tv [untitled] April 15, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT
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it's. good. to. see. international news live from our studios here in central moscow this is artsy with you twenty four hours a day top stories now this hour the publisher of a finnish praise website which supports an internationally wanted terrorist goes on trial for help and chechens entered finland illegally on the country's authorities continue to turn a blind eye to his links with extremism and. the actions of nato in libya should return to a diplomatic level ought to go beyond the limits of the un resolution says the
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russian foreign minister sergey lavrov at the summit with the alliance in berlin. the global financial system must be overhauled to prevent future disasters says the russian president of the economic meeting in china dubbed the asian couples. lots of friends update for a moment about with more news for in less than half an hour from now in the meantime it's a great program cross talk and people develop his guess about the future of the ivory coast and the turbulent transition of power that that's next on r.t. . if you can. start. to. think that. only because donkeys another legal intervention approved by the u.n. now in ivory coast a former leader is on seated at the expense of hundreds of civilian dead for the
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country's new leader be any different or will the west help him clean his image up is fast as it got rid of his predecessor. led the kick. start. to discuss the turmoil in ivory coast i'm joined by now log ok he's in washington he's a political analyst and founder of africa diplomacy dot com in paris we go to france watch and didn't we he is the founder of the african advisory board and in london we have io johnson he is the founder and director of viewpoint africa all right gentlemen this is crosstalk i mean you can jump any time you want but first let's have a quick look at what has been happening in the ivory coast over the last four months. decisive action and immediate results france's military help to stall my calling i request listen to convert some justice to the country with one thousand four hundred french troops were told over and overthrow its
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longstanding leader refused to accept defeat in the last presidential elections and the sayings of his fall are a context for the whole of the african brought and marking the end of the desperate sufferings the south i thought was brothers this is nothing less than a cruel and it's imposing i'll say that well iran says still divided over the shift of power and your president officially won the elections our son the torah is making promises. our country has turned a painful page in its history. after more than four months of post electoral crisis march my so many lives lost we are finally at the dawn of a new era of hope. though france clearly picked sides in their current conflict it doesn't want to be seen as a stakeholder and invader backed by the united nations its claims its soldiers stopped at the gates of the presidential palace and left
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a final battle for over iran's no matter what it is called a smart intervention just a small french contribution it's come because twice the selling point for further western military interventions in the super trouble for cross-talk r.t. . cameron gentlemanlike to go to washington first what we heard in the report was it a smart intervention on the part of the french and the united nations smart intervention or neocolonialism. thank you very much of peter written in for me to be on this show and i thank you what you do you know to change you for your good work you do in. your new career is that when i was given the opportunity to talk about your presence in the country. by what was going on the country i have denounced and you can release them and many many in the ministry media you know want to talk about that this is not the first time france has done that in the country they did
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that in two thousand and four when they destroyed the evident as. air force on the ground killed sixty nine i were young and wounded more than one thousand people they wanted to overthrow the president in two thousand and four they did not succeed you know some seed this time and they did and of course it is pure new colonialism ok if we go to london i am going to you think about that i mean it's very nihilistic on the part of the french and the question general this is not the first intervention we've seen in i in the ivory coast and in a whole lot of other countries in the region and we might want to talk a little bit about libya later go ahead. absolutely i think the intervention by the west has always been a good plan and usually if they've got need for regime change or if there's not something more personal in terms of resources location or land grabbing but nonetheless i think in this particular instance i think the french were very very keen and eager to get into the game play and i think it's
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a mistake because it sent the wrong signals that especially when they supported mr ouattara very heavily that mr ouattara reza come pale and govern is moving forward will be tainted to an extent by the fact that he is a supporter of the west he is controlled and he will deal with the west for kindly than any other leader would otherwise do gazza i think is the blood was found himself in a lot of trouble going as far back as two thousand when he came into power not to mention in two thousand and two when he refused to get mr ouattara to engage in the political machine in that country i love cause the subsequent civil war that we had did not play in his favor more so most recently when he had the elections which were otherwise certified by the international community that he did lose i think the writing was on the wall and the rest is history so our i think for all the intentions of the the french taking part in this equation and supporting mr lott i'm getting involved in the politics i think it's for the right reasons i need to
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send a signal to mr mugg go that he lost the election be that his controversial because it's about what was said otherwise that he won those elections france why in paris what do you think about that because water is being called the bretton woods candidate i mean he used to be a functionary over at the i.m.f. so he has very much looked like the west's man there and now in sort of the net gentleman because have a french wife on charge today i mean is he really again a fine consult with the ivorian people because that's one of the problems that the country has there's a lot of ethnic strife religious strife i mean there's a lot of divisions is he the right guy to overcome those divisions in this country . these will be people of course. but regardless of what happened on the way the this conflict has been concluded by military intervention i think that this is something that is disastrous even we have to start with law or continue with law and finish with love and when we talk of law we have text and we
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have actions this is french and the u.n. intervention was based on the result in one thousand nine hundred seventy five. no place and no progress in this intervention do you see any justification of a massive attack as the military attack of the one you have on the contrary in point number two this resolution said that. although of call upon all the parties to continue to try to find a political solution here and this these resolutions even praised the african union decision to appoint a special a special envoy to solve this issue. these special envoy have been exonerated it was the minister for no breakthrough of a couple very good but mr what president but who accepted but the what other camps refused this gone so it was possible to continue to find another special envoy to
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try to find a political solution to this so i think serving a problem this way is a disaster is a disaster because you you have refused because when you act like this you refuse the voice of the people you have instead of the electorate the electoral process you choose the ability rick ross is so we're no longer in the logic of the voice of the people through elections this means that people have been frustrated and these are the if mr what are start other precedent if you have a very difficult. ok i'm going to go back because i did what i got to back to washington because i think you bring up a very good point here i mean international media by goes a really bad guy and maybe is ok but he is the new president sitting president now is he any better be it a meaning does he have any less blood on his hands when it comes to this conflict
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because it seems to me it's very one sided is a good guy and there's a bad guy but it looks like a look at the two main players have a lot of blood on their hands are they going to be both held accountable. hello peter thank you very much when i i was talking on democracy now i said that in ivory coast it was not a matter of one person being a hero and the other one being a villain or one be an engine another one being. on both tragic heroes this is what i said on the progress in our and i sometime i was. i think i can even tell that he has more blood on his hand than double because came to power through this probably means so when and then he became president of course there was a moment of repression and then there were some you know some people were killed by u.s. forces which i have denounced but the last hour that i know what created the rebellion
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in ivory coast in two thousand to split the country in two and then when the international community said that is the winner of the election which can be disputed because when the president of the electoral commission in asked that the prosecution really do the second round was it's a one percent that could not be possible because of all good it was also said that the presidential route you know goes beyond seventy percent so now when like france are said in paris when they were trying to find the resolution to the call for it now the united nations do you with friends have given a green light to our summer know what they're up to last it really they're all fancy another two are part of it in the army of the ivory coast and kill innocent people i mean it's the villains as misspeak it was even reported this morning by a french newspaper there are certain people and they killing supporters they left everywhere in san pedro in that wasn't part of the country so of course the last i
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want that is qualified to talk about hope and change and then and then peace in ivory coast this is my only desire saying are you becoming the new president now he has french military backing ok i mean he has a free hand right now doesn't he again you know this whole neocolonialism card is in play you can only lead a country when you have powerful western backers and what does he have to give up to keep that support. well that is what is the price he who pays the piper calls that you're absolutely spot on but i think the intervention is wrong but i personally think that mr ouattara has his work cut out because he's got to find a mechanism to to support the entire country and for the country start operating as one on how he galvanises the people in the south how he calvinist as they use an office and cloying men training and such side to identify with it as far as spiration a needs remains to be seen whether he's capable of doing so and he's going to need all the support he can have internationally and very much so from the french and
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the international community otherwise what you will find over time is actually how that a tiny rebellion against starting in the south building up to outstay him in the future so to avoid that and i think the international community the french i have got to support mr ouattara he clearly is the man of the flavor of the season of the moments but above and beyond that the mr ouattara has to find a mechanism as to how we can unite the country how we can disarm the thousands of ammunition is out there lots of people who have guns how are you going to make the streets safe how are you going to encourage people who have left the country to come back and i think the international community have to jump in here a little talk about the end game later even achieve the reason actually after the break we'll continue our discussion on the ivory coast stay with. you for.
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they come in. some songs to play which suggests others must sustain her spirits. but she is the diva of the river. is no fun in her chest move celia reversed such a thing adrenalin son archie just saw. her. space use the back of our national security there is no substitute and there is no alternative to military dominance in space. bombs on target time
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ballmer such a good bows unless we are able to deliver through a space ship and seem to get better. company crammed down the film have to cook our current place and we must. be. several hundred. years of investment in the peaceful uses of outer space. this incredible investment from the united states and from the european union in canada other countries like business all of this stuff is completely in jeopardy if we start putting weapons in outer space. look.
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welcome and. remind you we're talking about the ivory coast intervention. ok if i go back to france one in paris one of the biggest problems with these interventions as of late libya or maybe even afghanistan and we can look at iraq is the and the game now has anybody smart people that planned this military event with their bleeding hearts thought about the end game what comes next year are we going to have a fair trial for the deposed or is it just going to be winner take all yes this is
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a very interesting question because this is this kind of idea of what the people who planned this operation think what we should try as much as possible to remain neutral and to look at the reality on the facts and the question here is not to to call to or to measure who has more blood on his hand whether ouattara or or or we have an electoral process and then after that we have an electoral dispute but not a was hard to solve this electoral dispute and again you have to go back to the text. could give what was a sovereign country with a constitution what did the constitution say it because he said that it is up to the constitution or courts to decide who was the winner. but the constitutional court had decided that rubber was the winner but in fact given all the things that we did this isn't in my free life in my in my view was not fair this isn't and i
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think this is where the biggest mistake um the decision of the constitutional court was not fair because of many things because of its law it would be very wrong to do to explain here what other lists people who have concerns reconsider this decision of the african advisory board we have proposed a way to solve this problem which we could have started first to by doing this decision and try to see all the claims of the book ok so fragile let me jump in here let me ask you this is the lead up here i think this is important or ok go ahead quickly there's a very important. yes not only is this going to go look at the bush years go ahead jump in go ahead going yes ok yes. he said he's going to be too long too of equalisation about the. results my point is that i let someone know what
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is perceived and it is true. and it's best sieved they're fresh governor in the country and it's best to leave out somebody who is not a science it seems. to to to get to the cry of many. many leading people are not guys and then when you you allow your you know your your forces you know to be good and if you want to think that the results they were way way way way way through this forty six percent of the country because how far the country cannot rely. on his wife i've been immediately when you do that and you come and talk about reconsideration it's going to be difficult second being if you were here while he received different friends and the united states and the international community there is no way i that's under now what are is going to be and. the needs of the people in the country because he has to say first
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interest that the international community and second he is one of the person who believes that you know you can you know you can see if you did evolve in order to get where you need to go there are some that i like that are yes. he's saw all of the good there were so there is no way he can really be elected president was going to take i would go to the next level ok in london i feel to you one of the things in researching this program i find it remarkable how many times internationally recognized president ok it is this is this is the outside community and we all know when the international community means it means western europe and united states that's the international community and we hear about public opinion and it was almost as if there was a drumbeat here is that the west if you're already determined what the outcome was going to be in ivory coast and then they found finally their tool to do it in their favorite one is military and intervention am i wrong about that. yes to an extent it's the mind said this this is the battle of hearts and minds and the west has got
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to understand that if they go in premature if they go into countries and get involved into politics that they're not understand if they fail to understand cultural and tribal mixes and how that integrates on the ground itself then you can find that they can have sinister a shows what we find in afghanistan iraq and most recently that's all of somalia i love cause now we're seeing similar situations with libya so it's a lack of preparation lack of foresight and a lack of understanding and very much so they can get it so wrong and they do not seem to be learning from the lesson but i think the united states has learned because this is why and here in libya especially they decided not to take the for the moral high ground and i'm and push to come pay for that they usually do in other countries but taking a backseat because mistakes can happen and the longer that these conflicts go on the longer that you do not find a solution and then to some of these crisis the more likely can make mistakes and the more likely public opinion can change on you and very much this battle is
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hearts and minds how you maintain the status quo locally with the population how you maintain the coalition itself and very much or how you maintain international consensus and that starts to change then the whole thing starts on rumbling and there are risks when you get into the sort of mindset and when you get involved in other people's. missionary and was it's time for me in this particular instance in ivory coast or quarter where we did not find that to be the situation but it remains to be seen how and locally whether mr ouattara can be embraced how the people in the south can support him and how very much so how will the country would move forward so i think only time will tell ok and i think i'd ask all three of you the same question and i go to washington first what message is this interventionist military intervention into ivory coast telling other leaders in the region i'm thinking about members of the african union through north african arab north africa
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and beyond i mean we are we just could have given used to more and more interventions i mean it seems to be the flavor of the time if we go to washington first on that. thank you peter i'm going to take your personality you know on to say that obama sarkozy and the international community the lag behind site insight and foresight on the crisis by allowing military offensive in the country and so can. the dictators. africa for many years i can talk about their first visit of ivory causal for one year i can talk about mugu clings i.e. that we can talk about you know rule for a while for forty years and to go all of those leaders where backed by due west france in the u.s. and then of course now that some people were not in turkey did not intervene in order to restore democracy and now there's secretary of state of the united states
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hillary clinton say that a do over to send a clear message to the world i think she was wrong because there are millions of africans who surprise. and who still remember african heroes who have tried and other to defend our african serenity in africa nationalism who believe in a pan african ideal and who are tired of the power of the new blue realities of in africa and who are tired after french interference in african affairs so those people that are this and understanding of the people see as. as a leader who is trying to promote a new clue nearly isn't because if they want people there want to talk about democracy they can they should go to get a fossil where the president of their country. one of the they get best people you can have in africa put us on camera and it was in power for more than twenty years
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and it was been creating where's he created in liberia in sierra leone and now in africa goes so these are the people that should go out but of course that we love that they're not going to do that. because these are good proper to up to see like the leading african nations france so i'm going on paris where you think how do you reflect on that because it still looks like there is going to be an element within the political establishment of african countries will always look for the west to get them in power to choose them as their new decatur or a new friend in a particular country and in the region in general there's still a bad habit that hasn't been broken yes yes you are talking about the messages what will these messages. come from this. military intervention i think i see only negative messages the first one is that instead of solving a problem through a legal process through a political process the so-called international community france and the us
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prefer the military option the military option is destructive secondly this is a foreign intervention in africa we no longer need this if the limits have been solved by african african soldiers fighting each gams we don't need to look for any interventions you have they call us you have the african union's these are these is an african problem that should have been solved by africans this problem is not happening. in argentina or in nebraska so it's a nothing can problems i don't know why french or not all these foreign forces school intervent thirdly when it comes to. this thing we see what's what's what is the outcome now. president if if you consider the present situation. let's say a president. somewhat as the president contrary to my brother from washington i don't
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have any any clue of casey suppose he's the president i don't have any clue against the president ouattara suppose he's the president what would he be integrated under what's what's the constitutional test you see when you were president you had the people who just people come out of the from the town by millions and they prove you this is based on the constitution that said you are you are elected not this military intervention has created something unprecedented in cote d'ivoire you have a president we don't really know exactly who has elected him because this could have been solved it would have been again possible to see what is the voice of the people of god before i generally manage i've been here every time we could have gone along a lot longer i'm sure many thanks rick my guest today in paris london and in washington and thanks to our viewers for watching us here on arche see you next time remember rastafarians.
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