tv [untitled] April 13, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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video on demand. that every small of the victims of monday's terrible stuff tore through the capital's metro killing twelve and injuring more than two hundred people. me from it get it says it's not just colonel gadhafi and the rebels who are to blame for the situation in libya coalition forces are also sending the country spiralling out of control. and the russian president touched on next year's race for the credibility. of his visits china. and american
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taxpayers are forced to stump up more than any other country in the world to fund washington's ever growing little campaign about health care and education are on the chopping block. plus a booming commodity prices have done enough to support russia's markets in the first course we'll get more joining us he's business desk in about twenty minutes. for you watching r t well news and much more welcome to the program. but ever since that morning the victims of monday's terror attack the city's metro killing twelve people and injuring almost two hundred the first funerals will be taking place throughout the day in minutes. reports now from the site of the tragedy. wednesday is an official day of mourning here in belo rose says designated by the state and hundreds of people have been flooding into the side of the tragedy to lay flowers
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you can see candles biblical messages written in different languages all around here trying to express their support of the relatives of those killed and injured and this will some terrorists that's the way they count. it's really scary and very sad for the people innocent people who can't i sympathize with their families. but we know this is how are you feeling this morning after the blast. lost lives it hurts it hurts terribly people need to understand and value every moment of their lives and remember those who died i'm sorry but i can't . well this natural station is the busiest on the subway system of the capital of means. only much maligned capital intersect here this explains why there was so many commuters during evening rush hour on monday no i would miss the save the
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first probably want to people were carried out onto the street from the. metro station and many of those want to still remain in hospitals in intensive care units different places across the capital of new it wasn't immediately clear whether it was an accident or an act of terror but now the main version being considered by investigators is that if it was a terrorist attack. the president of the country trying to rush. to the great russia has huge experience in dealing with. similar types of an investigation but also understand that apart from russia israel and the u.k. will be assisting. us now monday's attack is the worst the most gruesome act of terror which probably was how soon soon be out of the second world war completely unthinkable until the evening on april eleventh terrorism is now a grim wasn't a reality for this country as well. special services say they hope to make rapid
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progress in investigations however terrorism experts fooleries says it's still a mystery. and it's a vacation. there first glance this looks like a very sophisticated attack and that's what makes it very very mysterious because fellow who says no experience of this and there are no obvious people who would wish to strike it who's behind it we don't know but in terms of preventing it no doubt things will change and i think already there's been announcements and security measures that will be placed in public spaces and all that and the type of things we see in america and europe and indeed in russia will now be in place and valerie's. terrorism experts tillery talking to us from the dead yet. says the situation in libya is out of control they mean colonel gadhafi and the rebels as well as nato forces to stop the country tearing itself apart russian
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president spoke to the media head of a major trade trip to china for beating up the well's emerging economies let's get details now from sarah ferguson the distance doesn't exactly seem impressed with the situation with this new. book president but it was speaking to a chinese journalist head of it but today and tomorrow he'll be in the city where hoping meeting with this council for the other members of the great story china for brazil india and south africa be discussing amongst other things how best to respond to the old situation in libya ever makes toward with the civil conflict the president warning other the situation really is a real risk of collapsing. when you can put a little could be daffy does not control the situation because the country's convulsed by civil war and many of his actions may be qualified as crimes. does not
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control the situation either because he does not have a mandate to carry out large scale operations for all of us reasons and the no fly zone operation has acquired very unusual features because in fact it turned out to be the use of force with no resources being detained and as far as i understand everybody has different plans in this regard the rebels do not control the situation because they do not have enough forces means all possibilities the situation has already got out of control and it's very sad. for. the president really it's rating less it's down. never right from the beginning as you said there's been a certain lead call here when it comes to part. of russia really highlighting it at the the point. when it comes to situations it's usually best that it's go with internally and the focus really from the very beginning being on. the dialogue with that ongoing situation at the base russia and china have the part of the ten they
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have staying along with the other members of the brits we were in last month's un resolution to authorize a strike from us and its allies to protect civilians and for the. russia really it's not saying that the main party still remains on the style of doing whatever it takes to bring about a cease but we've got this will sit on the rebels. when you want one should understand that the viability of the libyan state is so is now which. we i mean the international community and certainly the people of libya have a single libya or several states given by puppet governments and even by new pretty cool six trainers this strange point really stick with. the president. making it clear that although. he is the certainly to blame for the
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whole thing from they may say see how this plays. libya wasn't the only topic discussed of course and i'm surprised that he was probs once again about his presidential intentions for next year's election to be fun to get an answer. but the president did actually say that he was certainly used to hearing that question and it is it's one of the calling questions that it's not is he going to run and that is election is not too far off now but he didn't let the cat out of the bag just yet. you knew. if you don't rule out the possibility of my running for a second term in the presidential elections the decision will be taken very shortly since the elections are less than a year away and think that this. decision however should be punished and second should take into account the existing social situation and environment and most importantly the attitude of people before making any such decisions one has to
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weigh their chances of actually mechanically and instead with a clear understanding of the situation. now the person to is the personal insight into it they all stand with the roles that being the president has a heavy burden he. is the president quite a young man also if he ever got tired the president was talking about the way with the combat but now that he likes but inside with his friends and family and of course the jealous touch of his relationship with prime minister he said present the data talking openly about that saying that he's not a by misfit whom it's hard his life to death a high they feel are certainly a warm relationship with a whole different positions different roles as he working it but his path into. the decision he mentioned probably going to be taken shortly all whether or not he
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will be running in that this election. we shall see sarah first thank you for that . and you can watch the full version of president that is interview on our website at r.t. dot com. well still ahead for you this hour fighting for survival crews that is paralyzed plan to resume their work after another strong quake forces them to sleep . on testing times fifty years after the garden's groundbreaking flight to the stars we look back on a reduced train used to it really caused all this through their paces. the u.s. is planning to spend around seven hundred billion dollars on the military alone this year that will make sense of decided on thirty eight billion dollars of spending cuts but none are coming out of the country's defense budget and important parts.
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frannie is on the u.s. chopping block this week health care education infrastructure. everything that is except for the pentagon my greatest fear is that in economic tough times the people will see the defense budget as the place to solve the nation's deficit problems i would be very reluctant to cut defense spending until we see really how these two conflicts were and are going to come out worldwide military spending increased by twenty point six billion dollars in two thousand and ten and one thousand point six billion of that was the us alone according to the stockholm international peace research institute the us very much sees itself as a global military power it's the only global military. power. so it perceives it security interests as encompassing the whole world in two thousand
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and ten the us spent more on its military than the next highest countries combined was both presidents bush and obama have ripped of the war's depend spending in the us has increased eighty one percent since two thousand and one this seems to reflect a boy. prioritization of military and military conceptions of security even in the face of such difficult economic times an american earning the federal minimum wage and working forty hours a week fifty two weeks a year can expect to earn a little over fifteen thousand dollars this year well below the poverty line they can also expect to pay more than five hundred dollars directly to the pentagon and american earning fifty thousand dollars a year will see their income. over two thousand ever go directly to america's wars they thought they were controlling the oil fields and gold the profits back we're going to be just. dregs those tax dollars also go to maintaining over one thousand
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us bases inside world why as well as the pentagon's two hundred thirty four golf courses. needs children poor women and homeless you know take care of the needs of our population to spend enormous amounts of money on the pentagon budget while we are every program is being cut is just fraud to win an obscene round great about. fifty four cents of every dollar americans pay in taxes goes to funding past and future war and for all the tough talk by president obama about making hard choices cutting the budget and closing the deficit gap many americans are wondering when it will be the pentagon's turn to tighten its belt you know in florida r t boston to d.c. . the u.k. has given the hundred million pounds of a bridge and see funds to its military forces to support the libyan campaign despite the cuts agreed in the hope was defense spending review comes at
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a time when britain has dramatically slashing social spending quality of care between the country and as such would have yet to says today defense cuts will soon be felt elsewhere. with britain's involvement in a new conflict it's impossible to state and the level of defense carts decided upon last year the ministry of defense needs extra funding but the government has two major obstacles in providing it the first one is how to ensure that these extra money will not seem like rethinking of the last year's defense review the government remains adamant that this is not going to happen the excuse being made is that it wasn't possible to predict the conflict in libya god isn't a defense review supposed to plan ahead the last review was finalized in nine hundred ninety seven so well looking into predicting the next ten to fifteen years and yet just
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a few months after the current defense review was finalized it's no longer valid it's the other obstacle is to ensure that our governments do not feel left out to avoid this the minister of defense and the treasury made a deal that actually does not include more funding for there and instead what it does is it juggles the bills and receipts holds the cards and it lets treasury's special reserve base some of the energies expenses in my view the good thing about it is the treasury seems to be flexible it seems to be we need to rethink if an asset sorry but the bad thing is that further delaying the cards will only bring the disaster quicker. but engineers at japan's a struggling for consumer nuclear plants have resumed efforts to remove built up radioactive water comes after a powerful aftershock forced crews to flee the area on tuesday at a power. run for six it's a maximum of seven s.
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that's the crisis in the cloud it's a novel disaster decision based on new data showing more radiation have leaked from a damaged plant previously thought but officials say the upgrade does not mean the situation has become more critical in our attempts to restore cleaning systems that we had since appeared to be no closer to success nuclear engineer than the some japanese government has downplayed the extent of the disaster. japanese are really committed to nuclear and so the result of a lot of vested interest it wanted to downplay or you know i study the three mile island accident history chernobyl and now this one and it's pretty shared practice there when when things are breaking you seem to look for the best alternative as opposed to the most realistic one and i think the japanese wired a nice outcome and believed whatever insurance gave them no indication if they
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don't have power to the fuel pool cooling systems that any of the reactors in uniform are is the worst because that huell all the freshest fuel it's that and the most physically heart and in addition uniforms care a crack in the side of it so they can even if they have water to cool it it's going to run out a crack that's the toughest the toughest problem and say great now. they can follow all the latest developments on japan's nuclear crisis on our website at www dot com including a man who rate for the she was evacuations are. part of the. japanese journalist once we get into one of the hoffa moments as a sporting facilities to document the dangerous levels of radiation this is also our website. social networking web site save the russian brand after eighty years of slavery and what it's called republican talking. about more than autumn
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don't call plus you watch well out west with us although you cheat. if. that's not a brief look now at some other international news making headlines this hour. deposed leader hosni mubarak has had a heart attack and intensive care that's according to state t.v. he was taken ill while meeting investigators looking into his role in a clinic or other more than eight hundred protesters dozens of people have already started putting outside the hospital claiming the barracks
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a must balance in the country for more than one has been under house arrest since he was overthrown the popular uprising from living. in luxury close to french and u.n. troops have seized i mean this simple forces loyal to former president flown back but mortars and rockets were found in a rush the main city of the phone comes after the surrender to french forces supported the international reckon on when the last word was elections he's now awaiting a criminal investigation into his actions and those of his entourage resulting conflict between the two opponents and claims that really a frozen lawyers. tail section of the doomed air france jet that crashed off brazil's coast in two thousand and nine has been found but it says of those killed say they've been told it's relatively intact raising hopes the black boxes will not stop the perth
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investigators finally piece together what led to the fatal crash all two hundred twenty eight people on board going. oh it's been hot a century since you could go and became the first night in space and costing of the pages of history that we know which even it was the result of years of painstaking work in top secrecy a team of dedicated volunteers put the equipment needed through its paces in the hope of one day propelling run current to the stars but history has it stuck. he went through hell on earth to put the first man in space john lennon who for russian was a volunteer who tested the equipment needed to reach obeyed and he took him to the limits of human insurance but really no one in the world has ever experienced what i did nineteen g. on the centrifuge that means my weight increased nineteen fold blood was imposing through my pores later i was forbidden to even mention it back then everything was
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a secret in one nine hundred fifty nine when the little became a test volunteer no one knew just how humans would be edited by zero gravity extreme stress or even the sense of endlessness space was the great unknown and many questions needed answering. any emergency that could happen to a cosmonaut during a flight and in reality they really experience all this i had to endure one string attached to find a safe angle for an emergency landing seat i was thrown from a fourteen me to height just like that freefall another time i spent thirteen hours in ice cold water to test a spacesuit on the state commission came to check on me in the morning someone said surprised look he's alive. experiments using humans what top secret in the soviet union and it wasn't thing the volunteers were often. we were brought up that
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way we weren't afraid of extreme situations there's simply no fear as the space program developed there speaking a more sophisticated the imitation of weightlessness or immersion was invented and soon preceded many trials one of the most unpleasant tests is being stuck in this capsule after the martian. being that has by the waves although you saw. an actual cross world runs a maximum of three hours in this position as part of their training while the test engineers have to last three or four days in forty degree heat or cold. air in the last the longest of all three days while his c.c. companions gave up one after another but. not everyone survived those tests and we never thought of ourselves as heroes we bled and hurt but told noble we needed to
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prove humans could do it and after all those years and over three hundred experiments i came to the conclusion my input was maybe even more important for space science than if i went into space once or twice. nowadays the cosmonaut survival course is based on their work except potential cost models are not pushed to the limit and they do have a chance after they displease one day. many of the tests engineers want to become astronauts and that's exactly their tragedy and they simply sekret fights themselves or their names may be lost in history but in many ways it was them the unknown here is who made the dream of space areality gary bush r.t. storage city just north of moscow. that's great stuff but i'll be back with a recap of our top stories in just a few minutes now it's time for the news from the world of business with just a few moments.
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hello and welcome to business thanks for joining us booming commodity prices have done much to support russia's markets in the first quarter or oil metals commodities such as wheat and sugar have all been setting records there's been speculation the runnable continue result and i suppose spike. explains why. so we actually had the rising of the year the rise in prices over the last few months and synchronized growth but also more importantly we've got the rest of the middle east and north africa the markets kind of driven on by fear right now fear of
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a contagion that we can spread to all the other countries in the in the middle east we could easily run it's a situation as we saw back in two thousand there were cross-cuts by quatermass ago and if we transfer across force we have a very bad weather last year which left for global stocks or for us to go through a process a very depleted levels again if we should have a repeat of the adverse weather for it we had last year. could cause price shocks in some of these some of these markets. like corn and soybeans where surprise are already very low levels. russian helicopters is planning to start preliminary marketing of its proposed initial public offering in london next week the states while aircraft make a sign up to five hundred million dollars in the i.p.o. as the government steps in there to raise funds for the defense industry helicopters which posted revenues of two point two billion dollars or twenty ten is a holding company for eleven regional manufacturers and was formed by the states and. the companies had any trouble trough says this company doesn't push to sponsor
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the future. not currently we are growing faster than our competitors and we are not afraid of such competition already last year we successfully entered into the latin american and african markets one of our main goals is to cement our position among the top three leading helicopter produces in the world. let's look at how the markets are forming markets bounced back from early losses with the nikkei up more than half of the percent the south shares of tokyo electric jumped twelve percent after report saying that japan make up love that it's just the last twenty four billion dollars for damages stemming from its crippled nuclear plant however crude oil futures weighed on japan stock traded funds with us. it's a paycheck in the soup down of one and two point five percent respectively. and he also the markets will start trading in about an hour's time both the us us and the my sex dropped nearly two point five percent of cheese they made negative news from
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abroad and for us. and looking ahead to the day's trade in russia concept from b. to b. capital believes the profit taking we've seen in recent trade will continue we haven't seen any good volume still in mid to small cap stocks which kind of people that actually people are actually trading liquid stops right now and epstein russia in a good while today will see a consolidation because there are a lot of factors russia specific work in the persian market to fall in a straight line but generally speaking there are few weeks i think the strategy is to actually take some profits in russia i think so in may and go away with the usual market. trading strategy might begin workers here given the performance you today. says i was his business someday jonas from all that stuff and of course been always not going to tell that side. of.
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above the bill must come. down the bay and we must the be. the big. mob investment in the peaceful uses of body space. obviously incredible investment from the united states and from the european union can either countries like business or this is completely in jeopardy if you start putting weapon soon outer space. wealthy british style places.
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