tv [untitled] April 11, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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some signal from. the future however. we are following developing news a blast at a velo roof subway station this bringing up bad memories in moscow now the metro is on high alert i'll have the latest on the deadly blast in and. then the u.s. state department releases its annual report on human rights but as they point the finger at everyone else what about the human rights abuses happening in our own land of the free. you know modern legalized economy one percent three it's an anachronism that a single currency. would play the pivotal role that the dollar has played
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or should it be i would be old and in with the new global economic system powerful financial leaders say that so why now. and unveiling the burka a new ban in france is forcing women to integrate into society but it's revealing more than their face that. it's monday april eleventh eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine freeze out there watching our team and we're following developing news lots of questions this evening after a deadly blast the subway station in minsk fell over as you can see here is the capital of bellary in eastern europe so far reports say it's killed eleven people and injured more than one hundred others and this happened just before the height
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of the evening rush hour about six pm there this is people were rushing to catch two trains arriving in the station a criminal investigation has been launched as to who or what caused the blast. well starting today in france women are officially banned from wearing full face veils in public the controversial law now in effect after many government officials there say well they just wanted to help muslims a doubt better to local community critics accuse president sarkozy of persecuting as long to win back votes from the right but in a country with europe's largest muslim population the long risks igniting social tensions opposition in france is expected to continue both in the form of protest and also with women either knowingly breaking the law or not leaving their homes or joining me now for more is to honey a bushy immigration and federal litigation of. hey there dani right off the bat let's talk about that this is not about dress code this seems to me at least like
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a little bit bigger of an issue absolutely i mean christine you even started off and i say talking to whole injury. i mean there's a lot. that's a lot but first it's illogical and it's a risk for which you cannot a whole community integrated biased but when i'm out and that's when we talk about this community we should let people know some facts this does have the largest population in europe france out of about five million muslims only about two thousand women actually cover their faces they wear they wear the veil but lawmakers there say you know this is a growing phenomenon and it's associated with fundamentalism talk a little bit about that claim by these lawmakers. well for one these lawmakers have no background and this lemma claughton were jordi if he had
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a law or not even most of them so i don't think i'm. as to the law was it is not. secondly they say the phenomenon is it's a fashion trend i think within islam the reason why and out of the five million muslims a small percentage are choosing to come to their faith because it's not a lot that you know about choice. and women should be able to wear what they want to wear whether they're exposing with their covering up and fundamentalism you can't come that fundamentalism what you think is the problem and i look at what is the problem women wearing the burka are not the problem but actually in france are bigger issues that i feel the government is a void and so they can isolate well let me ask you something i mean you said that it that in islam there is a freedom of choice but we have a guest on earlier who said you know what let it be known that there's nothing in
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the qur'an there's nothing in islamic law that says a woman has to cover her face a woman should be modest. but not to cover her face and there are a lot of even muslims who is not a problem with this not necessarily to go as far as a star reaching law in france to say you know what it's a mistake to say that this is associated with religion. i don't agree with that. and there are some laws that are black and white there are a lot of things that happen in service to the practice of the prophet. the prophet never or the never cover the face mandatory the faces i want to be shown but through the practices of the women. and this time in the beginning of this matter some of them chills to cover their faces it's always been a choice it's definitely been around it's part of culture you see some middle eastern countries or there's a lot i will still population standards over the fate like yemen and then there are
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places where women don't cover their face like jordan or palestine so it's pretty much more of a culture that it is a religion well that's the reason it's to help people understand a little better you know what's the reason that the women who do choose to cover their face do so i can't speak on behalf of all but the one hundred and you know it's more comfort for that their relationship with god needs to be very strong to the point where covering their face helps to remind them of their priorities in life and their intention their religion what they're striving for and it's personal to them is that and so you can't really judge them on a second objective and there are people in france who say you know what it does is it separates them from society that it makes a literal veil between then and being able to integrate into society this is certainly the claim of
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a lot of members of parliament who voted this in what we say to those people i think to find integration are they not voting are they not but i think in the grocery stores are they not working professionals are they not graduating college to get enough purchase rooms and garden insurance you know not take out their garbage and garbage right but how are they not integrating. some really really important questions let's talk about sort of the broader picture here this isn't just again about a dress code this is something bigger but what do you think it says to the rest of the world that france has chosen to make this decision it's us talking to muslims it's riding the bandwagon of criticizing muslims very downs personal choices to covering or not it's going to begin with but it's going to continue it's and it's going to continue the march and some of their statements
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it's a lot the government itself said it felt like this is not preventive exercise or religion in a. role if any of what it's going to parental person for worshipping you know the use of worship then why build these places worship that's not the purpose that will last and the reason it's worth a lot of scrutiny victory and so you cannot say that its intended purpose is going to come to ruin it's actually backfiring because it's always easier to write the finger than martin and that's exactly what we're doing and it's right in line with all the other criticisms targeting muslims but only this time it's going deeper into them and spirit are what actually any of the red always welcomes in the community and how it affects the gun or certainly how did i say i think it's not the religion itself certainly some really interesting points and we do
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appreciate your insight and point of discussion and as we've seen some people stepping down from their higher positions in france and just to protest against it some other people protesting you know we'll see where this discussion leads in the meantime thanks so much to honey abboushi immigration and federal law negation attorney joining us from new york city. well a two thousand and ten human rights report published by the u.s. state department came out on friday when annual report but one that comes out three months into a year marked by dramatic changes especially across the middle east and north africa but governments of some of the very countries criticized in the report have seen some changes but still much of what is in the report echoes sentiments from years past here's a couple things we picked out of venezuela is criticize because the government continues to use courts and intimidate and persecute activists in russia criticisms of attacks and murders of journalists and activists in china lawyers writers
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artists intellectuals and activists are arbitrary surely detained and arrested and in pakistan repression of racial ethnic and religious minorities. so what wasn't in the report well no acknowledgment of the many criticisms of the other countries for so-called crimes committed right here to talk more about this is brian becker national cornier for the answer coalition brian let's talk about this i know this is something an issue that you are passionate about the organization really does a lot with talk about some of the major flaws in this report that just came out well the people's republic of china issued its own human rights report that just came out today too that was kind of a counterpoint to the u.s. statement blasting the united states for its own human rights violations here reported violations that are not documented or even discussed in this report the chinese also interestingly condemned the united states government for using the issue of human rights in this report in particular to lecture and to specifically defame the other governments in the world that are becoming targets of u.s.
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foreign policy and as you go through the list you can clearly see the parents the case and the brain some of those things that i mean for example china criticizes the u.s. for the civilian deaths in iraq and afghanistan he criticizes the u.s. government and the u.s. for what happened with prisoner abuse and also criticizes the u.s. of for the restriction of wiki leaks or the attempted restriction of wiki leaks while calling for unrestricted internet access around the world and other countries talk about how this report is seen and some of these specific things are seen from the outside well i think you'd seen largely right now as an act of great hypocrisy a tremendous double standard for us trying to judge and be the judge for the rest of the world while practicing immense human rights violations at home the united states has more people in prison than any other country in the world and this is the richest country in the world it has three million people in prison or two point five million people in prison a black boy born in two thousand and one according to the children's defense fund
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is three times as likely to end up in prison than in college or thirty million people are unemployed or underemployed or stop looking for work in spite of the. biggest housing construction boom in history in the last ten years nine million families have either been foreclosed that is thrown out of their homes or threatened with foreclosure because they can't pay their debts while the u.s. government gave three hundred three trillion dollars to the banks when they couldn't pay their debts so when you look at the social issues people unable to get jobs people are unable to go to college young people especially from working class backgrounds being funneled towards prison you see a grotesque violation of human rights seventy percent of the people in american prisons are there because they pled guilty meaning they didn't have adequate legal counsel they didn't have a trial they weren't found guilty by their peers and so they went to trial because they were britons or in economic injustice the united states condemns china in this report for having called black jails that secret prisons but we know the u.s. had secret prisons all over the world they're going to push administration and the redish and policy that is taking people from one country kidnapping them and taking
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them somewhere else to torture them that's continued under obama why isn't there a human rights violation i think let's say on the topic of china because a lot of critics call this an irony here we have this report and it is an annual report it comes out every year and it's pretty interesting because just a few months ago this country this president welcomes chinese president hu jintao with open arms with a state dinner you know very festive visit and yet this report has a lot of kind of harsh criticisms of that that hunter you know the human rights of these is there talk about this irony here well the irony is explainable it's it's explainable because the us as a state living in a system of states maintains that will matter ties with many of these countries in the case of china if china start buying u.s. treasury bonds if it stops buying u.s. and financing u.s. the u.s. government in the u.s. economy would collapse the chinese market is great for us and western multinational
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corporations to invest and yet at the same time the united states would like to in fact carry out regime change in china as it did in iraq. as it did in afghanistan as it's trying to do it as would like to do in cuba or venezuela because even though it has trade ties with and makes profit from its relationships with these countries in particular china it has an organic hostility it sees them as competitors and i think that would be the case of russia as well the united states does not want any other regional or global power to emerge that would rival us or germany just real quick brian what's the point of this report i mean certainly the u.s. has no obligation to come out with a report that also criticizes its own policy it certainly does a good job criticizing the other countries and you know rightfully so on a lot of these charges but what's the point of this and you know is there an equal report that comes out elsewhere that looks at this country because there's not an equal report that comes out the chinese as we mentioned in their own record human
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race groups in the united states document abuses all the time but the real point of the report i believe is the deal legitimate use governments so that the united states and in particular the cia can work overtime to take a. government regime and carry out some sort of political turmoil for a moment so that that government can be replaced with a government that the united states considers to be a proxy for a client certainly a lot of things coming out of this report will continue to be looked at over the next several months especially as we are going to take a look at what happens with bradley manning a lot going on as always brian becker national coordinator for the answer coalition thanks so much and staying on the topic of human rights and some of the decisions made in this country regarding them and one move on now and talk about the case of luis posada the us this is the cuban born venezuelan national and former cia agent who has been linked to the bombings in havana cuba as well as the downing of an airliner in the one nine hundred seventy s.
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the son of god he lies has been living quietly with his family in miami since his two thousand and seven release but here's what about on trial back in january. area the texas court will answer harrison charges but for perjury i think all from around the world that see this as an insult to the cuban people and the bereaved families of the victims or more earlier i was joined by attorney jose had sarah he says the u.s. said extradite carry less to venezuela if they want him to be held accountable for his actions the evidence is very strong he the prosecutors played the tapes of course are going to release his own or it's early admitted being the mastermind of the bonds that exploded in the program in one nine hundred ninety seven where he lamented the fact that when the pilgrimage alyan by the name of ali chairman because he said he was in the wrong place at the wrong time but he went on to say on the tape that the jurors have heard that we can't stop him say
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they can stop he said we can't stop and there are many many instances during the course of those recordings were both made it being an astronaut. but his campaign of terror including and on the last jury system is a very complicated and delegated and delicate system it is prone to manipulation by our wily defense attorneys and that's exactly what happened here if you watch these proceedings receiving woodman's will take the government would direct examination for a gate and the defense attorney would have been on the stand for a week and a half cross-examining him and one thing really. unique character assassination if you will and it seems like a religion you can try on trial. and similar with
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if you know and do care will. not. unfortunately work out that religion let's talk about some of the people that have protected them along the way and i know that when it comes to the cia certainly this is a dangerous job and records have shown that the crew this was actually in the cia i believe for more than ten years a lot of people look at this organization similar to the military that when somebody is in trouble that we don't leave our fallen soldiers behind that they are protected at every level. and it seems that in this case he hasn't protected at least over the several years several years i mean this is somebody who had a hand in the bay of pigs invasion back in sixty one so talk a little bit about to what extent he's been protected along the way and how protective he is now. well the greatest protection of all is it will end to the united states illegally. and this will file the records for research and we filed
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it on june of two thousand and five and still the united states government has failed to act on that request for extradition despite all the while the evidence that he was not only bought but was the mastermind of the plane and we should mention too that he is wanted for murder charges in both cuba and venezuela which a lot of people might find pretty interesting that the u.s. is actually holding somebody wanted on murder trial and those two countries. there are seventy three counts of first degree murder and is now in columbus and the united states has so far not acted on it instead of acting on the extradition request it filed these charges of lying from an immigration officer in the united states and it's really the wrong charges and i don't think this jury took the case seriously we can't you got to remember this is a border town because even the united states and people here in calendar are going
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to have a three month trial because you lied when you were even want your laughing but it's hard to take you out of time as they are but just real quick what do you think is coming next what do you expect to happen i know you've been on the ground there in texas sort of watching this case as it's developed well i saw that a spokesman for the army. so i think in added states was very disappointed about clearing the little room in this will suggest the united states should not be the truth instead of activists and i'm sure their disappointment will be over but i want to that's the first thing the only charges well the any against them aren't going as well for those seventy three thousand which you remember that's what the united states through to our choosing. and that was attorney jose parrot here and i'll pass it. all the original bretton woods conference of world leaders created the global economic framework still in place today the one that took place over
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this past weekend put on the by the institute for new economic thinking then called by billionaire investor george soros brought together some of the economic elite to take it apart so where is the global economy and specifically the united states headed now artie's loyalists are reports. if these hills could talk. economic theory they would expound upon it. ladies and gentlemen please welcome ideas that could change the world in futures. or at least billionaire george soros bringing together ph d's and nobel prize winners with the backdrop of historical bretton woods would suggest someone is hoping it will be what you have it was here allied nations came during world war two with an economic system in crisis they came searching for stability they formed the international monetary fund the world bank and established the u.s. dollar as the global reserve currency it's here that decades later in the wake of
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the financial crisis a group of influential economists and former policymakers have got together to try to rethink that very framework to reflect a different world so everything that we have taken for granted for almost two centuries american and european dominance is no longer a fact and in adjusting to that fact in cleaning up the mess of the two thousand and eight financial crisis in the u.s. to move the country forward critics here paint a picture of near continuous failure of u.s. policymakers to do the job of president barack obama's former right hand economic man said the stimulus should have been bigger well the decision was political i mean the the judgment was we wanted to get as much physical part of fiscal stimulus as we could meanwhile the wall street bailouts of the time and trouble reserve reaction favored finance they saved the big banks but they have not really gotten our economy going again. the financial reforms passed by washington supposed to end
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too big to fail haven't banks still aren't required to hold enough cash that's just one reason critics like this former j.p. morgan exact site putting the country on course for another disaster. it turns on what one says about crisis but i have to say yes the concentration of power in finance is greater today than it was before this crisis and that's courtesy of the cash flow from wall street to politicians and lobbying corrupting real reform and belief in the leaders top to make it despite some with noble goals i think there are others who are taking too much money from wall street and they're doing well too much to whatever the sobs want because they are contributing to the general to wish of conflicts deterioration coming amidst an increase in inequality in the u.s. where the top one percent are getting richer while everyone else is likely behind with frustration starting to pour over into the streets recently the public union
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workers in wisconsin. nobel prize winning economist joseph stiglitz believes it's all sending the country in the wrong direction that's right and that was what has brought him so forcefully by the happenings jonson he has high hopes the mix of thinkers and policymakers here will lead to new priorities all others are experiencing their own crisis of confidence that new economic thinking will turn into direct action anytime soon the more things change the more they stay the same . more in mr r. t. new hampshire fairly extraordinary interesting and knowledgeable minds getting together for this conference but what actually does it all mean well here to talk about as enter gavin marshall with the center for research on globalization hey there andrew let's talk about this i mean this event was held at the same place as the original bretton woods conference out of which came the world bank the i.m.f. a lot of comparisons are being made but it's not the same how much power to these
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guys have to do anything but you know stays in place. well we're not seeing the same results as the initial bretton conference in one hundred forty four in that we're not seeing the creation of new institutions and out of business on france but there are similar and unique and important parallel is that in the one nine hundred forty four conference you had john in the british representative to bretton woods just the creation of a global currency what she calls the banker. if he thought it would stabilize world financial markets instead they opted for a u.s. reserve currency tied to the price of gold and when. i was coming out of a similar calls for a new world reserve currency the u.s. dollar. currency now even joseph stiglitz was saying that george soros one of the organizers agreed with and you also had several other members. and speakers at this
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conference including gordon brown the former british prime minister and others who have said we need a new currency we need a new global central bank. so this new global currency there's a general idea i mean i was on and it's a wonder and not only the institute for new economic thinking organizing this but also a lesser known organization in canada of the center for international governance innovation which is basically a think tank dedicated to global governance. and so these are the. premise of the ideas i mean at its meeting whether or not institutions result is another matter and that and this hasn't had as much influence but i think this is a continuation of processes as it's been going on since he and i left talk about the timing on this you know why now certainly george soros has been talking about changes needed at least for the last two years at this conference put on now right
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before we go into some pretty important financial. discussions at least at the lawmaking level we're talking about the discussion of raising the debt ceiling the next budget we've got elections coming up do you think it's any coincidence. and there's also the g. twenty in the economic. ministers in the couple weeks and you're bankers are meeting so the g. twenty. is the sort of ideas are being implemented and it's the according to the head of the now and the head of the european central bank the g. twenty is essentially the center of global economic governance. and you have some of the institutions who are represented at this so-called bretton woods two conference including the mainstream financial avalon's which is basically a central bank the world's central bank the most powerful financial institution in the world no one's heard of. deputy chief economist again and i've been saying that
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we need to see more rationing going on. and so there is again all these. general ideas that is time and the whole premise is there right now they're trying to build consensus to push forward the. feeling that we're in a recovery. and so the political will. almost faded in terms of fanciness agenda one thing to keep in mind in two thousand spent. in rector general the i am not an external sun crisis is an opportunity and in the coming economic. what we truly need is a global central bank and what currency how likely is that andrew though at how likely do you think it is that somebody that mean these are certainly arguably big ideas there i guess they're not so much out of the box ideas you mentioned that at this discussion has been taking place for decades but we're going to see quite
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a few challenges to getting some of these things and commented in the coming months . in the coming year producing package i think it will be incredibly challenging and the people doing this knowledge that it's incredibly challenging. it's one of the biggest challenges in fact balancing in china in this process in terms of a global currency their first moving towards this basket of her and she said the i am have called special drawing rights or ascii arts now this was endorsed by george soros at the bretton woods conference of strength and it's. this basket of currencies as yours are and that it currency i did by the i.m.f. . and it's balanced against all others currencies such as the dollar the euro and the idea is that this would sort of be able the reserve currency that was and you got an arsenal with the center for research on globalization and that's going to do it for now i do want to thank you.
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