tv [untitled] April 18, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow these are the top stories france's military initiatives only began ivory coast back fire at home with president sarkozy losing points and allies over what is being labeled is imperial ambitions. ennius faster into an electronics way stuff with western companies sending hazardous computer junk to a poverty stricken country instead of recycling. and russia's preparing to launch one of most promising projects for the future of space exploration the biggest
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telescope to ever discount the galaxy. next tales of the golden gate city as we report on the struggles and the ghettos of san francisco. i was so. i was so one of them a good size in the. car in the back three birth one for my liver and that's why i have a liver. a liver drain and. glad to get a surgery to get the birth so i know the only way to get through a mono that were my load. was gone before i go to murdered with. the way malaria is from bayview he was looking to go to live he's twenty five years old. and visible from the skyscrapers of san francisco's financial district a view is
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a deadly gezer most of the young people here will live over twenty five of them behind the well painted facades of the public housing projects lies the dire poverty here most of the residents are african-americans they live off public handouts underhand dealings and some off crime has to seemingly peaceful atmosphere can change at any moment. over. one dead in a few shooting not a single month goes by without fatalities rival gangs have been caught up in a senseless ongoing war for many years. these scenes were filmed by a local boy in a strange does go with a camera at. devon melvin a sixteen year old when he was twelve he carried a gun. i've
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seen a lot. of people going. from me robbing people have been through a lot and seen a lot i swear so much in my neighborhood so what a point where i'm like family i want to do right. i was a whale and waggle here by gun violence. today kevin is looking for a way out of the ghetto he doesn't want to live where getting low and senseless fighting is the law of the land when you go through way back i painted the table i went even more when i thought before is just some i didn't like a minute a minute about boys. just a few miles from here in downtown san francisco again through veterans trying to get support for his project against juvenile gang violence showing richard just
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talking to an air gavin newsome he wants to set up a civic behavior course for the toughest members of the city's gangs at city hall but he needs a room so girls we're going to go through this right of the route no one today it's more like a set up with i think it's about it's a real oh it was like time is right it will take me ten seconds it'll be fixed but the reality is gang related activity islands generally. space like this fact people are impoverished people don't have opportunities in a cage in activities that are not constructive that destructive that feed on themselves every rich city in this country is exact same thing that we have been coming. body in this country the likes of which we've not seen since the one nine hundred twenty s. and that's the big burden of being mayor and a big burden challenge to live in a country that don't understand that there's more violence the streets of this country than there are in the streets of afghanistan or baghdad but we tend to
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glorify what goes on there but we try to turn a blind eye to what goes on here. possibly it's a good last recession but sector not. showing richard six solutions he's the founder and director of the ngo brothers against guns also known as bag the mission of a thirty six year old on the half dozen people working in the organization is to give the youth in ghettos some hope they're the only ones working to keep the kids out of prison one night of every three young african-americans in the united states ends up in prison before the age of twenty five. by works with the juvenile court it looks now to young people who've broken the law and helps them make it through perot movement mentioned in the papers it isn't him the rules so she had no. the need for
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brothers against guns can be seen on these walls but this poster is just one example the list of poor young african-americans who have been killed in ghettos like bayview is almost endless. in the way. one family. these kids are they are taken they own errors like animals and discourtesy here is heresy in this package see if the facts here. has meant this and it's like i gotta go. you know. how machines will have how to fight. if somebody gives a just. you know and i just want to fit in they just want to be a part of some in the. company and actually happy that they don't think they're past twenty one and twenty five years old so they're going to get all they can do
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on a kid like why they can't bring it to. where. you now. be in a lab where we are there. for a couple. of. leaders here to sign up for the redirection project for humans up to age twenty for this three month course strains the neighborhoods toughest kids for joins. the class is going to be held in city hall and the reason one class will be able to see all because we got monsters and you know we've been through graduation so you know you're saying the reason we don't want it that way is because you in coming in your strap. coming in city hall strapped. that's modeled you know saying he don't know i'm saying that's why i started this program in story from another reason but rather. a verse three of the murder of his
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brother tracy shown visits is great he woke me up his remote brother got back to me in a major way and. it opened up and it made me realize what i was doing and what i was becoming and that i was a part of the reason why these days because he was trying to look up to me pattern after me follow up. shawn richard who was some of the kids that violence and drugs were his world when i first seen a shooting and i was about nine years old coming home from school one day this is from school and. you know that these kids used to be right smack in the middle of. a good shout mangal life you know i had everything i wanted as a kid you know my mother and father was they but give me what they want when i wanted more and that's out of the you know you know it's a. story of hustlin and then you start off making
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a few dollars in the store of making more dollars and then you start more and more you get greedy woody it becomes like. something you need is like is like using a drug which now use a verb because you would think it's the money. right here. when the swell will back . show me often visits the house where he was born just now his mother lives here alone. and. she was doing things that she wasn't supposed to do and behind my back and i didn't know him her and i was very i was really hurt you know because i never want to hear the end that you know that kind of environment or that kind of life you know and.
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he really heard me or not and i put him out and i found out you know you have to go well i mean you know obviously you know. anybody they get put out the way they house where they grew up and you know you know be angry about it but i mean she didn't want me you know i'm so i decided i said ok fine go i mean i slept in my call for a couple days and then i think it mean when i graduated from high school you know i was hustling and carrying a gun on the streets and stuff and so basically you know that that wasn't what she wanted in our you know household you know when i just pray and ask these kids that being twice before they pull a gun on anybody's babies think about it you're not just heard and not heard and that guy you're hurting the brownlee ridwan have to be left to grieve and feel that i just thank a private for you. and god bless own kids. heaven
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melville works and see him in san francisco on saturdays his girlfriend the singer comes to pick him up devon was imprisoned by juvenile court for belonging to a gang. where i am today for always they do stress in times was like that but when i got how it was really when it happened and i got out it really got a basin in and. i feel how. will. i feel helpless. i don't really see this part of town so much. so tried the five used to be i don't really get around too much. i'm a neighborhood. there are just a few miles between white san francisco the city visited by tourists and they view but there are two completely different worlds here devon and the scene that count
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live a peaceful life there from a different neighborhood turfs by enemy gangs. transportation getting around the neighborhood it's all coming and living. but when i'm in a neighborhood there's no foreigners no. it could be our house i would be by the side i know i can be a shot or killed or something happen so me any day when i'm up all night he'll oh it's like i don't hear from him i think the first thing myself. i know not. people might wanna. fight i'm always kid that's on have got a car to take in my neighborhood is young that's carrying pistols as young teenagers fourteen and under four like you from twelve on up. in my neighborhood i thought i speak for that's what i'm saying every big. name go where he said it's new video and they don't go in his neighborhood here young people from san
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francisco's cases are given the chance to do something creative or try to make some out of my community like i'm trying to do some rezko help me a marker and basically telling my story. but to me as friends david shows us the latest thing on celebs. all the time i would go to a place with a laugh and all my chest and i would be. scared to go thankfully i got the bill will go i says but now i'm just more i think i think twice now back then i will think size of what i just did of the only safe way to give away i have a go i was full of it all and then i got sick with zero hour will to do now. shawn also has to leave the office sometimes to talk to some of his old pals who are still associated with the harbor road guy about three hundred yards from west point his reputation as a former gangster in his new role as mediator and friend had given him protection from the violence in this area.
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a trace. in west point you know the back office there are two streets where the local you find out the kids in the harbor roadside meet here in the square outside the gym this is where they chant sometimes smoke are just hanging out. and i was. right. right problem row marker. me pick them. to get to rule who are always rooted. out in our my father's are were. our best friend was mark. these brothers go eat they go to the movies they don't have the places just like all the other people do all for susan ole well when they come out they area they just as more recent times
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banks the drugs they just why why do everybody gotta have a tag on we not day so take the telegraph motto is very few people like us to talk to the youngsters now it's like they are all here with a hey could of like know. what to do to school they go to juba now back in for that's my brothers like us see our race steady going down i mean if you out here you know who. you are you're you're spinning around you this was all a turn. to maul. for goes back to making. as they now. bask more autonomy.
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brothers against guns is committed to a long list of projects like the basketball tournament organized by the housing institute but perhaps the most ambitious of its projects is the redirection project which tries to change the course of the lives of those who sign up selection must be strictly a cab that's coming from a war zone as was all of that of the flood brothers this is the redirection project will start on the fifteenth. as you seen older boys come down again fill out the application we are going some coming down here we know will nobody to be popping up any gap before somebody yes this is. america or just leave. me and we are we have questions we have course we have like tina pitts in question are we asking are you game related do you go teaching him up to god the major beef is still smoking marijuana and the last question really going to be are you moving are you ready to make
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a change because if you're not then we direction is not great and i was there and just like most of that call out and why the city just because they still smoke. and i was in still you know eleven take a piss test and what's wrong. and i wasn't prepared today and want to go take a piss there's no existing back during the day when you're sick. listen you're a total nation we live in this thing it's one nation like. the redirection project is about to start classes will be held in a room incident going to last for three months in neutral territory far from the war zone these kids are told a little of everything i would look for a job or how to get my id card or simply how to fill out forms. and they learn civic behavior in the end what they really want is to find a job. an
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almost typical sunday morning in america neighborhood but here nothing is difficult the harbor road kids can't come here because it would mean risking their lives. a rap singer is very committed to his community and peace promotes his latest cd. everybody. we don't. know that. it was really. hard. work for the fact. rapper j.t. promotes peace with his music the neighborhood association organizes the game but this is nothing but a brief time out public festivals with police surveillance are
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a far cry from daily life in the neighborhood for the young people who live here daily life is very poor and the health of job's the future no hope their only choice is for the future prison. seven films everything with this camera this footage reveals work life is really about you baby you. really trust nobody i'll be a real threat and i know a lot of kids are you any day any second so i. know. it's not a crowd but they are back and i'm always talking i'm always speaking about how we need to give money before we do it with all the negativity this little too much negativity right now the way using. people can give us all a serious. here
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at any moment fun and games can turn into tragedy. the. night there's been another murder in the streets of a view of a car drives by shots ring out once again a family races into the street to cry over a young man's dead body. to get here drive by gang shootings are common and san francisco about fifty people are murdered every year mostly in they view it's. what he wants the world to. see the snow looks like it's. going to. settle this is how the kids remember the dead friends and specter tony chaplin and then bro brief from the special gate against youth gangs tell us about. these guys get caught up in things that they don't know why they're doing it they just remember
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the last shooting that they need to have been for the last killing that they need to send a message about. all right. so falls i mean a lot of good close to just literally being held hostage or you know i mean. they later lies but everybody knows the time to go and. according to the inspectors the presence of gangs here is evident they inspect an empty house in west point which according to what they've heard has become a new meeting place. is almost like rain again newspaper yeah who their enemies are yeah. rock big block and kirkwood. course you that is this we're on earlier then being you have the allies you have the home game you're west madhu's turf this this actually is then you have sonny deal. was
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a group where on the other side of the city who west mob is clicked out with or ally with. the officers comb the neighborhood street by street they disagreed with most people i think of the violence in the stands from personal right good riddance. we have a lot of photos of these guys they're wearing rags and it looks you know if you don't know any better you think yourself in south central los angeles and if there were a ragged on of gang signs you got photos of guys don't want to be you and you got the rag. they've got tattoos all over them it's a big black alive for we all we got i mean at some point they take a leap from just being a neighborhood or curb people are saying hey these are neighborhoods or these are sets because they don't really want to recognize that their kids belong to a gang at the gangs are present because that brings up negative connotations and
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why the kids end up getting into it there's a lot of reasons a lot of these families are broken so kids are joining gangs because they want to feel like they belong to something they're looking for that sense of family that they're not getting at home. it's sad to see these. a really nice view spoiled all the shootings and killings up here. the situation is so extreme that a senseless concrete barrier is being put up dividing the neighborhood into for the kids who are crossing it can be fatal. they're at the point now where their backs are against the wall and they're like you know i want out and it's mainly the older guys the younger guys they're still kind of caught up in it but the older guys when i say older we're talking twenty three and those guys are saying we want out we want jobs we want to do something better with our lives because this is taking us nowhere except at a cemetery. the
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city's black community has got a done ten big celebration the first san francisco bay area drop festival music's been to the success with many of the young people in ghettos one of them is a big surprise j.t. has brought kids from his neighborhood with them from both arbor road and west point. to kill down in oxford street legal fees right now it is just. bringing the two factions together is risky as one believes shows. down. little. the singer has a tough time but he manages to keep the peaks perhaps this festival will serve to
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it's time for the redirection project graduation ceremony at san francisco city hall your teachers and brothers against guns give speeches full of hope they've given these youngsters an opportunity and there's nothing more that they can do. one by one the graduates are given their diploma special richard this is the second try seven hundred twenty people in last year's course still have jobs sean managed to increase the rate this year for. the day i'll ever beat the streets where. the trees play the game was too much to cook it was no war with me we could have more but i know it was too much when it was a no basically enough to help us get through what we got to do and to just not like
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the way they are our success. but the success right now and its determination to the will power words full of optimism six months later three of these young men were in jail lost his job four months later. doing just twelve bullets in his body it's. a quick this they couldn't have here in the last photograph because it was killed before it was taken that i think. we can claim that. they killed people and you got to know that. some of. the fake makes them in the book is the part of the fake. like. in the. culture is that so much is made which of course is right on
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