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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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a year on the poland and russia remember the victims of the plane crash that killed the president of their country and city and ninety five others. and the leaders of the two countries are expected here at the sites of the crossword special commemoration service to take place join me with all the latest from smolensk in just a few minutes. conor duffy agrees to a cease fire plan proposed by the african union but the stalemate is unlikely to solve the less the libyan leader steps down plus. he.
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was asked another shocking case of an american parent of using her adopted russian child is once again drawing attention to the neck of regulation between the two countries. world news and much more you know watching r t on kerry just a year since the polish president was killed in a plane crash in western russia both country's leaders will meet today to mourn the victims of the disaster dozens of opponents but it's kind of neat also perished in the accident remembering ceremonies have been held to commemorate what's been described as poland's worst tragedy since the second world war i just hope it is that the actual site of last year's crash. april the tenth most of the one year anniversary since the plane crash that killed the polish president lech kaczynski
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and ninety five of his being clue did the head of the polish force its all army chief the coalition first lady and several leading and peas and historians and of course that so to call one fly full crashed in the trees just behind me a mere two hundred nieces surely should be small and staff feel that it was a before and not flight so called the rule storm found peace moleskine ironically because the delegation led by the president is g. to attend the seventieth anniversary of the canteen massacre when over twenty thousand homes were killed by soviet soldiers something that the soviet union had previously denied see that event was to be a real milestone in the easing of previously tense russian polish relations but since that tragic plane crash we have seen a very public and very united outpouring of grief from both sides with the leaders from both countries stressing that they want to very much to keep the polish
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russian relationship on track and today on monday we are expecting the presidents of both russia and poland in the dead of a cold war all seen to come here to smolensk to attend a working lunch before coming to the crash site said to his tender commemoration service the speeches will be held as we understand present we said and flowers lays and then they too will move on to size of the kitty memorial the interstate aviation commission that which was a group set up by president medvedev immediately after the crash happened was headed by the prime minister vladimir putin consisted of aviation experts from russia from poland and from the u.s. and it was set up to investigate the causes of the crash and they released their own report on january the twelfth and they concluded that pilot error was mostly to plane always the severely compounded by. very poor weather conditions dense fog and reduced visibility and a psychological pressure no doubt being exerted from the passengers on board
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a flight to land the plane as soon as possible but many in poland have refused the conclusions of that report saying that more needs to be done to look into the conditions of the airfield here is and also into the role played by ground here could they have done more perhaps to prevent the plane from landing many imposed in say that question marks remain in the conclusions that report hence the reason they wish to compile their own investigation we are expecting the results of that polish investigation in october. consultant chris yates says the official investigation into the church was. looked at the crash reports and listened to the recordings from the cockpit read transcripts of the air traffic control conversations it seems to me that this was a textbook investigation and if independent experts from elsewhere were brought
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here and there will be no other conclusion this was in part pilot error. the circumstance within corporate the time that this airplane was making its approach to man that's the role of an air traffic controller is to advise them to guide those who are in the sky it is very clear to me and the pilots on board this aircraft i was told that there were no conditions to that airport and yet continued on an approach to the course and attempting to make the fateful landing. you know traffic controllers themselves cannot prevent an aircraft from doing that they can only provide the best information that they can provide that information seems to me was provided but whatever was
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happening within the cockpit at the time the pilots chose to disregard that i've mentioned. aviation safety consultant christians from interest there of course i would bring you more from throughout the day if you get you can always log on to r.t. the call for. when is is not enough. when it's something really crucial. what you want to get down to brass tacks we bring you our special coverage here. in a place already synonymous with tragedy the world witnessed another disaster that left a country devastated. and united to nations in a great. question more on the r.t. . to libya now where colonel gadhafi has accepted a peace proposal from the african union after several hours of talks in the capital
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tripoli. is yet to be approved by the opposition so the delegations next stop is a rebel held benghazi so compressed instead of zuma said the organization will call on nato to stop its bombing and keep the ceasefire charts despite the coalition forces aiding authorizations the grandson tripoli rebels dissolution rising number of so-called friendly fire incidents visible person off reports now on how peace will not be easy to achieve. thailand's hasn't spoken with his wife winnie two months she is a music writer and sounding the worst surrounded by good at these forces and she is in the east i can't even call my wife i don't know whether she's alive for dad or the front has been moving in both directions it was become clear is that without nato support the rebels don't stand a chance against gaddafi superior firepower but after antigovernment fighters were
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killed by mistake in nato airstrikes trusting the alliance was good as what. the african union has sent a top level delegation to tripoli which proposed a road map for peace it calls for an immediate cease fire and political reform. which surprisingly he has supported me then is the alleviation levied against you if you care even if you have been censored but really you may have as good a. page turner to take you even though the road map includes plans for reform it's not clear whether it also calls for gadhafi and his family to abandon. the way the political system in libya works is there visually god is not the hair of the state he's more of a formal figure or a moral leader as he likes to call himself in reality this man is build a giant power web which is wrapped around business and the government and is built
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on a circle of chosen people goals personally calls to be at their feet and his family . also because the peace plan which was rejected by the opposition even elections the deal did not rule out gadhafi son importing them. we couldn't agree with the initiative because it didn't guarantee that darby's entire family would leave without that guarantee negotiations are pointless if. the african union's delegation is doing the rebel stronghold in the on monday but if the opposition leadership did pledge to listen to their proposal it doesn't seem the rebels are ready to put their guns down how can we live in peace with this bloody tyrant shaaban with more civilians rebels in his troops killed each it's clear a cease fire is needed fairest but unless the latest road maps plans involve considerable changes to libya's political system this deadlock is unlikely to end
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anytime soon you go to school of bin guys we leave here. well still ahead this hour getting hot under the collar find out why along with the sign to health conscious integrator is leaving some feeling left out in the cold. and on a site where the i.m.f. and world bank were created a new forum hopes to reshape the world. for the past ten years and dozens of russian children have been neglected or at least seventeen have died in the care of their adoptive american parents a new agreement regulating the process between the two countries maybe some decisions may but for now the road being of hundreds of foster children across the u.s. remains unknown is very true she got reports. what makes me. want such a tape which caused outrage across america and beyond an american mother recorded
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a video of how she punishes her adopted washing boy and sent it to a popular t.v. show. but rather mean hot sauce into seven year old christophe's mounts did not seem enough for jessica beagley a freezing shower was next. and that right now. we tried a lot of different things to punish the kids spanking we've learned does not work this time it was only after the television troll that authorities looked into the well being of the abducted russian war jessica beagley was charged with child abuse the adoption system in the us is such that once a child is adopted by american parents the government does not provide any oversight as to how they're doing some believe because of the absence of supervision the suffering of many adult children remains on her i caution agencies in this country are set up as a business because the fact that they are chilling which humans why it's here they're not selling cars or toasters it's certainly seems this should be
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a lot more oversight more than sixty thousand russian children have been adopted by u.s. parents since one thousand nine hundred one fortunately most of these children are no live in. new american families. or soon to murdered children dozens current and hundreds who disappeared. losses which cannot be just the world one of the recent incidents that sent shock waves throughout the world was the killing of the seven year old yvonne's got a bug out of it was beaten to death by his american adoptive parents last year the russian authorities suspended adoptions by u.s. parents after an american woman put the russian boy she did it on a plane back to moscow on his own with an old saying she no. longer wanted him now russia and the u.s. are working towards an agreement which would provide better government oversight on the wellbeing of adopted russian children in american families something that would
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mean regular visits to the families by social workers from both countries some say the biggest obstacle to an agreement is the overall secrecy surrounding adoptions in the u.s. in the united states of america once an adoption is finalized that child is the same as if to just errants a birth certificate gets reissued listing the a dr karen state never even has to tell the child that they were adopted but russia says americans privacy issues should not be an argument for leaving thousands of adopted children without any oversight and protection and a new lawyer understands that you cannot transport even before peterson cross the border result in a contract but small children will be in the job by thousands result. in the us people wanting to adopt a private agencies or assessments as to their suitability as parents is of course raises questions as to how objective those assessments can actually be and once
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a child is adopted there is no follow up on power they are doing if jessica beagley had not sent her video to a t.v. show would have never known about her punishment methods just as we don't know about how many other adoptive children are now subject to domestic violence in the us i'm going to check out r.t. washington d.c. . in france women are now officially banned from wearing full face veils in public after a controversial law came into effect the government says that is aimed at helping with news of their out to the local community critics accuse president sarkozy of persecuting is not. from the right country with us we can stand with the population risks writing social tensions reports. when just become a criminal from today a new french law bans covering your face in public is designed to make muslim integrate in society but the softly spoken single mom says it's had the opposite
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effect. my friends have simply stopped going out and all the new rulings made some scared to speak out which many value not to change the way they dress the move on the mind is what the french republic stands for says. he pledges the pay the hundred and fifty point anyone who continues to wear a veil and is taking the dispute further that also we are seeing france in the european court of human rights it's about freedom of expression. of the. man who was fired as nicolas sarkozy's integration advisor last month or criticizing the president's approach he now calls on french muslims to wear a star similar to the one forced on jews by the nazis. these government should learn how to negotiate opinion polls show record low
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approval ratings for the french government with bank is ations the brutally story into racial tension friday prayers in paris muslims are forced to worship on the streets the government looks the building of basic public prayer rooms more discrimination say worshippers against the muslim population. has seen riots in recent years against government policies there are signs of more brewing whether it is a distinct possibility especially when the domestic. decisions and events in foreign decisions and events come together those foreign events have also reached partners in europe joining claims from illegal to call to action of rumors . and said the north african refugees but it's only in the free for international ngo that splits the franco german i exist that drives the e.u. this. axis as as it has been called sometimes is no functioning
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unlist here froth no longer lecture muslim regimes when it pixel its own ethnic minorities that's correct so although we didn't the french government over it's called long policies several hold true for politicians in the people of the last week quit and all are expected to do the same in the coming days the new bush you ought see iris. well you can always find more stories and in-depth analysis on our web site at www dot com online today for you the russian born woman who was once named region of the year finally gets permission to stay in the country she now calls home plus. the ordinary man and extraordinary achievement fifty years after mankind's first flight into space the world remembers you would think of it and forget the movie gets to watch a spot on the team. if
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he gets. the. well moving on to some other international news making headlines around the world this hour in the ivory coast u.n. and french helicopters have frog rockets company president gone but as residents in the conflict he's been holed up in a bunker definitely a bleak un said the stripes when you tell us. for attacks for its forces on civilians it was lost its grip on the country the last two weeks supporters of the internationally recognized winner of last november's elections control. whether
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french forces are being lost in the story and much of these events. in japan it's a month since a devastating earthquake and tsunami which killed thousands and. thousands. around the country. meanwhile plans to extend the evacuation zone around that stricken nuclear plants due to increasing radiation that was it comes off the engine this that there were no closer to restoring the cooling systems. in peru a leftwing x. army officer is on course to hear the country's presidential election most profitable it's counted. as twenty seven percent but it's. gonna snow mr boucher jailbreaks president of the behind despite an economic. review insulated poverty of any value on its promise to share the nation's wealth. over their religion economy is taking
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a leading role and you could be doing in the world of global economics that was one of the main topics on the table bretton woods called princeton the u.s. used to billionaire but other place george soros nazis or in the stuff doesn't. if these hills could talk. the economic theory they would expound upon. ladies and gentlemen please welcome ideas they could change the world of futures all predetermined or at least billionaire george soros bringing together ph d.'s and nobel prize winners with the backdrop of historical bretton woods would suggest someone is hoping they will. it was here allied nations came during world war two in crisis searching for stability they formed the international monetary fund the world bank and established the us dollar is the global reserve currency it's here
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that decades later in the wake of the financial crisis a group of influential economists and former policymakers have got together to try to rethink that very framework to reflect a different world we've got to have a serious problem to restructure the internationally reconstruct the international institutions for the times that we were not for the past times that have gone by gone time says brown are the centuries of american and european dominance with the bric nations of brazil russia india and china really more of global growth and they need a bigger seat at the table critics say in with the new should mean out with the old orthodoxy of bretton woods the i.m.f. for one i think i am a has mostly played a very destructive role by promoting financial liberalization in many parts of the world which contributed tremendously to the financial meltdown and the handling of that meltdown in the us with the billions to bail out banks that are still too big to fail is just one reason some of these critics give for questioning the u.s.
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dollar as the global reserve currency if you have only capitalism and you would lose confidence in us institutions to some degree since two thousand and eight why would he or the dollar in the quality of knowing. because of foreign interests that are truly very markedly and deterioration in political will for tougher banking reform has some concerned we may be headed for another crisis turns on what one says about crisis but i have to say yes the concentration of power in finance is greater today than it was before this crisis but here it's mostly western academics talking shop a new road map won't be drawn at this time important words according to the man who still has obama's ear his former top economic aide no one is going to run to washington to pass legislation next week but over time these kinds of ideas in skier after severe have had very important effect effects hard for some to see at this point in this fear where the political will for reshaping the world economy
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who has a proposal that is actually workable there's plenty of conversations particularly around the role of the dollar in the global economy but no consensus at all on how to replace that. just consensus on the need for change they hope will reverberate beyond these hills lauren lister r.t. new hampshire. the more updates from the economic world in our business bulletin with you just a few steps. you're watching business all see hello and welcome to the program russia has boosted coal and gas supplies to japan in the wake of its quake but i know that same demand for
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many other russian produced commodities is also increased as the reconstruction of the world's third largest economy. if we look at the void it's going to be created from the nuclear power industry because that slows down. energy demand doesn't slow down has to come from other sources so we're talking about electricity generation and that can only come from either wind solar tiny i mean de minimus coefficient of production so what's left coal and natural gas from elegy and that's coming from russia to japan and indeed if you look at the actual cost of the rebuilding right we're talking about apartment buildings whole cities right that are just destroyed that is iron ore that is rebar that is timber and forest products that is all the raw materials that russia exports to asia will grow exponentially. let's take a look at how this talk markets are performing asian shares trading in the red
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these are in tokyo this talks so weighed by concerns over the post break resumption of production shop corporation is down more than one percent after the company said it would trim output of liquid crystal display screen is due to source importance from the quake. here in moscow the markets have opened in the blind the office here is currently gaining around points three percent with pricing and the tree sets and leading the crowds. crude still remains are not good trends and made an arrest in the middle east and north africa however limiting the gains everything was that leave it be that moment gadhafi has accepted a peace plan to end the conflict in the country brant crude is over one hundred twenty six dollars a barrel the light sweet is trading at almost one hundred thirteen dollars per barrel this our oil prices of junk by more than twenty three percent this year. the price of precious metals have reached another record and can amid concerns of a fungus growing inflation in the world gold is currently trading at around one
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thousand people still hundred and seventy five dollars per ounce while sober is about forty one dollars pounds which is the highest rate in three decades. russia's call producer at rest parts case to submit a list of possible buyers of the company by the end of april to mr newspaper says among the country to russia's largest coal miner i will stop still make their own limits how restaurants case setting and percent of its shares and aims to raise up around six billion dollars that's a set of percent premium to the market price. russia's richest people have doubled their wealth in twenty years of reforms however the country's poorest have seen them as kind by hawt i studied by the country's high school of economics says the gap between rich and poor has grown faster than the hungry and the czech republic which both went through a similar economic transition. the country's got some trouble has increased at fifty percent says the late eighty's and the battle has been put in fruit i only
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seem to accept. that self an animal stories coming up in about fifty minutes time to stay with us. culture is that so much of an oldish musician on the mark when opening the door to tear we all kind of franchise has been largely absent the arab awakening and
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knowing. it out. when she is not enough. when it's something really crucial. when you want to get down some prospects we bring you hospital coverage years of research and construction. all to hear the famous. for the first human blasting off into space. and returning as they hear a. question more on the ati. if. the motion would be soon which bryson if you knew about sound from phones to transient so. please for instance on
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t.v. dot com. wealthy british style polls sometimes that. markets financed scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headline is joining to cause a report.


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