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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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great. question more on. tonight's poland and russia hold a memorial service is to mark a years since the plane crash which killed the polish president lech kaczynski and ninety five or so. nato faces questions over the effectiveness of it see un no fly zone in libya after reports that two rebel helicopters were shot down by gadhafi forces. also this week a finnish priest is charged with inciting racial hatred our third interview with r.t. in which he speaks out against the man behind deadly terror attacks in moscow. it's
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eight pm sunday night here in moscow you're watching the weekly from our to around with the top stories of the last seven days with me kevin no in the first poll it is marking a national tragedy a year since the presidential plane crashed in heavy fog in western russia killing everyone on board including the head of state like kaczynski at the time a shared sense of shock so moscow and warsaw experience a thaw or an historically frosty relations commemoration of events of been held here in russia and are still going on in poland has crossed now into our correspondent so let's just see let's see because even she we can see the crowd of people behind you there give us a sense if you would of how the nation is mourning for the victims of that fateful flight here. is this well to me it seems that poland today has one of the most.
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tragic and sad as day since last year when the country lost most of its political elites indeed they are very emotional about what happened a year ago and the commemorations here prove that. the polls are still very mindful of their tragic loss twelve months ago i took a stroll through this crowd you can see in the background here it's a very emotional crowd people are singing the patriotic songs and anthems in one voice with t. is in the eyes and did a very emotional side that is from the top floor of my hotel i witnessed huge a long march on the right become operation march with several thousand people walking down the streets of war still carrying national flags and photographs of the political elite with black ribbons on them now and exactly eight twenty eight forty one am in the morning a minute of silence was observed in warsaw that is exactly the time when the presidential plane went down a year ago in nearby the russian city of smolensk the commemoration services
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individuals have been held all throughout the day everywhere and more so in different cemeteries where those who died in the smolensk plane crash were buried a year ago and the crowd was its was especially. especially imploding according with the with the biggest energy when the relatives of those who died in that crash were arriving here in front of the presidential palace to lay flowers and greets so all throughout the day it's been very emotional including the service special service which was played held at the runway of the the idea airport in warsaw that's exactly the wrong way from where the presidential plane took off and never returned so it's all about emotion here in warsaw that's what we've been managed to see here and despite the fact that many experts observe these emotions being used in a political way the some iraqi nationalist movements are using strong and side russian rhetoric with even calling the death of the post president a conspiracy between the ruling powers circles in warsaw and the ones in moscow
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still this days all about emotions and that's what we've been managed to see here from the people in the central square of the polish capital. thank you for yourself today what you're seeing around here. well the disaster is also being remembered as the legs he was saying there at the actual site in western russia where the plane went down artie's alice had once been keeping across developments that. ten fool she one am local time that's the exact stealing that the plane crashed down a small remembrance service was held just behind me at the actual suddenly solve the crash to see you throughout the day more news here in smolensk both russian and polish have been coming here to pay their respects in the russian capital moscow the russian first lady said non-image better than laid her own flowers and page room respects outside the polish embassy and this of course follows on from yesterday's events when the wife of the kurdish president and the comet also came
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here with the families of the victims to attend a memorial service here at the smith's air field before moving on to the county memorial site a very similar timetable to that would be followed by presidents of the dead of uncommon all see on monday but throughout these very united of public help or is a brief from both the russian and polish sides we do understand that some in poland have states press their concern at the news that the memorial plaque at the crash site behind me was replaced on friday nights we have now heard from the russian foreign ministry on this and we understand that locals are. changed up because they say permission was granted for the original plaque and they also wanted a plaque in both russian and polish the old plaque that was up the side was worse and purely in polish i'd also made it to the canteen a memorial to which that kitchen ski was flying on that fateful day its new class
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is in both english and russian as ministers here they say they want people from both countries to feel welcome to morning here and it makes no reference to you kathleen but let's caused all minds back now remember the details that led to that plane crashing on april the ten twenty ten. the final moments within seconds all ninety six on board flight one i want to point out. it's time with ten forty one and for the tenth i'm going to come from i was outside when i heard the plane it was flying really low with one of its wings pointing down and crashed into the trees and burst into a ball of fire it was obvious that no one was going to survive before names were as high as a five story house. ground control star there were no conditions to land mass
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requests with still made to attempt a trial approach transcripts from the plane's black box flight recorder revealed the crew were acutely aware of the rapidly decreasing visibility but also a pressure to land as soon as possible google crazy yeah we don't know who he is what we do know is that a senior minister periodic we enter the cockpit throughout the flight at the chief of the air force himself was present at the time of the crash under these conditions the pilots continued their approach while having passed the point of no return the president's plane began its final descent but the dense fog and poor visibility meant that the crew had in fact already missed their targets were coming in to land some fifty meters below the runway where the base of the aircraft began to graze the tops of these trees and one particularly tall birch rich a huge hole out of the left wing causing the aircraft to roll and within just five
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seconds the nose of that circle of one five four had hit the ground hard at first we didn't know about there was a crash we know something has happened something wrong so from copying or here we look at parts and we came here as far as it was possible none of that believe it happened we were talking about that it was unrealistic incredible that sense of shock and disbelief reverberated around the world is the news that began to spread that in a single moment poland had suffered what its prime minister would later down it's a worst tragedy since world war two alice if it r.t. smolensk region. many of the wounds of the tragedy of year to heal and in poland the still debate about the circumstances of the crash maybe asian expert david laird one from flight international magazine says the main facts are clear and praise the integrity of the russian investigation the m a k is
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a very very good agency which it didn't nearly do a good investigation of this accident it always does very thorough investigations of accidents this was an accident of a type which unfortunately has blighted aviation history we could see more in the future it's very simple the pilots broke the procedural rules that they should have stuck to for safety they went lower than they knew they should have done probably because they felt under such high pressure to deliver these very important people to such an important event it's such a tragedy for poland that people literally don't want to see the truth and it's an absolute goldmine for conspiracy theorists. when the leaves is not enough. when it's something really crucial. when you want to get down to brass tacks we
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bring you our special coverage. in a place already synonymous with tragedy the world witnessed another disaster that left a country devastated. and united two nations in a great. question more. now the latest developments in libya today were going to fish will say its forces have shot down to rebel helicopters in the east of the country it's led to questions over the effectiveness of nato as un mandated no fly zone adopted last month meanwhile of the key city of nato forces have been bombarding gadhafi is are me pro-government forces have been trying to retake the area from the opposition to say at least eight rebels have been killed and that says nato announces it's destroyed a significant amount of government i mean issued near the capital tripoli tanks
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around misrata and other parts of the country however there's growing rebel disillusionment at the level of nato assistance and the scale of friendly fire casualties since the alliance took over the no fly zone twenty and you get a few fighters have been killed and dozens injured by their raids. guys in. a very be an army move to any sort of his all the way to retirement but now he's fighting for the revolution and he's among a few rebels at the front. and experience. their forces are not evil we are ready to fight to the death but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since needing to control the north runs on opposition it's going to need more than one thousand somalis intermediate the un's queens around got every sports is have now been destroyed because when help from the square is on the ground the rebels are still thinking about arming. leaders feel there are
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civilians in the strider. green moritur is. just a week ago because it was revolutionary you really seemed to be entire cd police need for its work because the front line could still be that list of girls feel missing a beat seems to reach them all the meat locals told us is cruel tactics it's a crazy as well call to sway this one are becoming common seen mean or accusing need to all feeling to protect civilians they are asking for help anymore the are demanding it. i know. you well are they way to thought for gadhafi to kill or still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow us. but experts say arming the rebels on wouldn't help
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us win the war with the rebels need is not so much so you can use arms without training anything before star nail servicing that the us and egypt are called retreat and even if you force is going beyond them and legal to un resolution that established the north wind how are you going to spin off r t. libya. as the coalition's reportedly considering arming rebels in libya the u.k. government's been criticised by its own end pays for selling ammunition to authoritarian regimes and is out is there on the reports next it appears britain was happy to put profit before principle in the way it was doing business. security forces put down arm rest in the middle east with rubber bullets tear gas and other irritant down munition and they've got plenty of the u.k. was still selling arms to libya just months before colonel gadhafi turned them on his own people the government ministers approving
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a deal for sniper rifles bullets and tear gas. there a very strict set of guidelines that say where where it is likely human rights violations might take place you're not supposed to solve the weapons i would say looking back through a number of credible sources including amnesty international but it was always likely always very very likely the equipment supplied to colonel gadhafi would and could be used in the brutal crackdown of protesters by highly critical report by m.p.'s exposes the scale of u.k. arms sales to some of the world's most brutal regimes the libyan export licenses were some of the most valuable according to the report the u.k. sold nearly three hundred fifty million dollars worth of arms there in two thousand and ten in the same year egypt ports twenty seven million dollars worth of small guns and electronic warfare equipment from the u.k. and bahrain ordered more than ten million dollars of guns and crowd control agents
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days into unrest in cairo u.k. prime minister david cameron led a junkets to the middle east to flaunt the wares of british arms dealers reports also say the government misjudged the risk of selling arms to countries like egypt and bahrain but many would go much further one of the things that you've seen is a characteristic of british aid around the world over the last ten years has been the provision of this highly militarized security sector so exactly the opposite at the heart of trying to stimulate to see we are providing the means by which those countries regimes can count down democracy will be on rest started a bit least the government's. rampal to suspend export licenses but this report is evidence that it closed the stable door after the falls to both states but weapons were probably already being used against civilians in bahrain and libya the government still hasn't ruled out arming the rebels in libya it remains to be seen
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whether these damning revelations will make them think twice the pressure on western governments to arm the rebels is growing with colonel gadhafi taking in his heels a string of high profile figures is speaking out in favor of the move so far the ukase officially offloads telecommunications equipment to the rebels but many suspect help of a different kind may be on the way to your end it's r.t. . still to come on the program searching for solutions the best financial minds gathered to discuss the future of the global economy but with merging markets with the driver of economic recovery well that's a question being asked we try and find out a bit later in the program also find out how the new international space station plans for marks the spiral all that long but obviously i don't say you're a good guy fifty years ago big celebration coming up in two days' time we preview. now in most countries it's standard practice to denounce terror but it seems not in
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finland verse a priest is facing charges of inciting racial hatred after he spoke out against the man behind the moscow metro an airport bombings. over reports from helsinki. yes here is these may be the last days these man whereas he's pastas color you hum waller faces been defrocked priest speaking out against i use the word word dearest use word the president no kumar and his internet mouthpiece become a center this site was the first to publish the terrorists' words on the taxi claims the netsky express also natural warming and most recently the idea of our ports attack the website is banned in russia but in finland it enjoys quite a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick
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to follow. this by email it's hard to process. this what does the letters is lower the evil eye stop the fight against the. devil cut my hair. for my family you home all are we want a police but instead ended up being prosecuted himself being sued for criticizing what finland calls illegally operating organization and the same people who are promoting terrorism against russia they are promoting public opinion more equally morally because a racist who is there lingering racist the. people of the churches which is of course not helpful because maurice alia representing the internationally a college opinion about. international terrorist people walking down these quiet
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and prosperous streets may be unaware of the disturbing case of you harm or the rate they're used to thinking of their country as fair and politically correct but would you remain just as neutral. if tragedy knocks on their door here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbors in russia only four hundred kilometers away aren't quite so lucky. upshall it's only a step from extremist rhetoric to action and there is seldom a warning call with writing good for minority groups brought minority who want to do terrible things. and it is disturbing. if. there are thoroughly. the will. there is quite a team after the pastor now finland's prosecutor's office the church and some of
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the world's most determined terrorists you home all the way has already changed address and divorced his wife it would put your and his children at risk is now considering a move to russia it's in a question of r r t how simply finland we would be interested to know we spoke the past to you of malaria after this question by the finnish police you can watch that interview as well as many others on our website r t v dot com. the financial dominance of europe and america is coming to an end with developing economies now taking the leading role but sort of the main themes of a summit being hosted by bill you know george soros and the american turn of bretton woods but is there a list of reports now from before. i if these hills could talk. the economic theory they would expound upon. ladies and gentlemen please welcome ideas they could change the world a future is. predetermined or at least billionaire george soros bringing together
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ph d.'s and nobel prize winners with the backdrop of historical bretton woods would suggest someone is hoping they will. it was here allegations came during world war two in crisis searching for stability they formed the international monetary fund the world bank and established the us dollar as the global reserve currency. it's here that decades later in the wake of a financial crisis a group of influential economists and former policymakers have got together to try to rethink that very framework to reflect a different world we've got to have a serious plan to restructure the internationally to reconstruct the international institutions for the times that we were not for the past times that have gone by gone time says brown are the centuries of american and european dominance with a brick nations of brazil russia india and china fueling more of global growth they
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need a bigger seat at the table the critics say in with the new should mean outwith the old orthodoxy of britain woods the i.m.f. for one i think i am. has mostly played a very destructive role by promoting french a liberalization and many parts of the world which contributed tremendously to the financial meltdown and the handling of that meltdown in the us with the billions to bail out banks that are still too big to fail is just one reason some of these critics are questioning the u.s. dollar as the global reserve currency if you have capitalism and you lose confidence in u.s. institutions which has happened to some degree since two thousand and eight quality of the dollar and all of your new york as a financial center could deteriorate very markedly and deterioration in political will for tucker banking reform has some concern we may be headed for another crisis turns on what one says about crisis but i have to say the concentration of power in
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finance is greater today than it was before this crisis but here it's mostly western academics talking shop a new road map won't be drawn at this time of great woods according to the man who still has obama's ear his former top economic aide no one is going to run to washington to pass legislation next week but over time these kinds of ideas in steer after severe have had very important facts and facts hard for some to see at this point and this fear. where's the political will for reshaping the world economy who has a proposal that is actually workable there's plenty of conversations particularly around the role of the dollar in the global economy but no consensus at all on how to replace i just consensus on a need for change a hope will reverberate beyond the skills lauren mr r.t. you can check. the top world news stories making headlines this sunday night in iceland taxpayers are projecting the government plan to cover the losses sustained by bankers during the two thousand and eight financial crash in a national referendum sixty percent of voters chose not to repay some three billion
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dollars in lost assets to british and dutch investors many of the respondents voiced opposition to having paid from states and bankers the usual no be decided in european calls. his first speech since being ousted from the egyptian presidency hosni mubarak said back at accusations illegally of mass to personal fortune while in office it comes amid a growing movement calling for the prosecution of mubarak and is in the circles village staffed of billions of dollars from the state education authorities of intensified breast occasions into corruption by the former regime but the former prime minister being detained for questioning earlier on sunday. next to the international space station where russian spacecraft has brought three new crew members to the cosmic outpost the mission was dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the first human space flight and set off on the same launch pad as you could go in one hundred sixty one these days though after orbiting for two days run the planet the soyuz rocket thought that says conferencing is
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a mention of crew three with two cosmonauts and an american astronaut if you just stay at the space station until september and been tasked with conducting fourteen scientific experiments part of a one hundred billion dollars program these tests are a sin i was at the baikonur launch pad as the mission is preparing for the second what's to be a part of astronaut spend most of their rise preparing for the possibility of going to space now. calls for example takes about two hundred a year and after this is a wall the president will pray they have to go through all the hard work men and women put into their professions one of the thing they fear is something a little more romantic and that's an unwavering childhood dream of literally reach for something big aspiring cosmonaut sergei that retire watches intently as a so you see him a twenty one spacecraft is poised to to its vertical position at only fourteen he's so certain about his future that he's already made headway he went to the u.s.
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and became the first youngster to spend fifteen minutes floating of the zero gravity environment hofmann arts training in somalia and the plane was going out to talk to families of my body i could hardly move my hands this early start is something the first man in space you regarding could himself have related to and his fate fifty years ago marked the beginning of a long list of achievements in manned space exploration. for walking on the route. to building the massive international space station. is but it doesn't stop there next possibly a hotel in orbit yet another space dream which for this hotel courage it will be four rooms at the station with enough food for seven people there will be trivia luminaries so that everyone can observe the stars of always wanted to become a cosmonaut that didn't happen but i'm sure that one day all travel to space
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a tourist price tag is a hefty thirty five to forty million dollars but there is a cheaper alternative another project aims to send space tourists to lower earth orbit where they'll spend five minutes of zero gravity and see the planet in its entirety for two hundred thousand dollars to do this they plan to use the ability of this plane to carry cargo on its body the plane will take off with a small space shuttle which will be released at a certain altitude but arguably the most a bishops of space projects is the mars five hundred experiment simulating a voyage to the restaurant in the event this global ambitions becomes reality. and when that time comes young sergey asserts and he'll be ready to take on the challenge. i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well they see you can leave here in future. and like many stace men and women he believes it will only be a matter of time that's our silly r.t.
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baikonur in kazakhstan. just fifteen minutes away tonight from later sunday night sports on r t k scott news for a fascinating day of football a frantic finale in formula one and some familiar faces flourishing and i saw. my name's kevin i mean thank you for being with r.t. for moscow this sunday night the tenth of april.
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yes. please .


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