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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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poland mourns the loss of its president a year ago we will bring you some live said pictures from the polish capital. or here at the sun they sold the playing grass near the smolensk airfield moon is has been paying their respects to join me with the latest from smolinski in just a few you know it's. also what our team nato is accused of letting libyan rebels ignore the no fly zone after reports two opposition helicopters were downed by gadhafi forces. and this week i finish priest is charged with inciting
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racial hatred after an interview with r t in which he speaks out against the man behind deadly terror attacks in moscow. live from our headquarters in central moscow here watching our team with me and he said now it's four pm here in the russian capital two pm in warsaw poland is marking a national tragedy a year since the presidential plane crashed in heavy fog in western russia killing everyone on board including head of state ski at the time the shared sense of socks on moscow in warsaw experience a thaw in historically frosty relations commemoration events are being held in both countries let's cross live now to our correspondents on the ground let's see ourselves in warsaw and alice had bert in the smiley on screen alexei to you first
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the streets of warsaw absolutely packed today what's it like seeing up close this huge display of public grief and remembrance. well this is something we have so already seen last year when the tragedy near by the russian city of smolensk up and thousands were in the streets of the pilot. capitol to commemorate to mourn those killed in this tragic plane crash the same story happens here today thousands young and old are in the streets of war still here in particular at the one of the central squares of the polish capital they've been here since early morning i think exactly eight forty one am local time they observed a minute of silence because this is the moment this is the time when exactly a year ago the press plane of the polish president went down near the russian city of smolensk that's according to the flight recorders which the investigators managed to decode now commemoration services and vigils are being held everywhere.
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in warsaw in the city of where the presidential couple was buried exactly a year ago and we understand that this commemoration will last for at least a week in poland because the poles have been very emotional about this tragedy which happened exactly a year ago in by the russian city of smolensk now there's also been lots of different vigils and services at funerals across warsaw because. the people who died in this plane crash they were buried to different cemeteries and to different places across war so we've seen many services being held there and also we understand that most of the cathedrals including the central want to warsaw will have a vigil to commemorate those who died now what we see here is indeed life role emotions filling the streets of war so but. indeed some political overtones also have some place here and emotions sometimes go into politics because during the last year's presidential campaign the party of the late president which is now headed by his
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brother you also kaczynski had been using very strong and side russian rhetoric in the campaign and many experts expect the same story to happen during this year's parliamentary complain now members of his party and supporters of. brothers have been accusing russia of holding up investigation and going so far in their hearts. claims that even saying that of the death of the polish president was in fact a conspiracy between warsaw and mosco only five to seven people in poland according to the opinion polls believe in that conspiracy theory the rest obviously recognize this as pure nonsense but the fact that these things exist in the political games in poland of course but many experts say this is something unacceptable but today certainly the main focus is on the tragedy and the people are in the streets of the polish capital to commemorate those who died nevertheless controversy surrounding this tragedy alice temperley is out the site of where the plane went down itself in
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western ross alice take us through what's happening where you are. well just behind me you can see the plant that marks the exact spot where the plane crashed down one year ago today throughout the day people really have been coming to pay their respects we of course haven't been seen at the scenes that alexy has been seeing in warsaw nothing like those numbers but a city's stream of been people have been coming see lay flowers and light candles and this of course follows on from yesterday's remembrance service held here and at the kid teen memorial site that was attended by on the common also the wife of the polish president and also the families of the victims and the president's made a bit of a ski will follow a very similar timetable when they come here to morrow and of course this is all cheers he today for people to pools and remember and reflect on those ninety six
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people that lost their lives when the chicken old one five four crashed down in the trees just behind me killing of course president lech kaczynski the polish chief of the air force and the ministry of the group the army chief as well as to a huge number of very important polish personnel losing their lives in that flight and thirty day we did also have another twist in the controversy surrounding this plane crash in that this ferry plaque behind the walls that we now know removed some time on friday night and replaced with another one the previous part was worse and clearly in polish and we're third also mystified that this is the site of a plane crash but also about that delegation was on its way to the captain memorial slides to remember the seventieth anniversary of that massacre but this new plaque is now in both polish and russian and makes no reference to katsina the removal
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of that initial white house cool something over for. who are included both among the general public and also among a political community that we have now heard from the russian foreign ministry who say that they did warn the pota side that they would be changing the clock and they were surprised by the reaction coming from poland and they also say they changed it because they wanted a bilingual plan it would allow both russian and polish mourners to feel welcome here let's look back now a little more detail i want happens on the tenth of april twenty ten. the final moments within seconds all ninety six on board flight one i one with the dead. the time with ten forty one am april tenth i was out for the plane was flying low with one of its
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wings going down to heaven so fast that question to the trees and burst into full for it was obvious that no one was going to survive the flames were as high as a five story house crowd control saw for there were no conditions to land a request was still made to attempt a trial approach transcripts from the planes a black box flight recorder revealed the crew were acutely aware of the rapidly decreasing visibility but also of the pressure to land as soon as possible. crazy yeah we don't know who he is what we do know he said a senior minister periodic the ends of the cockpit throughout the flight and that the chief of the air force himself was present at the time the crash under these conditions the pilots continue their approach well having passed the point of no return the president's plane began its final descent but the dense faulted poor
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visibility meant that the crew had in fact already missed their targets coming into land some fifty meters. the runway or the base of the aircraft began to graze the tops of these trees and one particularly tool birch ripped a huge hole out of the left wing causing the aircraft to roll and within just five seconds that those about to blow one five four had hit the ground hard at first we didn't know there was a crash we know in his head that sound thing wrong so from copying or here we took a taxi and either we came here as soon as it was possible now no valid to believe it happened we were talking about that but it was. stick incredible that sense of shock and disbelief reverberated around the world is the news that began to spread but in a single moment poland had suffered what its prime minister would later down its worst tragedy since world war two alice had it r.t.
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smolensk region. but many of the wounds of the tragedy have yet to heal and poland are still debate about the investigation into the crash or more on some of those issues let's cross now to senior editor of flight it's in every action expert david lee around joins us now some polish opposition politicians say russian air traffic controllers are a portion of the blame for this tragedy but following the official investigation is there any legitimacy to the suggestions as you see it. there's no legitimacy. to the suggestions that the polish air traffic controllers were to blame for this accident this was this was an accident of a type which unfortunately has blighted aviation history we could see more in the future it's very simple the pilots broke the procedural rules that they should have stuck to for safety they went lower than they knew they should have done probably
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because they felt under such high pressure to deliver these very important people to such an important event and by going to low in very bad visibility they crash now there's evidence of some of that pressure in the transcripts that russia published from air traffic control as well as tapes of a lot of pilots were actually saying to each other in the cockpit why hasn't that removed any doubts about what went wrong. i think that everybody who is in aviation knows that this was a simple accident a simple aviation accident they don't need any more explanations it's just that i'm afraid an event like this one it's such a tragedy for poland the event that everybody on board the aircraft was going to suck so most of that people literally don't want to see the truth and
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it's an absolute goldmine for conspiracy theorists the investigation was carried out by the interstate aviation community how is that you internationally in terms of its ability to handle a major investigation of this kind in the aviation seer. v.m.e. k. in the industry to be a commission is very highly respected internationally the the report was into this particular accident was very very thorough indeed and in fact it's quite clear when you read it that they were well aware of the fact that the truth was going to be unpalatable it was going to be not at all popular with a lot of people in poland and that is how it's turned out the the m a k is a very very good agency which it didn't nearly there were good investigation of
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this didn't it always does very thorough investigations of accidents now we know that the weather had of clay and this and we touched about the psychological pressure that was put on the crew perhaps. but how much do you think if we compare the weather and all of the different factors that were involved how much do you think that actual psychological pressure had to do with the accident. i think the psychological pressure was the reason why they broke the rules knowing the crew knew that they were breaking the rules of safety they just knew they were but other pilots under less pressure in the past have broken the same rules and they have died as a result also i mean there's no question about it the the weather limiter the weather. visibility was really a below the limits that would have made a safe landing possible the controllers knew that they told the pilots the pilots
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knew what the visibility was they knew they should not even be trying an approach but they said they were going to make an attempted approach just to see what it was like they were not cleared to land but they attempted to make an approach as if they were going to there were two other aircraft which would have had a trip to try to get into the same airfield in the hour before this accident they had both. diverted and go on to other airfields because the weather was impossible. and with that said poland has launched its own investigation into the crash how different do you think its results could be from those of the interstate aviation commission if it is a technical and operational inquiry which is what it should be they will come up with the same conclusion possibly in slightly different words and possibly trying
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to to i don't know put some blame somewhere else outside of the aircraft scope it. but if they do that i for one i will read their reports but now i know where the misjudgments were made the misjudgments well all made on board that aircraft and you cannot blame it on anybody else right aviation expert david letterman live from london thanks for your input. now a year after the tragedy near smolensk we continue our special coverage of the commemoration ceremonies remembering how it happened and taking you through the investigation that followed since you stay with us for that they're out this sunday . when the news is not enough. when it's something really crucial. when you want to get down to brass tacks we bring you our special
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coverage here. in a place already synonymous with tragedy the world witnessed another disaster that left a country devastated. and united two nations in grief. question more on the. to developments in libya now where government officials say its forces have shut down to rebel helicopters in the east of the country there's lots of questions over the effectiveness of nato as un mandated no fly zone adopted last month meanwhile the key city of osh davia is the focus of a major own sought by gadhafi forces doctor say at least eight rebels killed but those nato announces it's destroyed a significant amount of government ammunition near the capital tripoli tanks around misrata and also military vehicles near gregor where there's growing bubble disillusionment at the level of nato is assistance and at the scale of friendly
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fire casualties since the alliance took over the no fly zone twenty and to get out the fighters have been killed and dozens injured by their rates or tease you corpuscle know it has spoken to some of the rebels in benghazi. a veteran of the libyan army moved to abdul ghani served his country all the way to retirement but now he's fighting for the revolution and is among the few rebels at the front with military training and experience with the british air forces are not even we are ready to fight to the death but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since naidu to control the north winds on operation its wings of need more than one thousand sorties into the media the un's claims around a third of that have his forces have now been destroyed despite the help from the skies on the ground and the rebels are still taking a pounding. later has failed there are civilians in a structure and we daily have grainy monitors.
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but it's. just a week ago getting gas it was a revolution me we were seeing the entire cd police meeting for support but the front line continues to go back and forth the list goes beyond missing it's a week it seems to reach the morning meet locals called would you like to scream tactics is rising as well all to sway this one are becoming pam and seen me are using media all feeling to protect civilians we are asking for helping me be demanding. that i don't get all the way to fall for gadhafi to kill or still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow us. but experts say arming the rebels alone wouldn't house when war with the rebels needed is not so much new arms training
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not going to be anything before it's only all servicing that the u.s. and egypt i call greatly training and even a few forces going beyond the mandate will be doing as a mission that established do not my usual. it's going to. reveal. well as the coalition is reportedly considering arming rebels in libya the u.k. government has been criticised by its own m.p.'s for selling ammunition to authoritarian regimes and as artists or i met reports it appears britain was happy to put profit before principle in the way it was doing business. security forces put down arm rest in the middle east with rubber bullets tear gas and other irritant down the mission and they've got plenty of the u.k. was still selling arms to libya just four months before colonel gadhafi turned on his own people the government ministers approving a deal for sniper rifles bullets and tape and. there are very strict guidelines
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that say where where it is likely human rights violations might say place you're not supposed to sell the weapons i would say looking back through a number of credible sources including amnesty international but it was always likely always very very likely equipment supplied to colonel gadhafi would and could be used in the brutal crackdown of the pro protesters a highly critical report by m.p.'s exposes the scale of u.k. arms sales to some of the world's most brutal regimes the libyan export licenses were some of the most valuable according to the reports the u.k. sold nearly three hundred fifty million dollars worth of arms there in two thousand and ten in the same year egypt port twenty seven million dollars worth of small guns and electronic warfare equipment from the u.k. and bahrain ordered more than ten million dollars of guns and crowd control agents days into unrest in cairo u.k. prime minister david cameron led
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a junkets to the middle east to flaunt the wares of british arms dealers reports also say the government misjudged the risk of selling arms to countries like egypt and bahrain but many would go much further one of the things that you see this occur it's a risk because british aid around the world over the last ten years has been the provision of this highly militarized security sector so exactly the opposite of what trying to stimulate to proceed we are providing the means by which those countries regimes can tell them democracy will be under arrest started at least the government. ramble to suspend arms export licenses but this report is evidence that it clears the stable door after the fall to go taitz when british weapons were probably already being used against civilians in bahrain and libya the government still hasn't ruled out o. me the rebels in libya it remains to be seen whether these damning revelations will make them think twice the pressure on western governments to own the rebels is
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growing with colonel gadhafi taking in his heels a string of high profile figures is speaking out in favor of the move so call the u.k. is officially off its telecommunications equipment to the rebels but many suspect help of a different kind may be on the way to nowhere and it london. still to come on the program searching for solutions as financial markets gather to discuss the future of the global economy but will emerging markets because of driver economic recovery. now in most countries it's standard practice to denounce terror but not it seems in some won't there are there's a there a priest rather is facing charges of inciting racial hatred after he spoke out against on the moscow metro and airport bombings are just happening gracia reports from helsinki. yes there is these may be the last days these man wears his pastor's
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color you hum lawlor faces being defrocked priest speaking out against i use the word word paraphrased they used word president not tomorrow and his internet mouthpiece become a center of the site was the first to publish the terrorists' words on the taxi claims the netscape sprouse mosque a matter of warming sea and most recently the dim idea of a force attack the website is banned in russia but in finland it enjoys wise a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick to follow. this guy being well it's hard to preserve. the artist what does the letters say is low though that if i don't spot the five. people caught my eye here away from work on the heels you hung mauler we want to
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police but instead as booker and without being prosecuted himself been see you for criticizing what finland calls illegally operating organization the same people who are promoting. russia they are promoting public opinion labels more easily. racist statements about orchestras people of the chechens which is of course not the truth because maurice or lee representing the internationally acclaimed. international terrorist people walking down these quiet and prosperous streets may be unaware of the disturbing case of you harm or the rate they're used to thinking of their country as spare and politically correct but it would be remain just as neutral. if tragedy knocks on their door here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbors in russia
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only four hundred kilometers away aren't quite so lucky. upshall it's only a step from extremist rhetoric to action and there is seldom a warning call we're going to get from minority group minority who want to do terrible thing. only if. there are many. who were. there is quite eighteen after the pastor now finland's prosecutor's office the church and some of the world's most determined terrorists you hum all the way has already changed her dress and divorced his wife to avoid putting your and his children at risk is now considering a move to russia exiting the church over our tea house in key finland. but we spoke to pastor you how mowery after he was questioned by the finnish police and
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you can watch that interview as well as many other stories on our website r.t. dot com. financial dominance of europe and america is coming to an end with developing economies now taking a leading role that's one of the main themes of a summit being hosted by billionaire tycoon george soros in the american town and words there's a list of reports the opportunities for russia and other bric nations have been heavily discussed. so far what we've heard of this program was conference is not so much a drop road map of where these economic leaders believe the global governance and international financial policy needs to go but in general consensus that it does need to change we do hear criticism of the united states dollar as the reserve currency and in fact george soros saying that it really is no longer the main reserve currency that there is a role of the euro and of a diversification of currencies as well as commodities that is really shifting the
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landscape and one of the main reasons for this the base site is the rise of developing economies of emerging nations such as brazil russia india and china which are now growing in representing the growth in consumption in this world while economies in the west the united states and europe are growing much more slowly and have really really suffered in the financial crisis so you come to two thousand and ten and for the first time that should be for nearly two hundred years america and europe that's the united states of america in the twenty seven members of the european union for the first time all being produced and manufactured and exported and interestingly invested by the rest of the world you know as far as direct solutions to come out of this conference that's very unclear there are exactly policymakers here that are going to enact some kind of reforms directly out of this conference but there is a sense that those that influence policy are here talking about the direction that things need to go in and that has a cumulative effect on the policies that we see going forward. aviv back with you
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shortly with a recap of our main news stories here success. in . the.
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