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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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oh you're watching on t.v. it's time for the other headlines now a terror attack in the very heart of the better russian capital has killed twelve people and injured more than three hundred as a powerful blast rocks the retrofits. claims emerged that coalition forces have been bombing libya with depleted uranium proven to cause nations that enter into noise the allegations. around the world is marking off
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a century of space travel for april twelfth nineteen sixty one russian cosmonaut yuri gagarin first trip to the stones. are next to our business guru max keiser discusses what squeezing the middle class is and how huge of wealth and grinding poverty every book of meat. mass casualty with a cause a report as gold hits a new all time high in silver it's a new thirty year torch of gold data on another hundred twenty nine billion and bail out their three hundred eighty two tons of gold that they have a reserve going to be enough to insulate them against a banking terrorist letter further with thomas jefferson. if the american people ever allow private banks to control the use of their currency first by inflation and then by deflation the banks and corporations that will grow all around them
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will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up hole in one on the coats and then it's their fault code heard so here next but it sure sounds like what we see in europe today that people are being deprived of all their property and are made homeless but it also applies of course the united states mark fall for mr bernanke he is a murderer of the middle class yes that's true mark robber is correct how did he do it by lowering interest rates artificially down to near zero anyone who's on a retirement pension plan except or has any kind of savings got liked out to help the bankers that was the quid pro quo that bernanke made of the bankers all murder the middle class you give me huge bonus money and kudo's and let me keep this ridiculously stupid job chairman of the federal counterfeiting bank well mark congress quote is if you print money everything will go up and now the money
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printing doesn't go into housing because we have an oversupply of house thing but it goes into equities and for mr bernanke he unfortunately into commodities and this is lifting the cost of living of the median household at the typical household in the u.s. mr bernanke he is a murderer he's a murderer middle of the. class and the working class because the point of expanding credit as he did was to try to revive the housing bubble the housing prices keep going down but now we see bubbles and food and energy so not only did people live in housing that's going negative equity they're paying more for food and energy and the result is basically economic financial death people are now homeless the middle classes of this are rated because bernanke is a fool well you know his previous test for alan greenspan in one thousand nine hundred sixty six speaking of quotes max had this to say in the absence of the gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation
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deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth and this is exactly what we've seen they act as if it's charity at the low rates are there to help the working class and the middle class to get onto the property ladder to be able to afford these assets but you see from europe all the way to the united states all through the out the united states it's this so-called charity which actually helped murder them financially well look greenspan when he made those comments he was also talking about how the three monetarist policy could create a dollar stander that was quote as good as gold which is false there's nothing as good as gold but gold and when you give someone like greenspan or the banks on wall street the ability to loan money into existence with no collateral you're giving somebody the ability to counterfeit money and the result is inflation and hyper
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inflation and of course more clobbers absolutely correct you know all the central bankers are murderers therefore they're a class of serial killers and i think ben bernanke you might be john. going gacy the killer clown really very he just pogo the clown at charitable events and perform for children and he. he ended up actually he was using that as a cover to murder thirty three children john wayne gacy to show up at the kids' show writing stars like there's only one animal i mean while he could be out there during the kids in the backyard this is ben bernanke this is the us dollar was this is going back his contribution to society this civilization because this. was a surveillance do you call this is the question is the fact that this is pretty close to the monetary policy let's look at something that zero hedge found a correlation that might or not might not prove mark probert assertion ninety one point three percent correlation between food stamp usage and the s.m.p.
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or how wealth effect equals poverty effect so you see the white line in this chart that's food stamp usage the increase in the united states since two thousand and nine and the yellow line is the s. and p. . oh yeah well that's right there's a correlation there because they are creating an artificial rally in stocks that will result in a huge catastrophic corney thirty percent collapse in one day as it does every six or seven or eight years and of course that makes the insiders fabulously wealthy because they make those negative bets like goldman sachs does on their own clients meanwhile their one who has money in the stock market believes that they're buying something of value they get wiped out again and then they need food stamps to make the food stamps o.g.t.t. more again they get another payday those people are now on food stamps which is another form of inflation because they're just printing more money is money printing that's of food stamps are all about they're just increasing the amount of nonsensical phantom confetti blew. well i think that's
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the point that zero hedge is trying to make ben bernanke is printing money it's q e two perhaps q e three coming out all the money is going into either equities or commodities driving up the price of food and thus causing more and more people to how. to rely on food stamps in america well put. but now speaking of the fed the following headline feds biggest foreign bank bailout saved us muni bonds a european bank that received the most federal reserve discount window help during the financial crisis also took three hundred eighty one billion dollars in aid from its home countries and owned subsidiaries implicated in bid rigging that prosecutors say defrauded u.s. taxpayers so this is dexia bank based in brussels and paris and it borrowed as much as thirty seven billion dollars from the fed with an average daily loan amount of
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twelve point three billion and eighteen months after lehman brothers holdings collapsed they made this into a film it would be triple x. rated because what you've got here are banks inserting collateralized debt obligations the various derivatives into each other or if this is poor or in an overlapping manner then they loop it up with some of the credit default swaps banks the black bastards over there j.p. morgan and end up with an unholy orgy so you don't really know were what armpits the one body what leg sticking out of what and is this godly consummation of corrupt kleptocrats swapping spit with each other and other vital banking slue it in a way to create a centrally banking gonorrhoea is what i should say dexie of is the playing. only to be exceeded so i think the morgans which is full of old thinking socialist well
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max the subsidiary of dexia bank was called financial security assurance and there in this headline from october two thousand and eight during this time they were visiting the fed discount window research update financial security assurance incorporated aaa ratings placed on credit watch negative. so this is from standard and poor's and they still had the aaa rating on financial security assurance that was at the time and gave into fraud ing u.s. taxpayers and receiving money from u.s. taxpayers they put it on negative watch after just marking down the credit rating for dexia right we've mentioned it before s. and p. standard and poor's moody's they're part of a syndicate engaged in the fraud ing the global banking system customers and the taxpayer they're committing massive fraud s. and p. fitch their financial terrorists but again you know aaa rating and at the time it
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was backed by dexia the french economy minister is saying that dexia was two days away from bankruptcy they were bailed out rescued by the french and belgium and luxembourg governments but they had a aaa rating and were therefore able to borrow at zero percent and then lend to these municipalities across america which are now bankrupt they're being they have austerity measures forced upon them all of them are having their pensions their wealth their property seized via the currency of these credit default swaps that were created in order to defraud them of their property and wealth go to you tube and watch the show rewind the last twenty seconds and watch it about two or three times to fully embrace what we're talking about. here isn't the headline that i saw this week and i'm going to press a little google translate here to read the headline for you did she have blown the . dutch i was a bankrupt in dutch you know well this is the new deputy of boss and he's receiving
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an eight hundred thousand euro bonus on top of his one million euro salary i think and this is a state owned bank use the civil servant is a public sector worker we're in the mafia and you kill somebody you get upped so he's a guy killed a lot of taxpayers killed a lot of net worth so it's a good. yes because it's a mafia when he was brought in in october of two thousand and eight his name is pierre mary on me he's the c.e.o. in the picture on the right in the foreground is john luke dane the fact that he's the fact i and he's a politician who approved this bonus of eight hundred thousand euros to the bank or he's waste centimeter challenge. you could make you like one of those ten balloons for sure. but keep in mind that dexia and these banks are engaged in this criminal conspiracy it's not a conspiracy theory it's a should be a criminal indictment i mean that's the difference it's not a serious time her occasionally massive rico act massive fraud but it's so big and
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here's the deal you know they say that we were two days away from bankruptcy well that's the story of every bank in the world because according to basil which is in switzerland the regulations for how much cash they're supposed to people their balance sheet it's less than two percent so every single bank in the world is two days away from bankruptcy if all the artificially price stocks that keep on their books drop in value by one or two percent then they're all technically bankrupt that's why there's such a need to do this artificial robotic trading in the high frequency trading on wall street artificially keep prices higher because if they let the market find its true value of supply and demand every bank company in america in the world bankrupt the next day and all these guys have to find real jobs i mean jamie diamond would be in times square in the men's room turning tricks i would imagine and finally bring it back to the beginning we're talking about portugal having to receive a massive bailout numbers are up to one hundred twenty nine billion dollars this brings me to the united states i am after urges u.s. budget include fannie freddie cost so the united states should include in its
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budget the cost of mortgage loan guarantees and other housing supports the i.m.f. said on wednesday in a rare criticism of its biggest shareholder what do you think this is about max i meant was going after the u.s. they destroyed all these other countries around the world to destroy their credit ratings or destroy greece they've destroyed our land they've destroyed all manner of country. north south east and west and now there's only one place to go left that's the america and they're going to screw up america and as a result america will lose its sovereignty the us dollar be rolled up into a global currency and people are going to pay in america their local state federal and world sacks get used to it world tax all right stacy ever thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max when we come back much more coming away so don't go away.
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when the news is not enough. when it's something really crucial. when you want to get down to brass tacks we bring you special coverage years of research and construction all to hear the famous. for the first human blasting off into space. and returning as the hero. question more on. all right welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to new york and talk with jim rickards senior managing director of tangency capital jim records welcome back to the kaiser report thank you max thanks for having me all right jim rickards
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gold continues to hit all time you high silver as just search through a thirty year high what's going on well this is going to continue obviously it will be volatility it's not going to be a one way street gold will go up and down i think the most interesting development was right after the sendai earthquake that time i said that gold would go down a little bit and the reason for that is you know obviously there was a crash in the tokyo stock market and when people are people who need money for margin calls i thought a lot of people would sell gold obviously was a lousy time to sell japanese stock so you sell gold get a little cash meet your margin call so what was that was pretty obvious to me but what was interesting is where gold would find a bid this is going to go down it's going to go back up again and the prior lows have been around thirteen forty or so and i said you know i think it's going to find a stronger bid nice i said it would find a bit of thirteen ninety sure enough it went down to thirteen ninety two turned on a dime and went back up again so that was the the drawdown was predictable but the turn around the thirty nine to two was a real show of strength so the other thing i think is fairly well known that in the
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last ten years gold has hit the low for the year prior to may and now. and of the ten years and if the low for the year in february in six of the ten years so as a result of that we may have seen the los of the year already i may just be onward and upward all right now you mentioned japan for a second i want to go back to two thousand and eight during the liquidity crisis or the crash of two thousand and eight there was only winding of things like to carry trade or yen carry trade and you saw a move into the dollar and dollar got a lot of support i noticed that the recent crisis you don't see that kind of move into the dollar so we get it if the dollar no longer they go to currency in moments of stress what's happening there well i think it's relative in moments of sort of it's called manageable stress i think that's right i think people are looking at you know gold as a currency i think that's the right way to think about it i've never thought of gold as an investment or as a commodity i think of it as money and so people will go to money but if we have
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more extreme stress something actually worse in the japanese earthquake and i'm not talking about natural disasters so much as you know another say escalation of the ripping and sovereign debt crisis i still think the dollar will be the go to currency not because the dollar so strong but because it's the it's the least weak of the bunch i call it i compared to passengers on the titanic you know when the titanic was sinking everybody ran to the back of the ship that was a flight to quality of course they were all going down together at the end of the day but i think i think you'll see dollar strength on for example the european sovereign debt crisis just because there's nowhere else to go i mean you can you can try buying gold but there's not that much of it around i mean you could call j.p. morgan london put in order for a hundred times they would just sort of laugh at you in that order can't get executed. that can only be done sort of central banks of central banks so you really can't get that much gold and so you have to go somewhere and people will go to the dollar even though it's a weak currency right the u.s. dollar the leper with the most bankers ok so now in bank of england they came out
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they kept interest rates unchanged e.c.b. as opposed to come out and raise rates or they did raise rates i believe by quarter . business typically goes against the gold and silver story you know the higher rates but going back to the seventy's of course precious metals rose throughout the entire period of rising rates so it would cause the inflation genie was out of the bottle so the question is are they raising rates now are they going to catch up or is it going to take the seventy's and you see this price appreciation against central banks trying to nibble with their little nibbling a quarter point raises here and there but i think you'll be nibbling i think the e.c.b. sort of had to do something do sort of maintain where credibility they have left they've failed out of ireland bailed out greece down the process of failure portugal who knows what's going to happen to spain so the e.c.b. sort of looks a little bit like the fed you know print the money buy the bonds and keep the whole ponzi scheme going so they their credibility is on the on the edge so to speak so they had they had to raise rates and the u.s.
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has a little more of a reserve of goodwill by virtue of being the dominant reserve currency in the world so they can play this game a little bit longer the u.s. loves this they love to see everyone else raise rates in the u.s. keep rates low the you know there's this notion that if you're not he's watching inflation like a hawk is going to keep it two percent he said that many times that's complete nonsense i mean bernanke if you look at his writings and read between the lines of his speeches what he wants is negative real interest rates they want to get inflation up around three four percent keep interest rates you know in the intermediate sector of the curve two percent or lower and they're certainly much lower than that right now so that interest rates are actually real weights are actually negative that encourages borrowing the fear of inflation will encourage spending the borrowing were increased the money supply the spending and combined with the increase the money supply will increase velocity and that will get the g.d.p. up that's the plan i don't think it's going to work because i think we're in a new sort of i call it the keynesian trap meaning you know keynesian economics was
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developed to solve the problem of the liquidity trap when people were fearful want to save so the idea was that people are saving the. governments have to spend to keep the economy going i think now we've come so far down the government spending route that people look at government spending and far from viewing the stimulus have they view it as destructive maybe even new cause for concern so people are saving anyway so that you're in the situation where the more they ease the more average citizens want to save the leverage pay down debt etc so we have this new concerted keynesian paradox that's actually causing a new liquidity trap so it's going to end badly but they can keep the game going for a while longer or let's roll back their first sight and that's if you cover a lot of material there i want to ask you about what bernanke has been doing in the face of the credit collapse became in trying to stimulate things with the target being to reinflate the housing market or the housing bubble it seems that that has not happened to matter how much credit or liquidity is thrown at this housing
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market continues to be weak and that excess liquidity is going into precious metals and commodities and assets etc so that policy makes a much to be a huge failure so why did he miss the miscalculate how did he miscalculate what is the missing in this big picture and is housing going to just continue to be a huge drag i think he might have been a little disappointed with the results clearly failed but on the other hand if you're not sure what else you're going to do i mean he has to double down he has to keep going he knows the minute he raises interest rates the minute they tighten monetary conditions you know the stock market's going to tank probably with a lot of you know that there might be sort of six months between the tightening in the crash we've seen that pattern in the past in the one nine hundred eighty seven for example so there could be a little bit of a lie there won't be instantaneous but the fact is he knows that's what's going to happen so he's got to keep easing so it hasn't worked so far no and the money printing has showed up as you said max and commodity inflation has also shown up in
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hot money inflows in places like brazil china south korea indonesia thailand we're seeing double bubbles all. in the world so what's happened is bernanke you once inflation in the united states has not been able to cheat that what he's created is inflation all over the world now little by little these other countries are raising rates they are tightening monetary conditions a little bit to get ahead of inflation so at that point with the dollar depreciating that inflation will come back to the united states the inflationary chickens will come home to roost so to speak and that's actually consistent with what milton friedman said he always said that monetary policy acts with the lives of you know twelve to eighteen months and you know q.e. one started no nine and you know now we're we're close to twenty four months down the road and we're starting to see some of the signs of function here but he and on your point about housing yes he absolutely does want to maintain housing housing asset values for a number of reasons number one. the wealth effect temperature of the ability to
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borrow against care housing number three for running a banking collapse because so many of those loans are on the books of the banks you know still in the commercial sector and of course we all know what's going on with fannie mae and freddie mac. the problem is you have bubble dynamics that this bubble you know a lot of people say started no two and it didn't someways but i would say the bubble really started in the mid ninety's with changes in housing policy during the clinton ministration that were continued through the bush administration and you look at bubble dynamics take of the nikkei for example the nikkei at forty thousand at the end of one nine hundred eighty nine here it is you know it was a twenty two years later and they're still seventy five percent below the peak nasdaq hit five thousand and in two thousand was over five thousand in the year two thousand and that's still you know eighty percent below the peak you know eleven years later so these bubbles don't once they pop they they tend to go all the way down to below where they start and stay there for a long period of time before they come back if you apply that analysis to housing i was a housing still has another twenty to thirty percent to fall and then when it gets
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that low which will take you back to the ninety six levels it's going to stay there for ten years so you. not going to see any popular housing but we're not he is sort of desperate he sees that well ok maybe i understand that but what else am i going to do we wish we have another depression right now or should we have ten years of no growth those are sort of his choices right so the housing problem goes back a couple of decades it's a structural problem the government through incentives created a deep bias toward housing it created distortions and using the japan example this could go on for quite some time you mention bad you know you're not exactly the huge critic of the fed as some are because you're way positioned as i've heard you speak in terms of a currency war bad as successfully export it inflation to some degree and i believe you've said well the fed is one the first battle in this currency war but i want to move on to quantitative easing for a second because you spoke recently with erik kang i'm a smith stinko and so i wanted to get into this a little bit in other words people are saying is there going to be more
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quantitative easing once this round q.e. two expires in june july or not your point is that the fed's balance sheet is so huge at this point just monetizing the interest on the current debt equals perpetual quantitative easing so can you break that down for us to explain that a little bit sure i know your first point i actually did say that the federal law in the first round but i didn't say as a compliment either i'm a huge critic of the fed i don't like the fact that they're destroying the dollar but they did sort of win around against china big kind of your point i'm purely that's exactly right this gets so tied up in the jargon of the fed you have to sort of translate from fed speak to english they talk about stocks and flows when they talk about stocks they mean the size of the balance sheet when they talk about flows they need to sort of buying new securities and creating money supply in the money out into the into the open market now for two years it's been all about the flow it's been all about creating new money and putting money out there and buying
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government securities building up the balance sheet and now we're coming to the end of q e two and there's going to be a lot of hoopla and i expect. things get a lot worse which then a bit less that happens i expect i'll do some announcement later in april and maybe some leaks and then of a formal announcement in may the q e two is going to end at the end of june but the point is the balance sheet has been taken up to three approaching three trillion dollars at this point so just the maturing securities if you just took those and reinvested them in new securities you would you would basically be keeping a lid on interest rates and people don't really understand q.e. two q e two has partly monetize the debt so is the treasury's issuing a new debt the fed has been buying it so they have been monetizing that debt but that was not the stated purpose of q.e. or q.e. two the stated purpose of q.e. was to keep interest rates down particularly q.e. two was targeted at the intermediate sector to keep interest rates down you don't need to monetize the entire debt you don't need to buy every new issue of government securities you only need to have the marginal bid you only need to buy
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enough at the margin so so you can basically pay the taper keep to keep the price up keep interest rates low and if so so the question is how much buying power do they have and the answer is if you have a three trillion dollar balance sheet with a fairly short maturity structure you've got hundreds of billions of dollars of buying power certainly enough to manipulate the market to keep those rates down so a lot of people misunderstood what i was saying they thought i was saying that the fed would basically have enough maturing securities to monetize the debt and that's not what i said that's not what i meant what i said was that they would have enough maturing securities to manipulate the market to keep those interest rates down so that's what i call perpetual q.e. once you get big enough the stock is the flow ok and against all this of course the one number the debt ceiling keeps rising and unfortunately we're kind of running out of time jim rickards thanks so much again for being on the kaiser report thank you max all right i'm going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert thank my guests jim rickards if you want to send me an
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e-mail please do so at kaiser reported r t t v dot ru until next time this is max guys are saying bio.
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