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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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more news today violence has once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations throughout the day. the finish posterous flood and faces criminal charges for lashing out against a terrorist web site. has received personal death threats from one of the world's most wanted terrorists with links to al qaida i mean he's now in helsinki with the latest. the world's emerging super powers pledge their commitment to a new global economy and call on the nato led coalition to abide by the u.n. resolution on libya. the president says that you rant has some explaining to do about how its resolutions on libya and ivory coast are being implemented contests
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are still here with all the latest from the brits summit in china interest the people that's. the u.s. is accused of manipulating regime change in the arab world through. all of the guise of democratic revolution. international news live from our studios here in central moscow this is our teachers pasta levon pm here in the russian capital and ten pm in finland where a finnish pastor has been defrocked by his church for speaking out against a terrorist website hosted in the country you have. already seen him accused by health officials of stoking extremism. has more now from. according to the people that fired him and defrocked him he was bothering threatening and inciting racial
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hatred by criticizing a site which belongs to what the world what the un has claimed are terrorist in fact one of the world's most wanted terrorist especially in russia joe cool maher of basically claims himself that this is his window to the world this is his propaganda mouthpiece and of course he was claims by the un to have links to al-qaeda so according to international law this site should be shut down it's part of his assets which should be frozen according to the law but instead this priest who has been speaking out against this site for years and he himself been the victim of psychological terror here in finland has been fired will speak more about that with me and why this is happening is dr johan backman he has been dealing with this case for years he himself claims he's a victim of psychological terror tell us how is it possible that he has been defrocked for criticizing a site which is known to belong to dr marfin because the. ruling elite he's
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a. convicted terrorist activities of the finnish finnish soil and they are also trying to change the public opinion in finland a move official do among the media to protect more terrorist activities. how is that possible how does finland get away with that well it's possible to live as an independent country and think of a break and do what they like. activities or for. organization of the caucasus emirate it has been active in finland already for several years. security police trying to close down the websites of the with resources of those run for but it was not successful because there will be. all for finishing leading politicians started in finland in the media and this push will be through the
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finnish perma club tried to order the interests of the militants islamic militants in finland and after all the. security police is practically paralyzed of the situation they don't know what to do and this is one of the reasons why they feel abused or sheltering terrorists in the country are also one of the reason why the information resources of the terrorists are being killed and kept safely on the finish. and that was your head back in from the finish and the committee talking to artes and he said there in helsinki. libyan state t.v. reports eight nato strikes on the capital tripoli have left numerous civilians injured here with the latest pictures for you now from the capital where smoke is rising above the buildings falling into local media claims one of the coalition bombs hit the residence of colonel gadhafi meanwhile nato officials have announced plans to continue the operation until libyan forces stop attacking civilians and
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retreat and today's meeting of members of the alliance discussed what contribution each state needs to make with only six to twenty eight involved conducting air strikes u.k. and france have been calling on other countries to increase military pressure on it nothing but we cannot cross to former cia counterterrorism analyst michael scheuer to hear his take on nato operation there in libya thanks so much for joining us live there on r.t. now at that meeting hillary clinton said that colonel gadhafi is testing our determination and of course we're hearing about growing disagreements inside the alliance why do you think gadhafi is proving to be such a tough challenge. well gadhafi knows what he's doing and he also knows that the west is utterly feckless that it really doesn't have any any determination to get rid of him and as soon as we kill a skills few civilians which will be event inevitable in the in the bombing by nato
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. alliance will will fall apart and they'll make a peace with gadhafi i think that's what he believes what you mean by the west is not going to get rid of him but what you mean by that. well you know it's doesn't take a lot of common sense to see that airpower has done about all it can do it for the last week or so they've continued to attack in the gadhafi forces keep moving forward toward toward the resistance. at the end of the day there's no way to get rid of gadhafi unless you put ground troops into libya and i don't think the west is going to do that and i think that after he knows it and so he's planning just to hang on that the u.s. ground troops there in libya at the moment. we certainly probably have special forces and cia officers who are trying to figure out who the resistance is but also preparing landing strips in other areas of of concentration in case the west decides to put troops in there part of the mission clearly is to get ready for an
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influx of troops do you not think though that despite you saying probably they could be cia agents there that what we are seeing though is that the u.s. in some ways is distancing itself isn't it from this campaign by making nato the role in the military campaign i mean why do you think it is in effect distancing itself is that because it's going to happen next. well i think they're distancing themselves because it didn't go quickly as they hoped it would second america's troops and intelligence forces are already spread out to the breaking point and don't have many reserves and third obama started a war for which he didn't have permission so there's no way the public is going to let him put ground troops in but i think he's also fooling himself at least in the muslim world because no matter how much we say nato is in charge of this nato can't put its shoes on without united states help and so in the muslim world this still appears to be a u.s. operation disguised to look like nato but it's again the united states bombing
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a muslim country that has always some would say. you mentioned oil lerone intention there but some would say that the u.s. has an agenda it's got a policy behind not only libya but also the other events happening throughout the middle east but surely what we're seeing in libya is people power talking people are preparing to lose their lives to change a regime to get rid of gadhafi isn't that democracy in the making and therefore the u.s. and its allies should be supporting that. no i don't i certainly don't think the u.s. should be supporting democracy anywhere in the world or a tyranny for that matter if people can win their own freedom and their own democracy let them do it but i don't think we need to be involved in it i think it's self-defeating and i also think the western media has been ridiculously juvenile in the sense that they talk to a few arabs who can speak english and they read a few arabs who have written in english on facebook and twitter and they
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extrapolate that to the whole muslim world and say democracy is on the march democracy is not on the march in the muslim world there is a there is a desire to overthrow it was the tire instead have have governed the arab world but the arab world is moving toward islam it is not moving toward democracy but you so what you're saying is that if we see a regime topple that creates a vacuum with that we see islamic fundamentalism taking its place but that is not exactly the reason why you need to have foreign intervention to prevent that from happening. well you can can you prevent that from happening i think that would be my question we have no troops left you can only do that by force and as soon as you leave as we're going to see in iraq in afghanistan as soon as the americans leave from those two places the islamists very simply come back into the into into power or into into the position of governing the country so unless you're going to stay in these countries forever it's really
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a pointless activity sir just briefly michael from your capacity in your capacity as a former cia counterterrorism analysts the talk of al qaeda for example infiltrating the ranks of the rebels in libya the other rest we're seeing i'll be saying whatever. you see the actual foreign intervention occurring here always seeing this as promoting terrorism as as creating these areas of as breeding grounds of further terrorist threats around the world i mean what's your view as a counterterrorism expert on the results of all of this. i think the end of the tyrannies in the middle east are creating an environment in which islamised groups whether it's al qaeda or any of its allies will be able to operate much more easily and with with much less pressure from security services the successor governments aren't going to be as effective when they're not and they're going to be more islamic i don't think they're going to be fundamentalists they're not really we're not really worried about al qaeda taking over any particular government but we're going to have
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a situation where operationally it's much easier for these groups to exist to train and to plan and mrs clinton is really a fan to says she really believes somehow that this is going to be a secular democratic revolution in it's as far away from that is it possibly could be really good to talk to interesting to hear your point of view michael sure former cia counterterrorism analyst joining us there in washington thank you for your time. a shake up of the global money tree system is what the world's fastest. growing economies of call for at their annual meeting brazil russia india china and south africa the so-called brics nations also slammed nato operation in conflict torn libya and artie's sillier is that the chinese resort of syria were at the summit is taking place. they really want to see change in the international financial model existing right now that will benefit the developing countries more thoughtful reserve currency is one of the issues they would watch to see an alternative because the u.s.
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economy is really hurting their economies as well another issue that they are really worried about is the fluctuation of commodity prices now this is very important for them because the prices of basic food price of raw materials for oil are all a stable price and all of those are necessary to make sure that their economies have sustainable growth now they feel that from their point of view they feel that western economies the weak economies there are the a calls of all the structure regimes and therefore they think they should have a greater say in international financial institutions such as the i.m.f. and the world back now coming together with a unified voice they believe are quick to insist that it's not so much to replace existing organizations but rather to come together to have a stronger voice representing these the fell apart feast and to bring with their ideas on to the international space. bring agent after. the institution with new supremacy over areas of. organized against any group of countries
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in fact work corporation and governance mechanisms in line with the twenty first century crisis in libya has been on the table it has been a priority in the talks of russian president dmitry medvedev certainly putting out strong words there saying that he see he feels that there is a dangerous tendency with the u.s. going beyond what their resolution has mandated let's listen to what he has to say obviously it is a looser u.n. resolution must be filled from whether russia voted for it and south africa did abstain. petersfield in accordance with the wording and meaning or not which free interpretations of some states because we voted for a new fly using just the escalation of the conflict so that we could separate the. to sites that we having now is a military operation it may not be on the ground yet but it's certainly going on. a number of countries are taking part and then nato steps in but the resolution
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doesn't say a word of it that's why when i hear the resolution is bad i disagree the resolution is absolutely fine but it must be fulfilled without exceeding the mandate it's based on interestingly enough this is an economic forum but the situation and maybe it did make it into it such a separation which they had cited they insist on a more political say now coincidentally all five countries are members of us security council india brazil are definitely pushing for permanent seats again evidence that they want to have more cooperation and coordination on the political arena as well as the u.k. thrashes our foreign policy in libya domestic issues back home are also grabbing the headlines the british coalition government has clashed over how to deal with the rising immigration in the country leading liberal democrat vince cable has criticized tory prime minister david cameron over a speech in which the premier fell to cut immigration to tens of thousands cameron said that some immigrants failure to learn english was wrecking communities for our
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family peer leader of the u.k. independence party says that the prime minister can't tackle the problem of mass immigration while the u.k. is a member of the e.u. . you have huge mass immigration that happens rapidly into an area and if people don't speak the same language then what you get is the ghettoization in cities and towns and you get a dislocated society so no i mean full marks to david cameron for at least starting that debate the difficulty david cameron has got is he will now have raised expectations within this country but he has a prime minister is actually not just going to talk about all these going to war the war he's going to deliver on the point that i'm making is he cannot do that because we're members of the you because we have open borders we have total free movement of peoples within that union now since two thousand and four since poland lithuania latvia and now bulgaria and romania join the union they are very much poorer countries and most of them learn english as their first foreign language and
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we've had a huge number of people from those countries the united kingdom is the most overcrowded country in the whole of the european union you have to travel on the london underground to realise just how overcrowded we've become and the argument that i would put to mr cameron is yes let's have this debate but let's not have the e.u. having open borders and free movement of peoples why don't we in britain decide ourselves how many people come in every year. that was not authorized and leader of the u.k. independence party. was the quest for reforms continues in the arab world the us is increasing its influence over antigovernment activists in the region and i think a cyber war in a bid to direct the spread of the pro democracy movement but as it is going to check our reports these intentions could easily backfire. the u.s. is providing high tech help with innovations for anti-government activists in a number of countries throughout the world one of the latest developments is the
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panic but according to the state department the application can be uploaded activists out. should they be detained the software instantly raises the contact book in their phones and sends a warning or signal to other activists sounds great one pushing a button and it's all gone probably mungo's thanking the u.s. government for the technology are going to be drug dealers and terrorists but american officials of course claim the best of intentions saying the innovation is to protect whole democracy forces in other countries to help use the technologies more effectively the us has organized training sessions for thousands of activists the one held just weeks ago in the middle east including anti-government campaigners from tunisia egypt syria and lebanon and as the newly trained and equipped activists returned home the u.s. as one state department official put it counts on the ripple effect foreign
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interference doesn't have to be a military invasion a bombing campaign or you know some kind of special operation on the ground in that country it can also be the training and funding and this political support given to individuals who then promote this more interest and that's one of the newer strategies that the u.s. government has successfully been executing in different countries around the world it doesn't consider subordinate to their agenda and it's a way to do it subtly that it's harder to detect it's harder to denounce it and it can often be more effective if the u.s. perceives the internet and social networking platforms as major tools for spreading democracy and really is of dollars into developing systems to help people in the middle east and china get around internet blocking firewalls but at the same time american companies provide bahrain saudi arabia and kuwait with the technology to effectively block websites when the u.s. government purports to be used for any democracy simply a sham it's
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a pretense it's a lie the goal of u.s. foreign policy is to put its people in public office for income. the u.s. military has recently launched an online management program which enables it to generate multiple fake identities on social networks the false persona sort designed to contribute to the flow of conversations on facebook twitter and other websites people are using social media for cyber warfare i mean that's what we're going to see more more and more of i think from from whether it's governments or non-state actors they're going to try to find ways to use the internet and social media to gain an advantage in their own battle the recent turmoil in libya is just orchestration of twitter with fake users only around five percent of libyans have access to the internet and the number of twitter users there is so small that analysts couldn't even calculate it yet in february this year
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a surge of libyan twitter accounts appeared reporting in english and virtually all begging for intervention we know that. since the beginning of the war that libya is still going to back so still into this but. people don't check this essential and they take all this information so so be here at face value which is the role this ricky think that newt's trained activists provided with panic buttons and other technologies scores of foresight and it is on the internet spreading certain ideas the u.s. says it's all about promoting democracy but who are these the clerics in tanks and justify direct interference in other countries domestic affairs i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team. c.c.t.v. footage of the suspected terrorists responsible for monday's bombing of the by the russian metro has been released the footage shows a man and to the metro and leave
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a lunch bag on the platform before leaving the scene thorson by the recent five suspects. been arrested over the attack on the metro so far the explosion rocked the central station during rush hour killing twelve people and injuring nearly two hundred it was the first fatal terror attack in the country's modern history. twenty one minutes past the hour in the russian capital is a quick look at some other headlines making news around the world at this stage of the day japanese are searching for victims around the damaged fukushima nuclear plant following the march earthquake and tsunami but two thousand bodies are thought to be in the area but they're retrieval has been delayed because of radiation fears staff are working to bring the nuclear plant under control after cooling systems at three reactors were knocked out by the quake more than three hundred police in protective gear carrying out the search. syrian president bashar al assad has formed a new government according to state t.v. assad starts his cabinet two weeks ago after protests calling for reform broke out
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last month in the number of cities of two hundred people being killed during the unrest with hundreds more arrested state t.v. also said that the president ordered the release of detainees involved in government demonstrations. to cuba and the country is facing its worst drought in half a century with tens of thousands of families almost entirely reliant on water trucks for their essential supplies the drought started two years ago and water reservoirs are now down to a fifth of their normal levels the government is providing road deliveries of water to over one hundred thousand people in the worst affected areas of the capital. so in prime minister silvio berlusconi has confirmed that he will not run for office again for his current term expires in twenty thirteen he said he intended to complete his plan to amend italy's judicial system and to change the country's constitution before leaving meanwhile the italian lower house of parliament has approved a bill which may and a bribery case against the prime minister is part of a broader review program interview judicial system but critics say it's designed to
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keep berlusconi out of jail. well here's a cute cuddly story for you when workers at the zoo in russia. the last thing they expected to find on their doorstep was a corpse of bears. they were taken in and quickly won over everyone's affection bundles of fur cubs of the moment no more than three months old the two brothers enjoyed almost unlimited freedom exploring the nearby forest and the territory. and giving to know all its other residents. in the paranoids six meals a day to keep them happy and i can hear them all in the newsroom. videos unique videos can be found on. check them out there.
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more news today. these are the images we're seeing from the streets of canada. corporations rule today. exactly twenty four minutes past the next with the business news. and welcome to our business update b.p. has confirmed for the first time that together with ross now it has offered cash and arctic opportunities to the russian shareholders and he wants to buy those partners out so we can proceed with the sixteen billion dollars share swap and alex exploration deal with ross he's held its annual general meeting in london on thursday and protests from shareholders and environmentalist. it's been uncomfortable day for b.p.
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executives at their annual general meeting with shareholders after a year talked about entailed by dissolves does first of course we saw the oil spill in the gulf of mexico we started nearly a year ago today and also obviously the year finished with the ball cool off the roof sniffed b.p. tailed for the first time today b.p. has confirmed that it has offered the russian shareholders in t a k b p cash and participation in an attempt to resolve the deal please said that he considers the cashel for a fact and that he wasn't prepared to spend false sums of money making the deal pay through if it does their full see more likely now that b.p. will try to buy out south access renaud for the russian consortium of shareholders in t.n. k b p k a o i may agree on not providing they can come to some sort of set civil monetary arrangements and of course we've also seen the share swap deadline extended for another month so that is all policies a chance to resolve this deal that any way they can know the solution to the deal
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that's being touted by the press today is that it's been he might sell out of t a k b p again we just have to wait to see what happens one thing is k. to pacify the shareholders but b.p. must be seen to be doing all it can to bring this deal to some kind of resolution and to salvage something from it they have according to shareholders lurch from one . one crisis to another this year in the process of lost fifty billion dollars in shareholder value to b.p. executives have come under a lot of pressure today and they will have to do significantly better according to shareholders in the it's. russian government has been mostly silent on the disputes revolving around b.p. but energy minister sergei she says no matter how it all ends he doesn't believe it will put investors off coming to russia. russian investment climate intruding foreign investments into. significantly affected by the discussion between chinky
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p.-p. p.-p. and rolls near future events that claim is more sense to economic conditions and street policy and you know the street is not involved in that conflict and that's why i don't think the situation will affect the investment climate within the for now with a quick look at the us markets they ended in the red dropping to a three week low with the falling metal prices the r.t.s. and it over one point six percent lower and the mice it's retreated the one point six percent its lowest close since march twenty third here are some of the market movers on m i six energy majors were among the main losers gazprom dropped over two and a half percent after the company and its partners delayed a final investment decision on the stock when gas projects across america had almost three percent asked crude from a delivery rose as much as one dollar five cents per barrel york as burbank but the trend ending almost a quarter of a percent. that's also the cream of the business team here on our team log on to
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our website our teams are counselors business. this is. just. going to. space is going to more national security there is no substance and there is no. military come. on target
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time bellman. in the us will be able to deliver through space should. make it better. the film has come. and we must. be. so full. of investment in the peaceful uses of space. and this incredible investment from the united states and from the european union can add another countries like this this is completely in jeopardy if we start putting we haven't seen outer space.


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