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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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in a sense for the palm of your. home . well i'm tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. it was definitely a happy monday for federal office workers who dodged a potential government showdown disaster so even though the republicans backed down their fight against planned parenthood funding bill is still both on the new proposed budget. plus with a raise for madison's new supreme court justice be rid of the two thousand florida
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bush poor voting scandal so you are fourteen thousand votes against a pro democratic front runners appear. and we all know if he has a job is to randomly perform pat down searches the search one agent did to a six year old is just ridiculous or illegal the full video and it's personal. you need to know this the government is open today thanks to a last minute deal late friday night that avoid a government shutdown for at least one more week two hours before the deadline on friday house republicans finally gave in and drop their demand to defund planned parenthood clearing the way. for
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a short term spending bill to pass it keeps the government funded for just this week to allow for more negotiations before another vote is held to keep the government funded for the rest of the fiscal year which ends in october that new budget deal will cut thirty five point thirty eight point five billion dollars in spending over the remainder of two thousand and eleven that's weeks. or this week's deal a number that was much closer to republican demands that democrats still since the government will continue to fund basic women's health care services with the planned parenthood many republicans are saying they're going to vote no for the measure meaning speaker john boehner is going to have have to appeal across the aisle the democrats to get his budget passed so even though the government shutdown was averted republicans aved on their planned parenthood demands the democrats already lost the larger debate by rolling over on so many painful spending cuts though kirk is the vice president of policy at americans for prosperity and me now to offer his take on this bill welcome back to the program and my pleasure tom
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great to have you with us let me just share quickly a graphic with you like to get your thoughts on what we can put up on the screen here or can we not here it is this is our national debt as a percentage of g.d.p. and of course the the peak there is world war two and then we paid off our debt and then ronald reagan came into office and put into place about halfway through his presidency is notorious tax cut on the rich and clinton then raised taxes on the rich the debt went down bush cut taxes on the rich the debt went back up obama continued bush's taxes on the rich tax cut on the rich and the and it continues to go up doesn't this suggest something like really kind of fundamental and basic like cutting taxes on the rich is stupid and it leads to god no it says nothing of the sword now actually if you had revenue as a percent of g.d.p. across this period you would see that even when rates go up and down the. top
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marginal tax rate has no meant almost no impact on the revenue that's collected which is a flat line of about eighteen to twenty percent of g.d.p. no matter what the tax rates are the big variance here were changes in spending levels particularly the military buildup on or under ronald reagan in the one nine hundred eighty s. and the big surge in security spending post nine eleven under president bush i agree with you we've got to get the deficit under control but the variance is on the phone the spending side i would suggest that's where we need to focus on his own sounding side world war two that's a variation on the theme that world war two saved us from the great depression. no no the fact that our deficits are being driven governments i think if you if you said that what we're looking at here is not national debt as a percent of g.d.p. is there is a chart says rather a spend of national that's driven by them and then in the logic associated with that is typically also in associated with the notion that what got us out of out of the great depression was world war two and i would completely disagree one has nothing to do with the point that i'm making good i don't agree with that either
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that's where you're going with it so so the question then is. all actually. i don't know it's this this is this is the result of tax cuts i mean tom ridge's a new spirit here with the first time this year it would be until reagan became president he led on the theme of this twenty percent as if you provided revenue as a percent of g.d.p. if you read between eighteen and twenty throughout the whole post world war two everywhere from the eisenhower top rate going up around revenue revenue goes up and down along really sessions of course it does tax rate you know tax receipts are lower than they've ever been tax receipts right now are at a fifty year low and you know if you look at the obama administration's own projections they've got talent or libertarian she did a knowledge of what i just said is the truth taxes tax revenue of revenues that in a nineteen revenue share as a percent of g.d.p. is not sensitive to the marginal and there's also and if you're talking about total government revenue let's just say for
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a minute you're right twenty percent right across the board it was all governor of you during that period of time there when when eisenhower was running the show and . when nixon was running the show and johnson and kennedy then thirty percent of the total revenue of the federal government was coming from corporations now it's six point six percent there's clearly more to it than just saying oh gee this is some flat revenue well it makes a big difference how you collect the revenue in terms of its economic impact and how neutral it is and how much you did it and how much it affects the economic value added making the reality of it i'm talking about just the do you say let's talk about that you know corporations tom do not pay taxes no matter what rate they corporate tax they be corporations collect taxes i want to scrap it all taxes are paid by human beings that i don't attack those paid one of three ways it's either car you have to you consumers in higher prices out of workers and higher wages or out of shareholders are you going to tell me you need to tell me this film or you try to tell me that that your company does not use police or fire services or you don't use an educated well i'm not saying anything like that are you think only the
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american who in her support retire because our heroes appear to be every nomic incidence of every taxes on human beings it's not true. it's just simply not the money to pay a tax to a corporation it's a money to pay for evaluation is using the government's house the corporation is using here to guess it's on a table that's where you might come from that's a phony question sort of argument if you want to seeing where does a person get the money to pay their taxes they where do you get the money to pay their taxes you get your money from from from you know from however you're going to write from your income source what are my point is your question is a phony baloney question i don't think the actual question is is who is using the commons and who's paying for it and you've got corporations that are dumping poisons into our air that are causing millions of dollars in damage and deaths in diseases the corporation to use when i do use in there using police and fire and you've got corporations that are using the commons they're using our educated workforce and they're not paying taxes for it they should pay if they want to claim
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that their entities if they want to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to political campaigns then they shouldn't sit around go oh but we we don't have to pay any taxes we shouldn't deny things would be much more efficient much more transparent and much more fair to have passed through treatment for corporations the same as we have for partnerships if people take action if people take a profit that should be taxed but i don't think that and to the level taxation you can't do that or we don't have fifty thousand stockholders and you know what we have publicly traded partnership with the black riders that have that tax treatment it seems to work and making twelve partners rajon their publicly traded anyone can buy into the partnership with blackstone group it's turned on the american stock exchange. pointed out that if you upper one percent of americans are now taking a quarter of the nation's income over year in terms of wealth which according to i don't predict on forty percent but actually you can you can find these numbers anywhere i mean roger roger just quoting what was in the new york times two weeks ago twenty five years ago the corresponding figures are twelve and there are thirty three percent but half of that. i think just out of control i mean haven't. aren't you aren't you frankly concerned as an american for prosperity that america is
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going down the tubes because the rich are basically taking everything. well i don't buy into this sort of class warfare and the mentality and to me the material there are going to do a welfare bill on one of the top of the income distribution has no bearing on the quality of life for anyone else and i believe as kennedy did that a rising tide can lift all boats here's a thought experiment illian. if a martian landed tomorrow who was worth one hundred quadrillion dollars would we all fear or feel poor when the russian revolution hat would be loaded all that really one thing and louie louie and what's her name look at me kate were just simply taking all the money people were having bred riots that was just didn't happen economic behavior is not the earth and people have prospered in this country have done so by creating wealth the benefits of fill all that you have that is the last word thank you for showing up and i got it. during this debate republicans have shown this debate in general the fair true colors of hostage takers these guys
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are willing to spend or to send excuse me eight hundred thousand federal workers oh i see the debate on my apologies here during the debate in the house of representatives in the senate on this whole crazy issue about the deficit. they have been willing to send eight hundred thousand federal workers home on paid vacations put at risk our economic recovery and screw over senior citizens and military veterans who depend on new federal assistance all to make sure that poor woman can't receive cancer screenings yes that was the issue that the strike just imagine what republicans will do next month when the stability entire global economy hangs in the balance over a vote to increase our nation's debt ceiling vote the speaker of the house john boehner has already said they're going to try to leverage for more cuts on the backs of average americans this is really really simple stuff i mean it's just really simple stuff cons are going to tell you that reagan brought us prosperity you saw the graph just a few minutes ago he actually brought us to recessions he brought us the total
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failure of the smell industry the smaller part of the banking industry because he had directly. a few years earlier and he tripled our debt it was all part of the hope of a very specific plan to bankrupt the nation it was openly discussed in newspapers by jude wood in ski who first editorialized about it by grover norquist by david stockman and others you know grover say no i just want to shrink the government down to the point we can drown it in a bathtub fills boss this is so democrats and why did they want to do this so the democrats couldn't help the phrase conservatives would use would be make dependent couldn't help people watch it why would they not want democrats to help people because then good democrats would get people's votes and after all that's buying votes and if you do things people want this is the republican logic stop the democrats from being able to help people and people will vote for them anymore really simple clinton stop this thing in their tracks without
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a single republican vote clinton raise the tax on the top on the top one percent by three percentage points and brought us a balanced budget and a surplus but bush jr put it back on steroids and obama has inherited it and by the way has extended the bush tax cut which i think is insane but you know he was he was in a box i think he's going to change this and frankly it's time to roll back the reagan tax cuts and get us back to the kind of fiscal sanity it will bring this country back to where it's working. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question how do you report shows the four hundred richest in america are taxed at an average of sixteen percent while the rest of us pay up to thirty five percent will this
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continue. possible answers a yes average c.e.o. pay increase dramatically and they have the budget for a lobbyist to bribe congress so of course they would not pay taxes or be no president obama has announced that those making over a quarter million dollars a year will be taxed and it will be in the next budget so far about seventy five percent of the right leaning toward yes cynics log on to tom hartman i've got to tell us what you think a poll of the open until probably coming out middle class america may have dodged a bullet with a failed government shutdown but they're still not out of the woods you may still be in the expense of iraq.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think. the one well. we never government says they're very safe get ready because of their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't i'm sorry is
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a big issue. for . even though a government shutdown was averted working class people will still be screwed over in america. by wealth for the common good shows that the four hundred richest
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people in america our nation's oligarchy. have never had it so good they are paying the lowest taxes ever in their life times these four hundred super rich americans control more while in this nation then the bottom one hundred fifty million other americans. and yet they are effectively taxed that a rate of just over sixteen percent while the rest of us pay up to thirty five percent plus higher levels of sales property and other taxes to put that in perspective these four hundred rich oligarchy affective tax rate has dropped by more than two thirds since dwight eisenhower's administration while the rate for working people has nearly double which people get a two thirds tax cut over the last fifty years working people get screwed with a one hundred percent tax rate seems fair so considering that this new budget is likely to pass this week doesn't raise a dime in taxes on the rich are we once again glossing over the real problems
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plaguing america problems like wealth inequality joining me now to speak of this issue is chuck commons senior scholar at the institute for policy studies and director of i.p.s. his program on any quality in the common good he's also the co-author of the book economic apartheid in america a primer on economic inequality and insecurity char welcome anytime good to be with you great to have you with us here char why is this so difficult to get anybody to talk about taxes particularly the media i. just it doesn't seem to happen i constantly find myself yelling at the t.v. as they're having these long discussions about well should we cut this or that who is the republicans want to cut more than ever grass nobody says let's raise taxes. you know it's clearly the option but it's not table you know here we are every governor and members of congress saying we're broke and the thing that's not of the
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table is simply even just reversing the tax cuts that have gone to the richest one percent and the offshore tax havens that have opened up loopholes for corporation simply if we reversed some of those we would be having to have this deep cut discussion this austerity discussion you know i was speaking with a kirpan a little earlier and suggested it really all began with the reagan tax cuts that if you know he tripled our national debt in eight years in the bush sr add another almost two trillion of that and then clinton actually kind of cleaned it up with a three percent tax increase on the rich that not only no republicans voted for but newt gingrich took to the floor and said we'd be in a great depression within a year if he did it and then george bush came in cut taxes again and and which has is standing to this day and so we've got this disaster his response was that ever since the one nine hundred forty s.
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income has actually been flat it's been steady at eighteen to twenty percent of those taxes of all we grab and he's always been the same assuming that he wasn't just blowing smoke out the house that possible. well i think there's been a shift so that the that that that top one percent in those top four hundred houses that you're talking about their share continues to go down but overall income has become so much more any so part of our of our budget bind is wealth has become much more concentrated in the very top and we stop taxing the top. here's a statistic actually even going back to one thousand nine hundred eighty one think about the year barack obama was born if we had the same rules in effect today that we had in one nine hundred sixty one for millionaires and a global companies we would bring in the treasury would bring in another seven hundred sixteen billion dollars a year just under one hundred sixty one rules so that's an example of how the rules
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have shifted and that affects small business and small businesses who pay their taxes as individuals you know nine hundred sixty one corporations paid. a half or a third of the revenue pie individuals and small businesses you know two thirds today small businesses pay and individuals pay five times more than corporations or portion of corporations so it's interesting about thirty percent to about six point six percent or seven percent of. today that's just so so it's it's the revenue may be constant but that who's paying the allocation of who pays has changed well and and it's not just the rich and everybody it's not just the working people are paying a whole lot more particularly when you know everybody just loves the conservatives always love to just talk about income tax but when you include things like payroll taxes and sales taxes and property taxes and fees and over the else as a percentage of income those are huge for the middle class but not only that but.
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the rich are paying less and corporations are paying less and corporations are taking our jobs off shore making a profit on that labor you know david ricardo revisited making a profit on their labor and then keeping that profit off shore so they never comes back and calling themselves i mean g.e. last year made more business did more business outside the united states than inside the united states and yet it calls a south american corporation and runs a in a row owns forty nine percent of a major television network what's going on and it's it's there every night i think though here's my here's my bit. it just it just is these are really going to you know crash the standard of living for many people many people are going to see the american dream under attack and we're going to say why do we have to keep making these cuts when general electric and horizon and boeing are paying nothing nothing toward our taxpayer s.g.
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then four hundred billion dollars a year. right it made and actually we the taxpayer gave them three billion in subsidies so. you start to see these grassroots movements like us uncut emerging around the country who are saying no more budget cuts until the corporate tax structures pay up till we reverse the bush tax cuts why do we have to have a steri for everybody but the super wealthy a nice global corporations are and i think that works to the end that know nothingism time bit texas phobic euro phil i have a theory just like you to tell me if you think i'm crazy or not we just have about a minute left and that is that we're really only half way into the bush great great recession that it's going to become the bush great depression a double major double dip is common i'm getting all this by the way just from reading the financial times i'm not reading you know conspiracy tracts and i think it's going to get just as bad as one hundred thirty two and that's what it's going
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to take to wake up americans do you can you can you please push back against me or do you think i'm right well i can't really because i kind of see fuel prices and energy and food prices rising i see that none of the fundamental. reforms that were supposed to be made actually got at the underlying risky p eight fear that these corporations are taking so we have to really fix the system and it's going to it's putting us all at risk so i am fortunately can't can't counter your concern there ok for collins thanks so much for being with us tonight thanks don i was great to go here and thank you. to make matters worse average c.e.o. pay increased dramatically last year despite a twenty percent real under an unemployment rate plaguing the rest of us and yet now congress says they're going to pass a budget that cuts federal education health care and energy assistance programs for working class americans while doing nothing let me emphasize that nothing n.-o. t.-h. i-n. g.
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nothing to make america's four hundred oligarchy or tens of thousands of very well the top one percent pay their fair share or sacrifice even one damn thing you know yesterday i was sitting in the frankfurt airport for a long time. and and then the t.v. was on and there was for aids a car radio with globe whatever it shows global g.p.s. or something and he was interviewing don regan and i could only half hear at the you know that everybody was around me and speaking in german and whatnot and but but i could read the cairo ons and you know don regan who was reagan's treasury secretary the car i was saying. was. loose nukes are the danger or nuclear war isn't the danger something else something big was in the danger the real dangers america's debt problem and it was all i could do sitting in the in in the lounge and in the loop is not the yeah the guy who did it was this it was that
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this was don regan this is the guy has reagan's treasury secretary who put us into this hole who put us of those dead who's started this whole raid and then he goes off about how obama's not doing enough to get the car on was in the words of the screen obama's not doing enough to cut cut idle months which is in their general long runs let's do away with social security let's threw away with all this stuff and nobody ever calls these criminals out for their crimes. i'm telling you don regan is a criminal against the united states he he is the he has i participated in the destruction of the middle class of this country and a lot of people frankly have died as a result from lack of health care from disasters in their families from suicides things like this american democracy is now hanging by a thread and frankly plutocrats like down reagan in the koch brothers and their paid ass kickers or ass kissers excuse me it's time to call him
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a lot it's time to call them all out and say ok you guys you had your free ride for thirty years is still pretty much everything now it's over. it's crazy alert a video surfaced online over the weekend of the t.s.a. giving one of their infamous grope checks to a six year old little girl there to look. in the wake of these things because if you're coming. to the. couple.
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of. so can we now officially say that our nation's security apparatus is completely lost on a six year old girl is subject to this kind of treatment at the airports i'd say so or maybe republican congressman louie gohmert is right the terror babies are finally coming of age seriously though yesterday i went through german security i you know i took a couple days off as we had thanks thanks to lucy by the way for doing such a wonderful job of filling in for me and i was in germany for a couple of days and yesterday morning going through german security and the americans in front of me were taking the shoes off and putting them on the desk and the woman who was the officer she said why are you taking your shoes off and the
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american woman in front says so you know we'll spend most just not put your shoes back on and she. now the flipside of this is on the way out last wednesday i was that i did at the washington dulles airport and i had to go through a chair for no scanner you know you're going to be x. rayed they don't have those in germany by the way germany in fact where we are not eleven was planned so i'm going through this chart of part of scanner and i said to the woman who was standing you know the officer i said you should have a dose of meter on you know you should be measuring how much radiation you're getting and she said she looked very concerned she said you know i hear that but management says everything's fine and standing behind her is a guy looking at me like he's management so after i get off the point a scanner he says come on over here and then he says take off your belt listen your pants he sticks his hands down in my pants all the way around it was as it was punishment these people at the t.s.a.
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need a union they need those submitters the they need and we need fewer lobbyists like a michael chertoff selling these x. rays or no scanners it has reached the point not just of absurdity but of obscenity in this country. coming out think your e-mail is for your eyes all right. sorry it's not i'll tell you why after the break. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right.


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