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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the. one year on from the tragedy that killed the polish president lech kaczynski mornings here were at the site of the crash at the small field pools to remember this is an extremely emotional day for poland that more than one hundred thousand people will march the streets of more salt in a commemoration march the latest details from warsaw. double standards and nato is accused of allowing rebels in libya to violate u.n. imposed no fly zone but the two opposition truckers are shut down by government
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forces. and other stories this week a priest in finland faces racial hatred charges for speaking out against one of the world's most wanted terrorists let's start spreading sixteen ism. plus the international space station and out comes a new crew with a special mission helping hoffa centuries since mine's first flight into orbit and the inspiration is provided ever since. this is all a tease weekly news for if you live from moscow welcome to the program but first poland and russia remembering a tragedy that left the two nations devastated and a year ago a plane carrying the late to polish president lech kaczynski and i think i've others crashed near the russian city of slavyansk for more on. on the commemoration
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ceremonies as closely. in warsaw hits in the smaller screen. a year on from the tragedy here was the scene now at the place where it all happened. yesterday the wife of the polish president on a call models together with the families of many of the victims came here. to the crash by the civilians gas field to attend the memorial and remembrance service they then moved on to the. very similar timetable we followed by the president's been vetted and. on a monday and of course it's walls and we'll be able to choose chief that they did here two pools and reflect and really move in the ninety six on people without people of one five full flying from walsall to see melendez and he died on april tenth in the trees just behind me on board that flight was of course the polish president lech kaczynski the commander in chief of the polish air force and its
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army chief the huge iranian all this of course is that the polish delegation was on its way to western russia to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the canteen massacre when a twenty thousand poles died at the hands of soviet soldiers it was to be a milestone of a small king the easing intense russia polish relations. cross to alexina was a great tragedy for the poles what's the feeling in warsaw this morning. indeed this is a very emotional day for poland and people are starting to gather here in the very heart of the polish capital warsaw in front of the presidential palace this was of course the scene of massive collaboration last year with tens of thousands from all over poland coming here to lay flowers and wreaths and memory of those died in small in this man's plane crash we are expecting of course tens and tens of thousands of people hundreds of thousands people to take part. in
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a commemorative march all throughout the day here in warsaw by all means because the massacre and the smolensk tragedy are both very emotional pages for the history of poland but all emotions aside now this this tragedy the latest one in some as is being used nowadays by some political forces here in poland now the party of the of the late polish president and his brother yet also it is using some strong and russian rhetoric even sometimes going as far as accusing moscow and the current polish government of a conspiracy in hiding what they call hiding facts of the investigation now of course the present ruling powers in warsaw the president. prime minister saying that they're pretty happy with investigation at some other point they're saying that russians are holding back the fight so it is very unclear according to many experts where this political game will go but clearly these emotions of the polish people are being used in political ways as some sometimes here in poland but today
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of course their main focus is on the tragedy the commemorations will be held all across the country here in warsaw and in the city of krakow where the presidential couple was buried a year ago and we of course keeping all the track of all the latest details here in poland and alice the investigation it was a tough issue for both nations want to be know about the details of how the trash the actually happened. the interstate aviation. a c. released the details of its report on the twelfth of january and they concluded says the pilot error was mostly to blame for the crash of course compounded by. weather invisibility and like psychological pressure being exerted on the pilots by some of the passengers on board to land the plane as soon as possible but nonetheless they concluded pilot error was mostly to blame many.
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conclusions of that report and say that more needs to be done to investigate the conditions of the airfield here and also the role played by grounds so off here could they have done more to prevent the plane from landing but one of the points that's stressed in that i.a.c. report is that ground school zones do not have the right over rule of pilots who is also the mission to land and he was stated that he does intend to lands well let's look back now at the details of the flights one a one found for some from rousseau that in one moment surprised ponens of its president its first lady and many of its military intellectual and religious leagues. the final moments within seconds all ninety six on board flight one i was dead.
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the time was ten forty one am. i was outside for the plane was flying with one of its wings going down to heaven so fast that question to the trees and burst into full fire it was obvious that no one was going to survive the flames were as high as a five story ground control stall for there were no conditions turn around last requests were still made to attempt a trial approach transcripts from the plane's black box flight recorder revealed the crew were acutely aware of the rapidly decreasing visibility and also a pressure to land as soon as possible to go crazy yeah we don't know who he is what we do know is that a senior minister periodically into the cockpit throughout the flight at the chief of the air force himself was present at the time the crunch under these conditions the pilots continued their approach well having passed. it's of no return the
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president's plane began its final descent but the dense fog and poor visibility meant that the crew had in fact already missed their target is coming into land some fifty meters below the runway where the base of the aircraft began to graze the tops of these trees and one particularly tall birch rich a huge hole out of the left wing causing the aircraft to roll down within just five seconds that those at the top of one five four had hit the ground hard that far we we didn't know about there was a crash we now found and has that sound thing wrong so from copying but here we see and and we came here as a as far as it was possible none of that believe it happened we were talking about that it was under all the stick incredible that sense of shock and disbelief reverberated around the world as the news began to spread that in a single moment poland had suffered but its prime minister would later dump it's of
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west tragedy since world war two alice if it r.t. . after the tragedy in the sky will have special coverage of the commemoration service will remember how it happened and taken from the toughest occasion that followed stay with us for all that coverage. is not enough. when it's something really crucial. when you want to get down to brass tacks we bring you our special coverage here. in a place already synonymous with tragedy the world witnessed another disaster that left the country devastated. and united nations in a great. question more. moving on now to developments in libya where two rebel
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helicopters are being shot down by colonel gadhafi forces in the city of boston that's led to questions aimed at nato over why opposition forces are apparently being allowed to the un mandated no fly zone it. seem the most serious of forces against the opposition since the beginning of international strikes the rebels are becoming disillusioned regulators help number of so-called friendly fire casualties on the ground since the alliance took over the no fly zone twenty one to the fighters killed dozens injured raids parties and office when i spoke to some of the rebels in the city. there are an awful libyan army moved any service going all the way to retirement but now he's fighting for the revolution and is among a few rubles at the front with military training and experience. their forces are
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not even we are ready to fight to the death but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since needing to control the north winds on operation it's going to need more than one thousand sorties into the u.n. screens around of good of that every sports is now been destroyed. by the help from the skerries on the ground and the rebels are still digging abounding. litter is field there are civilians in a starter daily or green emeritus and yes they are building to improper actions figures that could buy a few troops for the rebels taking the town of regen means clearing the way west i just wanted seen. a new series of mortar attacks by gadhafi forces truly chaotic retreat. but. just a week ago good thing was. revolution me it seems the entire seat please meet it's
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work he probably gets to that list of girls missing this can be it seems to me all good us is this is crazy that's what. this one are becoming common seen mean or infusing media all feeling to protect civilians they are asking for help in the demanding it. i don't get all they way to fall for gadhafi to kill is still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow us. but experts say arming the rebels all wouldn't helps when the war with the rebels need is not so much using arms training anything reinforce or no servicing the us in egypt are called retreat and even a few forces going beyond the mandate of the un resolution that established do
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nothing i thought you were just going off on the. media. left wing british m.p. jeremy corbett says that nato is pursuing questionable goals and that it conflicts with help splitting the oil producing country. what we've become involved in is a civil war in libya and they all right disastrously wrong when they form an opposition military point i think it's very damaging to underline the lack of any clear purpose in this mission and the lack of any endgame in that we're involved in the civil war largely because of the vast amounts of oil that exist in eastern libya and i think the result will probably break a very easy partition of libya with a stalemate which will lead to constant conflict and cause no rest of the future if there has to be some political solution to this otherwise the carnage will continue the losses will continue and western interests will increasingly look with greedy eyes on these enormous oil reserves and indeed the market opportunities of libya
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are going to see the libyan people bring about their solution without western interference. that reports that the coalition could rebels in libya u.k. government is already on the spread of weapons but it's m.p.'s have criticised their own government setting up arms to kill gadhafi and other need of these nations. security forces put down on rest in the middle east with rubber bullets tear gas and other irritant ammunition and they've got plenty the u.k. was still selling arms to libya just four months before colonel gadhafi turned on his own people with government ministers approving a deal for sniper rifles bullets and tear gas. there are very strict guidelines that say where where it is likely human rights violations might very place you're not supposed to sell the weapon so i would say looking back through a number of credible sources including amnesty international but it was always
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likely always very very likely that equipment supplied to colonel gadhafi would and could be used in the political crackdown to suppress protesters arms exports is big business in the u.k. valued at nearly twelve billion dollars in two thousand and nine now a highly critical report by m.p.'s exposes the scale of u.k. arms sales to some of the world's most brutal regimes the libyan export licenses were some of the most valuable according to the reports the u.k. sold nearly three hundred fifty million dollars worth of arms there in the year leading up to september two thousand and ten in the same year egypt caught twenty seven million dollars worth of small guns and electronic warfare equipment from the u.k. and paul rein ordered more than ten million dollars of guns and crowd control agents dozens of arms export licenses to the region have now been hastily revoked but still days into unrest in cairo u.k.
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prime minister david cameron led a junkets to the middle east to flaunt the wares of british arms dealers reports also say the government misjudged the risk of selling arms to countries like egypt and bahrain but many would go much further one of the things that you've seen is a courage to resist because british around the world over the last ten years has been the provision of this. highly militarized security sectors exactly the opposite approach of trying to stimulate pursuit we are providing the means by which those countries regimes can come tell them democracy since the violence began more than a thousand people have been killed in libya and dozens killed and a thousand injured in bahrain circumstantial evidence gathered by reports also suggests much of that damage was done with british weapons when the un rest started it at least the government scrambled to suspend export licenses but this report is evidence that it clears the stable door no mater the force of both states with
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british weapons were probably already being used against civilians in bahrain and libya the government still hasn't ruled out all make the rebels in libya every means to be seen whether these damning revelations will make them think twice the pressure on western governments to arm the rebels is growing with colonel gadhafi taking in his heels a string of high profile figures is speaking out in favor of the move so far the u.k. has officially offered telecommunications equipment to the rebels but many suspect help of a different kind may be on the way to your and it. country following the steps. with libya being torn apart by war and anti-government protests gaining momentum in syria the question on everyone's mind is who might be next explores a wave of protests sweeping across the. heart of some of the strategy and if so
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since it's moving. a priest in finland this facing charges of inciting racial hatred in the criticizing one of the . men. his alleged crime. things that interest. here is these may be the last days these man wears his pastor's color you hum waller faces been defrocked priest speaking out against i use the word word dearest they use words president nakumatt of and his internet mouthpiece become car centric besides was the first to publish the terrorists' words on the tax he claims the school siege the netsky express mosque a matter of warming sea and most recently the idea that our ports attack the
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website is banned in russia and in finland it enjoys quite a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick to follow. this guy. it's hard to preserve through a cable and i guess the sleepy eyed verse what does the letters say is lobell the evil i don't. know five ok so there are more here away from what's on the walls you home all are e one two police but in stands and are being prosecuted himself been sued for criticizing what finland calls illegally operating organization and the same people who are promoting. russian. public opinion. is a racist who is
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a. racist. or people of the chechens which is of course not the truth because maurice all the same thing internationally of. international terrorist in russia a manhunt is on for a morrow and people close to him but in helsinki you may end up dining next to his relatives but also more of a brother. lives in stockholm but no it is it is only with all the families and we can quite often see people walking down these quiet and prosperous streets maybe unaware of the disturbing case of you home or the rate they're used to thinking of their country as fair and politically correct but would they remain just as neutral if tragedy knocks on their door here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbors in russia only four hundred
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kilometers away aren't quite so lucky. after all it's only a step from extremist rhetoric to action and there is seldom a warning call with providing a good for minority drop minority who want to do terrible things. if. it. were up. there where. there is quite a team after the pasta now finland's prosecutor's office the church and some of the world's most determined terrorists you home all the way has already changed address and divorced his wife to avoid putting your and his children at risk is now considering a move to russia we have a double moral if you do feel that you even a democratic country i don't feel it's in aggression over our tea house in case
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finland. for we spoke to a pastor you have a lot of rewrites after he was questioned by the finnish police you can watch that interview on our web site r.t. dot com as well as other reports and comments on that story. outproduced out to export it out invest it that's how the former british prime minister gordon brown described the european and american economies at a summit in the american turn of bretton woods but that decline could mean opportunity for others things that were history explains russian and other foster innovation soon move into pole position. we heard u.k. former prime minister gordon brown at lunch he addressed the crowd talking about the role of bric nations resilin russia india and china their growth as ours in the globe and how this needs to be addressed in needs to be global governing bodies need to adjust to this if the west in europe and the united states are not going to decline he said does the rise of these nations mean that europe in the united
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states will decline said well that all depends on how they adjust if they're able to change or for able to invest more in education in science but he did say that this is going to take reform and so one has pointed out that the emerging economies the bric nations are kind of the one i point at a conference where many people are talking about what needs to change in europe the western banking reforms monetary tools and the u.s. dollar is the reserve currency and in fact george soros said it no longer really the other currencies are filling not role as well the euro being one of diversification of currencies although nobody really knows the alternative. financial leaders have the right to impose austerity measures on people to cut the budget deficits so says activist and filmmaker joseph full interview with him he's coming up in just a start but here's a pretty. serious measures or or that abomination. atrocity against the
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general population is always thirty voters of the world. because the problem is that the people they cut things like education these are the core of. the cold. water because when obviously we're spending one hundred trillion dollars a year or. longer. the earth's orbit welcomed some new arrivals of the day and you crew the international space station it's a special mission that's next week fifty years of run this space. journal of russians and americans change when the so use rockets named after the first man in space lifted off the same launch pad as your regular lights and sixty one for it today flies to the isis its brings the total number of weeks to six. hundred plus to start
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a new space station or to the successor also your. preparations for action on reports on how good guy reasoning is since the least was approved future for space exploration. astronauts spend most of their lives preparing for the possibility of going to space now russian cosmonaut for example takes about two hundred fifty exams we're and that's in addition to walk the physical training they have to go through all the hard men and women put into their professions one of the thing they fear is something a little more romantic and that's an unwavering a childhood dream of literally reach for something big aspiring cosmonauts surrogate of retired watches intently as the so you see i'm a twenty one spacecraft is digits vertical position at only fourteen he's so certain about his future that he's already made headway he went to the u.s. and became the first youngster to spend fifteen minutes floating in the zero gravity environment cost would not strain it so much. i took the weight of my
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body as if i was. i could hug my hands this early start is something the first man in space you regarding could himself have related to and his fate fifty years ago marked the beginning of a long list of achievements in manned space exploration. for walking on the route. to building the massive international space station. but it doesn't stop there next possibly a hotel in orbit. yet another space dream which that if you for this hotel project there will be four rooms at the station with enough room for seven people there will be two big aluminum so that everyone can observe the earth from stars i've always wanted to become a cosmonaut that didn't happen but now i'm sure that one day i'll travel to space a tourist price tag is a hefty thirty five to forty million dollars but there is
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a cheaper alternative another project aims to send space tourists to lower earth orbit where they'll spend five minutes of zero gravity and see the planet in its entirety for two hundred thousand dollars. assumed large groups of one hundred kilometers above ground will be able to seal planets and the coarseness with their own eyes to do this they plan to use the ability of this plane to carry cargo on its body the plane will take off with a small space shuttle which will be released at a certain altitude but arguably the most a business of space projects is the mars five hundred experiment simulating a voyage to the red planet in the event this global ambitions becomes reality and when that time comes young sergei a certain he'll be ready to take on the challenge not mars but i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well as the means of jupiter saturn they say you can live there in future. and like many space men and women he
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believes it will only be a matter of time that's our cilia r.t. baikonur in kazakhstan. this short break it in a few moments we'll have the headlines for you here to stay with us. twenty years ago in the largest country submissive to her existence of.
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course had been the book which began the journey. where did it take the. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images go girl has been seeing from the streets of kenya that. the chinese corporations are on the day. the big. wealthy british scientist son sebastian time to write. the book of heights.


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