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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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welcome back to join us this is art you live from moscow the top stories as the unrest raging across the arab world puts the heat on oil prices other countries are looking for ways to avoid an energy crisis but each use reluctance to rely on russian supplies could leave you or pm consumers paying a price for costly alternatives. levy arrivals who are now engaged in a battle for the town of bragg
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a say they have no shortage of weapons that supplied by sympathetic nations opposition fighters are also appealing for more nato airstrikes despite their earlier claims that the bombings are killing a growing number of civilians. and british officials are preparing to evict one of its largest revelers communities which will offer route around a thousand people and cost millions they need sis they have rights to stay on the way and are prepared to fight to stay. now as promised some extreme rafting and the caucasus mountains stay with us. sunlight cannot reach the depths of this gorge the torrents of water gushing through it crushed up against the treacherous rocks this is where the belisle river as it's now a list of locals colas place goods. is
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taken millions of years for bella river to wind its way through the great coal causes mountain range the end result is made up of rocky banks world whose rough pace all along the school's. seven people decided to take the unpredictable river pedal they intend to navigate because it has grown it more as a block down stranded on inflexible rock. goldthwaite kemal of the long together is water. borne better way. on the way childlessness feel the full impact of the mountain streams on the giving spirit. make sure you stay up on top don't leave
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it watching too big. to board i'm telling you. in the deep coolest a group of tourists will come face to face the big challenge. it . the belisle river begins on the mountain tops of the caucasus range as the main waterway of the republic of add to gain in russia's south amounts and separate the republic from the black sea coast. i'd take the one of the local ethnic groups that once lived up in the mountains. many years ago with the first to leave the highland homes and descend on the plane all the mountains was followed so later today various ethnic groups inhabit such
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villages in the foothills and story plate told people in these hot something called circassians when the republic came into being here it was named idea and retains the title to this day. most of the villages are scattered around the banks of the belisle river locals know its capricious character the old some well they never ventured downstream and wooden rafts or marriage but it's a raft is a bold enough to descend into its deep gorges and to seem to throw me the freezing cold water will pose nor wrap its composed them all for the adrenaline seeking endeavors. and one amateur i'm one and two in winter time the it's a level of the belisle river drops revealing shot rocks and large boulders for him
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barking on such a dangerous trip of the block gauss county and several members of the rafting team tested their skills in a kayak. we're going to be weaving through the rocks as we go along the right bank . i really wish i hadn't given away my gloves but did you give your bugs to sunday my hands are freezing. the starboard the starboard the starboard starboard i told you. the crew wants to see how low the belisle river has dropped so they can spot the rocks that have emerged from shallow water in the strong rapids of the form roughest like to say this kind of scouting helps them get what they like to call a feeling for the water to tell a. are we going to get through here you'll have plenty of opportunity given is elsewhere. farrago. the bel-air river flows freely
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between the rocks where this root lies occur and doesn't appear to be strong when seen from the bank seems there's no need to struggle against it the flow itself will pull the boat on the right track but this is merely an illusion. thanks ok. even though the rafters capsized it was no big deal they were in shallow water close to the bank. during the boat here come on i'll grab it. in not to come over with the paddles. thank is everything ok yes well that was fun.
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before venturing on the extreme route the rafting instructors decide to take a group of tourists down the belisle river. these people have been rafting several times before but only in the summer soon they will be rafting in the shallow waters typical of winter. to press for there anyone aged between twelve and certainty can join a rafting perth this time of year with the stronger people up front so that they can set the pace of the charge of those who we think are weaker that sit in the middle the result is a close knit group capable of wearing all obstacles along the route. on the banks of the river in the village. was there a pool tourists issued with special neck suits to keep warm on the whitewater trip a change out in the open and makeshift cabins the simple conditions didn't
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discourage them from their objective all the rafting infuse us care about getting nash air of adrenaline as soon as possible. get hold of your pedals. you're not to take off your helmets or vests just make sure right away that you're all but an hour. before starting out on the expedition team leaders give out instructions that you must learn to use the paddle correctly take it by the handle and touch your helmet with it you need to bend your elbow joint at the right angle keep the palm of your hand on top ok put it down but no one can ever predict what surprises will be in store during the trip a starting point is where the stream is fairly wide in the currents is slow and grew past a place several boulders of up to one meeting point in five or six rapids. i
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daresay everybody is ready to face the extreme or if i take it you're realizing how and get running through obstacles right stern everybody's turn right bow everybody but. even seasoned raptors find it difficult to complete the routes in one go there is little water in the river in winter time and it surfaces the tourists feel the strength of the current with each stroke there. support everybody paddle away is one get it out. you are there to way better way well done. come over
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everybody clutch at the battle and get a hold of the boat with the other hand. get to the left side come closer to me. get back to where you were. last of course now use your words everybody who are all of you less bored again right good guys. each time to clear the tourists are allowed to bring them. when spring comes around the river wiggins belch out fun just for this reason russians such as the cool kisses came the river the name. of the good things white. those who live up in the mountains named the river chicago washing up the cool true friends when the bill for the numbers shifted a fall the older the young couple to be thrown into the parts of the current was strongest. lives given by the river itself.
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to love those who washed ashore and survived the ordeal when the old prince fell ill his daughter since in the just in the hoods the prince repented and ordered the river to be named in honor of his daughter chicago washington this remains mistress of the house legend has it that since then the girl spirit decides the fate of those who seek to travel. that's most read it i was it. did you enjoy it grace. what about the water marina that was great. after just an hour the tourists are completely drenched and exhausted they tap into what little strength they have next to drag the boat onto the riverbank. oh super bowl i took a plunge the water is simply beautiful so. dumb
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just because of his politics has a to assure that people take precautions in these court just like any all the. this is just what they do on the back of the reeva is safe both for sportsman and amateurs like me. and this small russian bathhouse stars in the bank of the bell lie river just covered in a thick film secured in a wooden frame there are benches in the wood five stone on the floor inside the temperature is over one hundred twenty four degrees fahrenheit for ninety degrees celsius. just ten minutes in here not a single person in the day is put off by how cold the water is in the bell and whistle. and that's how the russian rafters relax.
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space is about out of our national security there is no substitute and there is no time for military space. bombs on target real time battles. about the natural are able to deliver race should she get better. print out the bill to. count her. and we must. be. several hundred. years of investment in the peaceful uses of outer space. just incredible investment from the united states and from the european union in
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canada other countries like business all this stuff is completely in jeopardy if we start putting weapons in outer space. to live in a country that got understand that there's more violence the streets of this country than there are in the streets unless you can't stand baghdad. one minute a spurious element breaks or. the buzz of. mr . crowd gathers looming beyond. the streets of the.
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early in the morning the group of rafters heads of black gas come here they're going to face the challenge of rafting in shallow water a route winds through the mountains at a much higher altitude in the bed of the belisle river. more than three thousand mountain streams and springs flow into the belisle river small waterfalls cascade from mountain tops into rocky gorges from canyons to form a full flowing river and many of the rocks overhanging the water a one hundred meters tall sunlight never reaches some of these places this is a kingdom of rock and water. the instructor insists that the crew hold a brief final training exercise in open water before reaching black canyon this
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place is free from rapids and offers a good opportunity for safe training crewman put the finishing touches to stroke techniques and synchronize commands you know what it's like hell we can train here can you remember that we should have done it before we got to the canyon. what are we supposed to do in areas. that are back up yeah let's go skating. i think our ace covers the lake they used to mine leinster in here when the deposit run dry water accumulated on the lakes bed it was then the rafters began using the lake apprentice there is no other place anywhere near here without waves or strong currents. the ice is breaking. let's go somewhere else.
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friends tell them via walkie talkie the situation the training is good and the bell i river the crew decides to go that hold the final training exercise here they hope to end the expedition. but if we can't cope there we might try to get a bit further upstream they current is weak there as it is we wish them busy sections although i think the going was quite brisk that broke up there slowed us down engage sergei don't forget to pull up here do it now slow down sergei. told members of the rafting team first couple schools as tourists as time went by they say extreme cold became a profession and the way of life many of them have left their regular jobs to become rafting instructors when they're not busy training they accompany tourists on rafting expeditions down the bell i really. do go
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go go. mind being gold keep it up. all right we've made it now let's keep going. the team began to train intensely only a year ago they aim to end the international competitions to take on the most complicated routes. just a few inches some batons are very difficult to clear they're dangerous the slightest mistake even one wrong stroke may lead to very serious consequence. once they're through the training exercise a team makes a swift ascent rafting is not only about exciting trips downstream but also about mountain climbs and that seemed not to drag the fulton kilogram raft all the way up the hill.
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to. the rafting team takes a mountain road to get to block out strong in. the team begins preparations for the trip on a small rock overhand by the side of the road the excitement of the rafters is reaching its peak. it's all about the adrenaline fantastic you get so much adrenaline care especially when a wave forces over us it's sheer madness just to make your heart thump like mad it's so exciting. and full running down to the starting point all crew members have
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to sign an important disclaimer this is required by international rafting rules. as a member of this rafting expedition i have been told about the complexities and dangers involved in the route i take full responsibility for possible injuries or even my test result expeditions had from responsibility for the above by mutual agreement and either participants in the expedition or its head i've been unsure. of the only people who can fight for their lives take part in this expedition this is better done collectively as a crew this route is for professionals not amateurs. it's difficult to reach the bottom of the canyon in a narrow gorge because the team will have to make their way from shock slippery ropes the whole they get to the starting point once then turning back is pointless members of the crew believe they will be able to reach the bank down stream that
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same in mines they need to cover the whole roof without any mishaps and way back step aside to delancey and they're going to set the boat there. rocks tower over the narrow river in couse canyon. here the water is thirty meters deep. attention everybody the boat is going to lurch all the time make sure you're always on top both those on the top most and on the lower most things. ok get moving everybody pulls. in the old days the leader of the local mountain dwellers who hammad amine used to throw warriors breaching the strict laws of the day from such cliffs into the abyss those of them who could safely reach the banks were allowed to live on however there were only a handful of survivors. more than a hundred years on
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a team of rafters went to the canyons valsin to put themselves to the test in a bid to get the upper hand on the powerful mountain stream the belisle river always keeps rafters on that clearing rapids is quite an ordeal. yes. all the ones once all the ones like the ones are the ones who are back away. rafters novella river house an unpredictable current and extremely difficult rapids it is the science of international competitions each year tons of america rushing to the polls play bass and boulders and treacherously conceal of those. so dylan currents change cools to follow out nieces on the rocks will pull spring up in the most unexpected places the river floods off any detail study of it is that
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impossible to chart a best route through the rapids. yes all the boat everybody gets out. let's listen up before we gong we need a breather. i'm going out about this on sand let's have some rest. with half of the journey behind them the team pauses to rest a strain of the rapids has taken its toll. we've covered about half of the distance so for another four difficult records are still ahead of us so let's get go and. the rest is relax on a small flat patch of the bank. when spring comes around it will disappear hundred ten means a body of water becoming part of the river beds. this place can only be reached in winter time when the water level isn't.
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fortunately we're. all back everybody. now all together. where were you now to concentrate on what you're doing your side missed out on two strokes. stop talking and look this way. this journey goes in that direction then turns to the sensory. the river demonstrates the full. behavior a rough does are unable to avoid apparent accidents despite the vast experience. coming closer to me and then. clinging to the side of the bus is the only option otherwise the powerful current
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will throw rocks but nothing in this situation is just as dangerous occurring in the boat. under the. fast as you can of. the boat is sure to show up anytime now. is going to show up. move forward move forward would go forward. that. that. best. move back well done good job everybody. don't do that you don't like it the
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rough does didn't comic they sized up the situation and kept calm to use their favorite phrase they felt the water unsafe themselves they were able to keep the raft afloat and didn't lose any members of the crew not even a single console is lost this time shargel washing the spirits of the belisle river has allowed the crew to overcome a rapids nobody knows what's in store for them as they continue rowing down the mountain stream but it doesn't matter the trend is what they're up to. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we've got the
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future covered. it.
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all. i've. a.


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