tv [untitled] April 14, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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did you catch obama's speech yesterday well if you did it don't worry you didn't miss much for a more significant analysis of the budget debate on capitol hill turning to dawn herald tonight a guest who nominated adam vs the man dot com we'll also get an insider's look at the military commissions from one of the military prosecutors of the detainees at guantanamo bay time me up with a dark turn all the strobes and craig of the metallica you're watching adam vs the man.
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speaking of president obama's speech yesterday apparently rachel maddow who recently flirted with being a principled critic of president obama seems to me back in love this does not sound like barring burning stuff but the point president obama is making here is exactly the point that the president's supporters have been waiting for him to make if only he was doing the things his supporters were waiting for him to do mean while vice president biden took advantage of the opportunity to knock off for at least thirty seconds during the president's speech yesterday if george washington university officially titled the country we believe it but which will forever be known as the one that biden slept through. the insurance that's available in the open
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marketplace well tough luck. you're on your own see the line you're on your own won't even biden up but obama wasn't speaking just to be boring he's been repeating a theme about healthy skepticism skepticism of government that makes me well very skeptical here is that a town hall last year i think that america has a noble provision of. being. health police skeptical about government that's that's that's in our d.n.a. so we've always had a healthy skepticism about government and i think that's a good thing i think and here he is from yesterday from our first days as a nation we have put our faith in free markets and free enterprise as the engine of america's wealth and prosperity the more than citizens of any other country we
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are rugged individualists self-reliant people with a healthy skepticism. of too much government the scary part about this is that almost all of the obama's policy positions are contrary to the ideals about rugged individualism that he's talking about and for skepticism if he's encouraging skepticism in government he sure is asking for a lot of faith in more of the same old policies and big government spending president obama is a power broker and he plays the part perfectly he is not driven by principle but by political expediency martin luther king jr once. you are cowardice request. is it expedient and then expediency come go along and ask the question is it politics. vanity
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and the question is it popular. of course there's going to rhyme. come from wrong mr musician better mark probably not popular. or humorous there were three girls contra. helms him it is right. mr president you are asking all the wrong questions and getting all the wrong answers . to get to the heart of the issue tonight we turn to you the viewer on our website anniversaries the man dot com we know which is where you can suggest and vote on tests we've already had several of the top nominees on the show this week and
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tonight we turn back to the widget for our first guest who happens to be one of my personal friends who i've known for years he embodies the message of freedom in the way he lives his life and the way he makes his living from a secret bunker in let's just say one of the fly over states he runs the website they trade show dot com don oh god i'm still oh thank you so we have got on screen here great thank you so much for joining us tonight don let's get right to the heart of the issue what was your take on obama's speech and the budget battle that we've been seeing on capitol hill how will the bill your take on the speech. well to begin with first of all thanks for having me i'd like to make a correction crank up the band terra he said metallica. i think that the. takeaway that i get is more of the same and listening to the left right paradigm. you know democrats want to cut this the republicans want to cut that but the real
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bottom line is that i'm that there's one cut that i'm not hearing any politician talk about making one cut that we need to make above all is that cut to the interest that we pay to the federal reserve separate a printer money. you know the. reserves and a lot of it we don't know exactly what they take and what they make but we estimate a billion dollars a day go to the coffers of the federal reserve simply in interest payments we pay them so they have the privilege to print our money if you cut out of the budget a lot of folks could be fed a lot of jobs you know a lot of infrastructure could be taken care of so no matter what the president talks about either obama or clinton or bush will matter what anybody talks about the first thing i want to cut is interest payments they thought it was or well you think that's a realistic possibility this time. well actually i think united talked a little bit about this last night i don't anymore i don't think that's a possibility and i also don't believe in this because shocking lot of folks who listen we talk on the internet for the last five or six years now i don't believe
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anymore that the federal reserve is even an issue and you know i talked a little bit about this was not we know they can print money and hand it to banks and brokers and we know last year i would one hundred fifty billion dollars bonuses to banks and i was chair and over the next twelve years the president's budget the the sort of the the time span for which the president wants to cut back our deficit we know that simply cutting the money the banks will take in bonuses could fund the entire budget cut so in reality we know the money is there even if the federal reserve prints that money i am more concerned now not with what we could but if we have the money and they can print give it a banks and brokers why don't we print more money and give it to folks to have jobs and build infrastructure adam if we're going to print money infinitely print money and pay americans to get to work or at least get some kind of equal access to it instead of the zero percent discount window to the friends of the system but you
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also had some thoughts on how obama's policies are going to be affecting the american people and some of the consequences of what we're seeing in the debate on capitol i mean it's the same tired old back and forth the republicans prostrate about slightly more cuts than democrats and neither interest addressing any significant level except that minority of the military budget but with unemployment as it is how are the american people going to be affected by what's going on capitol hill today well adam if you don't mind i'd like to talk about unemployment is from norman third there's this there's this idea that in america we have high unemployment i think shadowstats might tell you fifteen to twenty percent a nominal in the unemployment office upwards of twenty now from the south is that what the government will report nominal unemploy. nine or ten percent depending on which number they revised back here's the thing in an economy that's efficient in an economy where you've got all the parts working correctly you should not need one
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hundred percent employment for people to get there in cement and you should not need even ninety five percent you should not need ninety percent now not some sort of you know socialist i'm not saying that you know people should lay around to do nothing i'm saying the fact that americans are told that the goal is full employment that is a red herring ought to be less people working higher efficiency and maintaining our standard of we're all on this to clarify first when you say that we said i have full employment and saying that in a healthy economy there is going to be a certain amount of turnover as people are put into positions as the economy improves that are more efficient that we're able to produce more goods and services and quality of life and if you have that healthy unemployment anybody who is in that unemployed zone should be able to find a job relatively quickly is that correct well actually adam i'm taking a different position i mean i think that the unemployment that you're talking about refers to the economy as we're led to believe in a real economy adam you should have let me give you
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a quick example two houses one on your left one in your right the guy on the left only the dad has to work nobody else has to work and they're all say employment age they have twenty five percent unemployment or that is if seventy five percent unemployment the house when you're right they're all working and yet with one hundred percent employment they can't get their needs met i'm saying in this country we have enough going to go around enough resources to go around we're paying the banks anyway americans should not be on their knees begging for food fifteen eighteen percent people on food stamps we should not be on our knees at eight percent or nine percent unemployment even twenty percent unemployment should not be a problem we've got a very you said something and you say this all the time the president talked about it last night we've got to get our values as a country right our values in this country. are for more people slaving away behind the plow share and bankers haven't parties and doubles with you and adam our economy is not efficient and it begins with not having to pay the federal reserve interest payments so whatever the whatever budget cuts the president talks about or
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any administration talks about as well as your children your future children and my children are behind the ploughshare to pay this interest we're never ever going to get ahead out stand thanks for joining us i really appreciate that was don herold of they trade show dot com amazing i hope we can get back to a healthy enough economy that a single wage earner can support an entire family like that and it used to be the case before the tax burden and the tax burden used to pay off the bank stars and the on wall street is imposed on the american people anyways for special segments and i f. and i we turn to more information from an email from adriana she writes taking the heat out here for you i have an ongoing facebook conversation going on now wall don't worry they just don't get it makes no difference i told her i like to think for myself well thank you for standing up and adriana we appreciate the viewers who do think for themselves so now we go to facebook for a comment from the ad on versus the man facebook page bob writes this show was
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amazing the segment with alex jones was perfection and you nailed it out and well actually we didn't get to ask alex jones as as many questions as we wanted to during the time we had with him in there were so many great ones suggested by viewers through the fam page so i want to share just a couple of those and response of one because somebody fill wrote asked alex jones right he continues to discredit himself by inviting lyndon martian communism to the roof and david lunar it's silly and i. well having guests on that can show a variety of opinions doesn't necessarily mean that the host is going to agree with them and i think it's incredible that alex jones is able to present such a great variety of guests in the future we hope to have such a variety of guests here on adam vs the men you're not going to be hearing from me and people that agree with me the name of the show is not adam and friends ok so we
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really appreciate the suggestions as you heard the our last as dawn herald was one that someone suggested from our website so adam vs the man dot com you can suggest and vote on guests there you can also see all of our episodes on you tube and i'd like to share a comment from one a the level is on the third episode that he posted just last night you writes i think adam is missing the point as to why luke thinks christian conservative republicans can meet in the woods dawn black robes do mock child sacrifice cremate their cares in front of a stone owl and have sex with a porn stars is important. if they told the truth about their homosexual pagan tendencies they would have never going to let it in the first place and two since they kept this part of their life secret they are prone to blackmail thus making them puppets and. the lois i just like to say actually luke and i discussed this
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thoroughly before the show i completely understand the implications of what goes on at some of these relatively secret meetings obviously we've been able to begin to them recently and i get that but we only have so much time with that interview with alex and we still manage to cover a whole lot of ground but don't worry you'll be seeing a lot more of that and a lot more of luke now that i've convinced him to move to d.c. and be a regular part of the show so we go back to facebook now for a wardrobe question from mark who writes. adam i'm a huge fan and you're doing better getting more comfortable by leaps and bounds with every show just wondering if you're going to wear the same outfit on every show. yes i am anyways if you want to be participate in this conversation if you want to help contribute to this show please check our well at our website adam vs the man dot com where you can vote on guests and topics for the show and you can always email me at adam at adam vs the man dot com when we come back we'll sit down
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with captain mike believe woods to find out just how the military is handling guantanamo bay detainees nearly a decade after they were captured in afghanistan talk about justice delayed their watching adam vs the man states and. let's not forget that we are in a park right. i think. on. whatever the government says they're safe and ready because the freedom.
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i was. there we are. and yet. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's considered a breakthrough of a sort of he paid me who can you trust no one who is in the field and with the global initiative and see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called. when nobody dares to ask what we do you are a teen question morning. when
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i got out of the marines i started speaking out against the war in iraq since i felt i had a duty to share my experiences with the american people who seemed to be so detached from the reality of what was happening on the ground there one of the more creative things up participated in was a mock combat patrol through the streets of washington d.c. you know street theater well i was in the inactive reserve at the time and fully entitled to my free speech rights the marines didn't take too kindly to the reality of the occupation being revealed to the policymakers here in the capital in a clear cut case of political prosecution they attempted to retroactively change the characterization of my discharge in an attempt to deny me the benefits that i had earned from my active service and sent a message to anyone else who might consider speaking out fortunately for me i had fellow iraq veteran and specialist and military free speech issues michael liebowitz there to the funding and two thousand and five in two thousand and six he
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served in iraq with the elite pathfinder company of one hundred first airborne division he practices intellectual property litigation at the washington d.c. law firm of greenberg and lieberman was a co-founder of the modern whig party and is now prosecuting high value terrorism and war crimes suspects being held at guantanamo bay cuba. captain ord can still call you knight thank you so much for joining us tonight it's great to be here adam thank you very much i'm sure you can remember back to the job you had when you were working for me so what a years ago and it's a bit of a contrast to what you're doing now before we get into that i want to play a clip for our viewers you're in marks at a press conference we had here in washington before taking off for that trial in kansas city so let's roll that. they support.
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the first of a number of these are the military. political speech and they are civilians they need to draw a line in the sand in order to protect the first amendment rights of others take over right the sense of our. free speech rights recently better than. those in the united states. so that was some years ago we kind of wrestled that particular case to a tie i was able to keep my benefits what are the implications of that now with hindsight and what is the state of free speech for people in the military and for veterans what i still hear about that case with you is it's kind of a high watermark with the military expression areas you looked there was you and yet there was two compelling issues patella disloyal statements for them marine corps was going after right then a friendly imagine yes there was another individual who are going after benefits including people with p.t.s.d. and that kind of thing and that's kind of a scary thought isn't it that a veteran with p.t.s.d.
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who night literally not know what he's saying could lose his benefits and access to treatment because of what he's saying it you know i think what happened was that that's when the marine corps finally i think went abandon common sense a little bit and went too far but you know and i know you were there already but i hate to break it c.-o. the marine corps may have abandoned common sense least a few years before this particular case where you're the marine both in the army so i do things the easy way when you can do them the marine corps way exactly but you know since then i mean there's been so much. there was a search was going on back then you had all this kind of stuff going on and then all of a sudden it stopped for a little while as people were like whoa we're going to got to we got to watch what we do a little bit and there's a backlash to like for our case look at it making them really really bad but marine corps looked horrible even the v.f.w. went after them after and then they came on the v.s.e. on my side as an anti war veteran and you know they don't think they had to do it
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because you know it just kind of i think everybody knew the marine corps just finally took that step too far and what happened was it went on for a little bit little ebbs and flows and obama became president and there was a very big law and kind of the free speech issues the surge was over it was like ok iraq is going to end pretty soon and then nothing really not much more then then it started to pick back up again but then it was more even handed i would say around two thousand and even two thousand and other conservative bloggers that were being attacked and then of course there were people who might be considered lefty you know in the military that also were going so it was more even handed but i definitely had many many many cases up until the two thousand and ten people that were being accused of disloyal statements and all that because of the marine corps or just the military in general decided to keep it more and house more subtle so we're going to say now that if you're in the our our we don't have to worry about repercussions from the military do we know that point your comfort saying that
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veterans and they are the inactive individual really was or i would never advise you know violating rules you know to look at every case is different we learn finally the rules and i was thinking i was ordered to article two of the uniform code of military justice it the entire code doesn't apply to our members that's true unless somebody has actually has orders to come back on to duty once leaning back and right ok and we argued that and even the board and you're hearing it agree there like yesterday we were still going to give us live on the wrists yeah you know in your case was political. but it is. it also was a watershed moment because like i said before you had you know this case we're all things like whoa you know what why or why are the obscene going up because common sense says ok just this guy's getting out pretty soon the ira just let it go and then you'll never hear from this guy again he probably wants to be you know in the limelight that kind of thing and a lot of cases like that many of my cases don't just depends ok and they they blew
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it no kidding so moving on you are you're in the national guard your captain on active duty right now how did you get this is signed meant to be prosecuting the terror and war crime suspects at guantanamo bay the first thing i want to qualify as a we have to say you know i should say just. introducing my here as captain michael liebowitz in respect for his rank he is here in civilian attire speaking on his own i have no official capacity whatsoever do you have to say it yourself as well for the record i think you got it i also i lecture on this and write academically and i hang my hat on my academics and my lectures and i don't know any official capacity except ok i learn from my own cases in the going to tell us the story how did you come to this assignment basically you know i had a pretty good i guess reputation with commanders in the field because you know i represent a lot of clients and i was presented with an opportunity to be a prosecutor you know with the military commissions process and i jumped at it and so you were asked by the by people higher than anything man hey would you like to
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be a part of this legal team i was asked to be you know mobilize and of course i said absolutely and if you think your association with those hippie anti-war people may have affected your influence that in any way you know i've always had a knack and one i combat veteran myself as you mentioned earlier so i've always had a knack i think for kind of never get political in my own you know dealings like well depending how you write my countless other clients you know it's always just ok i will defend my clients but i'm not going to disrespect anybody on the other side and i can just reserve a system i have i owe a lot of my educate. into the military and pay all that kind of stuff and i'm certainly not one to ever maligned the military unless you know they deserve to be called out in your case they would be they crossed the line we call them out for it i was defending my client so how many people are army lawyers they're all military personnel correct there is the military commissions process is kind of a joint with department of justice attorneys military attorneys so the top military
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attorneys i must say very very excellent you say you were you were the only combat veteran as far as i know at least. the only one that was actually kicking down doors going on raids chasing people down and collecting evidence myself out of course with many of the attorneys were deployed in their legal capacities i was not i was jag. but i want to say that because there are there are actually many judge advocates that have been killed in combat fair enough and certainly would never take that away because it is so how many lawyers is it altogether really so proximately that are of it that are comprising this legal thing to prosecute detainees at guantanamo want to get in that exact specifics or office just because ok i don't know how i will then move on when i do you said you want to talk a little bit about the day to day lives of these people that you're prosecuting what is it that they're going through on a day to day basis at one time i'm sure in fact this is derived from a paper just came out in a case western journal their national law and the topic of law fair to talk about what actually happens that get no you know the myths first the facts because if you
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look at the world works to one of the like the most endearing you know photos of that it's you know you have like you were jima and stuff like that but for our generation of war it's a grid and then that thinks that there's a photography in the internet back then in world war two they couldn't keep those kinds of images or they were able to keep those kinds of images from coming home and so on up and they could put that you would seem now yes we get one song or we get twenty four i'm going to go out again we also have that photo of the orange jumpsuits in the cages you know and one thing about those cages are that you can't pick. what they called it was only there for about two months it was actually used in the ninety's for haitian migrants we've got strobe lights we've heard stories strobe rice you tied up in dark rooms blaring metallica are these people being tortured here's the here's the reality. packet no nobody's ever been water boarded there's no there's only two instances of where people actually said they were
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torture and it was you know not what i'm ira now you're going to the definitions right i mean is it is well here's here's what torture isn't it where you know well the convening authority which is the person who oversees the prosecutions and she actually called it torture so i'm going to go with her ok however so you're saying that there's not widespread torture but that the policies even by the official definition have led to incidents of torture or you know what happened where there was there was the f.b.i. investigated and the military investigated what they determined and was that you know basically a commander was not i don't watching you no one there but not the head interrogators in what is isolated incidents. like i've been granted were not watching their people for here's a day in a life of a good movie taney they wake up you know they pray with their fellow detainees and they practice together then they might go watch t.v. play a video game something like that they might want to grab a book play basketball in a big cage that's later on again the day because one of the books of two thousand
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and ten that was most popular was the twilight series and they watch t.v. you know they want to get more channels and i probably went home. and and this is then they have launched and they just what the soldiers if not better sometimes they get subway and we don't know that kind of thing and then that goes out throughout the day and then they go to sleep they spend most of their time is communal if they want to play soccer more basketball they absolutely do you know i guess my threshold for definition of torture is probably a lot lower than the official definition i do in a legal or there are there are interrogations that happen within that would say this well but i do. in the last minute that we have left here what do you think is the significance of now these cases finally going to trial with the military commissions procedures that you're a part of what is the significance for american security for the global war on terror but it's good because you know many people are saying we've got to close guantanamo bay and so my personal opinion was ok the best way to. go through all the detainees or at least the ones that are not have indefinite detention is to
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adjudicate their cases and now you know granted there are only eight cases right now there's nine eleven and three other cases that are that were office allowed prosecutor right now so they're not still there's not had any case you want right now so there's still haven't made the full decisions in other cases what sounds like obama kind of when he made that promise to close the guantanamo he forgot that he had to deal with the people there first but at least you're saying he's going around that and we're at least making progress on the issue getting toward some semblance of justice for these men mike us all the time we have to thank you so much for joining us thank you that was captain michael liebowitz prosecutor of high value terrorism and war crimes suspects being held at guantanamo bay cuba that's our show for tonight thank you so much for tuning in to adam vs the man please check out our awesome cited adam vs the man dot com to vote on guests and topics find me on facebook and twitter you can catch the broadcast live as it airs at r.t.e. dot com slash usa.
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