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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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in thailand thailand this hotel telling us of inside the hotel room full points pleasures and i would print certain discipline the hotel in touch with the hotel in touch your room the original guru killed how would international sounds good to change every brain the rules he told in talk of. the publisher of a finnish based website which supports terrorism escapes prosecution over his links with extremists does go on trial by helping chechens and to finland in. a joint letter from the us britain and france says the campaign in libya must ensure khadafi losses loses control and plays no part in a future government demands which contradict the initial efforts of the un back operation. the global financial system must be able to prevent future disasters so says the russian president at the start of an economic meeting in china dubbed the
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asian. why do you live from moscow this is artsy for the publisher of a finnish based website affiliated with internationally wanted terrorists has gone trial however authorities and helsinki are turning a blind eye to his extremist links and instead prosecuting the store shop for allegedly smuggling chechens and if anyone sees any so now he is following the story from just outside the court. i hearing has begun in the criminal case against me or so who is the founder and main editor of the website cough cost center this is a site that according to international law and most certainly according to russell falls into the category of terrorist propaganda that is not what this hearing is about male sorceror is accused of smuggling illegally individuals into finland some
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hundred people which he himself has said are militants he of course calls them freedom fighters so prosecutors focusing on illegal immigration very many critics wondering why it's being ignored that this man runs a site that spews propaganda about a man that has made it very clear that one of his main goals is to take as many russian lives as possible he may not look like a supporter of terrorism but torture founded and runs this website said a propaganda mouthpiece for one of the world's most wanted terrorist and declared by the un to have links with al qaida don't go moreover it's responsible for some of russia's most horrific recent terror attacks in moscow metro blast and the dome of the head of the airport bombing which total killed almost eighty people and injured nearly three hundred cycles doku umarov a president transmits messages about those he views as his enemies and carries ads
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for books about the life of a motion hygiene islamic fighter the situation is that the standard. and he's associated they are working for the politicization of islam used to be our spring feel about europe they want to make radicals you pailthorpe is being prosecuted not for aiding terrorism but for illegally smuggling some one hundred individuals into finland people who he calls freedom fighters the way that the writes about the situation. permeating the finnish media. slower and slower writing of the same way. under what are they writing they're writing of it's correct to make terrible terrorist attacks and this is the company that houses the website located right in the center of helsinki meanwhile opponents of islamic extremism or those who speak out against it are being
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persecuted by finished authorities for allegedly violating minority rights you have a finnish pastor was defrocked fired from his ministry with no severance pay and forced to divorce his wife to protect her from the path threats he received these came from doku umarov himself who said the pastor and his loved ones would have their heads cut off the clerk's church decided he was threatening a legitimate website and criminal cases for inciting racial hatred have been launched all there is says he's trying to make something positive out of losing his job because all the time i have been busy with my work but no one have very well thought i wasn't right for the subject and spread awareness about a site that has ripped his life apart burning propaganda about a man who's torn apart the lives of thousands and he's now a r t how seeking. to serve some prison time in finland if you speak up against the world's most wanted terrorists so in order to avoid this such childhood special
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section website called attention never criticize terrorists but you can hear the exclusive confessions watch we often hear from finnish priest you just saw in that report foster. mother so. he's right off about every interview but also enjoy the work of our cartoonists who have their own take on the story all of that r.t. talk com also. with me i can't even explain what i felt so i cite her name after the game of baseball when i saw him that's how a russian bombshell describes how she fell under the charms of none other than be a tally of them privately. minister are full of revelations about the highlights of this interview coming up in interest of people here right. now in libya nato has launched new strikes on pro-government military targets coalition leaders pledged to carry on the campaign and hold colonel gadhafi steps down but it raises
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concerns about whether the intentions of the alliance contradict the u.n. no fly zone resolution also usenet on another call there is a russian interest summit in a bowl in force and talk to her now and tell you so libya on the table once again. oh yes indeed a very intense talks between russia and nato in their lindh today following a joint letter written by president barack obama president nicolas sarkozy and british prime minister david cameron which was addressed to the end which that's really sad that nato is going to stay in there be as long as it takes until gadhafi steps down the same day same day eight air strikes hit the country's capital tripoli and according to reports from libya there have been a number of civilian casualties now russia and china initially did not vote against the u.n. security council resolution. no fly zone over libya but now that what used to
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be a mission to protect civilians in libya looks like it's turning into a bloody massacre according to some experts in russia feels that other interpretation of the u.n. security council resolution. has been very loose diamonds are. a result of the u.n. resolution must be fulfilled in accordance with the wording and the meaning and not the three interpretations of some states because we voted for a new flying just stop the escalation of the conflict so that we can separate the two sides but we have now is a military operation may not be on the ground but it's certainly going on. number of countries who are taking part. it's in the nature of statute but the resolution doesn't say a good. resolution across the lines but in terms of france and britain have already called on four other countries of the alliance to join the alteration in the be a however so far only six of twenty nine twenty eight i'm sorry how the exam so so
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does look like there is not not a you know in the midst of even about this situation but the nato itself and many experts have already called it's not a mission to protect civilians in libya but rather a u.s. led operation military intervention in syria and the oil rich country so it does seem. that the humanitarian aspect of this mission has been just cost to the side as others as those western powers are going to evolve it was certainly curious that only six only six of the twenty eight countries involved are truly involved in a brain injury strikes the major operations and so you know because the life of the russian nature something about it thanks. i want just a couple of minutes here on out see the u.k. is accused of hiring of mercenaries in libya. but the security is i think a little bit. volatile it's all states it does go you'll see explores the previous conflicts which turned into gold mines over private security contractors.
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the british m.p. barry god and i think the person should withdraw from the coalition operation in libya he argues that we should monetary mission is now all about regime change and nothing else. i don't believe that what is now going on is justified indeed at the beginning it was made very clear by david cameron and others that this could not be about regime change this was about humanitarian protection while that is clearly no longer the case and this that is clear you no longer the case then britain should not be involved in the original reason that was given for britain. was simply to stop those airstrikes on benghazi and indeed regionally this was marketed to the public and to the world at large as being simply the enforcement of a no fly zone that is not what is now happening and indeed it isn't what's been happening really from that first we called once an operation is reportedly hiring private contractors to protect big corporations in the event of could i think
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departure but the experience of a previous interventions shows that mercenaries can become gold diggers and volatile areas just like it. homeless and displaced people disrupted water electricity supplies decimated infrastructure to the world tragic scenes of the destruction of lives but to britain's large private security sector a gold mine in two thousand and nine the u.k.'s ministry of defense spent eighty two million dollars on hiring private security firms and now insiders say they're hiring again for libya first for the rest of us and for most people these wars these conflicts are just a cause for concern because the great grief for these companies this is a bonanza time private security really boomed in iraq and by two thousand and four the global industry was estimated at one hundred billion dollars private security is an industry populated by ex soldiers where regulation is entirely voluntary
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that's led to numerous human rights violations this footage peaked in two thousand and five apparently shows a team of u.k. security contractors taking unprovoked pot shots at cars on a road in baghdad. formally in the elite f.a.'s paxman did ten years as a contractor in africa and iraq while working undercover paxman says he's even had other contractors open fire on him if you've got loads of security contractors coming into your village. and getting paid. just amounts of money in comparative terms to what the locals would be paid of course it's going to be you know a fair bit of. a fair bit of friction between the groups and i repair it of choice and that can be exploited point easily by external groups such as such as terrorist groups or security companies are typically hired by defense ministries and
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multinational corporations to protect people and property from insurgents because of the dangerous nature of the work it can easily get out of hand by the security is i think a. it does. libya increasingly looks like being a volatile state while to come and a new conflict zone means a new cash cow for private security companies but the reality of modern warfare is that private contractors are now doing the work stoppage military force is used to do without many of the rules and regulations that govern army engagements that could mean a new round of human rights violations in an unstable country and while it would be libya that would bear the brunt of that cost for security it only brings in more business. western involvement in ivory coast could mean for the unstable countries that's coming your way on our
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cross-talk. the west has got to understand that if they go in premature if you go into countries and get involved in politics up in the not understand if they fail to understand the cultural and tribal mixes and how that integrates on the ground itself then you can find that they can have similar situations what we find in afghanistan and iraq and most recently that's all. i'll of course now we're seeing similar situations with libya. you can catch crosstalk about three hours time right now and it's a. prime minister silvio berlusconi has once again found himself in the midst of a series of scandalous headlines but there's one person standing a lawyer by his side. claims to be a long time friend and close confidant of the pm describing a policy only as a quote perfect gentleman she thinks the accusations aimed at him are all lies
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designed to tarnish his good. just friends but close ones that's what. it says of her relationship with silvio berlusconi which she says is exceptionally warm and friendly she's been a guest of his famed parties which were landed him in rather hot water with illyria knight i place it together the average of what we were together like this but now we're much much closer together how did you need better was corny what kind of impression did he make. i can't even explain what i felt inside when i met him he gave me goosebumps when i saw him because he's a very handsome man it was love at first sight he's such a gentleman one hundred percent man and every son's new witnesses and berlusconi is case so good party guests behaved indecently and they were also encouraged to take
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part in some kind of frivolous game what can you tell us about berlusconi. i once was by his new year's party and we all glided as we looked at the dance floor it was a d.j. we just started it drains and cool things floating around the place and there were men but only women as the media stance once he invited the special dance show but it wasn't like anything outrageous it was a beautiful new style show can you tell us about the presents that mr berlusconi gave you. silvio gives presents to all women not to man he has special scarves. and he gives them to women like memento of visiting berlusconi might be a pin all over a nothing expensive or scarf everything is made especially for him so that he can give his own presents. who could benefit from the scandal. is being attacked by a special media campaign but it's the communists of course it's who else would
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benefit they want to get rid of him a sauce disposable any minas i don't know that they might even bring something from the moon and say that berlusconi did something there that's all we need right now. so i do what i feel like to watch this interview unfold just check out oxys and you tube channel. four news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images. from the streets of canada. corporations are the day. you with me live from moscow only changes will help the global financial system of void future travel to retreat if you're there send a clear message ensuring an annual economic forum in china the event has been
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dubbed asia because it brings together the political and business elite something region things are silly in our reports from the very. the leaders of the of brics countries have come to be a blowout for him would be a consensus they have reached the summit that they want to see reforms both it be if your national financial system as well as those of global governance in order to reflect what they see as a stronger reality of that power at least economically moving from the west to the role they have brought up the right bring up an alternative to be a global reserve currency because of her being a dominated by the u.s. dollar nothing gets put into detail but they do want to see reform in fact as well another thing they did bring up in your situation in japan profit president medvedev of wants to see our cooperation in the pursuit of a safe nuclear energy especially safe in mechanisms in dealing with catastrophes as they had seen in japan and i think today that they are really bringing up is that
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of the issue of social inequality that could rise from very speedy economic growth now they don't want to see the bush becoming richer and the poor becoming more of that widening therefore they don't want to sacrifice the ability in their pursuit of their economic goals well let's get more insight now i'm joined by mark matrona from goldman sachs asia thank you very much for joining us now we have seen a few consensus from the bric summit how do you think a pair consensus is going to impact the economic and political well i think this is a very positive development for the walls i think the fact that these five major economies across all major it consonance the world have now come together in a coordinated fashion is very positive this being a general understanding of the rise of the economic power of the four contras and also now with africa included see the the rise of these five areas and so i think europe and the us have been acutely aware of the b. if you have a simple economic strength and rising strength of these areas and thinking
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carefully on how to how to interact and deal with that but it's it's it's a reality thank you very much these are countries certainly looking for. more cooperation and coordination economically but not all of the politically correct eventually all five countries are members of the security council they do want to see more influence. and therefore they want to see be a pursuit again of their economic power in line with their political clout as well . he says are still reporting right that one hour later this hour here on a c we'll have more on the challenges confronting the global monetary system. brazil russia india china and south africa say it's time for leadership of the i.m.f. and world bank to reflect changes of the global economy we look at the grave consequences of the west a monopoly but major financial institutions. are now to search out some other stories from around the world this hour a u.n.
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tribunal has convicted and go to vienna itself croatian general to twenty four years in jail thirty nine counts of war crimes against serbs and one hundred ninety five people another general was sentenced to seventeen years from jail the two men were accused of masterminding the operation that saw some two hundred thousand subs forced out of croatia hundreds of civilians who refused to leave were brutally executed in croatia where the generals are viewed as heroes a large crowd who got to see him in the capital and it denounced the verdict. in indonesia at least twenty eight people have been rushed to hospital after a suicide bomb attack on a mosque just east of the capital of jakarta a number of government workers on the regional police chief were among the injured witnesses say a suicide bomber dressed in black detonated his device as people prepared for friday press. and a nearly fifty thousand japanese families who live near the critical fukushima
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nuclear power plant will be paid compensation columns or government order obligating the plants operator tokyo electric power company to cover all damages caused by the incident had to be given an average of twelve thousand dollars each which critics say is far too little the fukushima plant meantime remains in a critical condition before he is trying desperately to stabilize the situation. recent protests over the austerity measures across the e.u. have sparked criticism of the global financial institutions to help provided by the world bank and the international monetary fund stricken nations is set to help countries recover but as artie's arena reports the aid is in fact dragging the troubled nations deeper into crisis. from smoke bombs to broken glass austerity measures budget cuts and taxes have inflamed riots across europe and elsewhere aside from anger also connecting these cash strapped countries
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a heavy hand played by the international monetary fund and world bank global institutions meant to promote growth and reduce poverty yet critics say their priorities lie elsewhere they're looking out for the interests of their creditors spain portugal greece is working with the european authorities and a lot of these countries are not going to recover for as much as ten years. public first ration with rampant unemployment high food prices and privatization deals is believed to have helped spark mass uprising in egypt. have the suggestion of the i.m.f. and world bank ousted president hosni mubarak sold companies to local and foreign investors while forty percent of the egyptians earned two dollars per day it's definitely a catalyst and the timing is very much related to what was the tremendous financial deregulation and opening to the privatization by external banks of egypt in other
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countries and what has had dramatic negative. circumstances after that egypt may eventually go the way of latin america or socially coming out against the i.m.f. really a liberal policies after decades of economic struggle it was a huge failure and when america you know africa the places where the i.m.f. was most. you had a personal failure since their inception the world bank's president has always been an american the i.m.f. director always a european despite the one hundred eighty seven nation membership the world bank and the i.m.f. are located three blocks from the white house for a reason again this is the structure of political and economic power in one hundred forty four nine hundred forty six and that's. the primary structure of power in the world today five of the largest emerging nations in the world today are demanding an end to western monopoly over the political institutions in brazil russia india china and south africa say it's time for leadership of the i.m.f.
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and world bank to reflect changes of the global economy a transformation from base all inclusive. artsy new york. that's akin to the world of business with kareena hi kareena hello laurie nice to see here so russia must be the world's best place to work we have a number of billionaires and we can treat is tripled in just two euros well that's right well the latest forbes list now includes one hundred and one billionaires where the total wealth of four hundred thirty five billion dollars i'll get to that in a moment but first to our top story the peace process bob dudley meets the had no rust left in moscow in a bid to personally salvage the share swap deal between the two companies the figure of forty billion dollars may come up according to mr newspaper that's how much he's russian partners in tain he wants to get out of the way. or has the story . or b.p.
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wouldn't tell us what robert dudley was in town to talk about but i think it's fair enough to assume that the sixteen billion dollars share swap deal between b.p. and ross snapped might have cropped up so where it becomes a say should i let the future of that deal lie out the moment well it lies in the hands of p.p. they've got to come to an agreement with their current russian partners. to buy out their shares in the joint venture t n k d p now a offer said they're willing to listen to what they call sensible proposals for their shares now what is a sensible proposal will have put a valuation of eighty billion dollars on t m k b p twenty billion dollars more than the company was valued at on the stock exchange at the beginning of the week now they'd be looking for half of that forty billion in order to good. linq wish test their stake in not company no forty billions far more than me twenty seven billion that was offered by b.p. on wednesday so both sides seem to have set out their starting points for negotiations they'll be looking to try and come to an agreement somewhere in the
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middle for this deal to go ahead the russian shareholders of t.n. k p p have said that they want to see a deal between t. and k. b.p. and ross next over the the all important exploration of oil in the arctic now this is where we have a problem because ross left or said they want to deal with b.p. not with t. and k p p but the head of ross never said that they'd already turned down a bid for the n.k.v.d. pizza pie into ross never they no interest in doing business with them they only want to deal with the peak nights p.p.r. nobody it seems because they've also ruled out doing any deal with shell so it seems to be b.p. have to get their heads together come up with some kind of solution so they can put this put this this ongoing saga to bed and come up with us all important to their russian partners so that they can go ahead and do that deal with rosneft and explore the oil in the arctic. how the prices of precious metals are on the rise as
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investors are put them over stocks and the price of silver has jumped over the psychological mark of forty two dollars per ounce which is the highest level in decades now markets in europe are out this our retail stocks are among the biggest gainers with u.k. electronics chain takes in is rising almost two percent the north counties up to the owner of the rivals the curries and you can see the world changed announced plans to close thirty four loss making stores in spain meanwhile moody's agency has cut its rating on the irish government bond by two nonces saying alcoa corporation's remains maker karen russell equities have reversed their early losses and enough training to apply the odd test is gaining three tenths of a percent in my six month tenth of a percent and here are some of the market movers on the my six energy majors on the rise with look quo. after more than a one percent evolving to give back is also edging despite reporting a seven percent fall in net profits for the first quarter underboss and accounting standards and the precious metal producers are off on the back of rising prices for
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gold and silver polling battle is gaining over five percent of the south. now the number of billionaires in russia has tripled in just two years the u.s. forbes list now includes one hundred and one billion as a total wealth estimated at four hundred thirty five billion dollars at the top of the list us steel makers like the middle east and was good for twenty four billion and i think same on a shelf out with eighteen billion dollars meanwhile the richest woman in russia who happens to be the wife of moscow's ex marion about the in a has lost around a half of her wealth dropping to one point two billion despite the bulging bank balances prices back out still don't have all the cream wealth levels are still around twenty percent lower than before the crisis. of cyprus i thought that for this hour join me in less than one hour from now on or not.
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wealthy british soil it's time to explain the fine. print in. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the reports on our.


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