tv [untitled] April 18, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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com slash usa or check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash r t america we do apologize for our audio issues before with our guests and christine for that we will be back here and have our. issues that so much a recall to. the brink of the time is running out for the american budget deficit failure to raise the debt ceiling could have had a stronger concept and. the latest in some instances. the future of coverage.
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i was so it's a time i was once in my life would thrive in the very time of the full time the back three buzz words of my liver and that's why i have a liver of a liver drawing. blood to get surgery to get the birth so i know that only i want to get three imo no the three of my liver. so i have. it. was only four when i go to med it with. the wayne larry is from debut he was
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lucky he got out alive he's twenty five years old. and visible from the skyscrapers of san francisco's financial district bayview is a deadly gas or most of the young people here won't live over twenty five behind the well painted for sides of the public housing projects lights dire poverty here most of the residents are african-americans they live off public handouts under huntington some of crying this is the seemingly peaceful atmosphere can change at any moment. but. one dad in a baby shoes and not a single month goes by that i can tell of his rival gangs have been caught up in a senseless ongoing war for many years. these scenes were filmed by a local boy in the exchange has going for a camera. devon melvin
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a sixteen year old when he was twelve he carried a gun. off a lot. from people who were going to run from me robbing people have been through a live thing a lot i swear so much for my neighborhood so what a point where i am why family i want to do right. i lost two friends the other five names their whale and wagon wheel by the mile. today devon is looking for a way out of the gas or he doesn't want to move for a gun low and senseless fighting is the law of the land when you go thru way back i painted the table i went to the wall when i thought before they just didn't i'm in it i'm in for. just a few miles from here and done time san francisco against
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a veteran is trying to get support for his project against juvenile drawing violence showing richard just joking to mayor gavin newsom he wants to set up a civic behavior course for the toughest members of the city's goings at city hall but he needs a road result girls were there to help at the start of the route but no one would a story like sept up with the think it's about exact. oh it was like inside this building right it will take me ten seconds you know the fix but the reality is gang related activity island's generally. space life is the fact that people aren't talkers people don't have opportunities they gauge in activities that are not constructive or destructive that feed on themselves every rich city in this country is exact same thing we have income inequality the. country the likes of which we've not seen since the one nine hundred twenty s. and that's the big bird the mayor and the big burden challenge to live in
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a country that can understand that there's more violence the streets in this country than there are in the streets of afghanistan or baghdad but we tend to core file goes on there but we frankly turn a blind eye to what goes on here. possibly a ten people asked riseth by sector not. showing richard six solutions he's the founder and director of the ngo brothers against guns also known as bag the mission of the thirty six year old on the half dozen people working in the organization is to give the youth in ghettos some hope they're the only ones working to keep the kids out of prison one night of every three young african-americans in the united states ends up in prison before the age of twenty five miles. by works with the juvenile court it looks after young people who broke in the low and helps them make a trooper wrote all that information and take it to some town rooms so she'd know.
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the need for brothers against guns can be seen on these walls but this poster is just one example the list of poor young african americans who've been killed in ghettos like bayview is almost dampers. like this one because in a way wales very. good family. that. these kids are they are hated they all errors like animals and this herd is here is heard here this pack is here for facts here. has met this and it's like i gotta go home but you know. i'm a she'll have tal afar. if somebody gives a just scare you know and i just want to fit in they just want to be a part of it. coming in and actually happy that they don't think they're asked when
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i was twenty five years old so they're going to be all they can do while they can bring to the part. where counted them. getting you now won't be impolite where we're. going. to. leave is here to sign up for the redirection project for humans up to age twenty four this three month course strains the neighborhoods toughest kids for joins. the classes will be held in city hall and the reason one class will be able to see your because you got monsters and you know you've been through a graduation so you know and saying the reason why we do want it that way is because when coming in you're stressed. coming to city hall stress. that's my low brow you know i'm saying he don't you know i'm saying that's why i started
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this program and study for the reason with the. verse three of the murder of his brother tracy showing visits his grave who woke me up as my brother got to me in a major way and. it opened up and it made me realize what i was doing. what i was becoming and that i was a part of the reason why is the because he was trying to look up to me pattern not for me follow up. richard is also was some sort of violence and drugs were his world without personal shooting and i was about nine years old coming home from school one day this is from school and. you know these teachers to be right smack in the middle of. a life you know i had everything i wanted as a kid you know my mother and father was they but give me what they want when i want
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to move and that's sad all begin you know you start off you know say. and then you start off making a few dollars against all of making more dollars and then you sort of get more and more you get greedy woody it becomes like. something you need is like is like using a drug which is now using a verb because you would think it's in the moment. right here. so much so wild world that. show me often visits the house where he was born now his mother lives here alone. as a. child. she was doing things that she wasn't supposed to do right behind my back and i didn't know it and i was very i was really hurt you know because i never want to
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hear to be in that you know that kind of environment or that kind of like you know and i don't think he really heard me or not and i put him out when i found out you know you have to go you know obviously you know. anybody they get put out their house when they grow up and you know don't be angry about it but i mean she didn't want me you know so i decided i said ok fine go honey i slipped my cough for a couple days and them i think it means that when i graduated from high school you know i was hustling and carrying a gun on the streets and stuff and so basically you know that wasn't what she wanted in our in our household you know and i just pray and ask these kids that think twice before they pull a gun on anybody's babies think about it they're not just heard and not heard in that car you're hurting the ground where the one have pretty good left degree been killed at paying just think about it for you to. compress the whole.
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devon melville who works in a museum in san francisco on saturdays his girlfriend the senior comes to pick him up devon was impressed by juno corks for belonging to a guy. who basically i mean to where i am today for i want to say to the juvenile let me stress and price was. bad but what i got out was really when it happened when i got out and really got on probation and. i feel hopeless a lot of. them. i don't really see this part of town so much. so trapped in the five used to be yeah i don't really get around so much. out of my neighborhood. there are just a few miles between whites and francisco the city visited by tourists and behavior
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but the two completely different worlds here devon and pushing their camp live a peaceful life there from different neighborhoods turfs mumbai anime gangs. transportation when they're around the neighborhood it's welcoming living. but when i'm in a neighborhood there's no form there's no laugh and could be on outside would be invalid five i know i can get shot or killed haven't seen me any other day when i'm up on that oh it's not on here from. day to face my sim so. i know a lot. of people might. think i'm always kid that's i'm happy i got a car to take in my neighborhood he's young and that's carrying pistols as young teenagers fourteen and under for alcohol i think from swelling on up. in my
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neighborhood i thought this before that's what i'm seeing every day. devon is a name. you know where he said it in a video he made on guns in his neighborhood here young people from san francisco's gators are given the chance to do something creative. but from his friends david chooses the life he once led. but now. back then i. didn't. have to go i was. shown also has to leave the office sometimes to talk to some of his own who are still associated with the harbor about three hundred yards from west point his
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reputation as a former gangster in his new role as mediator and friend i've given him protection from the violence in this area. trees. in west point you know but i go first there are two streets where the local you find out the kids in the harbor roadside meet here in the square outside the gym this is where they chat sometimes smoke are just hanging out. and i. was. right we. were right robin row marker. me. again and we grew up who are always. right in our mark potter is still our street where my best friend was marco.
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these brothers don't eat they go to the movies they go read the places just like all the other people do all this isn't all that but when they come out they area they just that's more recent time eating banks they drugged us they just walk why do everybody gotta have a tagalong we're not gay so take the telegraph motto is very few people like us to talk to the youngsters now it's like they are here with the hey could of like no telling what to do to school they go to juvenile back and floor that's why blood is like see your race steady go and then i mean if you out here you know you're in the streets you know your security around you officer spinning around you this is all a turn. from all. for those that can make it. as they do. basketball tournament.
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brothers against guns is committed to a long list of projects like the basketball tournament organized by the housing institute but perhaps the most ambitious of its projects is the redirection prog. direct which tries to change the course of the minds of those who sign up selection must be strict account that's coming from a war zone that's was on the back of a flat well this was. redirection project will start on the fifteenth. as you seem older boys come down again fill out the application we've got about some coming down here we don't know nobody to be popping up any gap before somebody yes it is. like a staffer to me to. me and we are we have questions we have course we have like questions now we ask them are you gang related do you go teaching them up to
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the major be still smoking marijuana in the last question really only are you willing are you ready to make a change because if you are not then we ration is not for it and you say and this like most of that call out n.y. the movie city jobs because they still smoke a week you know since they were you know every day that you take a piss test and with only had to take a piss test and i wasn't prepared today and would go take a piss test existing beggary believe one this is. really simulate a total nation work why do this thing you talk listen with. the redirection project is about to start classes will be held in a room in city hall i'm a last for three months in neutral territory for the war zone these kids are told a little of everything going to look for a job how to get an id card or simply how to fill out forms every.
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time they learn civic behavior in the end what they really want is to find a job. an almost typical sunday morning in the american neighborhood but here nothing is typical the harbor kids can't come here because it would mean risking their life. a rap singer has already committed to his community and to peace promote his latest cd. everybody. we don't. know that. you. work for the. rapper promotes peace with his music the neighborhood association organizes the game but
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this is nothing but a brief time out public festivals with surveillance are a far cry from daily life in the neighborhood for the young people who live here daily life is very poor and they have. no hope their only choices for the future are prison. films everything with this camera this footage reveals work life is really about in beijing. any day any second. now the people i. know saw. a crowd but they. are better i'm always talking i'm always speaking about how we need to give money. a little to let. the we use in. people capable.
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of. here at any moment fun and games can turn into tragedy. for. the. night there's been another murder in the streets of believe you a car drives by shots ring out once again a family races into the street to cry over a young man's dead body. to get here drive by gang shootings are common and san francisco about fifty people are murdered every year mostly in debut its. voice russell can also see the slope on what it looks like slits. we're going to see circle this is how the kids remember the dead friends and specters on each other and then bro bring from the special brigade against ugandans
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tell us about. these guys get caught up in things that they don't know why they're doing it they just remember the last shooting that they need for adventure the last killing that they need to send a message about. right. so they go for walks i mean a lot of go folks that are just literally being held hostage and they're you know i mean. they later lies but everybody knows the time to come. according to the inspectors the presence of gangs here is evident they inspect an empty house and west point which according to what they've heard has become a new meeting place. is almost like rain again newspaper yeah have who their enemies are yet. to rock big block and kirkwood. coarsely that assess we're on earlier then the have the allies you have the home
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game here west nile whose turf this this actually is then you have sonny bill. who's a group where on the other side of the city who where some obvious click dealt with or ally with. the officers comb the neighborhood street by street they disagree with most people who think that the violence only stem from personal right marines. we have a lot of photos of these guys they're wearing rags and it looks you know if you don't know any better you think yourself in south central los angeles and they're wearing rags tone of gang signs you got photos the guys don't want the w. and they got their rag. they've got tattoos all over them it's a big black for live for we all we get i mean at some point they take a leap from just being a neighborhood or her people are saying hey these are neighborhoods or these are sets because they don't really want to recognize that their kids belong to
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a gang and to gangs are present because that brings up negative connotations and why the kids end up getting into it there's a lot of reasons a lot of these families are broken so kids are joining gangs because they want to feel like they belong to something they're looking for that sense of family that they're not getting at home. it's sad to see the. a really nice view spoiled by all the shootings and killings up here. the situation is so extreme that a senseless concrete barrier has been put up dividing the neighborhood and two for the kids here crossing it can be fatal. they're at the point now where their backs are against the wall and they're like you know what i want out and it's mainly the older guys the younger guys who are still kind of caught up in it but the older guys when i say older we're talking twenty three and up those guys are saying we want out we want jobs we want to do something better with our lives because this is
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taking us nowhere except to the cemetery. the city's black community has gathered done time for the big celebration the first sam francisco bay area rock festival music's been key to the success with many of the young people in ghettos one of them was a big surprise j.t. has brought kids from his neighborhood with them from both arbor road and west point. out of the actual history right now and a good thing. bringing the two factions together is risky as one belief shows. little. the singer has
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a tough time but he manages to keep the peaks perhaps this festival will serve to give some hope to the district's hopeless youth but the ghetto and crime are always a part of a broken zip. it's time for the awards the winning groups take over the stage. j. . he is getting ready to appear with his boys his latest cd has also won a prize. the first place if they. know.
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it's time for the redirection project graduation ceremony at san francisco's city hall search for teachers and brothers against guns give speeches full of hope they've given these youngsters an opportunity and there's nothing more that they can do. one by one the graduates are given their diplomas by sean richard this is the second try seven i think the twenty one people in last year's course still have jokes with shaun managed to increase the rate this year. that they are aware males to keep the streets right. three a day was too much they could do was no war with me we could have got more but i
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know it was too much to do that now face enough to help us get through what we got to do because of our life and the way they are our success. but the success or lack of any determination in your willpower words full of optimism six months later three of these young men were in jail colleagues lost his job four months later. doing his twelve bullets in his body that's. how quick this he couldn't appear in the last photograph because he was killed before it was taken that you think. we don't think that. they kill. you that. it's something. that makes. it part of the cult like.
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