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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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breaking news this hour there's been an explosion at a metro station in the pallor russian capital minsk. eyewitnesses report that at least thirty people had been injured in that explosion just like at school. also russia and poland mark a fatal accident the other two nations apart from the time saw them you know. presidents to meet him it. paid their respects to the victims of the fatal plane
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crash that killed the police president and many of the countries that were. on the on the team. piece in libya depends on the rebels as the african union suggests a resolution to the conflict but the opposition says they'll be no truce until colonel gadhafi is out. hello it's a pure minded idea i must be watching the r.t. news channel my name is kevin know it and we start as you just heard maybe with the breaking news that there's been a blast at a metro station to minsk the company better was in the last hour these are the latest pictures to be released online where we can see the metro station people being taken out from it let's get the latest from our correspondent sara first is across the latest news wires coming out of sara what you know. well that explains
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and how to fight fifty six lake with this evening in the bother us a couple of minutes later that it occurred on the as it were the third still that's a stage. there are eyewitnesses reports that a. lot of people coming out of the station great days with the plus all the stations that. i like hated quite mitzi the balinese president alexander lukashenko his main author and i wasn't immediately clear would have caused the explosion but it's nice that these eyewitness reports coming a lot of people they smear twitter accounts they've been reporting that at least eighty people a third to iran thirty injured and some of the injuries i described as pretty serious those one man said to have been named places like in that explosion the merchants he says of course now working on the say. ok sir we've got some pictures i think we can show oh we're going to bring in two of you should be getting
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pictures through only a huge channel obviously some people have been using their mobile phones to try and bring what they say what they're seeing there do you know any more about this metro station how close do you think he is to alexander lucretia because all face well is he said it is one of the police thanks so much a station in the consulate meant that located pretty close. think plays may help this i bet as you say details of the it's lation as yet pretty unclear what we're getting is those eyewitness accounts about the injuries and of course the investigation will be going into exactly what caused it and the reasons behind up again no we're just showing some pictures through now with a very disappeared again of people on store on some stretches they can you just recount for us from viewers who just joined us more stress these details are just really basically coming through as we're speaking as well we just recap rosie know is the latest casualties from the first figures that you're getting through on the
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news was yet a third eye witnesses that they sing that twitter account the barefoot stay at the moment that people essentially died in that explosion at least thirty people injured as we sat there with the descriptions of people coming out of the station itself because the station happened in. oh yes they did people coming out and they said with that place bad as that a great character that was happening he was coming out quite heavily into it i was mad that the had they did that play things like think these are the latest pictures that we had a coming through the people coming out that that's a stage i think that the legend that that now what they see happening. just looking at those pictures now looking at them on screen for a little while i'm not quite sure if we've got any more to show let's see if we've got any more that it does take you back to the moscow metro gloss i have to say
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seeing those pictures on screen there we are again back on the screen that. we all witnessed of just nearby the studios of course tell you we're just seeing the somebodies obviously got. some of the bloodied handkerchief persons with their mobile phone sort of filming what they're seeing as it's happening obviously a big. scene of confusion of course it's rush hour as well sary mustn't forget that would have been a time when people there heading home from work were saying a lady a poor soul days sitting down there blackened by the explosion on the surface obviously this footage coming through very very wrong or simply just basically called our opinion switching on the mobile phone letting it recalled and there we're seeing it as in those posts to be seeing it as well it seems to me lieutenant back with the pictures that we. started with sara thank you for now we'll come back
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to as soon as we know more just to bring the viewers up to date and for mind of you is that the eyewitness says reporting smoke rising from the brisk metro station in the city center i'm hearing reports now that at least two reported dead. several more reported to have been injured. we're hearing thirty reported injured that's the latest at the moment because of the blast is not clear it happened just before eighteen hundred local time that's fifteen hundred g.m.t. that is of course as it were mentioning russia's thing a picture of a river somebody severely injured on a stretcher just by the side of the road ok we'll as we get more on this we'll bring it to you of course here on r t. russia in poland the marking one year since a plane crash killed the polish president of most of the country's political elite
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remembrance ceremonies are underway in western russia at the site of the tragedy where ninety six people died last april i said but is there for us. to meet them and their lives. are all ski are in smolinski today to pay their respects to the victims of that fatal plane crash that killed the polish president lech kaczynski a year ago sunday april tenth that marks one year exactly to the day that that stupid of one five four crashed in the trees just behind me killing all ninety six on board those included the polish president is wife the chief of the air force and poland's military chief making the situation even more poignant is the reason why that plane had taken off from school so were not was for the polish delegation to attend the seventieth anniversary of the canteen massacre when over twenty thousand poles were killed by soviet secret police something the soviet union had previously denied so the event was to be
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a real milestone in the symbolic easing of previously tense relations between poland and russia but since that plane crash we have seen a very public and very united to splay of grief from both poland and russia and today underlined that with both presidents here together attending a small poignancy and a quiet ceremony here at the exact size hole of the plane crash here by the swollen skaf eels before moving on to the site of the canteen memorial where mores relays in the press said. the interstate aviation commission all i.a.c. was settled by president dmitri medvedev delivered its report on the twelfth of january and it concluded the pilots error was mostly to blame overseas severely compounded by very pull weather conditions dense fog and reduced visibility and
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psychological pressure being exerted on the players from certain passengers to land the plane as soon as possible many in the colons refer. if you see these conclusions and think that more investigation needs to be done to the conditions of the ethical here in some events and also into the role of bronze star could they have done more perhaps to prevent the plane from landing in such dense fog poland will conclude its only independent investigation into the causes of the crash and often asking for a six month extension we are expecting that independent police investigation to deliver its final conclusion sometime in october alice had reported undergo squeeze the vice president director of public policy at the east west institute joins me now to talk about the impact of the plane crash on the cutting metal on russian polish relations from slipping on r.t. why is poland you think so reluctant to accept the official findings from russia about the crash. well i think you have to see this is not just
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a matter of being reluctant to accept the findings about the crash because everything about this crash is a change by history the long history of polish russian and polish soviet relations the captain massacre itself the especially the cover up and so it's hardly surprising that many poles are skeptical about it what did we get before story i think it's interesting that a recent poll in poland showed that there are only eight percent see this as some sort of a conspiracy but there are many people who say it is the russian side providing all the evidence they are they're sharing everything i think in anything that touches polish russian history and especially at this site there are going to be people who are going to there are some people will refuse to be convinced at least a lot of people will be skeptical and asking a lot of questions and the polish prime minister donald tusk is stressed as needed stirring up and the russian sense would do no good to anyone but there are people
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who are still questioning russia's openness and honesty about all this what will it take to change the mindset. well i think i think first of all it's important to say that there has been progress in polish russian relations i think in the immediate aftermath of the crash and last year there was a great deal of admiration for the fact that. russia didn't make a lot of efforts to to help in every way i think even more important for instance was something like the showing of the fold of polish film directors film about caught in the very first stark portrayal of what happened there so there is i think there are two things that must happen and one is that of course rid the russian side must provide a she needs to cooperate in every way to show it that it is not withholding it any evidence to be to be as forthcoming as possible but to
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a large in the larger sense there's a sense is russia coming to terms with this past is being honest about its past and particularly in terms of cotton and there's been a great deal of progress they are but it's been in fits and starts you know boris yeltsin in ninety two finally provided the order of stalin and the politburo for the execution of these over twenty thousand polish with peel w.'s but since then there's been in the early two thousand that there was a lot of backtracking on honesty about his this soviet history and that even even as recently as a year ago right before this tragedy putin said something to be effect well yes yes this is a tragedy and we must own up to it but it may have been in part we tally ation for the handling of russian prisoners during the russian polish war of one thousand and twenty which which everyone. tried to relativize
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a massacre of this kind so i think there's a real need for an honest appraisal of history which has has has been. fit for russia as they've always ok and looking to the future later this year poland parliamentary elections political experts are already saying earlier that some politicians will be trying to distance themselves from russia to gain more votes do you think there are anti russian campaigns could sway polls more of them. well of you know i mean there are always it's always easy as in any country to stir up nationalist feelings i think there will be a portion of the population which is which will be receptive that you've seen demonstrations in poland already but the extent to which this will go beyond a relatively small segment of the population to a broader one will depend again on the overall state of relations on the continuing
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handling of the investigations both the polish and any further follow up from the russian investigation but again and as i say it is sense is there a sense of confidence that poland and russia can really honestly talk about these issues and one of i think one of the real setbacks here it's important that russia which has it has has been much more forthcoming on these issues not takes to take steps backwards like it did right before this commemoration and yanking a plaque that was a at smolensk which commemorated the crash which the poles are put down and and linking it directly to why the these ninety six people were flying in it with it with a with a black which simply says commemorative the airplane crashed itself and said nothing about the reason why all these people were coming there that seem to like to say the least a very tactful and counterproductive move undergoes he good to your insight on the
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program the vice president the director of public policy at least was institute thank you for being on the program. well just to remind just joined us of the breaking news story there's been an explosion at a metro station in the by the russian capital minsk. the explosion said what happened on the escalator is the latest pictures we've got coming through taken by an eyewitness there just turn is one of the last ten minutes for you eyewitnesses saying at least to a dead these are official report says roy witnesses report and also say that more than fifty have been injured so unclear whether they were killed in the blast or from the collapse of the escalator that's as a say where we think according to eyewitnesses this explosion happened it happened just over an hour ago now emergency services are at the scene we'll bring you more on it as we get it there is reports on some of the news agencies that there is no
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panic traffic on the surrounding streets has not been blocked thick fumes though are reported to be visible in the vicinity and evacuations being carried out there just to remind you this happened says seventeen fifty six local time just but five to six course russia so many people have been on the metro saying people line then again let's just bring you more this footage that we've managed to turn around. complete confusion after what's going on there you can see the smoke hanging heavy in the air shot there with a handkerchief with blood on it see a lady sitting down and in a moment face blackened obviously by the silt or whatever from the explosion or maybe that's been dragged from the subway itself an explosion thoughts for her tonight ok well as we get more we will update you here on the international news channel r.t. from moscow. to libya now to an african union
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delegation is attempting to convince the rebels to embrace a cease fire and start negotiating with colonel gadhafi the state representatives are now in the opposition held city of benghazi of holding talks with the libyan leader in tripoli gadhafi is agreed to the union's proposal of a truce and says he's prepared to negotiate a peace treaty solution with the rebels but the insurgents maintain they want accept any deal that will see the colonel who are just family hold on to power meanwhile nato stepped up its assault against gadhafi on sunday destroying over a dozen tanks and the largest air strike in weeks libya's been ravaged by civil war since february with hundreds of reported casualties our correspondent has cut off for more from the rebel headquarters of benghazi. pilot's hasn't spoken with his wife meaningly two months she is in misrata examining the worst surrounded by gadhafi forces and he is in the east i can't even call my wife i don't know whether she's alive or gerrards the front has been moving in both directions has become
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clear is that without needle support the rebels don't stand a chance against the superior firepower but after anti-government fighters were killed by mistake in need or airstrikes trusting the alliance with it as one. of the african union has sent a top level delegation to tripoli which proposed a road map for peace it calls for an immediate cease fire and political reform which surprisingly he has ordered me that there's not going is clearly a shift to the level you can still get there he didn't even have said snared which does roadmap as extended by the page plan and fifty eight you would even go the road map includes plans for reform it's not clear whether it also calls for gadhafi and his family to abandon. the way the political system in libya works is that officially god is not. the head of state is more of a form of figure or
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a moral leader as he likes to call himself in reality this man is build a giant power web which is wrapped around business and the government and is built on a circle of children people goals personally close to god i feed his family. also proposed a peace plan which was rejected by the opposition even though in the elections the deal did not get out of the sun or in them. we couldn't agree with the initiative because it didn't guarantee they could darby's entire family with leave without accuracy negotiations are pointless if. the african union delegation is now in the world stronghold. if the opposition leadership listens to the proposal it doesn't seem the rebels are ready to put their guns down how can we live in peace with this bloody tyrant charged. with more civilians rebels in his troops who've
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reached the it's clear the cease fire is needed fast but unless the latest roadmaps plans involve considerable changes to libya's political system this deadlock is unlikely to end anytime soon you're going to school of r g. libya next the preliminary child abuse hearings being held in alaska after american woman appeared on a t.v. show using harsh punishments against her adopted russian son and cases calls for better adoption regulations between the two countries russia has said the son agreement with the u.s. next month in fact to ensure the safety of children adopted into american families at least seventeen adopted russian children have died in the u.s. since one thousand nine hundred two it is going if you can reports now on this worrying trend. what is what you mean it. was a tape which caused outrage across america and beyond an american mother recorded a video of how she punishes her adopted washington boy and sent it to a popular t.v.
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show. but ramming hot sauce into seven year old christophe's mouth did not seem enough for jessica beagley a freezing shower was next oh. right now. we've turned a lot of different things to punish the kids spanking we've learned does not work because it was only after the television troll that authorities looked into the well being of the adopted russian war jessica beagley was charged with child abuse the adoption system in the us is such that once a child is adopted by american parents the government does not provide any oversight as to how they are doing some believe because of the absence of supervision the suffering of many adoptive children remains on her but auction agencies in this country are set up as a business because of the fact that they are chilling with human lawyers here and they're not selling cars or toasters it certainly seems to should be
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a lot more oversight more than sixty thousand russian children have been adopted by u.s. parents since one thousand nine hundred one fortunately most of these children live in. new american families however sealing to minority children dozens harmed and hundreds who disappeared. which will be just a lot one of the recent incidents that sent shock waves throughout the world was the killing of the seven year old even scarab i got that was beaten to death by his american adoptive parents last year the russian authorities suspended adoptions by u.s. parents after an american woman put the russian boy she did not get on a plane back to moscow on his own with a note saying she will. on the one of him now russia and the u.s. are working towards an agreement which would provide better government oversight on the wellbeing of adopted russian children in american families something that would mean regular visits to the families by social workers from both countries some say
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the biggest obstacle to an agreement is the overall secrecy surrounding adoptions in the u.s. any united states of america wants an adoption finalized that child is considered the same as if born to be a doctor errants a birth certificate gets reissued the adoptive parents they never even have to tell the child that they were adopted but russia says americans privacy issues should not be an argument for leaving thousands of adopted children without any oversight and protection and you were understands that you cannot turn sport you in the back of quote the across the border result in the contract about small children will be taken by thousands result any remains in the u.s. people wanting to adopt pay private agencies or assessments as to their suitability as parents this of course raises questions as to how objective those assessments can actually be and once
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a child is abducted there is no follow up on how they are doing in jessica bigley had not sent her a video to a t.v. show would have never known about her punishment methods just as we don't know about how many other adoptive children are now subject to domestic violence in the us i'm going to check out r.t. washington d.c. . these are two from moscow and circular twenty four minutes past eight o'clock in moscow time breaking news this just joined us let me bring you up to date with what we know there's been an explosion of a metro station in minsk so first our correspondent is across the latest news happening there sara what more do we know and bring you some today talk with what were you concerned of use so far more just over an hour ago didn't it. it didn't take five fifty states local time in the by the russian capital and eyewitness reports now for. it's the people in. the people being injured in that explosion. in the late of the station like a star like it. cannot be located near to the gallery president alexander
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lukashenko made office this week that i witnessed this i think the choice of a constant pasting of bases and video all that explain to people i was thinking coming out of the case is looking very days until the visit plus i beg place you can see just like i coming out of the but space station and some of the injuries described as quite serious indeed one month of bases let's make that leap in some of the pictures you can see some of the blood injured not clear exactly who sticks later but as he said it the third make a lot of damage to the emergency services and now on the sea dealing with its. pretty picture from. time to do harm was rush hour people heading home from work through busy time of day and we're also hearing some more information coming in this explosion happened two trains rushing coming into the station one of
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a lot of people getting off those trains on the. exact things the signs cause much damage it was a little bit huge amounts of people travelling up later a lot of congestion is happening a rush. with the supposed to staying in a lot of this is not sure whether the people have been injured and just the explosion itself will the collapse in that area where the explosion as he said the people i dislike coming out of looking it's doing the other toppling over to lots of people not going to think about the recent attacks and staying here and the city says it will be like the thing we place now with jason hopping into the the russian capital and dealing with the people down the say all right so. you go back to the news was making list. the latest for us those very much of course are updating our views as well on what's happening on air and online and you can see updates on our twitter stream it's our t underscore cohen there were posting the latest
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information as we get it as soon as we get it you can keep track of what's happening in minsk you can also comment on the events as they own fold online all the time. slash c underscore karma say the latest pictures we've got. coming through there more pictures now coming through from swearing that rescuers ambulances and police have been heading to that metro station the october sky metro station in the belarusian capital minsk the latest we have no official figures yet but the latest where we had the hearing from sara. is saying that there are at least fifty injured maybe two dead these aren't confirmed figures the explosion happened we gather on an escalator we're also hearing that escalates has collapsed as a result of it the explosion happened when two trains arrived at the station according to the ria novosti news agency the explosion happened at seventeen fifty
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six local time of course rush people returning home after a day's work a busy time for it. not that there's ever a good time for something like this to happen at the moment we still don't know what caused that explosion what's caused so much damage police are investigating a version see services have evacuated people obviously from that underground we're hearing that there's been no panic he was saying the picture is there again these are the ones we're turning around from you on you tube people what can you do i guess people are all obviously in shock they're walking through the the dust and the smoke that's been kicked up trying to make their way as best they can out of the metro station as quickly as they can. all this mess is descended upon them within a matter of nothing is a matter of what we're looking at they were not symmetrical closing on the actual entrance to the metro station opening and closing it is the entrance to the metro
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station. promising please do in the best there to get people out as quickly as they can fumes and smoke have been reported in the area we can see it there as well i'm just reading off the news wires we can see it for own eyes for those pictures that we're seeing so just bring you up to date with what you're seeing if you just joined us here at c from moscow there has been a blast at the metro station in minsk about an hour and twenty minutes ago it happened at the. metro station in the belarusian capital minsk the moment we're hearing unofficial figures at least fifty injured two could be dead. the explosion when two trains arrived ok we will bring you more as we get it let's talk now to fred with from the christian science monitor joining us live on the line there fred good to see you very often.


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