tv [untitled] April 13, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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but can they alone a show of the real headlines with none of the mercy or if you live out of washington d.c. now say it was a busy day on capitol hill we'll tell you about obama's plan for reducing the deficit over the next twelve years and we'll find out if it has any chance of going anywhere and the cia is having trouble when it comes to hiring and keeping the best and the brightest for the government intelligence agency or tell you why there's
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a brain drain and where government employees are going for a more profitable job and then what's going on in afghanistan capitol hill hasn't been talking much about the war and the white house has said absolutely nothing on the schedule troop withdrawal that's supposed to begin in july so we're turning to contractors who are on the ground to give us some insight and then think on this and the u.s. student loan debt has for the first time surpassed credit card debt shocking we thought so but could this encourage teens and young adults to avoid college and for a different option for their future and then it's a bipartisan effort to keep your privacy private we'll tell you about a proposed bill that's going to protect your online privacy from data collectors and we'll find out of the bill really goes far enough in keeping you safe he tells on all that and much more in tonight's show but first let's move on to our top story. today speaking from george washington university president obama outlined his deficit reduction plan for america now this comes in response to paul ryan's plan released in the middle of the budget showdown that almost shut down our
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government and months after the president's deficit reduction committee came up with its own recommendations so in this plan obama wants to reduce the deficit by four trillion dollars over the next twelve years the final balance of achieving three dollars in spending reductions for every dollar generated in additional tax revenue this would include defense cuts say. seven hundred fifty billion dollars in domestic spending reforming medicare and medicaid but keeping both and keeping the affordable care act passed last year as well as ending tax cuts for the rich now the anger responses from both sides of the aisle have already begun but was this speech good enough to sell the nation on it and get people excited or is this just going to be the beginning of the battle from hell joining me to discuss it is dave nice thing that happened these political reporter for politico hey thanks so much for being here tonight to be with you now this speech i guess it wasn't supposed to be the most exciting the most inspiring thing in the world because obviously there's a lot of members involved
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a lot of percentages thrown out there but i do want to show you one very important clip of what the vice president thought about the speech this is your you will get your vote. and the doctor is worth enough to buy the insurance that's available in the open marketplace well so look. out she's sleeping during the speech i mean is that because obama is so boring or is this joe biden just kind of blowing it again god bless joe biden keeping. with you know he's continuing to get maybe at a lunch not sure what it was maybe knew the details before but. speeches about the deficit and aren't always exciting this was a long speech but it was an important speech because this is what people are talking about right now and it's certainly what the republicans are focused on but it is still like one thirty in the afternoon i understand maybe he was giving his speech in ninety yes maybe biden had a long day and you could go on oh you're writing from i know the media there that
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would be cut away shots that you know they're going to have and cameras the vice president you can't get away with it made maybe the lunch come about because i do get a little sleepy after i have lunch too now i want to get into too many numbers here but let's look at colorado its plan right he wants to reduce the deficit by six trillion dollars in the next ten years obama's deficit reduction committee wanted to reduce the deficit by four trillion by twenty twenty obama says or a trillion it but. give me twelve years so in essence he was kind of the weakest of them all right i think the most important point here is that obama went for the middle he said we need to use a scalpel and that's why he did this speech to show that he's serious about cutting the deficit and debt so use a scalpel but not a machete which is how he framed the republican plan and he went after paul ryan's plan he did it i liked it and he went right at the medicare cuts which democrats believe are a winning issue for them for the republicans to say you're going to reform transform medicare take away that guarantee health care benefits for seniors is
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a winning issue to be believed because seniors vote may vote in important states like florida where they were tired which is going to be important for the president so he went right at that but i do think you know give the republicans credit they sort of frame this issue paul ryan's budget as frame the issue for the president now he is responding to it a week later so if you think that obama lost out perhaps he entered the game a little bit too late i mean as i imagine the deficit reduction committee that was last year that was in december then republicans came out and they were the first found low this budget in the middle of the whole budget debate you know just for that for the next six months that we were going through i think it's important to point out that the president embraced some of the proposals in the commission's plan which he sort of steered away from right after it came out but now the debates been reframes i do think there is some reactionary. sort of a reactionary effort by the white house to respond in the deal that was reached in the stopgap measure last friday the republicans think the democrats want to zero
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cuts you know the republicans got thirty eight so you tell me who the winner is i think the republicans were that winner but now we're into round two the bigger picture and the president is trying to reach that middle ground was triangulation. obviously what's happening when you go a little to middle or if you want to call it center right is your base is a please bear. democrats aren't he pleased with his plan and on the republican tit for tat begins you know immediately paul ryan already said that obama's plan is inaccurate that it's not going to work john boehner came out even before obama even gave a speech and said that you know if there are tax breaks for the rich ending in this speech then that is a complete nonstarter so it does not have the opportunity to go anywhere when you have two parties with fundamentally different views on how to reduce the deficit i think one of the flashpoints is going to be your last point about the tax cuts you know president obama campaign getting rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy and he sort of reneged on that promise at the end of this year during the lame duck
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session when he had to cut a deal he basically said i'm going to raise taxes on everybody the republicans won't take anything else this is what i have to do so now here he is back again saying we have to raise taxes on the rich and as you pointed out the republican leadership even before he spoke said this is no deal no game when the economy's in the in this type of situation we're not raising the issue of taxes so this is an issue we're going to see continuing to build up through the two thousand and twelve election and it's the same argument that we're having in two thousand and eight if i'm sitting at home and i'm a regular american i'm going to ever make any progress on these issues or do we just keep going back to our corners and fighting i think the next big flash point in this debate the budget debate is going to be the debt ceiling and whether republicans are going to prevent. congress from raising that which which could cause some huge if you actually do that you have because all the warnings that we're hearing is already that that's going to be catastrophic although you know we are going to see other day on the show if you look at the polls only sixteen percent of americans the greatest gallup poll actually didn't want or didn't want
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the debt ceiling to be raised so americans are thinking hey why not i think that people just don't understand the record questions here but we'll see obama's plan actually gains and he traction at the end of this like they're all full of it lindsey graham was already blasting off on twitter today complaining about fifty thousand dollars in cuts to his state even though it's his party that's the one on . so keep your own cut their friends dave thanks so much for being here and i thank you. now it's the deadline it's grabbed hold of washington the threat of the nation's debt reaching its peak is on the horizon and analysts claim that the u.s. will reach its debt ceiling a fourteen point three trillion dollars by next month may sixteenth is what treasury secretary tim geithner said this politicians debate whether or not they should raise the debt ceiling it's clear the u.s. debt has already taken a toll on america so how much could this country stand to lose our two artes marina finds out. in a city that never sleeps
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a clock that continues to tick more than ten thousand dollars per second when it was first installed and no one was really aware of what that was nor could most people tell you the difference between the deficit or the soviet bear clarks spams rejoice keeping track of the national debt jordan borrow its represents the durst organization the new york real estate firm that operates the ticker of america's borrowing a clock was installed back in one thousand nine hundred nine when u.s. debt was under three trillion we think weeks that number is expected to reach a debt ceiling of fourteen point one thousand nine. hundred is too much money. everybody knows that and everybody except that it's how you solve that problem. yet this familiar problem is being met with a recycled solution he was leaders are calling for congress to raise the debt limit
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warning of an economic armageddon otherwise experts say ongoing financial mismanagement by the richest country in the world is gravely tarnishing america's image as a global financial leader were approaching us on a par with the total g.d.p. of the prime tree this is very serious because most economic research suggests that countries tend to decelerate in their growth and have more and more severe economic problems once the debt to g.d.p. ratio gets above about ninety percent and we're about to go through that level if the u.s. government reaches its borrowing capacity it would ultimately default on its debt and stop paying investors whose bonds have come due japan currently holds roughly eight hundred eighty five billion dollars in u.s. treasury bonds meanwhile china america's name creditor owns one point one trillion . the economic landscape. it's causing many to conclude that washington no longer
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claims supremacy over global economic issues it can no longer act in our outer early on any number of things yet out so part of what the united states needs is credibility which can and crease the persuasion with which it can convince other countries to come together with it in moments when it needs to be guarantor of the global financial system shows no sign of debt discipline nobel prize winning economist joseph stiglitz says it's time to replace the once invincible dollar with a new reserve currency china has close to three trillion dollars a reserve about a third of the global reserves about nine trillion dollars trillion dollars you have some voice and what kind of reserve currency system you want to have a chinese be very clear that it worries about the dollar based reserve system just last week the dollar fell to nearly
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a fifteen month low against the euro yet day after day the nation's debt continues to climb higher u.s. congress has increased the national debt ceiling a reported seventy four times since one thousand nine hundred sixty two and it will most likely happen again in the coming weeks but as america continues a growing trillions of dollars in debt question is how much global economic influence does this so-called superpower stand salutes. are to new york. there's still much more to come tonight is there a brain drain at the cia and find out why the government's top intelligence agency is facing competition from contractors after last if it could be a threat to our country's safety and i want to come to the war in afghanistan it seems like capitol hill on the white house don't have much to say so we're going to turn to contractors on the ground. to find out whether a withdrawal is really going to happen and it's time soon i'll be right back.
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given that we live in a part of the lead i think a lot of well the legs. were never going to show the bird in the safe getting ready for freedom. hey guys welcome to shower himself on the field on a show we've heard are just not the sound of topics now i want to hear audio is going to you tube the video response or to twitter for part of the question that we impose on you tube every monday and on thursday the show gone response is going to
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we often speak about contractors on this program and the rising use of them in our wars abroad as well as work here at home security intelligence defense reconstruction you name it and there's a foreign that can provide it but our contracting firm stealing the top talent away from the government in a new report out today the washington post investigates brain drain within the cia it's a phenomenon that began after nine eleven but they continues at a rapid pace and at least ninety one of the agency's upper level managers have left for the private sector just in the last ten years alone it's about money it's an obvious scape from iraq or c. which is also where our intelligence capabilities are at risk joining me to discuss it is lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer senior fellow at the center for advanced defense studies and he's also still serving as a reserve lieutenant colonel tony thanks so much for joining us tonight. contracting isn't necessarily anything new but you know from what i gather here
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this really didn't hit the cia or the intelligence service until after nine eleven so what would you say is it were they completely inadequately prepared for you know the amount of intelligence intelligence gathering that we would need post nine eleven or were there also people there it just happened to be there at the right time that managed to capitalize on it in the private sector i think it's a situation unfolding. one of the things that came out of the nine eleven attack was this call for new intelligence better intelligence and so what are we do is us . and that's what result is you created a market by the fact it was called. the new intelligence the end result i think was less than adequate by the fact that you had a huge brain drain which i think is not only with cia we're talking about defense a practice run of the organizations mentioned today look i have several friends of mine who walked out and left duty who were trying to strike me we're all trained by cia we do a different mission we work or do but it's the same the same basic training the same basic experience same basic abilities and they want to over and they literally
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walked out run day making one hundred ten thousand dollars walk into a job making two hundred fifty and doing the same basic thing but the thing is you have what accountability and in many ways you avoid idiocracy and i think that's what makes it so attractive for a lot of folks to go do this. do you think that the government you know if we keep talking of the cia specifically should they be paying these people more the fact that you know you can go get there or do the exact same job but make twice the money somewhere else but i think it's one of those things congress needs to look at i spent most of today on the hill talking with members of congress and their staffs about how to cut back and be more efficient and what we're doing i don't want to mention names a good way to do it but i met with actual emerton not actual members and those veterans i talked to a tea party member i talked to are a member on the left and it's the same issue as i call much can we afford to pay we help create a circumstance where the brain drain is going right now and the problem is things like cap chapman happen and you cover camp chapman the fact is this the most senior
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member of the oldest member of that team who was killed it coast was forty five years old and that's when you're just basically getting good experience so to be in charge with a lot of background was probably one of things which will lead to bad. really bad effect for cia so you think that this is perhaps hurting our intelligence gathering capabilities perhaps even putting lives at risk because that is one of the factors here is that suddenly we see a very young crop of individuals working at the cia the older guys are are moving on and moving on towards more lucrative jobs in the private sector and so i wonder you know sometimes can that young fresh perspective be good or is the cia specifically an area where you need the experience in the years where you do there is no substitute for having years of experience one of the first things you tell you when you go through the training form is that you basically have the ability to learn that's it and it takes to have a seasoned officer with all the understanding of all the different nuances twenty
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years just to get their act together so the fact is that i think the article very good at capturing that back but you know people of the twenty year mark are leaving and taking experience elsewhere therefore you have this dearth of experience now the other part of this which i mentioned earlier when we producers. is the fact that they didn't report the fact that you have young kids coming in today who are leaving early so those are best and brightest see this and experience are frustrated with the bureaucracy and they leave early so i think you have the worst of both worlds you have young kids who are very bright coming in they can go to do good things leaving early after the first two are because they're frustrated and the same time you have those left who probably aren't the best and brightest running the show and those who could probably put them on the right track are long gone so you basically have what's left to be probably the worst possible group running the operations which is resulting in i think let's not equate intelligence collection what we would call totally off guard in libya we shouldn't focus there and other places so i think it's that lack of experience of knowing where to look
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and how to look is resulting in the bad outcomes you're seeing right now and you're definitely right in that we have seen numerous examples lately where intelligence has failed and where we were completely caught off guard especially if you look at some of the rest of the middle east i'm just curious do you think there's anything unethical about perhaps you know working for the government getting top secret clearance getting all of your training they're getting a lot of contacts when it comes to people working within the government comes to congress members and then taking that outside of it taking out to a private firm or is that just something that we're completely safe as you know on . it's become the norm i think but when you can walk it's ines but it's honestly hard and some of my friends i believe are great patriots they've been great jobs for the country but it's hard when you know you can make one hundred ten thousand dollars a year and be miserable in a drought or see or take twice the money and have twice the freedom to do the job you're trying to do so the problem is this and this is one of the things mentioned in the article bureaucracy is something i face every day it's something i thought
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against and truth be told i do a lot of the same things i did before on the inside on the outside with with a lot less oversight a lot more ability to get things done and i think that's what most people in my profession seek to do we want to do good and so i don't think ethically is anything wrong with stepping out and getting more money for what you're doing the problem is becoming and become a cottage industry everybody and i think the actual purpose of why we're doing the work has been lost it would not just want to make money and hence we have now not only the military industrial complex but now we have this intelligence industrial complex and you know a whole row of people all included in what's top secret america with this classify clearance that doesn't necessarily mean that it's making the situation any safer or better for a brain drain is what we got tony thanks so much for joining us tonight. now this to live a scheduled withdrawal of troops from afghanistan is supposed to be but as of yet we haven't seen any kind of plan for what that would crawl would look like no
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timetable no numbers add up or say that president obama himself has yet to be presented one of those plans by general david petraeus so while we wait on washington to play politics with the situation let's get some insight from those on the ground specifically the contractors who are well aware of what government is going to hell many are planned for in the coming months earlier i caught up with him lynch blogger and founder of free range international and i first asked him what the talk is on the ground in afghanistan in terms of what size the withdrawal you can expect. yeah you know on the ground we haven't really seen anything that would indicate a significant withdrawal. of the battalions coming into the theater so every several months they're played out for a long time contracts are still being led through a logistical support and there's nobody. releasing contracts or talking about the mobilizing which will take a long long time or quite the contrary do you see a lot of new contract bids being brought up instead of even you know talk of trying
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to wind them down eventually. we'll leave him in the reconstruction spheres certainly they're there they're releasing contracts they're looking at things long term they're planning for f y two thousand and twelve shutdowns or element or three because you're a geisha and system massive massive projects that would even start for the year so that is that they certainly plan to stay for a long time because you can't really work here without a security measure. or what you know one of the things that i find so interesting is when i think of security i think about what our troops are trained to do but you know now we've had some interesting things last week to the u.s. special ops the man announced they were looking for afghan security contractors to protect some of the special ops teams you know some of their really smaller bases which to me just seems at seem so completely backwards. they do that
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now they've they've done that for years if you're the only people that don't do that right now the reason a woman and i was talking to one of the officers and he says hey we lose a bitch i have to score in ourselves they would much rather use the manpower they have to project to project those security and horse outside of their bases and so it's not unusual to see contractors sworn in for security which again it's one of the big problems when i talk about removing security contractors is i don't think they want the do in the guard so in that sense do we have enough of can we say that the contractors and the troops have to be there at the same time because i think some would speculate that well they could perhaps start withdrawing some of the troops in order to make it look and politically but then just keep more of the contractors and do that to kind of have to go hand in hand. i don't in a cushy if you're talking about the i wrecked model where they say hey we're going to stop combat operations but they they jam in
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a couple hundred thousand contractors who are all good and right around to be six agreements he can't really do that here because it's only twelve more months before all security companies are supposed to close or do is leave so that if they get a bed they would have ever cooperation from the karzai government and they are not going to get it but do you think that karzai is really serious i mean of course he's given a lot of threats to contractors in the past said that he was going to take out a lot of the firms even last year he gave a four month time limit we didn't really see that kind of a for which and so much and quite the opposite i think that one of the excuses that a lot of lawmakers more conservative lawmakers here on capitol hill use as a reason to not withdraw is that they think that the afghanistan government having karzai is going to think that we're abandoning that so how do you put the two and two together. and he really can't because if you look at how he acts. if you push it i don't think it's serious but you can't beat your plans based on
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which if they can but i mean i don't see any other way around for i think the security contractor sector will grow here continue to grow and it's going to parallel i reckon but we're going to drawdown of forces i just don't see it happening unless you're talking about logistical or or headquarters assets just trying to shrink the number of people that stay on the thought which they could they could should get by tens of thousands right now with that it's a kind of permissions. in my humble opinion but then it would require a drawdown in all the things you're doing such as you know completely redoing their own river valley oh you're a geisha where the new military is doing it because they're the only ones that can . and what's the sense you get from talking to the local population or perhaps you know a local contractors to do do you get that feeling that they feel like it would be an abandonment if the withdraw doesn't did happen or sooner rather than later oh no no no. there's there's little question that a lot of people in
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a more contested areas of southern part of the country have chosen sides. and those that have chosen or so if we pull out or control so they don't look like humans have been in it for sure there's a lot of people who who are absolutely trust us we say look we're not going to seventy anymore. and those people if we left they figure they wouldn't last long and of course lately we're seeing what it seems like to be a complete souring of relations between the u.s. and pakistan too with pakistan and last couple days saying no more drone strike saying get the majority of your cia officers which for a while we were in this mr know where they're they're saying get them out so you know just i just put a dark cloud over everything as well as the fact that that relationship with pakistan is so and to defeating the taliban or to this war effort.
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will extend to me the freedom to u.s. troops too because all the logistics or the vast percentage of them come up through a corruption through the pakistan so yeah if you can a serious discussion like that is most concerning this talk about limiting the drone strikes or is most concerning although i did see in the wire that there was one and one of those was there is unity but. again if you look at a lot of this posture did you see do you still with the end game because it always seems immune to things kind o. able in the way that they are suspect is not what our town want to thank you very much for joining us and we'll be we'll be catching back up with you later i'll see what actually happens in july or what kind of numbers obama does give us to thank so much. ok thank you and have a good night. for taking a break but still a concert night she might run for president but first she wants to wake takeaways and rice from judges who have more in this congress on this plan ahead in our tools and segment and then swimming in student debt has some college bound students
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should consider skipping higher education altogether because of the price tag i cannot. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. one well. we haven't got the shares to keep you safe get ready because you get the freedom. charter here broadcasting live from washington d.c. come.
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