tv [untitled] April 13, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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even. though you're watching got time for a look at the main headlines now two suspects have been arrested only two could have been fired out by monday terrorists arguments metro that killed twelve and injured two hundred first funerals are taking place throughout the day. fastest growing economies on earth come together to help best sail the most pivotal global issues heads of pressure brazil india china and south africa gatherings also
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for childlike way to slice and trade. on the back on taxpayers are forced to stump up more than any other country in the world to fund washington's ever growing military campaigns trucking health care education the syria loan the u.s. is planning to spend around seven hundred billion dollars on its little machine. president reagan once about to make stove also a reality but is this process this one of our homes projects back on the agenda or for a special plug coming up next here on alt. the tough. time becomes.
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the cold war launched a space race that would capture our imagination and feed our dreams of cosmic exploration for decades to come. but crossing the frontier the on the speed of the space but also revolutionize life on earth. out of sight hundreds of kilometers above our heads a fragile network of satellites manages are interconnected society. of the one thousand satellites in orbit today almost half belong to the united states not only making the united states the most advanced space nation but also the nation's most dependent on its assets in space space is the backbone of our national security there is no substitute and there is no alternative to military dominance in space and this conviction should drive our course for the next fifty
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years. the us air force academy in colorado springs where the military space elite of tomorrow has trained seizure and. people in rome you better understand for a justice that they can eat entire earth during the previous two. roads in fruit pirates no longer threatens ships on the sea. life was so good during this time. but the period acquired. it was still referred to yes the heights rumana which means the roman peace. another theory that says a fire. is cold the pox amerikana. or the american
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feeds. it refers to the period in which the mirror of. the world is full. of. nothings it seems the summer of this thread. most of us only feel we were not. me but. you. walk out every morning and civil wars and. the lord will take you to the back of the shuttle. so it's is nice to know them as the shaken hills lose yet completely for you we should have been in the. mood.
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when i used to first class called taught on the air force academy i graduated in forty four days and i'm just going to my part to make sure that everyone here can enjoy the freedoms. pax americana is a political view which simply says that because america is currently the sole superpower it has not only the ability but there was constant realty into the far future to maintain world peace. right. america now has the chance to establish an american empire pax americana that will last for many many decades and one of the ways to do this is to establish strong
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american control of space china. anti-satellite weapons test weather satellite about five hundred miles according to u.s. government officials after three misses trying to succeeded in shooting. weather satellites the test may be part of china's efforts to establish a military presence in space does this mean the spy satellites the united states depends on could be shot down. left behind a trail of garbage circling in orbit now after the fall of the satellite. because. people call us what they're up to. the test of a chinese anti-satellite weapons in january two thousand and seven alarmed many observers about the vulnerability of american satellites. the united states and
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particularly its intelligence services worry about an attack on the united states it is not nuclear weapons it is not chemicals it is not biological but it is technological. a surprise attack against its satellites is a catastrophic. scenario studied by the u.s. forces by knocking out fifty u.s. military satellites the chinese could literally cripple the u.s. . they could prevent the military from being able to communicate with its forces they could blind the u.s. intelligence community which uses electro optics satellites to determine military force movements around the world and they could also cripple the guidance systems that are used on precision guided munitions that are satellite guided. in many senses could be a kind of an electronic pearl harbor. without
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space the u.s. would be unable to conduct any type of military operation in an effective way. the civilian space industry generates more than two hundred fifty billion dollars every year the destruction of even a single orbiting satellite could put at risk the economy daily lives and well being of millions of citizens. if you look at space times you think about the hubble telescope. most people don't realize that. when you open yourself to make. money out of the. satellite. and live news from
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around the. time you are lying positioning system proceed to land traffic control and even in your own. weather forecasting faster monitoring without satellite. our entire life depends on satellites they're sensual but we're not conscious of it and so we visit. there's a tremendous premium on the united states being able to provide over people for attacking our assets in space to ensure that we can continue to exercise for use of them and if necessary also to be able to deny others use of similar assets for their own purposes. the world has changed as more in the war in countries develop a presence in outer space possibility of
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a space down the longer science fiction. forces new solutions the us air force trees command this elite forces in the earth designs gone keeping watch over our interests of the grant. from the press room head of the department of astronauts who is your force academy we've been continually teaching the fundamentals of astronautics to our kids in every field for just graduated from the air force academy almost forty thousand now have taken at least one course in order for this area right here what's that all about stock right and superimposed on this of course we have the hero. iley electric or a bit military strategy it shows that if you want to control the battlefield eed to
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be the first and seizing the high ground the most advanced frontier whether it be land sea air and space the person that controls it has the advantage so made sure that nobody can deny our enemies space is a huge advantage. military forces have always relied upon high ground technology to gain advantage of. general and civil war in the united states. troops in the army especially in the union army used hot air balloons to get above the trees and see where the enemy was and of course the first airplanes to be used in world war one were centrally precautions for clear were designed to look and see really other people's. space and has been called the ultimate high ground and the advantage to the state
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that can seize and maintain the high ground is the same as holding the high ground throughout history whether there was a hill a mountain or in the latter half of the twentieth century the air or space. implies the use of force weapons from space to crown is true suring the protection of america's satellites in the face of potential threats is the responsibility of the us air force the united states is going to become the world's policeman does that type resonate with you do you have any reaction do you think is accurate if it were accurate how would it play out if you look at the moment when the first rolls of the united states maybe when it was established was a second bad piracy let's look at if you look at. potential commerce in space law enforcement and things like that are going to be. an important mission was more and more countries using space for security purposes and military purposes is true
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sooner or later they're going to collide and sooner or later the space we come in over reno for wolf it for good or bad the same kind of ethics that we have put in the tree falls on the other environments will apply spikes and gobs the stretch of the analogy to the breaking point but the space the analogy i think is one of the more useful. as the dutch control the season the seventeen hundreds as the british tended to police and control the seas from the eighteen hundreds in one thousand nine hundred and as the united states has done in the twentieth century and will do in the twenty first century and that is to ensure that commerce is on fedor pirates and others should they be out there are taken out. we can do the same thing for space we can do so in a way that is good for everyone and is good for ourselves it is policing the heavens for the good of all the building of your house with a. view of just when the united states maybe deploys hundreds of heavily armed
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warships in every one of the world's oceans no one accuses us of contributing to the weaponization of the sea because they know that the presence of our weapons ensures free transit for all who pursue their peaceful interests u.s. systems based in space can similarly patrol the commons for the good of all the us air force has been charged with the mission. of ensuring space access and space access in times of conflict. can the united states air force do this mission without weapons. my fellow americans tonight we are launching a new effort which holds the promise of change in the course of human history i ask for your prayers. and your support. thank you good night when i joined
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the staff of the committee on armed services in the u.s. house of representatives back in one thousand nine hundred five my first assignment was to investigate and oversee the strategic defense initiative this was president ronald reagan's star wars program and its new national strategy represents a break from the danger was. assured destruction at the height of the cold war. also known as store wars was a program conceived to destroy all enemy missiles by relying on orbiting systems us hitters that preserve wired as a level one depends goes into action. at the time the prevailing view was that this was going to work that the technology was almost in hand and that this was going to change everything i remember the
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briefing i got from my staff director who said not just anti-missile systems but all major weapon systems were going to move to space that space was the new high ground even then we talked about in that way where we're all major military operations we're going to be by the the end of that century it was a debate of stellar proportions the nation's number one star gazer first was the pentagon's chief of star wars it's still a protect the population of the united states it can be when the soviets overwhelmed outfoxed underflow i for one am not willing and able to just accept the idea that it can't work with as d. i never got off the drawing board the project was too far ahead of its time and the anti-ballistic missile treaty prevented the testing and the successful development of this day i. was on target real time battle management that's horrible. and that's what we are able to deliver through space air land and sea and the
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capability of all those can come together we started the storm we don't there at each conflict snopes and we get better and better and better. the planning to arm the heavens was put under wraps the use of military satellites for global communications and getting weapons to their targets was relied on more than ever. since the first gulf war the military presence in space has only continued to grow becoming the keystone of all operations during the air campaign on baghdad in march two thousand and three seventy one percent of all weapons launched against the iraqi capital were guided by satellites. at the beginning of the twenty first century star wars resurfaced under a new name missile defense. to free and allowed
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to build a missile capacity to carry different threats of today's world to move forward ballistic missile defense cooperation must develop and we must employ effective missile defenses. to track if you felt when president ford took off it here and here. people that surround it and it how well away it donald rumsfeld yeah i think that dick cheney all really really had to hurry why it was to get rid of saddam hussein the second was to build a hold of that. good morning. i just get closer to meeting of my national security council. we were viewed what i've discussed with my friend president vladimir putin over the course of many many meetings. and
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there is a need for america. to move beyond the one nine hundred seventy two. anti-ballistic missile treaty. when george w. bush became president immediately he gave six months notice to russia that we are pulling out united states is pulling out of the a.b.m. treaty and totalistic missile treaty that limited the united states's ability to test and deploy anti-satellite weapons so-called missile defense systems and other space technology at the pentagon today a warning that space will become the next big battleground to meet the challenge defense secretary donald rumsfeld is making space that down priority putting a four star general at the head of a new air force space command to take charge of all military space activity including any new anti missile defense pay careful attention to protecting promoting our interest in space pentagon officials say it's the first step toward eventually putting weapons into space. the united states is the leader research and
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development of space weapons possible secret and hidden in the black budgets of the pentagon these covert programs cost many billion dollars and. what technologies benefit from this financing. starfire has been used primarily in the past to do research on satellite tracking also they've done a lot of work in astronomy with range finding of stars he use the laser to be able to help tell you where the star is and how far away it is in the budget documents from the air force there's also been mention of the use a starfire for anti cell at weapons activity. the air force told congress that it had no intentions of using starfire for anything related to it he celebrates however they are doing it just. to make the laser beam very skinny
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. and make it stay very stable as it goes up and they're going to target that on a cell or. if you're tracking sally you don't need a very skinny laser beam in fact you want kind of a wide with because you want the meat she catch it in the right. so. many of us here are concerned that this kind of a test is actually an anti cell a weapons test in disguise. in april of two thousand and five the air force launched an experimental satellite its name was the x. s s lever. theoretically this experimental microsatellite has the ability to disrupt other nations satellite.
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as it's done so you know. put it into something called press sheet ok but in reality. we don't know. if. one of the things that people need to know is that most technology that's used in space can be used either for weapons purposes or it can be used for total lead the nine good purposes lasers for tracking good idea more precise tracking small microsatellites that can go around a big cell it take pictures good idea as it helps you figure out what went wrong with your satellite and that's hard to do right now good idea that same little microsatellite that's going around the big zelie could be set up to go around another person and run into it and. the technology doesn't know whether it's a weapon or whether it's you know
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a benign use the question is going to come down to the intent of the people who are building these systems. the anti-missile shield is regarded by some critics as being the visible three something american space weapons program. i'll just hold it i cringe it's a valid. military war games this isn't nations launch milicic missiles on american cities. the possible impact of san francisco solutions but in reality who is capable of pulling off such an attack against the usa the interesting thing is that the threat is actually shrinking not increasing. the ballistic missile threat is declining there are far fewer ballistic missiles in the world now than they were fifteen years ago there were fewer countries with the list of missile programs there were fewer hostile countries to the united states with ballistic
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missile programs. when you stop when you look at it it really comes down to are two a handful of states whose programs we worry about north korea and iran basically and they only have medium range missiles that is they can't reach the united states . from ronald reagan on words every president has third funding for missile defense under different guises . various runs costing at least two hundred billion dollars. are u.s. taxpayers getting what they pay for. it's a con it's a con missile defense is the greatest fraud in the department of france and believe me it's had a lot of competitors i really i really believe this i've. missile defense is the longest running fraud in the in the history of the u.s.
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department of defense. if ballistic strikes are so improbable why seek to repel them such cost them from space. what if missile defense is a disguise for ambitions beyond simply destroying this one. there's going to be an inherent in the satellite capability with any ballistic missile defense system regardless of whether it's located in space or elsewhere. and i think that that's effectively zero voidable. you know political missile in some senses is more difficult than carving a satellite and therefore targeting a satellite is almost always all capability that's associated with the missile defense system. in february two thousand and eight the united states destroyed a disabled satellite of its own using missile defense interceptors. the us
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demonstrated that these interceptors also called kilby it can obliterate any saddling in the earth orbit missile defense is a trojan horse that has nothing to do with defense whatsoever it's all about projecting power it's about offsets i've been to the bases in colorado springs and i've personally seen over the door where it says master of space. and i've read the documents vision for two thousand and twenty and a whole array of other military space command documents that have said for years that us will control space that we will dominate space that we will deny other countries access the space we five percent of the world's population in the united states are going to deny other countries access to space i mean absolutely provocative i would tell you that we are so. dominate in space slid through the.
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