tv [untitled] April 18, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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four points pushers and poet prince are still the splined regional in touch with the hotel it's like you're on the beach in a google international flood to change every green laurel eternal intro who. crosses a military initiatives in libya and ivory coast backfire at home with president sarkozy losing points and allies of what's being labeled as his imperial ambitions . trashed for sunlight treasure for others india is turning into electronics waste of hazardous computer junk from developed countries illegally sold instead of all recycled. and hopes for the deepest of cosmic mysteries could be cracked soon as russia prepares to launch the century's most ambitious space project the biggest telescope ever scanned the
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galaxy. plus e-bay the world's largest online marketplace can but as it has more than doubled its russian business from north to join our seas business today about twenty minutes so. it's just after three pm here in moscow on a monday you're with arts here now it's nearly a month into the operation in libya and for those countries involved it's causing trouble back home especially in france where the president is feeling the pinch of salt he's attacking a bushel reports it's not being helped by the country's intervention in its former colony of ivory coast with nicolas sarkozy's korea under threat from accusations of imperialism. if nicolas sarkozy hoped intervening in libya in the oil free coast would boost his popularity. it's backfired he's now for the most unpopular
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president in the history of france's fifth republic according to the latest opinion polls at the weekend the main beneficiary has been marie le pen head of the national front party she's expected to knock him out of next year's presidential elections because he wants pledge france will never again kill people in africa and the pen told me he's broken that promise so that this decision as a pos colonial reaction by france where behaving like they were else believes men deciding who is bad and who is good the president's policies a myriad of former colleagues by an inflexible personal style x. finance minister. lift the ruling party this month admitting they can't work together to form a human rights minister ram a year they has quit to sarkozy let colonel gadhafi use france he said as a doormat to wipe blood off his feet by hosting him in paris and now he's hunting
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the same man down sarkozy also sacked his integration advisor for disagreeing with him i had to recommend that man told me the president does know how to compromise. there's no place for twentieth century colonialism to be but there should always be room for negotiation it's all leaves nicolas sarkozy with few friends just when he needs them it's become a lonely life inside the presidential palace but mr sarkozy not only a political opponent of pulling apart is for policy even for allies like nobody now talk of his period. to view plans work with the president for over seventeen years the former premier fears libya turning into another afghanistan a deeply unpopular war with no clear deadline we cannot go. any country without. i know even when we go out i think this is the listen we did not come from
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afghanistan in its global diplomacy it's the same problem and list war france is facing criticism for what some see as heavy handed intervention in the ivory coast that comes off to germany china brazil russia and india abstained from voting on the un mandated no fly zone over libya a move from strongly advocated that this is not very safe for the international system that the major problem the world if we take into account the people grab it and the population of the world abstain the result is a presidency experts more at home and abroad for his arrogance and sells more like . public trailing both look pain and the socialists in his bid for reelection in twenty twelve so as he looks on likely to mellow leaked memos from advisors claim
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his only chance of winning is to make his policies even more extreme than usual r.t. paris. meantime on the ground in libya rebel fighters have retreated from the key eastern town of so after heavy shelling by kidnapping forces it continues a series of the opposition's losses on that saturday. into the strategic oil port city of brega but were forced back after a sandstorm grounded nato aircraft back in march u.n. security council passed this resolution that was allowing the intervention but critics say that what's actually happening there is far from simply enforcing a no fly zone journalist patrick having said says the repercussions are striking much further east in china. just in libya alone chinese contracts are valued something like twenty billion u.s. dollars initially from a chinese point of view the original un resolution is big because it was asking for
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a no fly zone you know if the chinese initially thought we took it on face value and said well this is going to help stability in the region but having a no fly zone and hopefully things will calm down and we can get back to business as usual obviously we know from. the variance of the last couple weeks that is it wasn't just about a no fly zone it's true it was really about a full on military intervention on the part of nato. in the region in libya so you have this thing all the time the number one economic power in the world is the u.s. this is actually not the case the u.s. is no it number two possibly number three behind china and the european common market so china doesn't have to have the hyperactive foreign policy behavioral patterns that the west uses to get what it needs to get out of the situation in the trades will sit and wait the patient and they'll make their move cordingley. tried mr patrick henningsen that speaking of from london well
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a militant leader in that russia's southern republic of dagestan has been killed during a special overnight operation he's been wanted for suspected. but of several terrorist attacks including last year's most things. of course. is everything and our give us more information on this so it's one of those terrorism. i was in five it. well two cars were stopped on sunday night at a checkpoint in dagestan but after the driver refused to open the car and fired and opened fired the police fired back and at the end of four terrorists including the militant leader is that i believe ali jato were killed the cording to the national anti terrorist committee underwent training in the center now back in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight these terrorists that were killed on sunday night in
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dagestan were also claimed responsibility for a number of terrorist attacks in a drug an across the north caucasus was also claimed responsibility for training women to become suicide bombers for future terrorist attacks across the country and according to the national anti terrorist committee was appointed of the had in dagestan in october twenty tan. ford so a senior target has now been eliminated but let's just talk about the most senior the most wanted man out of a doc who bought off a strong anti terror process going on in the region but what do we know about. indeed another wave of a major operation as is underway here in the north caucasus however still there is no added instead a dog who was killed in one of these a recent operations according to the d.n.a.
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task were taken recently there was no presence of russia's most won't. terrorist found in the a latest operation that took place in english as he answered the end of march when a russian military forces are found a terrorist base and after a number of errors trikes over seventeen terrorists were killed and these are terrorist to work claimed responsibility for organizing and preparing different terrorist attacks not only in dagestan but across the north caucasus especially in the north and south in the republic of north and. however it is still after these a d.n.a. tests were taking there was no advents found of russia's most wanted terrorist a dog who has claimed responsibility and for a dumb idea that airport attack as well as a series of moscow metro bombings last year and he's not only on the list of the
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most wanted terrorist in russia but he's also on the top a list of most wanted terrorist in the united states but still there is no clear information on where the door kumar of might be here in the north caucasus right artie's north caucasus our correspondent within our culture thank you. to all the way here we look into the greek myth graduate which unities. graduation day at the economic center of the in athens the exciting day for most of the students of course but the irony of the situation is that most of them will not be able to find a job in their home country a year after the e.u. is well out of that stricken greece countries and brightest must now look abroad for the future that report for the. nationalist party in finland has made big gains in the general election winning percentage of the votes it's a marked swing to the right the effects could be felt across the you because the
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storm euro skeptic troop feels could lead the country to veto the portugal bailout which is now being discussed in this minute so let's go to finland. i want to talk to you ladies the research director at the finishing of international affairs so we're seeing some a major shift to the right here in several areas of europe let's talk about it so recent election results in finland what do the major gains made by the nationalist truth and what does it signify to you. well it's a very difficult situation for the government because she ations here in finland because we have a multi-party system here in finland i mean the government parties who won the election they have to form a government for finland and now the major parties are all four of them they all have very different views on the issues related to the european union and the reason. treaties. policy is so this means that these three things
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negotiation will be very difficult difficult to go ahead but let's talk about this you know you talk about the policy here the bailouts in lisbon we know that the talks are already underway for an eighteen billion euro rescue package for portugal but with the strength of the finnish economy it could end up putting quite a large amount of the bill here are people in finland aware of this thing understand that this could come to their door. yes i think they are there was a wide debate here in finland during the election campaign and partly it was influenced by the events in finland and this debate of course has been going on already for a poor year and since the events of the creek and the bailout there so i think the fields and the electorate have really been waiting against what the pros and cons for. you say they've been discussing this possible ballot but it's indeed possible that finland could veto this rescue package for portugal is that likely do you think. well this is this is a question which we have to wait for a couple of not a couple of weeks at least because we don't know yet the new
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program of the government and this is something what is in the filesystem very peculiar in a way that after the election there starts negotiations and then we would know what would be the policy of the new government but i think there are elements that should be taken seriously and i think in brussels already there are some preparations going on that how this could go on even without any support i mean we've seen we've seen recently we've seen so many protests last year in this year as well all across europe with people opposed to bail out people opposed to these austerity measures it seems like there is a growing out of division across the me the debt crisis is a serious challenge to all the recent protests and so on and so forth how much do you think it's finland a test of the union at this point. well i think in a way it is the test but of course there were many many domestic issues at stake as well and this was not just election about the european union issue so there were many domestic elements in this and that of course had an effect here as well i
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think people were very tired of the main three parties and the very similar policies of those parties and there were also some election party funding scandals which kind of caught the attention but of course if you look at the events in germany for instance i think the electorate is more and more critical towards the european union policies to deal with this crises and this was also something which was lived here in finland by the social democrats and also the true finns party perhaps the way in which they utilized to manage the crisis that's not the best way forward. trying to manage the crisis here struggling to give an impression that despite all the hardships it stands united however the initial actions just the right could be standing in the opposite here people are not simply against austerity measures but they don't want to pay for others it is that you think what we're actually witnessing right now. yes i think that is the kind of what is happening and how could i please in finland there was a major element in these elections and this is something the feel very strong about
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and there is also the previous. economic crises in the early ninety's when finland . mostly bailed itself out in a way that it survived without support from the others and this is something which goes to the finnish mentality of the people and nations should take care of their own economy since i think this is something worth of things very strongly feel about and this is of course something that is what you can see in other parts of northern europe as well and then of course there is the question in those countries who are who are receiving. funds from from the european union there is also very trusting of course turkey measures and the policies of those governments and the e.u. are getting. more and more popular these days so yes there are stay off recommendations within the european union but i think that to come as a surprise because the issues at stake are so huge and the amount of euros what is
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needed to kind of save the european economy and the credibility of euro they are huge issues and of course there is political debate within the country among the european partners as well so i think nobody really thought that this would be an easy issue for the european union but now of course in the spotlight because of these national elections happen to be at this time in this country you have research director finnish institute of international affairs thank you. for economic recovery in greece it's proving to be a long and painful process nearly a year after getting a budgeting injection of billions of euros and with more austerity measures ready to bite and unemployment hard to hold down the country also faces a tide of talent going elsewhere for work. graduates. there was a time when thinkers and philosophers flocked to greece that however is ancient history graduation day i think on it for us that in athens an exciting day for most
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of the students of course but the irony of the situation is that most of them will not be able to find a job in their home country that's a worrying trend brought about by the world's financial crisis which has lived deep scars on the greek economy. two master's degrees in political science and history and unfinished ph d. but his education seems to matter little here in greece so i have some good makes some things like that in order to preserve the body in the private sector. if you don't. very well and especially because of being a good abroad it's a very reasonable action because there will be much easier for general. broad become bug and it's more difficult to be the opposite of the connection other
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stylist spent three years in total looking for a job in his country aside from doing mandatory military service and now he's thinking it's time to dust off his shoes and go west i'm going to give the subs in england if it doesn't work out the way come back. go and come back. his part is shared by many thirty something greeks some like me homeless rely on their parents for help i'm trying to find a job in my favor. sometimes i'm thinking of finding something in from something other way or believe or something like that i'm very close. to the real this financial crisis consists despair may take over the entire country music greece has been badly affected by the crisis the country is in danger of losing
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a lot of foreign interest. and not just financially speaking the young energetic and educated workforce may leave the country and the us never to be seen here again in those court things greece. well the american consumer appetite fuels thousands of jobs in the developing world but the payback is a legacy of pollution and goods like p.c. user telephones are past the best forms of getting around regulations and using countries like india as a dumping ground is pretty sure to reports. it's the sound americans love to hear the sound of the latest laptop or the newest snap book studies show that these days the useful lifespan of a computer is only two years and every day americans dump their junk in the hope of keeping up with the joneses telling up to a total of three million tons of electronic waste every year but where does it all go. welcome to ceylon for
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a predominantly muslim mostly poverty stricken area east where thousands of indians come to turn trash into what they see as a tiny treasure more of the my work is really in these electronic sprouts and dismantling them. that's how i make my living at home it is honest thirty two years old and has been tearing apart this trash for ten years in a d.v.d. goods works with these four hundred to five hundred split between friends and can sell the raw materials and make about a dollar a day unlike regular trash that can simply be tossed away in many developed countries including parts of the us electronic waste must be sent to a special collection agency that is supposed to responsibly recycle the parts however while it can cost these agencies anywhere from fifteen to thirty dollars to properly recycle a computer they can actually make the same amount if they ship it to a developing country like india were eager buyers think they can turn. the profit
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on the goods deli is passed becoming one of the biggest the waste dump things that it's in the world trash from developed countries comes here to india where those with few options for survival hope to cash in on this job and even though it's illegal under the basil convention to ship hazardous material to india companies define the junk as second hand goods or mixed models to customs officials to get away with it many countries feel that they need to save computers because. of fear of quitting could go in the country but what they get in exchange for that is pretty truck rugby ball is the director of toxics link a group dedicated to protecting migrant workers from the dangers of electronic waste and workers having a be putting stronger suits exposing them to open fields all going through a ritual hazard it's a reality most of these workers know all too well but for them it's a dirty job that at least for now gives them
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a means to survive i know what they do is not good for my heart nor the source of income nor the job so i have to do something or the other to the horror that those with no choices are sometimes forced to accept preassure either r t new delhi india . with r.t. live from moscow now russian scientists are confident of being able to see into the deepest secrets of the cosmos that i'm sure is telescope project has brought together the world's top lines and will allow other galaxies to be seen with astounding clarity parties takes a closer look. it's been over a decade in the making but the most ambitious russian space project for years will soon move from science fiction to signs fact a massive radio telescope promises to review the mysteries of deep space. is the father of the project he says within a matter of months noting hundreds of kilometers from the earth it will be scanning
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the far corners of the universe would you if you just many people wonder is as our planets the sun our galaxy but we can't be alone out there and talk of parallel worlds of time travel may sound like science fiction but they say we only know four percent about the universe surrounding us and we hope to be able to look beyond that. that are also known as radio astron will be the biggest telescope ever launched into space together with its largest earthbound siblings it will create a network able to provide a detailed images of the universe the resolution will be a thousand times sharper than that of america's hubble telescope or the radio national will expand the limits of human knowledge we might be standing on the threshold of a revolution when things like dark matter and black holes start to come observable . at the heart of the complex is a gigantic ten meter mirror let in only be seen when the telescope is fully open and it's almost ready to leave its home in moscow and travel to the launch pad in
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the cars x. there is in space this lawwell open its twenty seven petals within thirty minutes and will start its exploration of the unknown and those who have been working on the project for more than twenty years can't wait to start getting their first results and authority based on the ground observatory that started the project says he made sacrifices in favor of radio astro on key fields he's devoted a good part of his life to it. initially the low interest plan for nine hundred ninety one the breakup of the soviet union put an end to those plans and group financial difficulties the project was shelved so fifteen out of those almost thirty years were lost in vain now that it's been brought up to date everyone in the industry is holding their breath with the emotions well let me tell you thank god we're back to quality space science and let's charge would if it works out and
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with that the whole scientific world which is the mission good luck hope all of mankind will benefit. over r.t. . our time out of this our business of it is here. hello welcome to business r c it's great to have you with us the world's largest online marketplace has more than doubled its rational business which has been running less and russia together with colors are currently e bay's biggest story operations it's where legend director says they high hopes of expansion. so you see that's a long long trajectory i would have guessed that is a long trajectory in the future that we believe that the russian market will evolve for us are you these are russian translation side you can purchase from european or american sailors who ship to russia and that part of the business is increasing with triple digits from last year now that i was that we launched it about i think
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nine months ago. ten months ago so now we see this over this period it's a very tremendous uptake of this product so it's a very big kind of growth that we see in this market. pressures industrial output grew around five percent so not cherry here is the lowest for fifteen months but analysts are positive about across prospects russia's economic spin astri has increased its annual production for cost concent of the sun i just this season the number of new who is grabbing at the highest pays some three years with manufacturers and leading the way. power prices are down despite saudi arabia causing output and concerns the market is oversupplied period is stabilizing after the presidential election in nigeria iran peacefully the country's a major oil exporter brant is trading below one hundred twenty three dollars per barrel while a light sweet crude is below one hundred nine dollars per barrel. the price of gold
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has such a new record high one thousand four hundred eighty eight dollars an ounce it's trading just below that now mounting inflation around the globe as concerns about the u.s. debt are promoting prompting roughly investors to look into something that holds the id so he's also close to its highest level of three decades. that's now have a look at the markets the european markets are in the red this hour so we could have caused a border as a ratings agency moody's downgrades irish binds to junk state is reduced says it remains concerned about dublin's ability to push through ever structuring of its own doubts. the markets are also losing to solve the r.t.s. on the my six are more than one percent down. let's have a look at something industrial shall move there's an issue of companies that down and made retreating all prices ross next was more than one point five percent in the red this hour meanwhile biking and financial stocks are in the main all the main losers this drop on down more than two and
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a reality of the brink of bankruptcy time is running out for the american budget deficit failure to raise the debt ceiling would have catastrophic consequences wealthy british style. sometimes the tirelessly. for the. markets finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the cause a report on r.g.p. . the old coot bringing you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we've dumped the future of coverage.
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