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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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france's military initiatives and leave yet ivory coast backfired home with president sarkozy losing points and allies over what's being labeled he's an imperial ambitions. trash for saab treasure for others india is turning into electronics waste dump with hazardous computer john from developed countries in the bill he sold instead of being recycled. hopes for the deepest cosmic mysteries to be cracked soon as russia prepares to launch this century's most ambitious space project the biggest telescope to ever scan the galaxy. and although prices are down as china said its economic growth slowed slightly because cooler
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than a trend is that crude is stabilizing the mood joined on his business to about twenty minutes time. to stay on the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshie welcome to the program it's nearly a month into the operation in libya and for those countries involved it's causing trouble back home especially in france were the presidents feeling the pinch as daniel bushell reports it's not being held by the country's intervention in its former colony of ivory coast with nicolas sarkozy's career under threat from accusations of imperialism. if nicolas sarkozy hoped intervening in libya and the oil every coast would boost his popularity it's backfired he's now by far the most unpopular president in the history of france's fifth republic according to the
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latest opinion polls at the weekend the main beneficiary has been marie le pen head of the national front party she's expected to knock him out of next year's presidential elections because he wants pledge france will never again kill people in africa pen told me he's broken that promise. this august seen as a post colonial reaction by france where behaving like the rats beliefs man decided it was bad and it was good the president's policies a myriad of former colleagues were an inflexible personal style x. finance minister. lift the ruling party this month admitting they can't work together to form a human rights minister remy yet they has quit to sarkozy lib colonel gaddafi use france he said as a tool math to wipe blood off his feet by hosting him in paris now he's hunting the same man down sarkozy also sacked his integration advisor for disagreeing with him
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direct that man told r.t. the president doesn't know how to compromise. there's no place for twentieth century colonialism to be but there should always be room for negotiation it's all leaves nicolas sarkozy with few friends just when he needs them it's become a lonely life inside the presidential palace but mr sarkozy not only a political opponent of pulling apart is for policy even former allies like nobody now talk of his theory of. pounds work with the president for over seventeen years the former premier fears libya turning into another afghanistan a deeply. popular war with no clear deadline we cannot go in any country without knowing when we will go out i think this is the listen that we did not come from afghanistan in its global diplomacy it's the same problem analysts warn france
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is facing criticism for what some see as heavy handed intervention in the ivory coast that comes after germany china brazil russia and india abstained from voting on the un mandated no fly zone over libya a move from strongly advocated that this not very safe for the international system that the major part of the world if we take into account the people grab it and the population of the world abstain the result is a president say experts more ked at home and abroad for his arrogance. monarchical republican trailing both look pain and the socialists in his bid for reelection in twenty twelve because he looks unlikely to mellow leaked memos from advisors claim his only chance of winning is to make his policies even more extreme than usual r.t.
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paris. on the ground in libya rebel fighters have retreated from the keys to the town of ajdabiya after having shelling by gadhafi forces he continues a series of the opposition so losses on saturday rebels were advancing to the strategic well ordered of brag but were forced back after a sandstorm grounded the aircraft back in march the u.n. security council passed a resolution allowing the intervention but critics say that what's actually happening there is far from simply enforcing a no fly zone journalist patrick repercussions are striking much further east in china just in libya alone chinese contracts are valued something like twenty billion u.s. dollars initially from the chinese point of view the original u.n. resolution as big as it was asking for a no fly zone you know if the chinese initially thought they took it on face value and said well this is going to help stability in the region by having a no fly zone and hopefully things will calm down and we can get back to business
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as usual obviously we know from the variance of the last couple weeks that is it wasn't just about a no fly zone its route was really about foreign military intervention on the part of nato. in the region in libya so you had this thing all the time the number one economic power in the world is the u.s. this is actually not the case the u.s. is now its number two possibly number three yard china and the european common market so trying to doesn't have to have the hyperactive foreign policy patterns that the west uses to get what he needs to get out of the situation to try his will say wait be patient and they'll make their move cordingley. journalist patrick hannifin speaking from london there and on the way here in oz he will look into the greek myth of graduate opportunities. the graduation day at the economics university in athens an exciting day for most of the students of course but the
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irony of the situation is that most of them will not be able to find a job in their home country a year after the e.u.'s bailout of debt stricken greece the country's brightest must now look abroad for their future we report shortly. the american consumer appetite fuels thousands of jobs in the developing world but the payback is a legacy of pollution when those dudes are past their best firms are getting around regulations in using countries like india as a dumping ground as appreciator now reports. it's the sound americans love to hear the sound of the latest laptop or the newest snap book studies show that these days the useful lifespan of a computer is only two years and every day americans dump their junk in the hope of keeping up with the joneses telling up to a total of three million tons of electronic waste every year but where does it all go. welcome to ceylon pour
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a predominantly muslim mostly poverty stricken area of east l.a. where thousands of indians come to turn trash into what they see as a tiny treasure. my work has really been these electronics props and dismantling them. and that's how i make my living homage azzam thirty two years old and has been tearing apart this trash for ten years in a d.v. good goods were trophies four hundred to five hundred split between friends can sell the raw materials and make about a dollar a day unlike regular trash that can simply be tossed away in many developed countries including parts of the u.s. electronic waste must be sent to a special collection agency that is supposed to responsibly recycle the parts however while it can cost these agencies anywhere from fifteen to thirty dollars to properly recycle a computer they can actually make the same amount if they ship it to a developing country like india were eager buyers think they can turn a profit on the goods deli is past becoming one of the biggest waste dump things
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that it's in the world cash from developed countries comes here to india for those with few options for survival hope to cash in on this job and even though it's illegal under the basil convention to ship hazardous material to india companies define the junk as second hand goods or mixed metals to customs officials to get away with it many countries feel that they need to say because it's and it's. true both would be good to go vision in the country. but what they get in and exchange for is pretty drunk rocky algor wall is the director of toxic slick a group dedicated to protecting migrant workers from the dangers of electronic waste and. putting strong grassroots exposing them for perfume. it's a reality most of these workers know all too well but for them it's a dirty job at least for now gives them a means to survive. i know what i do is not good for my health but i have no other
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source of income nor the job so i have to do something or the other the horror that those with no choices are sometimes forced to accept preassure either r t new delhi india. and it a few minutes we hear about plans to unveil the unknown mysteries to get a verse. in space this flower will open its twenty seventh that's those within thirty minutes and will start its exploration of no and those who have been working on the project for more than twenty years called wait to start getting the first results. join us as we take a look at one of the most ambitious space projects in history which promises to revolutionize astronomy. economic recovery in greece is proving to be a long and painful process nearly a year after getting an emergency injection of billions of euros and with more sturdy measures ready to bite and unemployment hard to hold down the country also faces a tide of talent going elsewhere for work. has been meeting graduates in athens.
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there was a time when thinkers and philosophers flocked to greece that however is ancient history the graduation day at the economics university in athens an exciting day for most of the students of course but the irony of the situation is that most of them will not be able to find a job in their home country that's a worrying trend brought about by the world financial crisis which has lived deep scars on the greek economy. of the upper stories has two master's degrees and political science and history and unfinished ph d. but his education seems to matter little here in greece sort of some comics some of things like that. in the private sector. if you don't. very
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well in the space of. being educated abroad it's very lose the connection because it would be much easier for them when there are broader gambado and it's more difficult to be dubbed on the can actually say i was still assistant three years in total looking for a job in his country aside from doing mandatory military service and now he's thinking it's time to dust off his shoes and go west i'm going to give the subs in england if it doesn't come about. going on what they called. his plight is shared by many thirtysomething greeks some like me hollis rely on their parents for help and brand behind the door my freedom. my job. sometimes i'm saving or finding something i'm from something or where there are believe or something like i'm very close but i resist i've.
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put the lid of this financial crisis desist despair may take over the entire country music that greece has been badly affected by the crisis the country is in danger of losing a lot of foreign interest. and not just financially speaking the young energetic and educated workforce may leave the country and mass never to be seen here again and then go out and race. greece isn't the only country that i actually flatlining economics watchers say the u.s. is lucky to have kept the walls from the door up to now and it's up for discussion next hour in an r.t. but here's some of what's in store for. the united states of america if we didn't have the dollar is the defacto reserve currency of the world we'd be greece and the us is actually an old creaking of a greek speedo's if you're all the i'm funded liabilities to the nation a dead figure i mean the national debt figure. isn't really what this is really
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about but really the unfunded liabilities of the so-called fiscal there were debts two hundred and pooled trillion u.s. dollars or in many ways that's worse than greece the budget deficit is very small as the same as crazy of ten point eight percent by just episodes in the eurozone was formed not that the eurozone is any better i mean they're just blowing up right now at all so we say stay out of the u.s. dollar stay out of any form of medium to long term u.s. treasuries but by the way also eurozone doesn't look great again so the rest of the i am very optimistic on it ok jeffrey in cambridge i'm going to you is that too bleak of a picture there are many people like myself up and worried about this for thirty years there's nothing bad about about this year the only thing that's bad about this year is it's become a political issue this year the american political system kind of bizarrely swings back and forth between not being concerned at all about the problem and making it much worse with huge tax cuts.
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which would be soon which brightened. if you remove the sun from the sun stuporous you. start on t.v. don't come. to live in a country that don't understand that there's more violence in the streets of this country than there are the streets of baghdad. this. brace of.
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road to the. street would. be great for the flow we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. who want to actually live from moscow a militant leader has reportedly been killed by security forces and the russian north caucasus republic of dagestan that comes from a source in the republic's law enforcement agency although there is no official confirmation yet is repelled by john f. was reportedly among the four militants apparently killed in a special operation he's suspected of being behind
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a series of killings and terrorist attacks in russia and has been wanted on charges of terrorism since two thousand and six and investigation is underway. i'll stick to look at some other stories from around the world and there's been a surge of support for a nationalist party in finland which is won a fifth of seats in a parliamentary election but you're a skeptic true fans strongly oppose the rescue plan for debt ridden european economies and there's a possibility finland could veto the aid projects in the party came third and. vote and just a few seats separate separate the top three now the leading national coalition party will look for part of the rest of poor government. from the scene in yemen have fired on protesters as thousands marched through the capitol in a vigil and a thirty three year rule of the country's president dozens were injured security forces shot live ammunition and tear gas at the crowd officials say the clashes erupted after protesters smashed windows and attack shops gulf countries are currently trying to broker
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a timetable for president saleh to leave office. thank you very as incumbent president is on course to win the latest presidential election preliminary results say good luck john has secured more than double the votes of his nearest rival the vote was largely peaceful invite observers say is the fairest presidential polls since the end of military rule and nine hundred ninety nine goodluck jonathan has been in charge since last may after the previous president die. rescuers are searching for survivors in the u.s. state of north carolina after deadly tornadoes killed at least twenty one and injured more than eighty others a state of emergency has been declared after high winds destroyed more than one hundred thirty homes and damaged many more it brings the total number of deaths in the southern states to forty five after the violent storms swept through the region . russia's finance minister says joining the world trade organization will get out away in the next few months i was the cauldron was speaking at
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a world bank session in washington before then he talked to your team as well here in some ten minutes long standing trade restrictions with the u.s. won't hinder the process. brokered through the jackson family commitment does not pose any real obstacles to russia's accession to the derby to you i mean if the lifting of this amendment is to lead it doesn't mean russia will have to abandon its intention to join the w t your it will limit the u.s. business on the russian market if your cooperation between russian and american companies would be affected and russian treated relations with other countries would be defined by the w two your great relationship if you did not see american companies are in greater need of weaving them in ways and we are reviewing their proposed reports. the russian scientists are confident of being able to see into the deepest secrets of the cosmos their ambitious telescope project has brought together the world's top
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minds and will allow the galaxies to be seen with amazing clarity is there a scholar takes a closer look. it's been over a decade in the making but the most ambitious russian space project for years also moved from science fiction designs fact a massive radio telescope on this is to review the mysteries of deep space. is the father of the project he says within a matter of months plunging hundreds of kilometers from the earth it will be scanning the far corners of the universe. many people wonder what it does our planet the sun our galaxy we can't be alone out there the talk of parallel worlds and time travel may sound like science fiction but they say we only know four percent about the universe surrounding us and we hope to be able to look beyond that spirit that are also known as we here astro on will be the biggest telescope ever launched into space together with its largest earthbound siblings it will
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create a network able to put my detailed images of the universe the resolution will be a thousand times sharper than that on america's hubble telescope or the radio national will expand the limits of human knowledge we might be standing on the threshold of a revolution with things like dark matter and black holes start to come observable . at the heart of the complex is a gigantic ten needs a mirror that can only be seen when the telescope is fully open and it's almost ready to leave its home in moscow and travel to the launch pad in the kazakhs there is in space this law will open its twenty seven petals within thirty minutes and will start its exploration of the unknown and those who have been working on the project for more than twenty years can't wait to start getting the best results and a goodly base of the ground observatory that's part of the project says he made sacrifices in favor of radio astro and keep his devotion every part of his life to
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it. initially the launch was planned for nine hundred ninety one the breakup of the soviet union put an end to those plans and brought financial difficulties the project was shelved so fifteen out of those almost thirty years were lost in very now that it's been brought up to date everyone in the industry is holding their breath the emotions well let me tell you thank god we're back to quality space science and let's try to work but it works out and with that the whole scientific world which is the mission good luck hopefully all of mankind will benefit. over r.t. moscow. get more on everything we're covering here at r.t. dot com let's see what else is there right now only hear from a russian siren who lifts the lid on her close contact with a quarter of its high in prime minister silvio berlusconi. and why the german tech giant simmons is in the fray over
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a cyber attack on iran's nuclear industry the details are actually dot com. and who is here with the latest business news for us in just a few moments stay with us. hello and welcome to business l.z. thanks for joining us the. significant value added to russian stocks but it's
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mostly been driven by oil and christine we've heard from you're also believes call it crude prices will give a boost to the sector. but i think if we were to see energy prices either stabilizing or going a little bit lower that would be good for the global backdrop the fact that oil prices would like to stay above one hundred dollars of which level the russian budget balances i think that would be sort of a good enough backdrop for the russia story and then we could start to see investors branching out the oil and gas plays in russia looking for more domestic stories the sort of companies and sectors that benefit from higher from the higher for longer oil revenues like the banks like infrastructure stories like the retailers so i think the second quarter will be a transition we're still looking at a very positive second half for russia we expect to see much greater focus on the stocks that would benefit from the improving economy to be expect to see then from the better budget in fiscal backdrop to be expected i think in the second quarter
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as we come into the second quarter was still with a lot of global uncertainties that are affecting the russia story friday end of a think we will see this move towards domestic stories and a calmer oil price or and global equity markets which will be positive for us russia over russia's industrial output grew around five percent in march here and here for fifteen months but positive about growth prospects russia's economic ministry has increased its annual production forecast from seoul to five percent this year has been see says the number of new orders is growing at the highest pace in three years with manufacturers a leading the. the prospect of moscow becoming one of the world's top financial centers has been raised again and this time during president medvedev visit to the financial neck of hong kong the head of the world's biggest and medium producer says russia's got great potential for capital development. studied hong kong and europe just. maybe he was very numb they clearly need to be certain
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hong kong going to interpose certainly europe the midst of the russian peoples with a receipt from the for the shares which is here sixty percent of all gone so that the same russia took the same you're going to put your jewelry here. its only time in the constant pressure to relieve a problem but it will be the worst from airport road because the traffic growth which is a customs troll may be easier than for the easy bit much more progress. for the partnership is a major. change that will create opportunities for the russian clip of what might. follow prizes a down despite saudi arabia casting altitude and concerns the market is oversupplied crude is steadily rising up for the presidential election nigeria around peacefully the country is a major over supporter of brant is trading at nearly one hundred twenty three dollars per barrel light sweet crude is at one hundred nine dollars per hour. now
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let's look at how the stock markets are performing this south asia show a mix to be hanged sign is getting slightly with banking stocks sort of one is just high that we can't quite get to that record it was a prayer ratios bank of china is up rather zero point seven percent the nikkei is flight to negative strong began is where our exports is sonny's down around one percent. and the russian biase as the start of monday's trading session in the blinds in my sense will open in few minutes to stop spanish makes on friday the us has this flight to positive while the mines it's closed flock to negative rising metal prices supported as some related stocks fundamental was the topic you know which shows up around six percent. russia's largest internet company young turks has been given a shoulder by me about to. nine billion dollars ahead of its upcoming i.p.o. in the us the wall street journal says the search engine will place around twenty
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percent of its shows on the nasdaq. has done with technology the world's largest online marketplace has more than doubled its russian business which has been running less than a gallon russia together with canada are currently based biggest foreign operations its managing director says i have high hopes for father expansion. we see there's a long long trajectory in the business is a long trajectory in the future that we believe that the russian market would give us a bit of our you this our russian translation side we can purchase from european or american sell us to ship to russia and that part of the business is increasing with triple digit from last year what are the steps we are should about i think every nine months ago saw ten months ago so now we see this over this period is a very tremendous uptake of this market so it's a very big kind of growth that we see in this market. and that was also his business someday jonas for more next hour underscores you can always log on to our
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website on q. dot com slash business.


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