of the border both in poland and russia but today i hear often a crash we're looking at how the tragedy has affected relations between the two countries here in our moscow studio we'll have the executive secretary of the russian polish group on difficult issues out of jail and from war so we're joined by the chairman of the polish same foreign affairs committee andre. thousands of polish officers were executed by stalin secret police in russia seventy years ago after blaming the nazi regime for the crime forty years later the u.s.s.r. acknowledged so it's
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a complete was responsible for the deaths for all these years the murders poisoned relations between moscow and more so however last april the prime ministers of russia and poland went to cotton to commemorate the victims of the massacre and turned the page and by little relations. just days later the polish president lech kaczynski died in a plane crash on his way to a party in commemoration ceremony the international aviation commission investigated and blamed the polish pilots responsible for the accident but warsaw says the results are incomplete saying moscow was covering up mistakes by russia. air traffic controllers the ones who produce a song report on the tragedy. hello . hello hello upon her and jay thank you think they're going to have to do thank you for joining us thank you for joining us and well i'd like to ask tell me if you
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if you let me the first question i would have are still. jane because she's our guest here was late. i asked how did the polish public opinion towards russians how did it change over this past year it is you monitor the results of the public opinion polls. yes of course it's visible first of all it's a longer period than one year only because i think the crucial and very important. they all the time was the visit of prime minister. so it was the first of september. of the second world war and during this event. mr putin prime minister putin said the very important words that we have to name evil as evil and we cannot accept evil
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as a whole. so these are values which are fundaments of. good we'll. just a good sign for false friendly corporation the. plane crash i mean presidential. plane crash last year. was a tragic moment but during this tragedy i remember flour was the behavior ordinary people on tours. so your authorities i mean russian i thought it was. very active it was human reaction and this human reactions it was very big. this friendly corporation friendly relations on this fundamental through which was build before so i think it was
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a very natural expectation of this good emotions between us during the tragedy that . we have heard a lot during this year from poland including accusations of accusations. sure did monitor the russian part of the continued so what was the tendency in russia how did the russians according to the polls react to that to the whole situation after the tragedy i absolutely agree with mr chairman he said the russians directed nature really and in a very human. way and there was no any other way to react and i like this approach that mr chairman started not with the tragedy at least with the first of september . to solve them tonight or with this meeting it was that brought them in poland because our approach to each other disagrees with if you like between russia and poland it started. much at all there then this great catastrophe
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in small amounts and we created quite a lot before to build this mutual confidence in our russian and polish elites and one of those parts of the society of those who feel. styled to such other and that was right up to the moment of the. accident we were moved somehow peaceably moved. with a better understanding of each other and that is why probably because of these special that our action was so nature will so prompt so if and then we managed to convert from the privileges to better wish. in small lives poland lost not only its head of state but a significant part of its political and military elete how how heavy were the consequences for the political stability in the country has poland recovered yet
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from this blow well first of all the state that the authority is so active this is the constitution the constitution says what the during such a situation it was but of course it was very. difficult very tough moment for all of us we lost our friends but also realize the key persons key decision makers. i think that the most important thing for the. relations between the states and through elations between the politicians and the relations between the societies the ordinary people is not to politicize the tragedy. you speak about not politicizing the tragedy but i know that pretty soon in may we're expecting the publication of the final conclusions by the polish side do you have any idea what should we expect from this paper will it be
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politics all will be peer like a junior talk but there are two things and they would like to finish the first sentence that first of all i'm not so naive. to expect not using cause so in internal politics the tragedy as emotions and you have also the same situation in. russia i remember the press conference organized boy. form the old person with their wife. and the old k.g.b. officer who said why mr putin is there this is not our. interest because. because of his point of view we have also politicians who are against this but relations or against how to say no to using emotions does better emotions in politics but this is merging and i would
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like to. see those people or some emotion of this. situation if you are talking about. the marx report or the other things. i would say loudly in our society we expect i think also our common interests and common expectation are the final is a. of the process or for having the final opinion what was the case but it should be explained in complete the document and unfortunately the first attempt or for makes it was. an complete that was not complete this is our opinion and this is the expectation we have to have. the process. given in very transparent but also complete way
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after we hear how you have a comment do you agree with that opinion you accepted knowledge so you should be supportive because it's really a reasonable approach and thank you to abuse the chairman you. yes well this interstate of asian committee report or as we call it here in russian marks. report really it was the report of the inclination the student chosen by boss of the parties involved but then. somehow or was followed by the respective and give you our investigation made by. two parts russia and poland separately well our polish release of a precipitated in investigation provided by the german prosecutor office here in russia and i guess in my in may we can really finalize finalize all these
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investigations then i guess we will move will move quite a compromise because in general harrison it's clear that ridgeley happened because it's like happened somewhere. else and the dog to play with the pills and the political film i agree with the opinion that generally the facts are well known but also. object to. objectivity should be done that's a most important thing but generally of course we know the facts. but this here year since national relation committee mack which i found just quoted they released a report in january twelfth citing pilot error as the main cause of the crash which occurred when the plane hit trees well attempting to land in fake fog is polish opinion ready in principle to accept the truth if it will contain
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accusations against russia if there were it should not contain accusations against russia and in this case the polish public opinion would be more ready to accept the truth what what's your feeling. first of all we had to run today the press conference of general persecutor and part of the public opinion was in the fall on the house so all those politicians who are talking all they gave their question marks concerning the. plane crash. with russian good thing on. the not because of the process of explanation so we have the polish investigation the polish investigation we will give us a final explanation of what was done before the flight during the flight and also
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how it was sort of denies the bar first of all we have to exclude we have to. not listen to the people who are talking about that deficient four course on some kind of you know stupid explanations with. i was so political background. you have to the russian public opinion have to listen to our fish of voice and official institutions and then the this is my remark to this question that's. chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the polish parliament speaking to us live from after warsaw and here in the studio we have. the exact kind of secretary of the russian and polish group on difficult issues spotlight who will be back shortly how to take a break so stay with us don't go.
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the brutal. welcome back to spotlight on our we're live in just a reminder that my guests on the show today are out of my league in he's here in the studio with me he is the executive secretary of the russia close group a difficult issues and angie holan ski the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the polish parliament he is joining us live and not being able to cover from us the beautiful picture of spring in warsaw that we see on the very ground hello again welcome back to the show and congressional races with the wonderful weather you're going there in a pool and well children but in. general first of all i would like to remind our
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viewers that that cat cat in the place where the tragic last year a clear appearance there for decades this town has been a stumbling block in relations between russia and poland but the situation has begun to change spotlights even admit neither has more on that. one thousand nine hundred forty cart and massacre one of the stimulated twenty thousand. were murdered on stalin's orders is one of the most due to represent in ruins between russia and poland the u.s.s.r. denied it ever committed a crime blaming it on the nazis it was me how you grew charge who admitted the truth twenty years ago but that wasn't enough to reconcile the two countries they've been divided on only good description of the killings with who and insisting and russia refusing to call genocide. in recent years things have gone back a year ago the prime ministers of russia and poland all of the victims of khartoum
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together for the first time the vanguard he story was believed to be a serious step towards improving relations three days later the world was shocked to have cartoon associated with one more train to be the plane carrying the polish president and his entourage crashed on its way to ceremony for the victims of khartoum the crash we have true and the two nations further apart but it had an opposite the fact. two antagonists found themselves side by side one in the victims and waited conducting the joint investigation of the tragedy is that a month after the crash russia handed documents only quite a massacre of. their lives is it was december was seen as an ice breaking trip the russian president promised the russians would continue to cooperate with hu and in revealing the whole truth about the trade you can dance of seventy years ago.
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jewel we we saw a couple of pictures from from in the history of the second world war and a couple of facts from the recent history relation between the two countries well i would like to ask you both at this point what are we talking about we are we talking about the official relations between the officials in poland and in russia or we're talking about the attitude of the two nations because both sides they suspect pressure from the authorities russian suspects pressure from their thirty's the poll suspect political pressure from the kremlin on the situation but is it wise to identify the guilty authorities even if they are found guilty with the people with the nations and should this affect and is it affecting the attitude
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toward the two nations well let's start with you mr william i'm quite optimistic going to say that we will really overcome this problem of. course linked with scrapping because process was a prison governor provided was. materials of the polish side explaining and. that either was screened committed by and given their political or stalins order. and then we needed a guest of course. society and some parts of the russian elite that it was through what gorbachev said to the polish authorities in very late eighty's and bendis for example the task of russian but with europe and difficult issues was to persuade begin russian society and say or to find a proper war so the polish society saying stop we understand
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a little skin needed by the previous regime and stop blaming us because we'll really cut off from the premature very view but if russia has already overcome its superiority complex this is that mean that the poles have overcome their inferiority complex let me ask let us housing i guess your pursuit. first off of course i think that we have a completely new artemus for today but of course you ask about the expectation the expectation is very easy to explain this is true only on this fundamental we can build a future and if you are talking about cutting you we are talking about the. officers who are. in this for a forest and of course it's. russian decision but what do we expect i think very easy thing i think very high belief ation the explanation.
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that it was murder that it was. very thread digital event done in this forest by. the. officers this is the situation was known in poland but of course you have to remember that during our. during the pates we had the nut this. tragedy also explained in our historical bookstore thank you for the all the people all the prophets so as. the authors of black and white. room shapes the group of the difficulties because now we can build. a good relations based
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on this through which was described by historical. by breaking story. of this book we can also build the new institution we are after acceptation of the feeling we can establish that and to be ready to establish center of dialogue on both sides in moscow and in warsaw i think it will be very important into this institution which is able to continue to do some work of the group of difficult issues which was done before and thank you for claudine seaforth and for this work and this is what this was a very very important little get well and you have just mentioned this weird private group and difficulties how how is the work of the joint commission on history going on is it easy to found to find common language to find understanding to do to stay in common ground with the poles and such that she questions asked in
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for example support of the group itself it was really very easy because it was a group of historians special some contemporary polish if you saw russian affairs and there was no they were to sit within the group because it was weird italy it was what. happened there it made him for example but we didn't look only on. it we covered the whole recharged. story issues but our task was rather. if you like similar political say or seventy two i'm a dick was a diplomatic how to persuade how the green how to move it from political agenda and it was wise historians of theirs which suggests how to do it will persuade the leadership to participate from both sides to pursue pay for example generally the
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plotting police are paid to be jointly. together on a ceremony in green to join russian victory day in moscow that is to say we found out in kabul history that links us together and not simply the lights but it was. one of the political things is is when member president come out as a visitor the rats last year and i think also that the visit april eleventh kind of thing. president to me through from your together friend mr president komorowski it will be a next step on the way to come and celebration of this. come on tragedies come and historical events to the new future which is much more important of course but as i said before we have to. also educate
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people of how it was and why and we have to a little bit understand also that this evil time can never. be a threat again. for a long time the relations between russia and poland have been poor because of the cat massacre issue it has influence through lesions negatively all of. this agreement the disagreement between the two countries besides this captain issue because there is an opinion that once we overcome caton everything's everything will be sunny and wonderful in our relations is a true. not think under the present of course because we have economic ties and i think very small with we have to implement a law which should be more similar. in common union i mean come in the europe. i think that you should be closer to europe but of course there are
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some things though people think of it because of normal life style relations but normal relations also contain i would seek treatment so they can pain problems but they also can piece decisions so they can be swayed and they can peace prospects for the future thank you thank you very much at a time and thank you very much just to remind that from my guests on the show today we're out of. the executive secretary of the russian polish group one difficult issues and angie the chairman of the foreign affairs committee at the polish parliament to say and that's it for now from all of us here if you want tell yourself spotlight you can always drop me a line will be back with more first and comment on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay and r.t. and take a.
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