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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the biggest issues get a human voice ceased to face with the news makers. hammering out a response to economic inequalities and interference in libya the leaders of the world's biggest emerging economies put their heads together to draw a common approach to global issues. unite said they stand at the brics want to build a new world economy and stop needless deaths of civilians in libya a lot of details from high now on coming your way shortly. facebook twitter panic buttons look at the technology being used to spread democracy in the arab world but
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the intentions are really some quantised. pakistan that demands the u.s. cuts its activity in a country that's relations soured by drone attacks and civilian deaths at the lowest level since nine eleven. with r.t. live from moscow right now or just after tipping well the world's emerging economic giants are showing a united front and their push for reforming the international monetary institutions at a pivotal week the leaders of russia brazil india china and south africa all the so-called brics have also decried the use of force in war torn libya it's all part of their efforts to gain a greater clout in a global affairs. a city now is in the chinese resort. the government has been
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taking turns. so that the five countries have reached a common ground and strive for change or they discussed ways of supporting an initiative to replace the u.s. dollar as the world's main reserve currency also calling for. reform as well what more can you tell us on the search. for your rights and human rooting for those points if they have come up with in essence what they really want is greater influence both in the sphere of economics as well as politics where economics is concerned they really do want to see major changes in the financial model that is existing today in order to benefit the developing countries which if you just look at the numbers is a significant portion of the world's economic growth now political leave they also see that a consensus is essential among the five members if they are to achieve anything on the global stage for example before they go to the g. twenty they feel that it is going to be more effective if they first come together on certain issues and present what they think to the rest of the world certainly president of the other would agree with that now go into specifics of the economic
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reforms they want you're right they did mention this the need for a new currency well this is a they want a broad broad based reform currency reform the system which basically means if you want to see another currency is as a reserve currency rather than just the u.s. dollar or the euro if we know that china is really pushing for the you want to be in that position however of course it still has to go through a lot of changes especially internally brazil for example is a critic of the you one say that it is undervalued from their perspective so if that is to happen they do have to come to a consensus but certainly they do want to see change there another one concern that they do have is the price of commodities now in commodities are really essential for the development of these countries food for example of raw materials oil if they are to have a sustainable economy they are going to meet these prices to be stabilized and they do see that the weakness in the economies of the west is really hampering growth therefore they do want more say in the i.m.f.
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for example and the world bank china certainly wants more voting shares in the world back. so i think the vision that they want in this regard they have come to a consensus let's hear what president medvedev had to say on b's. so the brics countries have a common approach to the reform of the international monetary fund and the world bank we discussed the necessity of such reform in our meeting we've reached a united position on this issue as well as bringing down the volatility of world prices of agricultural products. it's. well as they are coming together coming forward quite strongly on certain issues they are doing their core to point out that this grouping is not in any way to replace the existing groupings of the world especially with developed countries it is not to be against any of the organizations in practice really it is more of pulling together their resources pulling together their vision representing it to the rest of the world it is not to be against anyone let's hear from the president of brazil on this matter. we were
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engaged in efforts to create a multipolar institutional order with new supremacy over areas of in. brics is not organized against any group of countries in fact work through global corporation and governance mechanisms in line with the twenty first century. if there is a key word here it will be cooperation so you know that understandably they as a. film are resupplied said they're not going against any organization it's really more of cooperation and coordination returns you talk about cooperation coordination certainly a couple of major economic issues we discussed here that of the issue of the u.s. the global reserve currency also the performing of the i.m.f. but it's not just economic matters that they are seeing eye to eye on is it that there's more going on. here certainly over the years that this is the third bric summit now with south africa they have become more bold and now they have really wanted front and they have come out quite strongly with regard to the libya crisis
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are they really do see that the efforts being done by maybe against what they feel is the limits of that mandate if you want a solution i'd say seventy three let's hear from a president that if we did speak after the break summit on the side last to search through some journalists to elaborate more on the matter. of these and also some resolution must be fulfilled whether russia voted for each and south africa did or abstained but it must be fulfilled in accordance with the wording and meaning and not with three interpretations of some states because we voted for a no fly zone just stop the escalation of the conflict so that we could separate the two sides but what we having now is a military operation it may not be on the ground yet but it's certainly going on up above a number of countries who are taking part and then nato stepped in but the resolution doesn't say a word about it that's why when i hear the resolution is bad i disagree the resolution is absolutely fine but it must be fulfilled without exceeding the
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mandate it's based on. but he also did bring up concerns aside the treatment of the situation in the ivory coast for example in the sit along the along the sea rise right there is a u.n. resolution authorizing a peacekeeping troops there but it could have did say that it went beyond that basically. you say the u.n. peacekeeping troops they took sides there have been bombings against the opposition now to president former president. ivory coast so he said he's going along the same lines that whatever is in the resolution that should be respected that this is what this is what i've been decided upon following in this line of thinking all of them and really come out strong to say be lots more say especially since brazil and india are pushing for a permanent seat at the u.n. security council they kept reiterating that i went to decision comes with regard to political moves with regard to warfare sensitive topics like these there needs to be a lot more diplomacy and a stronger voice coming from countries such as the five over here. in the chinese
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resort of thank you. note the libyan crisis set to dominate the talks of nato foreign ministers who are meeting right now and then the u.k. and france are pushing other allies to increase the military pressure. now ahead of the meeting especially for a contact group living called for khadafy to step down and let the people determine their future meanwhile the u.s. is training antigovernment activists from the middle east and north africa on how to spread democracy with the help of technology but there's always a guy nature can report could be a hidden agenda. the u.s. is providing high tech help with innovations for anti-government activists in a number of countries throughout the world one of the latest developments is the panic button according to the state department the application can be uploaded on
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activists cell phones should they be detained the software instantly raises the contact book in their phones and sends a warning alarm signal to other activists sounds great one question and it's all gone probably mungo's thanking the u.s. government for the quick knowledge you are going to be groggy learners and terrorists but american officials of course claim the best the contentious saying the innovation is to protect democracy forces in other countries to help use the technologies more effectively the u.s. has organized training sessions for thousands of activists the one held just weeks ago in the middle east including anti-government campaigners from tunisia egypt syria and lebanon and as the newly trained and equipped activists return home the u.s. as one state department official put it counts on the ripple effect foreign interference doesn't have to be a military invasion a bombing campaign or even or some kind of special operation on the ground in that
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country it can also be the training and funding and the political support given to individuals who then promote those foreign interests and that's one of the newer strategies that the u.s. government has successfully been executing in different countries around the world that it doesn't consider subordinate to their agenda and it's a way to do it subtly it's harder to detect it's harder to denounce it and it can often be more effective if the u.s. perceives the internet and social networking platforms as major tools for spreading democracy and comes millions of dollars into developing systems to help people in the middle east and china get around internet blocking far walls but at the same time american companies provide. bahrain saudi arabia and kuwait with the technology to effectively block websites and when the us government purports to be spreading democracy it's simply a sham it's a pretense it's a lie the goal of u.s. foreign policy is to put its people in public office and in foreign countries the
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u.s. military has recently launched an online management program which enables it to generate multiple fake identities on social networks the false personas are designed to contribute to the flow of conversations on facebook twitter and other websites people are using social media for cyber warfare i mean that's what we're going to see more more and more of i think from from whether it's governments or non-state actors they're going to try to find ways to use the internet and social media to gain an advantage in their own battle the recent turmoil in libya and suggest orchestration of twitter with fake users only around five percent of lidia's have access to the internet and the number of twitter users there is so small that analysts couldn't even calculate it yet in february this year a surge of legal twitter accounts of peer reporting in english and virtually all
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begging for intervention we know that. since the beginning of the war but libya is still going to back system but. people don't check this essential fact they take all this information coming here at face value which is the role because ricky think that mutes trained activists provided with panic buttons and other technologies scores of foresight and it is on the air now and spreading certain ideas the u.s. says it's all about promoting democracy but who these the clerics in tank justify direct interference in other countries the mastic affair. i'm going to check our reporting for watching our team. right now you are with god see it's good to have a company today and still ahead for you this hour reaching out we followed the story of all russian mothers whose children not only suffer from a red disease but they also have the added burden of fighting for government health
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and financial support. plus on the. huge mystery delivery has to bear cubs are left on the doorstep of a zoo in russia as far east. right now relations between the u.s. and its ally pakistan in the fight against al qaeda seems to be on the brink of collapse covert cia operations drone attacks and civilian deaths have prompted islamabad to rebuke washington and demand it reduces its presence in the country parties where if an option our reports from the pakistani capital. here in islamabad officials say the relations between the u.s. and pakistan are today at its worst since nine eleven and there are many reasons behind the teri ration case in point is that of. a cia spy who shot two pakistanis that grows daylight earlier this year claiming they were trying to rob him this
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incident exposed huge concerns over the activity of u.s. private security firms similar to those operating in afghanistan and iraq others claim the real work was neutralized in the country's nuclear arsenal which is to become the world's fifth largest pakistani officials here in islamabad say they have no idea how many you asked contractors are currently functioning in pakistan and their identities are nor their purposes and acceptable to the u.s. obsession with firing drones into pakistan also thrust and to critical to destabilize the situation in pakistan targeted ads militants in the northern part of pakistan near its border with afghanistan march seventeenth drone strike is reported to have killed forty innocent civilians prompting a month long break by the us but despite these casualties and
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a bloody experience both of ghana's star and iraq and now in pakistan here. seems to be no sign of a policy change from nato its part pakistani officials here in islamabad in the capital of pakistan warn that drone seriously strengthen not only anti american sentiment but also to military sentiment in this sensitive region making it increasingly hard to justify the continuing war on terror pakistan's prime minister in an interview with r t can. u.s. drone strikes are causing huge anxiety for pakistan and are creating more problems rather than solutions in fighting terror the drone attacks. that are created in the military and against the government and the military there the problem. is in
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north korea in favor of the military strategy or political strategy. work difficult despite u.s. immunity undermining the pakistani government's top officials here in the capital i came to smooth over divisive issues to stress the key point that a stable pakistan is in the interests of. grief notion r t islamabad pakistan. there are always plenty more stories and blogs and analysis just a click away on our side of course but is artsy part calm let's have a look right now give you a taste of what's waiting in line and it's a never ending nightmare in japan as crews continue pumping highly radioactive water from the damaged fukushima reactors. plus ten friends we'll take a look at a facebook campaign that sprung up after a president was caught red handed taking it more than he signed up for.
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now more than half of children in russia suffering from a rare form of hereditary illnesses die at an early age without ever getting any help from the government the huge cost of the treatment they need is normally impossible for parents to meet and the money is available but it's not always so easy to access. reports. they're both the same age believe in one country and they have the same debilitating condition the only difference between them is that one was born in the capital and another one lives in a small town and it's this zip code lottery it's already defined who have their relief and who will die you want some others ask me if it's all worth it all this expensive treatment and the nerves they told me look east and he's unable to talk and still wears diapers what's the point of spending so much on his treatment but i love him regardless of whether he was diapers or not i just love him the way he is this sort of questions is pursuing mothers of children with huntress syndrome all
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the time but only because these genetic condition is impossible to cure but even more so because treating it is prohibited really expensive so expensive that for many years children in russia conscious interim didn't stand a chance of living to middle age that is until. mothers like her forced more score thirty to pay for treatment yet the russian constitution doesn't say that if the treatment is expensive then it shouldn't be provided that if a child was unfortunate to be born in a small town it should be abandoned to allow nature to take its course. yet this is exactly what's happening the two hundred fifty children countries syndrome in russia less than half are receiving lifesaving drugs forty year old volodya is not one of them the buildup of toxins that his body is unable to recycle has left him unable to walk and talk of the last few months he's been rapidly losing his side
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and hearing a lot is treatment is this related to cost more than eight hundred thousand dollars that's an exorbitant amount it would also save dozens hundreds of people the last call quickly to conditions but with all this money it may not leave to see the next summer this thing. all of that apart from his one noble sense to care about god even as husband left her when he learned of their son's disability the local authorities refused to help citing the lack of money but here is thankful for small mercies bodies still alive and if it comes hope. i'm happy just a week and see him breathing sometimes he smiles and it's the greatest gift for me i knew that she didn't is extensive and i know this money could help me other children but he didn't choose his condition and he also deserves to live the russian president recently suggested that the huntress syndrome be added to the
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list of illnesses treated exclusively at the expense of the federal budget and move many in the medical community say is long over due it is a bit when there are between six thousand and eight thousand trapped on a search and the treatment for many of them missed you either nonexistent or too expansive of the rarity of the illness definitely shouldn't be a criteria for providing medical assistance these kids and so much pain and then entitle to treatment just like children with food or chicken pox bursting bubbles is something that these mothers have longer to use to when they give birth to their children they all dreamt of their becoming someone grade and it was only after the killing diagnosis they realized their children bridges that great. r.t. moscow. right now twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital of you without saying let's check out some other stories making headlines around the world now barack obama's call for tax increases on the rich and cuts in government
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spending he said that it would help to slash the u.s. budget deficit by four trillion dollars over twelve years republican parties sharply criticized obama's plans and instead proposed taking money out of health care and giving tax breaks to the wealthy now cuts have been announced for the country's defense budget this year alone around seven hundred billion it probably seems to be spent on them in a tree. opposed to gyptian president hosni mubarak and his two sons are being detained for fifteen days before the right leader is under detention in a hospital and shot them all shaken after reportedly suffering a heart attack his sons are in jail that a car broke prison for a number of the regime's former leaders are being held mubarak's will appear before a judge today for questioning over accusations of corruption abuse of power and the killing of protesters. now when workers are presumed you know russia's far east
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woke up one morning the last thing they expected to find on their doorstep was a pair of baby bears in a box without a second thought they had their pups were immediately taken and one over the hearts of every single person and how could they not these adorable bottles of just babies there are no more than about three months old the two brothers are enjoying almost unlimited freedom exploring the nearby forest and the territory of the zoo as you can see here they're also getting to know all the other residents that creature they're looking pretty unfair used to say. so much a place soon builds a large appetite and here we see the bottles they need at least six meals a day which includes milk and porridge with honey. and orrible uli is here now with a business update. i
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thanks terry hello and welcome to business are saying thanks for joining as ross said has given bickley another month to get hitched but first the british oil major needs a divorce from its current russian partners the deadline for that sixteen billion shares fall between ross nafta and b.p. has been extended to may the sixteenth and this is to give the people time to resolve its differences would be other half of ten k. b.p. currently blocking all news and threatening tauntings put on of a house. b.p. currently find themselves stuck in something of a quagmire when it comes to doing business in russia but there is a way for them to get out of the trouble and continue their sixteen billion dollar share swap deal with rosneft if they can come to terms with their current russian partners a are now to do that they're going to have to buy out of their current venture t.n. k p p the russian partners put the value of that company at around seventy billion
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dollars last twenty billion more than the current market price ok so b.p. is going to have to come up with their own thirty billion dollars in cash or an equivalent in assets or a combination of the two if they're to try and buy their way out of the trouble that they find themselves in. the vive member bloke of the world's largest emerging economies is gathering in china the meeting of the so-called breaks brazil russia india china and south africa and finesse in atlanta of the coming internal differences and develop a unified approach to global economic challenges and to discuss whether that's possible are now joined here in the studio by exam tomorrow that chinese chief economist for russian c.s. at h.s.b.c. group that is under thank you very much indeed for joining us here so do you think these breaks meetings can serve a useful purpose as we can see you know that some sort of an artificial grouping well indeed the group members have pretty much various agenda but at the same time
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a lot of common and i believe are from mission of the brits gives them but you know all this country is still great there was roads and all sorts of shore what i would imagine markets. of uninsured if the structure of the world do you think do you see breaks as a as a as a canonical political entity i think both are for greeks this country is have an opportunity to address. the issues vital for all these countries and. so it's a political developments but do you think good law can promote interests of the developing world of the developing countries as g twenty six their shape of the global financial system here is because discounters are actually leaders it would be called leaders of emerging market world's interest to watch it coincide with interest of other emerging markets from its inverse but they can sell for this purpose. so they did agree to do move trade in local currency is getting
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out of dollars and euros are part of the blog asserting its economic independence well i would not call this independence about that such as a logical e. or world as it is from other problems with this see in. very developed markets were all problems in the eurozone or problems in the u.s. and investors trading in our local currency was like a room in the roubles and gives them to you for our brics countries to rely on our physical emerging market faults as a source of economic growth and through rather they're all financial stole from a short infrastructure projects throw themselves in the position from a developer or overall i think it's a very positive for development for our brics countries which should proper more neutral trade so fast economic development over big screen fits can we
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describe breaks as emerging markets are the right timing or all of the bones of the criteria which are used for some investors probably will not sufficient the growth rates but for instance russia calling begin with straights as a reason to exclude russia from boardwalk but there frankly politically is the problem with brics as a political structure russia should be with the brits all right thank you very much for exams that my role as a chief economist for russia is here said h.s.b.c. group you're welcome to get. a look now how the markets are performing this hour european stocks. the banking sector slummed after spanish land ranking to reported twenty six percent decline in net profits in the first quarter also the u.k.'s main stock index troughs as a record and considering announces the retirement of its chief executive among other markets concerns as g.p. morgan chase's past quarter results which were not as positive as. and he nor
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his talks edge lurker negative sentiment across the global exchange is the r.t.s. item i think that shopping almost two percent this hour. and here are some of the market movers on the my six and the two majors are among the main losers this hour with. and we'll step down to the to the sun's banking stocks are also retreating was bad bank around one point five percent in the red. and that was i will seize this update join us for more next hour and of course can always log on to our web site that's our best as.
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they come in. so long to play with. other ones to take spirits. which is the g. the derivative. is an intersection. chasing a drug. market. down the official t. how he came.


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