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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the world's emerging superpower as a pledge their commitment to a new global economy and it's a call the time to call on the nato led coalition to abide by the u.n. a resolution along the. u.s. is accused of manipulating the regime change in the arab world through cyber warfare all under the guise of democratic revolution. and the parents of russian children but a rare genetic illness pleads for government help which they say is being denied because of the cost. of the business does b.p.'s holding and.
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i mean protests from shareholders and environmental activist the company is one amongst extents to compete with. these business bulletin. here with r.t. welcome to the program now a shake up of the global monetary system is what the world's fastest growing economies of called for at the annual meeting brazil russia india china and south africa the so-called the brics nations also nato operation and conflict in libya also has been following the summit at the chinese resort. well what these five countries especially want is greater influence on the world stage first economically they want to see a reform of the international commercial model currently in place that will benefit
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developing countries more of one thing they point out is the a currency reserve system currently it's the u.s. dollar and the euro and they both like to see an alternative but if there is a chinese it's pretty for the and you want but for that to happen there's a lot of internal conflict that has to be resolved that means there are there's a consensus in that they want an alternative another thing that they do worry about is the fluctuating commodity prices this will hurt their developing economies so they want to see stable oil prices for example raw materials as well as food prices i'd order for them to achieve this they feel that they have to have more say in the international monetary fund as well as the world back china definitely wanting more voting shares in the world but again greater say now in coming together like this in coming up with coordinated efforts they are quick to stress that they are not forming a replacement of international organizations they're not trying to be aggressive on the world stage if anything it is really all about cooperation and coordination. we're engaged in an effort to create
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a multipolar that is if you. knew supremacy. areas have been. organized to gauge any group of countries in fact right food program corporation and governance mechanisms in the language when to buy thanks to the brics countries also want a greater say politically they do feel that if they have a consensus before they go to the international stage such as the g twenty more will be achieved from their point of view one of the issues that they do feel strongly about is of course maybe they have come forth quite strongly if you will a condemning the use of force in the country they do believe that the u.n. resolution mandate was not the color that the troops there have got beyond what was called for let's listen to the president yet if the elaborated on this a reason to suicide the u.n. resolution must be filled with a russian version for original sin. thank you jane all abstain but it must be to filled in accordance with the wording and meaning and not with free interpretations of some states because we voted for a no fly zone to stop the escalation of the conflict so that we could separate the
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two sides but what we having now is a military operation it may not be on the ground yet but it's certainly going on up above a number of countries were taking part and then nato stepped in but the resolution doesn't say a word of balance it that's why when i hear the resolution is bad i disagree the resolution is absolutely fine but it must be fulfilled without exceeding the mandate it's based on so again president there is strong words coming from him he does believe that there is a dangerous tendency in what the u.n. is doing especially in countries like libya where you have the ivory coast so what they want is basically the u.n. to respect the decision of the international community and in this regard they also want greater say in the political arena and in brazil for example want to nominate seats in the u.s. security council and be defiant out each of them to point out that all five britain on trees are members of the u.s. a pretty certain the evidence there that they want greater political say at least
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some reporting that what our nato officials are right now they're getting a limb growing discontent and infighting within the alliance over the company ongoing in libya members disagree on the contribution each state needs to make with only six out of the twenty eight involved conducting air strikes the u.k. and france have been calling on other countries to increase military pressure on colonel gadhafi as strikes began last month following the un's decision to allow an enforcement of the no fly zone or to protect civilians but many analysts believe the ultimate goal of the operation is control over libyan politics until. we hear full out groups on the ground at this point the problem is the western nations are trying to mask the shield military and. courage and something look more benevolent and more humanitarian germany has one position germany wants to bring into your pain union belgian doesn't want to arm libyan for libyan rebels italy and france
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say you know i do want to arm the united states already had cia there is a vision among the western forces however the main target is to co-opt a truly democratic ground up revolution into a foreseeable government that would serve the interests of petro using and business marketing western nations and nothing has changed. quest for reforms continues in the arab world the u.s. is increasing its influence of activists in the region america is conducting a cyber war in a bid to direct the spread of the pro-democracy movement. to come reports u.s. intentions could easily backfire. the u.s. is providing high tech help with innovations for anti-government activists in a number of countries throughout the world one of the least of all events is the
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panic button according to the state department the application can be uploaded on activists cell phone should they be detained the software instantly raises the context in their phone and sends a warning alert signal to other activities sounds great one pushing a button and it's all gone probably mungo's thanking the u.s. government for the technology are going to be drug dealers and terrorists but american officials of course claim the best of intentions saying innovation is to protect pro-democracy forces in other countries to help use the technologies more effectively the u.s. has organized training sessions more thousands of activists the one held jews weeks ago in the middle east including anti-government campion's from tunisia egypt syria and lebanon and as the newly trained and equipped activists return home the u.s. as one state department official put it counts on the ripple effect for any
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interference doesn't have to be a military invasion or bombing campaign or you know some kind of special operation on the ground in that country it can also be the training and funding and political support given to individuals who then promote this foreign interests and that's one of the newer strategies that the u.s. government has successfully been executing in different countries around the world it doesn't consider subordinate to their agenda and it's a way to do it subtly it's it's harder to detect it it's harder to denounce it. and it can often be more effective the u.s. perceives the internet and social networking platforms as needed cool for spreading democracy and pumps millions of dollars into developing systems to help pull in the middle east and china get around internet blocking firewalls but at the same time american companies provide bahrain saudi arabia and kuwait with their technology to effectively block websites when the us government purports to be spreading democracy it's simply a sham it's a pretense it's a lie
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a goal of us foreign policy is where it's people in public office and in foreign countries the us military has recently launched an online management program which enables it to generate multiple fake identities on social networks the false persona surges sign to contribute to the flow of conversations on facebook twitter and other websites people are using social media for cyber warfare i mean that's what we're going to see more more and more of i think from from whether it's governments or non-state actors they're going to try to find ways to use the internet and social media to gain an advantage in their own battle the recent turmoil in libya is just orchestration of twitter with fake users only around five percent of libyans have access to the internet and the number of twitter users there is so small that analysts couldn't even calculate it yet in february this
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year a surge of libyan twitter accounts of peer reporting in english and virtually all begging for intervention we know that. since the beginning of the war but libyans still longer have access to it but kosovo people don't check this essential fact they take all this information coming so be here you which is the role purpose of rickey you think that you. trained activists provided with panic buttons and other technologies scores of false identities on the internet spreading certain ideas the u.s. says it's all about promoting democracy but do these declared intentions justified direct interference in other countries domestic affairs i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. and as he's come to you live from moscow russia i want some minutes past the hour on the way for you here but struggle to preserve
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a fragile lives and out why these russian parents aren't getting everything they need from the government to help to keep their children. tensions between the u.s. and pakistan have risen sharply in recent weeks leading islam about officials to demand a cut in the number of cia personnel in the country it comes as it's a foreign office called american drone attacks quote a quarter they were sent in the fight against terror the latest attack drew criticism after several civilians were killed in north waziristan one of them just like. the story. here in islamabad officials say the relations between the u.s. and pakistan are today and it's war since nine eleven and there are many reasons behind this terry aeration a case in point is that of. a cia spy who shot his son his dad in growed day lives earlier this year claiming they were trying to rob him this incident exposed huge concerns over the activity of for u.s.
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private security firms similar to those operators get east on and iraq others claim that there was real work was on neutralizing the country's nuclear arsenal which is to be part of the world's fifth largest pakistani officials here in islamabad say they have no idea how many u.s. contractors are currently functioning in pakistan and what their identities are nor their purposes and an acceptable for the u.s. obsession with firing drones into pakistan also frost and stew critical to destabilize the situation in pakistan targeted militants in the northern part of pakistan near its border with afghanistan march seventeenth drone strike is reported to have killed forty innocent civilians prompting a month long break by the us despite these casualties and the bloody experience in
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both afghanistan and iraq and now in pakistan here there seems to be no sign of a policy change from nature's part that his son officials here in islamabad in the capital of pakistan warn that drones are a seriously strengthen not only anti american sentiment but also to military sentiment in this sense to a region making it increasingly hard to justify the continuing war on terror but this trans prime minister in an interview with our t.v. confer. that u.s. drone strikes are causing huge anxiety for pakistan at off weekend more problems rather than solutions in fighting terror the drone attacks the. militants and against the government and the minute the problem troubles and it is not in favor of. strategy or political strategy. work different
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despite u.s. immunity undermining the pakistani government's top officials here in the capital i keen to smooth over divisive issues to stress the key point that a stable pakistan is in the interests of. regional chanel r t islamabad pakistan. now the u.s. president barack obama has outlined a package of tax increases on the rich and spending cuts to reduce the country's crippling debt by about a four trillion dollars over the next twelve years the president unveils the recent during a speech in washington the republicans meantime attack obama's proposal saying it wouldn't solve anything and was merely to score political points ahead of next year's election they say the wealthiest should be given tax breaks to boost the economy and that slashes and domestic spending on health care and social programs should be more severe next hour right here on r.t. we speak to nobel prize winning economist joseph stiglitz says the program problem
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rather the u.s. economy lies with the fact that money is in the hands of too few. increasing the concentration of income in wealth in the united states there's been enormous would happen in the last couple decades is almost a quarter of all of the income of the one percent most americans are worse off than they were say a decade ago there are many things that any society has to do together education investments in technology. infrastructure roads the race to be certain degree of consensus for a society to function even economically these are things the government has to do and they actually were running up today so the people at the top that one percent are using their political power to try to preserve their wealth and meanwhile making sure that the government doesn't do what is necessary for the prosperity the
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functioning of urns our society. that's a quarter past the hour now here in moscow c.c.t.v. footage of suspected terrorists responsible for monday's bombing of a russian metro has now been released i'm looking at a screen right now. other footage shows a man enter the metro and leave a large bank on the platform before them leaving the scene with already some relatives say the other suspects arrested over the attack on the minsk metro have confessed the explosion rocked the central station during rush hour killing at twelve people injuring nearly two hundred it was the first fatal terror attack in the country's not in history. right now that's got some other headlines are making news around the world this hour and a japanese police searching for victims around the damaged fukushima nuclear plant following of course the macho earth quake and tsunami up to one thousand bodies are
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thought to be in the area retrieval has been delayed because of radiation fears staff are working to bring the nuclear plant under control of the cooling systems at three reactors were knocked out by the quake more than three hundred police in protective gear carrying out the search. is facing its worst drought in a half a century with tens of thousands of families almost entirely reliant on water trucks for essential supplies the drought started about two years ago and water reservoirs are now down to a fifth of their normal levels the government is providing road deliveries of water to over one hundred thousand people in the worst affected areas of the capital. let me tell you prime minister silvio berlusconi has confirmed that he will not run for office again when its current term expires in two thousand and fourteen he said he intended to complete his plan to amend italy's judicial system and to change the country's constitution before giving meanwhile the italian lower house of
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parliament has approved a bill which may end bribery case against the prime minister it's all part of a broader review program into the judicial system but critics say it's just designed to keep early stony out of jail. well watching a child suffer without being able to help it is the hardship that many parents across russia have to deal with every single day for lack of treatment and funding for kids with illnesses leaves them with no other option but to fend for themselves but it's also used has been finding out these parents refuse to give up hope that the government will eventually come through for them before it's too right. they're all the same age believe in one country and they have the same debilitating condition the only difference between them is that one was born in the capital and another one lives in a small town and there's this zip code lottery so ready to find who have their relief and who will die and then you can let some others ask me if it's all worth
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it all these expensive treatments and the nurse they told me look he's time he's unable to talk and still wears diapers what's the point of spending so much on his treatment but i love him regardless of whether he was diapers or not i just love him the way fears this sort of prussians is pursuing mothers of children with a hunter syndrome all the time not only because these genetic condition is impossible to cure but even more so because treating it is prohibited really expensive so expensive that for many years these children didn't stand a chance of living to middle age that is until. mothers like her forced more scarth origins to pay for treatment. the russian constitution doesn't say that if the treatment is expensive then it shouldn't be provided that if a child was unfortunate to be born in a small town it should be abandoned to allow nature to take its course. yes this is exactly what's happening with the two hundred fifty children conscious interim in
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russia less than half are receiving lifesaving drugs forty year old volodya is not one of them the build up of toxins that his body's unable to recycle has left him unable to walk and talk of the last few months has been rapidly losing his side and hearing what is treatment is estimated to cost more than eight hundred thousand dollars that's an exorbitant amount it could also say dozens even hundreds of people with hiv and conditions but with all this money well the idea may not leave to see the next summer the circus being a ball of that part. well we'll get things to care about the gap you know my husband left her when he learned of the son's disability local authorities refused to help citing the lack of money but he larry is thankful for small mercies bodies still alive the baby comes hope. i'm happy just to wake up and see him breathing
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sometimes he smiles and it's the greatest gift for me and i know the treatment is extensive and i know this money could help me and other children but he didn't choose he's conditions and he also deserves to live the russian president recently suggested that the huntress syndrome be added to the list of illnesses treated exclusively at the expense of the federal budget and one many in the medical community say is long over due because of the one he purchased did the us there are between six thousand and eight solvent search and the treatment for many of them is to either nonexistent or to expansion of the rarity of the illness definitely shouldn't be a criterion for providing medical assistance to these kids and so much brain and then title to treatment just like children with chicken pox bursting bubbles is something that these mothers have long with used to and they give birth to their children they all dreamt of them becoming someone great and it was only after the killing diagnosis they realized their children were just that great. arts.
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right now we are keeping you up and you know around the clock here on r.t. of course on television on online and feel free to check out our website any time for more on the stories we're covering of course about twenty of other special features as well as a look right now it's worth waiting to see both come find out how the world's been marking fifty years of manned space flight with paid to your garden the high above the earth that was of course where he became the first human to venture. into. the fresh idea trying to book stores in russia is waging an advertising campaign by publishing extracts from a famous works. pressure details on this and many more stories of course. dot com.
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with us here live from moscow now and workers at a zoo in russia's far east woke up one morning the last thing expected to find on my doorstep was a box of bad as they were taken in quickly and of course they quickly won over everybody's hearts the adorable bundles with just cubs that is no more than three months old and as you can see here the two brothers are enjoying almost unlimited freedom exploring the forest scaling the trees and getting to know the other residents of the zoo i think that reason why this is not too interested however of course is so much play. and this they enjoy six meals a day to keep them tapi of course other unique videos can be found along with this on our series.
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more news today vorlon says once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. the coronation to rule the day. are now into play here announce he will be exploring out what's ahead for the world's fastest growing economies that's your program but for us though it's the business news of course. hello and welcome to our business bulletin and on top story this hour it is annual general meeting is taking place in london and the protests from shareholders and environmental activists the shareholders have been raised with the way the oil company handled the blog share swap and arctic exploration deal with russia's role snapped by mentalists are highlighting the company's role in the huge gulf of
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mexico oil spill reports from. this is a deeply uncomfortable day for b.p.'s executives as they face their shareholders essentially for the first time since this and us who said for them it still says very much at this time last year with the gulf of mexico oil spill and then it has been and by this debacle over the next still great deal we have seen demonstrations outside the a.g.m. which includes gulf coast fishermen saying that their livelihoods and communities have been destroyed by the oil spill we've also seen eight protesters dragged out forcibly me saying the words from said hold is that b.p. has got to salvage something from this ross nafta deal if it hopes to move forward and then stay the oil majors that it has been for the last foreseeable parts we have seen an extension to the share swap deadline so that's a good thing it gives. b.p. and. another month cease thoughts out how they're going to perform this swap deal
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there is optimism that a compromise can be found particularly because that's a time when most likely possibility that we will buy out the russian shareholders they are that seems to be the most likely compromise but b.p. doesn't really have any money so it will have to be quite a good price that it's reached another possibility that the wall street journal has been reporting is that b.p. would in fact sell outs of t. and k. b.p. again though it would lose a substantial revenue stream so it is a saying that gold doesn't he knew all along about a deal with rosneft would lead to confrontation with the neighbor the russian can still see mr holder. fish to holders will presumably be hoping that he's got some kind of solution up his sleeve that he has known about all along essentially you know look at how the markets are performing his our european stocks are lowered by the banking sector that's not the spanish land the banking tariff order the twenty
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six percent decline in net profits in the first quarter among other more. it concerns j.p. morgan's growth quarter results which were not as positive as first thoughts here in moscow the stocks edge lower echoing negative sentiment across global exchanges the r.t.s. and m isaacson both losing over two percent this hour and here are some of the market moves on them isaac's energy majors are among the main losers here with gazprom and roll snapshotting over three percent of new coral is two percent everette. inflation and russell rose point one percent from the fifth to the eleventh of april and now stands at four percent for the year to date that's according to the statistics service of all stops a crowded place and rate is higher than the same period last year when it reached three point three percent despite a year on year increase the authorities maintain that inflation in two thousand and eleven will be lower than eight point eight percent in two thousand and ten. as a business out there for the sell but you can always find most or is it
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a lot on trial that's like that saki dot com slash the state without. the. space. the more secure there is no substance and there is no.
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military thumb in the. bombs on target real time battling the issue about in the us will leave you are able to go through a space ship it should be. better than. the frame around the building that coward. and we must. be. several hundred. years of investment in the peaceful uses of the space. of this incredible investment from the united states and from the european union to canada and other countries like this this is completely in jeopardy if we start putting weapon soon outer space.


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