tv [untitled] April 16, 2011 7:30am-8:00am EDT
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we've got a live from moscow a reminder now the top stories as the un restoration across the arab world puts the heat on oil prices other countries are looking for ways to avoid an energy crisis but the e.u.'s reluctance to rely on russian supplies could leave and european consumers paying the price for costly alternatives. in libya rebels who are now engaged in the battle for the town of say they have no shortage
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of weapons supplied by sympathetic nations the opposition fighters are all also appealing for more nato airstrikes despite claims that the bombings are killing a growing number of civilians. and british officials are preparing to evict one of its largest trouble as a communities which will operate about a thousand people and cost millions they insist that they have rights to stay on the land and opera pettitte to fight to stay. well next. i'll get off the spotlight program and this time they'll be focusing on whether it's time to swap military maneuvers for diplomatic dialogue in afghanistan without. for the full support we've gotten from. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face. with the news makers.
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hello again to logon to spotlight they enter the show on r.t. i'm al green are going to be my guest on the show is zone near kabul. when they tell that warfare in afghanistan has been going on for ten years already but seeing little success some of it so loyalist allies like the former british foreign secretary david miliband are criticizing that they no longer believe in
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a military solution and say it's now time the diplomats should step in but is it possible to deal with taliban terrorists in a language other than against the russians should now the answer they tried everything my guest is the presidential special envoy for afghanistan so you're a couple. of. nato neutral to ration again a stand has been going on even longer now than the saw this campaign there in the eighty's but the book says in just three years it will hand over to afghan forces in several areas of the country however security and stability are still rare in many regions of afghanistan the wave of violence is now its highest since the taliban regime was toppled ten years ago this makes some military experts say the withdrawal of needed troops is premature warfare must continue.
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mr koppel thank you for joining us on the show so well first of all. can stand is in the news today once again because foreigners have faced outrage in this country after a preacher in florida has burned a book of koran and a jury in one of his ceremonies in the united states in the noise city of mazar e sharif people have stormed the human can pound the killed three staff members and killed four koreans is who does that mean the situation in the country is getting out of control completely it only confirmed that. i wouldn't say for the moment that is getting out of control very still some reserves are you from able to see in this way but these are all reactions in mazar e sharif reflects moved all the arguments of population of course of the secretion of koran is very much hurting for and sensitive issue for any
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muslims in the rural but you know again a strong whose muslim population suffered for at least ten last year a spinoff three in the previous but they are even more sensitive and he acts like well i have a quote here from the turkish president here's what he says quote we are involved there in afghanistan not only in the war but we should help the afghan people normalize life two thousand and eleven is a critical year for afghanistan as the coalition it will start leaving soon and what well you were talking about the situation the country do you think that the role of turkey as a regional power and some other regional powers will be increasing after the correlation leaves it to to to keep this issue. summer and the contract which we
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started talking here first though a lot of things it's still premature to discuss a coalition living separation according to their recent decision so be laid to or two thousand and fourteen is the benchmark all the. called mission for souls and we'll stay the beyond of these the really yeah of course of course so they may change the labor laws as they claim they're going to train teach about at the same time they will keep quite a significant military presence. that's why i don't think that it will be to require turkey turn into a go into. it's not the uk but anyway it's a very positive statement by talk of the government i hold they will be able to mr realize these are we should we shouldn't lose our what would you say than
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a bad the role of iran and now that another huge and he's not our and the relative ganesan of this country is also very significant and the west is not happy about it is it you're right. i would say that you ran strongly together stand even that is even more important the truth is iran has its own legitimate interests in this country because of its nation's security issues and iran has a contrary view to a lot in terms of economy the relevant i'm gonna stand and. still hosts more than two million argon refute g.'s in the or on the sun's sorel and of course iran has a lot on stage you're not going to stand and on the same time we many times heard from iranian officials that all their concerns are all the american military presence in afghanistan and they believe these presidents. a. round
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iranian. another regional power pakistan neighboring pakistan secret services and not only the secret services but but well practically firstly we're supporting taliban a lot now after the regime change has this situation changed or is in continuing the support. oh really. pakistani officials. say that many times them favor over something on the instant a leash and a gun is done and they are denied to any in wal-mart in supporting undergarments for souls are are going on to government forces but at the same time there is a ground for realistic targets that many taliban fighters on the field their structures so they have a network the logistics and other sort of. people or even on the pakistani sorel
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soon if pakistan really wants to conduct that policy that will go to the state of them to where it should address some of these very important problem of the same things and they are not doing it so they are doing they'd be quite well in so far as if you stand out last year about everybody in the world so that very huge share of taleban and greece are all on the government for schools they have to have so safe haven search in northern waziristan in biologist. and so on all the political agencies and or pakistan and the tribal areas has a certain i was a part of my be ok we have been talking about geopolitics around afghanistan for the last five minutes you haven't yet mentioned india which is a great ally and a great friend of russia by the way india i think it's the second largest sponsor i guess that may be behind iran but ahead of the united states so china and pakistan
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they don't like in india sponsorship because they think it threatens their interest in the region what's what's moscow's that e.t.a. do you do you like to see india's role increasing. a year india is one of the biggest dawn or reconstruction of of your own storm the. a lot and there as your dimension even days are called one of the closest part of the russian federation and not only in afghanistan and we believe that the india play is playing and can play a constructive role in stability shinagawa some as for allegations those are all those kinds of suman shouldn't they have history of difficulties between them and recent history i'm afraid steel costs shader or. are they reran over in this role and i've got a son that's very peaty because the russians are part of the region we're
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interested in called the relation one are gonna stand because so we really believe in real in a regional approach healthy regional approach in a force that was. not granted to them and is not possible without participation of such conferees the like india china pakistan and iran but india is is literally at war with pakistan everybody knew who was in there in kashmir and have been there and those that they are it who are actually were a lot i did i am afraid it's a little bit overstated month and toward the recently leave the result of india and pakistan the start of the new rock improvement the relations and we reassure them both well of course it's a very slow and difficult process and the men a mild because they had but. they are not at war and you to build
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a very dangerous not only for the region the but for the all the world if the student or the congress of the region will be in war because so they are actually nuclear powers and that's so that's why we don't like them to be a and the such a great. and the hole they will not reach the station there by lift remember they are still a me and each other of the i mean the soldiers and the officers and you you spoke of my. fields many many hundred miles of minefields sell for their i also i know a local for all the places in the world i'm sure you also know all there with the same situation but that doesn't mean that. we will stage your war in so called our wars of creation perhaps between them for it's really important for us for world peace to even poorer countries to improve our bilateral relations for the sake of
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customers weren't your excellency we started by talking about this terrorist situation now in afghanistan after this after this koran burning in america a study commissioned by the united nations i quoted violent attacks against humanitarian aid workers have tripled tripled during the last decade with more than one hundred deaths reported annually is the current wave of riots some think something exceptional in this respect. no perhaps it's not exceptions are exceptional in view of overall military political solution. we know that taliban insurgency increasingly are the woodstock aeration and become free and they are focusing not only on the door i saw of american military installations they are frying for target everybody not only for almost bought
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a local as well and aid workers are soft targets for them and easy to work to reach and this why they're becoming victims of the war says and best there is then you have wall the presidential special envoy to galveston. crosswise will be back shortly after we'll take a break so stay way we'll continue this interview in less than an. earth. they come in thousands. so long to play with see others one says take her spirits. see what she's achieved by the river.
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is nothing in her system is silly. chasing adrenaline oxys explodes. chosen from among many. she was given a clear cut mission. a mission he successfully accomplished. and became the first every man in outer space. hero of the soviet union and one of the best known persons in the whole world. all his flaws were focused on sons. could he ever think that his life's work would cost him his last. one happened in those few seconds. and what sequence
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these sealed barrels still hold. keurig are in place when our team. plays. her. sad. i welcome back the spotlight i'm now going over and just to remind them my guest on the show today is they mean a couple of their presidential special envoy to afghanistan well here's an see you've already told us that this declaration that two thousand and fourteen will be the the date when the coalition forces will complete those role is not actually the exact date because that this is this is one of the dates one of the dates of the process but actually the military presence will continue our two thousand and fourteen and we're not looking at looking at
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a big exit as we are forced from from afghanistan but in this respect can we can we envisage such threats and many experience attacking it that it has a sort of an export of extremism export of terrorism out of afghanistan unfortunately yes we have all these phenomena now we had of the prior to control saddam one when the we had the network of framing camps are in our journalists were . found on sort of people from different conference so. the training and there were of unsound and used to be utilized in your knowledge knowledge sure all of the world. and the circumstances of course. are going to sort of you see is mostly busy with school rushing with their foreign forces are going to
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local government forces but we are afraid that later on you've got probably they will have our upper hand number over part of fuselage and see who are professional warriors already and they may or you. tried to find and you would drop from fields or other and go lurch to be applied to up laurie that's possible it's one seconds it was not my judgment on the matter come so we'll stay an organist on beyond two thousand and fourteen it was a statement all the president of the united states of america and nato officials they. set seoul and they want to steadily share per moment our long standing field that are based on the grounds that you can just imagine in these swallowed by a world i mean first the wall out of world and afghanistan was all well and i over
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the last thirty years i don't believe that those islamic extremists who are fighting american so now they will be hit the ways that military bases were not done so in the neighborhood it may be good to me galvanize prove their ex then you start to view things and we will give impulse and impetus to a continuation of spreading of these disease and just a couple of some say that the foreign the occupation is that chile you were living the taliban says and see what's russia's official pointed in this. awful russian official position is very close to the position that we don't believe in foreign occupation because it's indeed fuels for at least
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two reasons and not very many syrians so while fighting for most of the. crusaders and leaders. our guns are going to much of a letter to any foreign military presence of their country and their independence only until like them many holes or most of the country will answer to the world but now they. much more sensitive due to their recent history. that's why of course we are not we don't believe in a long form presence to be to have a start realizing affects lots scenes of these or peroration start attending as a girl and we also don't believe in military solution but we don't believe in need of the solution that was our economic action inside an astounding. americans and nato forces doesn't want to do it i would have to remind them are reversed was written by
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a reviewer to keep linger just in the end of the nineteenth century he ruled that if you are the best and confused by afghanistan's bain's and the foretop withdrawal is all that remains then. change. quits nation building and rethink your aim and fight the real enemy balder. well he knows he knew what to work to save because the british have been tried to conquer against it from the self for ages and ages and all failed and all failed yeah says so cells are the russians still there they tried to come from the north and they also feel any i mean even before the bolsheviks in the eighteenth century nineteenth century. twenty years ago when russia was fighting a war in afghanistan america wasn't directly involved but it was pretty influential and it sort of enjoyed the situation of how they'd sinful and well russia while
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russia was doing the fighting now america is fighting and nato is finding russia is looking from the side trying to coordinate trying to help trying to be involved this is russia enjoy this situation more than it did how we change sides in this political situation we're not exactly russia has all the rights to enjoy the situation but we don't do it for the simple reason because our own national interests and security is you know who will stay on stealing those from far from being in during the duration because we don't want the needle and the americans failed because we will have to call with the implications of their failure that's why we are indeed wish them success but are in what means success stabilizing your younger son in all terms in military economy economy and leave you
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stranded in some schools well this certainly is one of the main lessons that. modern invaders have to learn from the previous including the russians are there any other lessons. it said get the hell out of there are there any other lessons that nato should learn from the same experience and stand as a lot so a lot lately or a. military political bloc. should understand that they should come into our gonna stand with economy because our guns down will stay off the very good culture if they want to leave have got to start with a bit of good positive memory they should start doing economy not gonna sell reconstruction the world among. other worries such. bitter memories are over are gone so will spread to other muslim countries to the russians as a matter of fact the soviets did
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a lot of it was going on italy in their day you were racially a lot of things not only show that they did only do the shooting but they did the building exactly exactly alyson nato as far as i heard from the press has managed to to to to diminish the casualties among civilians and against them i mean as a result of their operation is it true is the situation better you should never say as a representative person. when comes through this the call the last year and it's not your true one. you know they're trying their best to do it and not always successfully. there is a desire and we can see these efforts for the climb the number of casualties destroyed hard. made so has said to have trained hundred fifty thousand have gained troops afghan soldiers do to defend their own country do you think that once the foreigners start getting away these soldiers trained by
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nato will be able to to to stand against taliban. i would like to add to that besides all these almost one hundred. a hundred feet of thought on the afghan army a personal. need to support the troops rein almost one hundred twenty thousand policemen or the minister of interior is a third of a million dollars if you have not got off close but when found throughout quantities things look like ok but i quit once there's a question a problem is a quality. these are gone out of me so one so not only time. the soviet union and in the partnership was a soviet union was one of the most capable and strongest army in the region now doesn't have air force i can on the ground in there and the army in the world to be capable of fighting bizarre
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a car which was from on the second gun out of me as well as police nor their will is not. with the weapons and other things i were not talking about more than the state of art or weaponry but steel they should be capable. of access to these weapons even though i am not sick given all these things that will be difficult to imagine for them to stand on their own future alone and the one thing you know with very well from other countries for a successful army. three things are important. person three in personal. firepower and moron. when it comes to moral law was my personal opinion i don't believe that all our officers
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really fame fighting for the nation course. is really important and with the taliban this is the other way around most of them really fight for the cause and they believe that's true well with which they have moral which makes it difficult difficult to front them which has always made it difficult to fight people against them thank you thank you very much for being with us unfortunately we're running out of time and just a reminder that my guest today in the studio. ruler the presidential special envoy to afghanistan and that's it for now from all of us here if you don't tell your sales partner just drop me a line. we'll be back with more thurston comments on what's going on in and outside of russia until then stay on cards he didn't say to those who. would play. the bass player.
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