tv [untitled] April 10, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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is the cement original. photo. on the radio to lead the. church in new delhi her. baby her to carry collection among the clothes of the family made. clothes and medicine she was punished but they promise. poland and russia hold a memorial service is one year on from the polish presidential plane crash. which killed president lech kaczynski and ninety five others a tragedy which has however brought both countries closer together. nato faces questions over its no fly zone unfortunately over libya after reports that colonel gadhafi forces have shot down to rebel helicopters and. also this week a finnish priest is charged with insider racial hatred and faces expulsion from the church after an interview with authority in which he spoke out against one of the
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world's most wanted terrorists. broadcasting live from our studios in moscow where it is five o'clock on a monday morning we're glad to have you with us this is r.t. one year on and poland is remembering the victims of the presidential plane crash in western russia in which many of the country's political elite perished including the head of state president lech kaczynski commemoration events have been held in russia and in poland where more take place this week the tragedy however ignited a warming in historically frosty relations between moscow and warsaw but as the reports some politicians are trying to politicize the tragedy. well it certainly has been one a very. very tragic day for poland just like exactly twelve months ago when i was here at the very same spot eyes. huge crowds of people gathered here and so is the
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story so has the story of today also been thousands and thousands have been coming here to the square in front of the presidential palace in warsaw to commemorate those who died in that tragic plane crash near by the russian city of slavyansk where most of the polish political elite perished alongside with the country's president and his wife indeed we have seen lots of different services and vigils held across this city at the cemetery where the people who died in the in the plane crash were buried a year ago their relatives came there to lay flowers in roots certainly the vigils that the most important cathedrals and churches across the capital and indeed across the whole country as well that's also was broadcasted on l.c.d. screens across the central polish capital if there was even a vigil held at the runway of a v.i.p. airport from where the presidential plane to call for twelve months ago and never returned now at the rally here of the mass rally at the central square has had
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different colors all throughout the day first it was all about mourning the dead then it became like a religious gathering with a vigil held right here in right in front of the presidential palace and now this rally has turned political with the remaining several thousand people here in the square chanting some political slogans in fact asking for the government for the prime minister's head and for the president's head believing that there have been inadequate in investigating this story many experts note that this has been the sentiment of the last several months in poland with the radical nationalist forces saying using very harsh and side russian rhetoric and even going as far as creating conspiracy theories that the death of the polish president lech kaczynski was in fact according to them between the power circles in warsaw and the ones in moscow something of course very few in poland actually believe in and. nevertheless it has
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been all about emotion today and i had the fact had the feeling that the people who gathered here there were still more about mourning the dead that rather than going into the political discourse and having been walking through the crowd all throughout the day i've seen tears in the eyes of the people they were holding photographs and candles trying to remember what exactly happened twelve months ago and how difficult this loss has been for this country party's election year show us the reporting there from warsaw now many of the wounds of that tragedy have yet to heal and to poland and in poland excuse me there is still debate about the circumstances of the crash but aviation journalist david kaminski morrow told me it would be hard for poland to contest the findings by the russian investigators the facts of this case are a fairly unequivocal you can say it would take a fairly elaborate reinterpretation of an awful lot of hard factual data to come up with an alternative to what the instate aviation committee has
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already published i mean there may be minor differences in in what happened there's always room for a certain amount of interpretation and i think it depends on whether the president wants to start with the evidence and finish with a conclusion or whether it won't start with a conclusion and cherry pick the evidence. when she's not enough. when it's something really crucial. what you want to get down to brass as we bring you our special coverage here. in a place already seen all of this with tragedy the world witnessed another disaster that left the country devastated. and united two nations in grief. questionable. moving on to a libya now or colonel gadhafi has agreed to
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a ceasefire proposal by visiting african union officials it now waits approval from rebel forces but they say there can be no negotiations as long as gadhafi remains in power african union president jacob zuma says gadhafi has also agreed to let humanitarian aid into the country under the plan the libyan leader's forces have been trying to retake the frontline city of daraa from which from the opposition who've been recovering positions with the help of the strikes but while the western alliance says it's just roid significant stockpiles of cut off these tanks and the nations across the country rebels are growing disillusioned over the rising toll of friendly fire casualties since nato took over control of the no fly zone its air strikes have killed at least twenty and i could off the fighters and injured dozens more piece going off as spoken to rebels in the city of benghazi. very often would be an army move to any service all the way to retirement but now he's fighting for
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the revolution and he's among the few rebels at the front with the military training and experience with their forces for not even we are ready to fight to the death but with these weapons we don't stand a chance against gadhafi since needing to control the north winds on operation it's going to need more than one thousand sorties into maybe the u.n. screens around the good of going to have these forces have now been destroyed with he's going to help from the skerries on the ground and the rebels are still deep in the bounding. later or three old civilians in misrata daily or green monitors. but. just a week ago i think was the sunni community seems the entire cppcc support was the probably still that there still people missing. it will be the it seems to reach. all the us has been tactics is raising as well
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protests way this one are becoming parents seen me or if using media all feeling to protect civilians they are asking for help anymore the are demanding it i do think that i do think we're all there waiting for for gadhafi to secure still we demand a new u.n. resolution which would allow us. but experts say arming the rebels alone wouldn't help us win war with the rebels need not so much arms they can use arms and training we're not going to be nice or mean force on our servicing the us in egypt . and even if you force is going beyond the mandate of the un resolution that established north winds are you going to spin off r d. i v. us has also been flooding through syria yemen and egypt this week and with nato
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forces stuck deep in libya there is speculation that destabilizing the region is the real agenda of the west or he's going to try to can comment on how the u.s. is involved in a strategy. as waves of public rage sweep through north africa and the middle east what powers jump on as many analysts say in an attempt to direct the waves of progress in a way that's most favorable for them in libya forging relationship with the opposition so that if gadhafi goes there are people there to do business with as syria popular raphe gather steam some experts say western powers might see the advantages of getting involved there to these three countries iran syria and libya are the main countries that will not align themselves with a maverick to the global power elites or western powers interested objectives in north africa and in the middle east as for example egypt will do or you see that with hosni mubarak and definitely. kuwait saudi arabia syria is iran's closest ally
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in the region and the cost to support the remark in syria are fun come with mentions of you ran syria is obviously a strategic ally for iran in the in the region and without syria iran loses there and there are bridge their land bridge to lebanon and they're hit hezbollah enforces so of course hezbollah would suffer if the syrian regime was to fall and that would be stabilising iran and weaken its power in the region which would be an obvious benefit to being called american forces some experts even believe that this stabilize ation is part of the strategy the west perceives in the region we are seeing reflects a strategy which includes our moms other points the generalized weakening of the sovereign nation states of the sovereign genes in the arab world in order to try to isolate iran even with very few perhaps no friendly countries in the region and that will leave iran pretty much alone at least in the arab world and would facilitate further turmoil inside iran although the u.s.
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secretary of state has ruled out america's involvement in syria for now the country's defense secretary card with the syrian army to quote empower arab revolution and follow the example of egypt's military syria. a road america's list. eight. if you choose the way you will be many say you ran though would be a tough car and no matter how much washington you want the regime there are too strong for now it's seen as a mission impossible i'm sure that there are some in the u.s. who would love to attack iran and there are others who would like to take over the iranian opposition i think they know that the iranian opposition is not so fond of the united states they have a long memory in iran people remember the role of the united states in overthrowing the precursor to the shah of iran overthrowing the democratically elected
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government of mossad back in one thousand fifty three so i don't think the u.s. would be welcomed and i think many in washington know that with libya being torn apart by the war and anti-government protests gaining momentum in syria the question on everyone's mind is who might be next i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . still to come on the program searching for solutions the best financial minds gathered to discuss the future of the global economy will emerging markets be the driver of the economic recovery. and find out how the new crew of the international space station plans to mark your gerunds orbital adventure of fifty years ago. to finland now where a priest there is facing criminal charges for firming ethnic hatred after speaking out against doku umarov one of the world's most wanted terrorists you heart mauler could actually be defrocked and has already received death threats and catherine mcgrath. yes here is these may be the last days these man whereas he's pastas
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called learned you hum faces being defrocked speaking out against i use the word would appear to resist us we're. not the model and he's an internet mild peace. car centric it was the first to publish the terrorists' words on the tax claims the nevski press moscow matter of war means and most recently the idea that our ports attack the website is banned in russia but in finland it enjoys why is a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick to follow. this guy. is hundred percent i guess there was this what does the letters say you slow though that if i don't. if i'd.
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got my head away from my family you one more we want to police but instead as booker ended up being prosecuted himself being sued for criticizing what finland calls illegally oh prating organization the same people who are promoting. russia they are promoting public opinion against reclaiming the recent. racist statements or courses or the traditions which is of course not the truth more easily representing internationally the college. of international terrorist people walking down these quiet and prosperous streets may be unaware of the disturbing case of you harm or the rape there used to thinking of their country s. pear and politically correct but would they remain just as neutral if tragedy knocks
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on their door here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbors say in russia only four hundred kilometers away aren't quite so lucky. after all it's only a step from extremist rhetoric. action and there is seldom a warning call we're fighting against a minority of birds drop minority who want to do terrible thing work would be. disturbing. if it is being ready there are thirty one in the works but going there is quite a keen are to the pasta now finland's prosecutors office chair and some of the world's most determined terrorists you holloway has already changed address and divorced his wife to avoid putting sure and his children at risk is now considering a move to russia it's in the direction of our t.v.
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helsinki finland we spoke to pastor you humbler e after he was questioned by the finnish police you can watch that interview as well as many other stories on our website r.t. dot com. with emerging economies taking a new leading role in a new era could be joining in the world of global economics that's one of the main topics on the table at the bretton woods conference hosted by billionaire philanthropist and george soros or he's loren lister's over gathering. if these hills could talk. the economic theory they would expound upon. ladies and gentlemen please welcome ideas they could change the world a future is. predetermined or at least billionaire george soros bringing together ph d's and nobel prize winners with the backdrop of historical bretton woods would suggest someone is hoping they will but it was here allied nations came during
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world war two in crisis searching for stability they formed the international monetary fund the world bank and established the u.s. dollar as the global reserve currency. it's here that decades later in the wake of a financial crisis a group of influential economists and former policymakers have got together to try to rethink that very framework to reflect a different world we've got to have a serious problem to reach the internationally to reconstruct the international institutions for the times that we were not for the past times that have gone by gone time says brown are the centuries of american and european dominance with the bric nations of brazil russia india and china fueling more of global growth they need a bigger seat at the table the critics say in with the new should mean outwith the old orthodoxy of britain woods the i.m.f. for one i think i am. has mostly played a very destructive role by promoting financial liberalization in many parts of the world which contributed tremendously to the financial meltdown and the handling of
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that meltdown in the us with the billions to bail out banks that are still too big to fail is just one reason some of these critics are questioning the u.s. dollar as the global reserve currency if you have crony capitalism and you lose confidence in u.s. institutions which is happened to some degree since two thousand and eight the quality of the dollar and the quality of new yorkers. for the control center to tour the remarkably and deterioration in political will for tougher banking reform has some concern we may be headed for another crisis returns on what one says about crisis but i have to say yes the concentration of power in finance is greater today than it was before this crisis but here it's mostly western academics talking shop a new road map won't be drawn at this time of bretton woods according to the man who still has obama's ear scorm or top economic aide no one is going to run to washington to pass legislation next week but over time these kinds of ideas year
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after sphere have had very important facts effects hard for some to see at this point this year where the political will for reshaping the world economy who has a proposal that's actually workable there's plenty of conversations particularly around the role of a dollar a global economy but no consensus at all on how to replace the i just consensus on a need for change they hope will reverberate beyond these hills lauren lyster r.t. new hampshire. moving on to some other international news making headlines around the world right now. the people of iceland have rejected a government proposal to use their taxes to repay bank losses from the two thousand and eight financial crash which sunk the country's financial sector around sixty percent voted no in a referendum opposing the payment of five billion u.s. dollars to the british and dutch governments both compensated their citizens who lost money in icelandic accounts the two governments are now to sue iceland in an
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international court after the no vote. in his first speech since being ousted from the egyptian president hosni mubarak has hit back at accusations he illegally amassed and personal fortune while in office a statement from a tape recording was broadcast on al-arabiya t.v. it comes as public pressure intensifies for the prosecution of the former leader and his inner circle over the alleged theft of the. of dollars from the state egypt and authorities have stepped up investigations into coaching by the former regime with the former prime minister and mr mubarak's two sons being summoned for questioning. next to the international space station where a russian soyuz rocket has brought three new crew members doubling the size of the team in orbit the mission set off from the same launch pad as the year again in one hundred sixty one just days before the fiftieth anniversary of that historic flight the new crew will spend five months in space and have been tasked with conducting
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a forty trying to fix experiments as part of a one hundred billion dollars program. arsole reports. astronauts spend most of their lives preparing for the possibility of going to space now russian cosmonaut for example takes about two hundred fifty exams a year and after this is a war the physical training they have to go through all the hard work man and woman put into their professions one of the things they share is something a little more romantic and that's an unwavering a childhood dream of literally rethink first big aspiring cosmonaut sergei the retire watches intently as the silly steve made twenty one spacecraft is poised to to its vertical position at only fourteen he's so certain about his future he's already made headway and went to the u.s. and became the first youngster to spend fifteen minutes floating in the zero gravity environment possible not straining somalia to clean up i thought the beat of my body i could hardly move my hands this early start is something the first man
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in space utica god include himself have related to and his feet fifty years ago marked the beginning of a long list of achievements in manned space exploration. from walking on the route. to building the massive international space station. this. but it doesn't stop there next possibly a hotel in orbit yet another space dream but which did it to you for this hotel project there will be four rooms at the station with enough food for seven people they'll be triggered luminaries so that everyone can also have the earth and stars from what i've always wanted to become a cosmonaut that didn't happen but i'm sure that one day i'll travel to space tourist price tag is a hefty thirty five to forty million dollars but there is a cheaper alternative another project aims to send space tourists to lower earth
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orbit where they'll spend five minutes of zero gravity and see the planet in its entirety for two hundred thousand dollars to do this they plan to use the ability of this plane to carry cargo on its body the plane will take off with a small space shuttle which will be released at a certain altitude but arguably the most a vicious of space projects is the mars five hundred experiment simulating a voyage to the rest one it's a big event this global ambitions becomes reality and when that time comes young sergei is certain he'll be ready to take on the challenge the marsupial for the i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well you can leave there in future. and like many space men and women he believes it will only be a matter of time that's our cilia r.t. baikonur in kazakhstan. after a short break we'll update you on today's and the week's top stories right here on r.t.
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became the first ever man in outer space. hero of the soviet union one of the best known persons in the whole world. all his thoughts were focused on flight. could he ever think that his life's work would cost him his last. one happened in those few seconds. and what city could sneeze or sealed barrels still hold. keurig are in. place. if. the caves. suit. the fleet. looks.
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ok for instance this is not a provocation little or none of the. forces insurance steverson are you sure it's a pretty train strikes and they have no idea about the hardships that face. some day one it's the says it is. to nice things for any army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully you have to live a. real life stories from world war. two true nineteen forty five don't dot com. when the news is not enough. when it's something really crucial. when you come to get down to brass tacks we
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bring you special coverage years of research and construction for all to hear the famous. for the first human blasting off into space. and returning as the hero. of the first question a mole. in thailand or she's available in. her job so it's a luxury hotels bangkok's on the land line call. says her son married cool shot hotel panko by yoshi sweet hotel one called the imperial queen's park made results in spots on the shores of hotel new supply is just said funny her golden cliff result is fun though to be a one road crew such as a toy just go.
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