tv [untitled] April 10, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. but day of remembrance one year on from the tragedy poland and russia remember the late president lech kaczynski and the ninety five other victims of a fatal plane crash near small doubts. nato is accused of letting libyan rebels ignore the no fly zone after reports to opposition helicopters were down by gadhafi forces. also this week of tennis crazed ceasars with inciting racial hatred after an interview with r.t. in which he speaks out against the man behind deadly terror attacks in moscow.
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it's five pm in moscow this is r t coming to you live poland is marking a national tragedy a year since a presidential plane crashed in heavy fog in western russia killing everyone on board including head of state. at the time the shared sense of socks on moscow in warsaw experience a thaw and historically frosty relations commemoration of events are being held in both countries let's cross live to our correspondent in the polish capital elect yourself ski alexei thousands of people have taken to the streets pay their respects the whole nation is grieving this sunday isn't it. well the scenes we can see today in the polish capital in a war so remind us what happened in a year ago and the scenes over a year ago here at the very same square in front of the presidential palace twelve months ago where exactly this. i you can now see in the pictures how emotional the
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poles are and how many people are there in the streets thousands and thousands of people have been in the streets of war so ever since early morning at about eight forty one local time and minutes of silence was observed because this was the exactly the time when the presidential plane went down twelve months ago near the russian city of smolensk now the commemoration rallies and vigils and services in cathedrals across the town and across the country are being held as we speak right now i just witnessed one of them displayed on a large l.c.d. screens just a hundred meters from where i'm standing right now we also heard of many services being held at cemeteries across the city that is because the people who todd who died in that crash twelve months ago were buried everywhere across warsaw a different cemeteries and all these cemeteries receive many people today laying flowers in wreaths including of course the country's prime minister the local scan the country's president. komorowski now we also heard of a service of
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a vigil held at the one wait of war souls v.i.p. airport that's that's where the presidential plane took off from and never returned we've seen some very colorful pictures from that ceremony as well now and what we can see here is life roll on caught emotions and this shows indeed how emotional the polls are when it comes to more of this tragedy with this great loss they suffered just a year ago but some experts say that too often nowadays in poland these emotions go into politics and some movements in particular the nationalist movement of the brother of the of the late president you've also got is using these emotions in the election complaints as it was used last year during the presidential runoff strong and side russian rhetoric a strong accusations and harsh statements in particular conspiracy theories that the death of the polish president was in fact i was bloated by a war so and mosco some. of course only five to seven percent of the poles do
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actually believe in the rest a regard this is nonsense but nonetheless some experts say this is very sad that this these notions exist in the more than political life of poland but the difficulty is all this doesn't matter everything today is all about this tragedy and the whole country is here in warsaw to commemorate those who died those ninety six people including the president lech kaczynski and his wife maria who died exactly twelve months ago in smolensk right let's hear seventy reporting live from of those commemoration ceremonies in warsaw thanks for that. now the disaster has also been remembered in this man's creature not the actual site where the plane went down alice who is there. just behind me you can see the plant that marks the exact spot where the plane crashed down one year ago today throughout the day people we have been coming to pay their respects we of course haven't been seen and the scenes that alexy has been seeing in warsaw nothing like those numbers but it's
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a steady stream of been people have been coming see lay flowers in light candles and this of course follows on from yesterday's remembrance of his health here and at the cape teen memorial side that was attended by on a comment all scott as the wife of the president and also the families of the victims and the presidents who did it and call model ski will follow a very similar timetable when they come here to morrow and of course this is all cheers see today if the peoples of pools and remember and reflect on those ninety six people that lost their lives when the two called one five four crashed down in the trees and thirty day we did also have another twist in the controversy surrounding this plane crash and that this very plaque behind me was that we now know removed some time on friday night and replaced with another one the previous part was written purely in polish and referred also mystified that this is the site
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of the plane crash but also that that delegation was on its way to the canteen memorial sites to remember the seventieth anniversary of that massacre of this new plaque is now in both polish and russian and makes no reference to katsina the removal of that initial plaque has cool something over for ward growth among the general public and also among the political community but we have now heard from the russian foreign ministry who say that they did warn the poda side that they would be changing the clock and there was surprised by the reaction coming from poland and they also say they changed it because they wanted a bilingual. well it would allow both russian and polish moon as it's feel welcome here what's live up to now a little who these health i what happens on this have a full transit had.
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the final moments within seconds all ninety six on board flight one hundred one day . it's time with ten forty one am for the tenth i'm going to come from i was outside when i heard the plane it was flying really low with one of its wings pointing down it crashed into the trees and burst into a ball of fire it was obvious that no one was going to survive it flames were as high as a five story house. ground control star who there were no conditions to land mass requests was still made to attempt a trial approach transcripts from the plane's black box flight recorder reveal the crew were acutely aware of the rapidly decreasing visibility and also of a pressure to land as soon as possible to go crazy yeah we don't know who he is what we do know is that a senior minister periodic we enter the cockpit throughout the flight and that the
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chief of the air force himself was present at the time of the crash under these conditions the pilots continue their approach well having passed the point of no return the president's plane began its final descent but the dense fog and pull of visibility meant that the crew had in fact already missed their targets were coming in to land some fifty meters below the runway where the base of the aircraft began to graze the tops of these trees and one particularly tall birch rich a huge hole out of the left wing causing the aircraft to roll and within just five seconds the nose of the tupelo one five four had hit the ground hard at first we didn't know that there was a crash we know of something has happened and something wrong so from copying over here we get back and we came here and as fast as it was possible a lot of bad believe it happened we were talking about but it was. the
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stick incredible that sense of shock and disbelief reverberated around the world as the news that they can to spread that in a single moment poland had suffered what its prime minister would later dump its worst tragedy since world war two alice if it r.t. someone else creature. well many of the wounds of the tragedy have yet to heal and call and there's still debate about the circumstances of the crash but emission expert david near mount from flight international magazine says the main facts are clear and praise the integrity of the investigation the m a k is a very very good agency which it didn't merely there were good investigation of this accident it always does very thorough investigations of accidents this was an accident of a type which unfortunately has blighted aviation history we could see more in the future it's very simple the pilots broke the procedural rules that they should have
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stuck to for safety they went lower than they knew they should have done probably because they felt under such high pressure to deliver these very important people to such an important event it's such a tragedy for poland that people literally don't want to see the truth and it's an absolute goldmine for conspiracy theorists. probably year after the tragedy in your spine as we continue our special coverage of the commemoration ceremonies remembering how it happened and taking the investigation that followed stay with us throughout sunday for that. when it says not enough. when it's something really crucial. what you want to get down to brass. we bring you our special coverage here. in a place already synonymous with tragedy the world witnessed another disaster that
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left a country devastated. and united two nations in a great. question . to developments in libya now where government officials say its forces have stopped out to rebel helicopters in the east of the country is lots of questions over the effectiveness of nato as un mandated no fly zone adopted last month meanwhile the presidio of us the obvious focus is the focus i should say of a major onslaught by gadhafi is forces doctors say these rebels have been killed that's as nato announces it's destroyed a significant amount of government near the capital tripoli tanks around this front and in other parts of the north african country however there is growing rebel disillusionment at the level of nato is assistance and that the scale of friendly fire casualties since the alliance took over the no fly zone trying to get out the
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fighters have been killed and dozens injured by their rates. have spoken to some of the rebels in benghazi. a veteran of the libyan army moved any sort of he's going all the way into retirement but now he's fighting for the revolution and is among the few rebels at the front with military training and experience. their forces are not even we are ready to fight to the day but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since needing to control the north was on its wings it meaning more than one thousand sorties intermediate bjorn's queens their own a third of their views forces have now been destroyed but despite the help from the skerries on the ground the rebels are still taking a barrel me but a good leader is field there are civilians in the structure and we do really have to mean you more interest.
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just know we could go get it because it was the revolutionary war it seems to be internal see the police need to call it support but the profiling could still be that your list of those missing can be the it seems to me although you like to scream tactics this is rising as well protests like this one are becoming common seen mean or accusing needs of feeling to protect civilians they are asking for help anymore the are demanding it i do. i do i don't get all the way to the gadhafi secure so we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow those. but experts say arming the rebels alone wouldn't help us win the war with the rebels need is not so much arms training not really being anything to be forced on our servicing that the us and
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egypt are all greatly trini and even if forces going beyond the mandate of the one is an illusion that established do nothing i thought you were just going off towards the end as the media. but elsewhere in the region syria yemen and egypt have seen another outbreak of protests this weekend as nato forces are bogged down in libya some experts suggest to stabilize a sin in the arab world as part of a strategy led by the u.s. to weaken iran and win more clout in the region i just can't find out who might be next on the list. as waves of public rage sweep through north africa and the middle east world powers jump on them as many analysts say in an attempt to direct the waves of unrest in a way that's more favorable for them in libya forging relationship with the opposition so that if gadhafi goes there are people there to do business with as syria popular raphe gather steam some experts say western powers might see the
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advantages of getting involved there to these three countries. are the main countries that will not align themselves or that magically to the global power elite or the western powers interested objectives in north africa in the middle east as for example egypt will do or used to do with hosni mubarak and definitely kuwait saudi arabia syria is iran's closest ally in the region and the cost to support the remark in syria after income was mentions of you ran syria is obviously a strategic ally for iran in the in the region and without syria iran loses their their bridge their land bridge to lebanon and they're hit hezbollah in force and so of course hezbollah would suffer if the syrian regime was to fall and that would be stabilizing iran and weaken its power in the region which would be an obvious benefit to be all american forces some expert even believe that destabilize ation
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is part of the strategy the west perceives in the region we're seeing reflect a strategy which includes our moms other points the generalized weakening of the sovereign nation states of a sovereign genes in the arab world in order to try to isolate iran. with very few perhaps no friendly countries in the region and that will then leave iraq pretty much alone at least in the arab world and will facilitate further turmoil inside iran although the u.s. secretary of state has ruled out america's involvement in syria for now the country's defense secretary caspar the syrian army to quote empower arab revolution and follow the example of egypt's military syria. it is. a rather. late. thank you just the way it will be many say you ran though would be a tough call and no matter how much washington you want the regime there to fall
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for now it's seen as a mission impossible i'm sure that there are some in the u.s. who would love to attack iran and there are others who would like to take over the iranian opposition i think they know that the iranian opposition is not so fond of the united states they have a long memory in iran people remember the role of the united states in overthrowing the the precursor to the shah of iran overthrowing the democratically elected government of most of their back in one hundred fifty three so i don't think the u.s. would be welcomed and i think many in washington know that would leave being torn apart by the war and anti-government protests meaning momentum in syria the question on everyone's mind is who might be next i'm going to check out reporting from washington r.t. . still to come on the program searching for solutions the best financial minds gathered to discuss your teacher of economy but will emerging markets be the
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driver of economic recovery. and find out how the new crew at the international space station plans to mark the inspiring orbital odyssey of regard fifty years ago. now in most countries it's standard practice to denounce terror but it seems not in finland there there are a priest is facing charges of inciting racial hatred after he spoke out against the man behind the moscow metro an airport dawnings. reports from helsinki. yes there is news maybe the last days these man whereas his pastor's color you hum faces being difficult for speaking out against i use the word terrorist a used word. no kumara and his internet mouthpiece become a center this site was the first to publish the terrorists' words on the taxi claims the naff ski express the matter of war means and most recently the the idea
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of our ports attack the website is banned in russia but in finland it enjoys quite a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick to follow. this guy emailed its hundred prisoners who it came from various the us what does the letters is lower the evil eye beyond. the five. people cut my head or way of the materials you humble or we want to police but in stand ended up being prosecuted himself being sued for criticizing what finland calls illegally operating organization the same people who are promoting the terrorism against russia they are promoting public opinion against war reclaiming the moring is a racist who. is
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a very racist statements about orchestras. which is of course not the truth because maurice all you were consenting internationally up knowledge to opinion about as an international terrorist people walking down these quiet and prosperous streets maybe unaware of the disturbing case of you harm or the rate they're used to thinking of their country as fair and politically correct but would they remain just as neutral. if tragedy not on their tour here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbors in russia only four hundred kilometers away aren't quite thought. a troll it's only a step from extremist rhetoric to action and there is seldom a warning call with providing a good for a minority. who want to do terrible.
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it but. there are many. who were but. there is quite a team out to the pasta now finland's prosecutor's office the church and some of the world's most determined terrorists you home all the way has already changed her dress and divorced his wife to avoid putting your and his children at risk is now considering a move to russia exceeding the virtue of r r t house in key finland. we spoke to go home all the way after he was questioned by the finnish police you can watch the full interview with him as well as many more stories at our website barton. the financial dominance of europe and america is coming to an end with developing a column is now taking the leading role that's one of the main themes of a summit being hosted by billionaire tycoon george soros in the american town of
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words searches nor a list of reports the opportunities for russia and other bric nations have been heavily discussed. so far what we've heard of this bretton woods conference is not so much a direct road map of where these economic leaders believe the global governance in international financial policy needs to go but in general consensus that it does need to change we do hear criticism of the united states dollar as the reserve currency and in fact george soros saying that it really is no longer the main reserve currency that there is a role of the euro and of a diversification of currencies as well as commodities that is really shifting the landscape and one of the main reasons for this that they cite is the rise of developing economies of emerging nations such as brazil russia india and china which are now growing in representing the growth in consumption in this world while economies in the west the united states and europe are growing much more slowly and have really really suffered in the financial crisis so you come to two thousand and
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ten and for the first time virtually for nearly two hundred years america and europe that's the united states of america in the twenty seven members of the european union for the first time being produced manufactured and. interesting invested by the rest of the world you know as far as direct solutions to come out of this conference that's very unclear there aren't exactly policy makers here that are going to enact some kind of reforms directly out of this conference but there is a sense that those that influence policy are here talking about the direction that things need to go in and that has a cumulative effect on the policies that we see going forward. twenty three minutes past the hour this take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world in iceland taxpayers have rejected a government plan to cover the losses sustained by girls during the two thousand and eight financial crash and a national referendum sixty percent of voters chose not to repay some three billion
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dollars in lost assets to british and dutch investors many of the respondents voiced opposition to having to pay for the mistakes of bankers and she will now be decided in european courts. a senior hamas government official has taken the unusual step of appearing on israeli radio with you for a halt to recent hostilities it follows an outburst of fighting between the two sides which is is israel's armed forces bombarding gaza and hamas responding with rocket strikes the official promised an end to the all hostile activity if the jewish state agree to do the same. and now to the international space station where russian spacecraft has brought three new crew members to the cosmic outpost the mission was dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the first human space flight and set off from the same launch pad as your garden in one thousand nine hundred sixty one after orbiting for two days around the climate rocket docked at the eye
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of sas complimenting the crew of three with two cosmonauts and an american astronaut due to stay at the space station until september and have been tasked with conducting forty scientific experiments as part of a hundred billion dollar program artists as our sylvia was at the baikonur last pad as the mission was preparing to set out. to the astronauts spend most of their lives preparing for the possibility of going to space now russian cosmonauts for example takes about two hundred fifty exams a year and that's out of this and toward the visible training they have to go through all the hard work men and women put into their professions one of the thing they fear is something a little more romantic and that's an unwavering childhood dream of literally reaching for something big aspiring cosmonaut sergei that retire watched intently as a so used to have a twenty one spacecraft is poised to do its vertical position at only fourteen he's so certain about his future that he's already made headway he went to the u.s.
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and became the first youngster to spend fifteen minutes floating in the zero gravity environment hoskin arts training so my look at the kid was i thought the front page of my body i could hardly move my hands this early start is something the first man in space you regarding could himself have related to and this feat fifty years ago marked the beginning of a long list of achievements in manned space exploration. for walking on the group. to building the massive international space station is but it doesn't stop there. next possibly a hotel in orbit yet another space dream. for this hotel project there will be full rooms at the station with enough food for seven people there will be to be the limit is so that everyone can observe the stars i've always wanted to become a cosmonaut that didn't happen but i'm sure that one day i'll travel to space
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a tourist price tag is a hefty thirty five to forty million dollars but there is a cheaper alternative another project aims to send space tourists to lower earth orbit where they'll spend five minutes of zero gravity and see the planet in its entirety for two hundred thousand dollars to do this they plan to use the ability of this plane to carry cargo on its body the plane will take off with a small space shuttle which will be released at a certain altitude but arguably the most a vicious of space projects is the mars five hundred experiment simulating a voyage to the rest planet in the event this global ambition becomes reality and when that time comes young sergei is certain he'll be ready to take on the challenge no mark i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well and see you can leave very future. and like many space men and women he believes it will only be
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