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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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i government's immediate conspiracy of lies the french the monster know the truth about the conflicts there are told that which struck with the cops is a small subset. of the game within a game to still knows what the fights in the middle east and all ok is actually part of the american strategy to slow the rise of china. and the sick russian prisoners repressed for killing problems fresh to face where they give days a week. or
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a welcome see this is all to live from moscow france has warned its nato allies that their campaign in libya could be a failure unless ground troops are deployed and the country well that would be existing un resolution could be a major blow for president. the french public is aware they are happy with his performance leaving him in the. meeting him and a fight for his future. there's no fighting in three wars the first four states to go into libya just force in all because civil war and this just sent more troops to afghanistan but which the french media and this is what you get the americans are responsible for the rising civilian death toll and there's no mention of the fridge contingency the locals welcomed their western liberators with open arms. we are being for propaganda
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bears no relationship to the truth we told the community is behind us but france just wants africa's resources. this reporter explains how the french government dictates national coverage you will basically follow our editorial line on foreign policy or you will not be invited or included to come back and ask questions or press conferences and we will not be cooperative with you when you seek interviews but if you turn to the internet the view of president sarkozy's policies a much more critical fridge people are growing increasingly worried about their country being labeled as imperialist with little record for its victims opposition to the war centers on the rising number of casualties and the damage it does to france's reputation activists say france's media coverage is one sided but the real story will eventually get through after almost a decade of war in afghanistan news of the dozens of french soldiers and thousands
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of civilians killed is finally hitting home. popular. although the media treated but. also to. the invasion of iraq the biggest and she will rally is in history now experts say libya could become so because iraq and disappoints government's efforts the truth on france's current wars is also coming out. paris. well the unrest across the arab world is carrying on libya's opposition struggling to lift a weeks long siege by colonel gadhafi forces as thousands flee fighting in reston cities italy's foreign minister says ten thousand people have died since the beginning of the conflict their figures are from the transitional national council of libya and in syria security forces have opened fire on panels of the protesters
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who have refused to leave the main square of the city of homes until the president steps down human rights campaigners say better than two hundred people have died and the need for a crackdown since demonstrations began to go hollow masterpiece is huge while the cry for relations pulled out of the out uprising of the instigators pride in the west to kick straight off the bridge. ultimate goal of force into the region is to change a little regimes with evil no one should lose your old regime. will change leaving egypt and other countries they were quite quiet or world to the united states but no obama's administration wants to have even more pliant regimes and this situation many countries including russia including china first of all they feel that their interests are being threatened peoples of these are usually going to be more
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a world to the united states and are not likely to fulfill. all the commitments of the other hand we have to understand the syria easier to close to iran and which situation in libya closer traditionally been the center very clear a clear message to iran don't trust europeans don't trust united states there's no way to protect the sovereignty but to go nuclear to talk about policy of china towards you know the whole situation of china has always advocated no involvement policy. what you see now is jail change of china's policy china is going to play a more active role and as you seem. try to remove chinese competition it's really vital regions of the south asia middle east and africa. tansey says that china's influence in africa and us is trying to undermine china as
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part of this equation that worrying washington i'd say rather more than european union leaders but definitely one of the has a look at khartoum to see trainees investment in africa and gaddafi was one person who for all its privatization and later suddenly coming back to the western fold he still didn't like africa calmly american defense network in germany regarding africa and many people say that china of course is going to be the new. chinese investment in iran totals some one hundred sixty five billion dollars or so it is rapidly finding problems of un resolutions regarding iran so in that case beijing and washington's interests coincide i think there has been a cold war since the second world war with china arguably and it is certainly being up but the state department the think tanks on capitol hill don't seem to
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understand what to do according to one national security agency advisor to donald he said the reason we went into libya one factor was we had said get out of it could no longer be leader and it would look to iran as if we make threats that we don't follow through on. now another expensive conflict comes about time for the struggling u.s. economy ratings agency standard and poor has slashed the outlook on american debt to negative and in these casting doubt on washington's ability to reduce its deficit let's go live now to talk with us and for more on this is dimitri how the markets been reacting to this negative outlook for the world's largest economy well as they were quite sensitive i have to say because after all it was the first negative outlook for the u.s. economy since one thousand nine hundred forty one didn't even happen during the crisis in two thousand and eight when banks like lehman brothers would go belly up badly mae and freddie mac.
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but at the same time there was a massive selloff russia's market was pretty much. declined four percent in just monday's session but right now what everyone is realizes it's not as bad as it looks because if you look at just the currency markets the dollar was actually gaining weight a lot of money was taking out of shares and going into dollars so therefore as soon as it was since we're still a situation where money is being invested into the dollar not going out of the dollar that means the role of the u.s. economy still remains the same the dollar become still stays the most important reserve currency in the world and therefore there's a breathing space right now on the markers we'll have more of that around twenty minutes time. well how they are but is it just america's spending being scrutinized by doubt why the need for design over how it chooses to spend its eleven they believe that aid budgets. last that these men who fought for
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their countries they're now being neglected and ignored that report from georgia coming up. a terminally ill russian inmate his ass to be put to death rather than slowly waste away in prison convicted murderer regen are the only school cannot get the team and he needs in jail but his request for euthanasia is illegal in russia judges that used to free him on the grounds of ill health grounds well arty's ray of the russia house. in r.t.s. forty five and he's dying and he's saline dependent static his last six to ten months now only mind he can hardly distinguish objects in the backyard of the jail where he said in a sentence for murdering his gangrenous transparent and doctors forecasts he won't need crutches for much longer you need a wheelchair because. i can't live without pain. but i'm always on
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drugs if i didn't take them. at all. you're a former soldier and war veteran cannot do you no longer has the energy to fight for a life instead he said bitterly fighting for just. enough his health has not always been so bad he deteriorated rapidly after he was put behind bars in two thousand and seven he was sentenced to eighteen years in prison in other needs specialized treatment and care something he just cannot get here. to die and what else do i need i used to be a man. now look at me with i'm not even half of them around. i doctored how he'll die is officially forbidden in russia. what. king who could kill who could facilitate a suicide nobody even the most zealous youth major supporters of the said that they
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would do it themselves because they would become murderers of a good order from the point of view of russian legislation from the police view of international law epic move in euthanasia be justified because. there is a huge debate on whether terminal patients have the right to and their own life to escape chronic pain goes against euthanasia and they are the majority claim among other themes that even hopeless cases can sometimes be the recklessly killed but a voice from behind bars where miracles rarely happen may change their perspective sure children will if they know that the rest of their lives will be suffering but the reason to prevent them from doing that especially of those sentenced to life in prison i got many letters from these people they ask for death as life becomes unbearable conditions there are after all so why not. forget ninety
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a strong also the liver euthanasia has been a hard decision and it won't be without its victims on the other side of the prison bars. no i will not allow him to die or that i will not. cannot his mother can understand what's her son to sick that she can't reconcile herself with the reality of that decision. if you don't rise or die with him what would i leave people who fall. in our history lie and he's waiting wishing for death by the it's natural. to central russia. or the head of russia's chechen republic though there are now fewer than seventeen minutes of. everything is being done to caps that rung of the space are about what drives you to become extremists or what is the interview was for now
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but his approval. yeah and. i spoke to a man who was to become a suicide bomber to sacrifice his life i asked why he wanted to do it he didn't understand me but i told him islam is encouraged in the chechen republic actually are you not allowed to build mosques or to take the hardship there what are you banned from wearing the job serving the soldiers why do you come out and say i fight in the name of allah allah you didn't answer me most of the people who chose to become suicide bombers are mentally retarded they find these people completely disconnected from the outside world and use them. now war veterans especially on the medal of the respect and recognition that. when a former soldiers say they are being blocked by the country they fought for and left a survivor sense. there are memorials like these all over the world set up to honor all those who fought for their countries
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a sign of respect and remembrance but many of the veterans here in georgia feel that they have been completely forgotten captain davidson sansa went through the war and highs in the one nine hundred ninety s. a decorated officer he now has to survive just fifteen u.s. dollars a month so i don't get a pension now and i won't until i'm sixty five but will i live to see that money we used to have some sort of support the hospital the free treatment social benefits the big old got taken away in two thousand and five and i got fired into a thousand and three with no explanation whatsoever their lives in a house that he claims is unfit to live in here to send his family away because he can't provide them with food. my house has no gas no running water i can't pay for any of it i can't get a job the only reason i'm still alive is because of my friends i live in what they
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can see. and their leaders not alone it's like more and more veterans in georgia feel the lack of support from their government but when they try to draw attention to it by calling a hunger strike they were simply shocked at the way some or even arrested according to officials for refusing to comply with police orders and being under the influence of alcohol who cause the most outrage among stuffed veterans and the international media was the fact those detained got slapped with a two hundred twenty five dollar fine not one of them has that kind of money. for the police came of break up our protest a president drove by he stopped his window looked at us one hour later we were pushed out of the way like we were nothing that doesn't n.g.o.s and human rights groups demanded an official investigation into the actions of the police and the veterans who have already sacrificed so much for a country that largely ignores them are being drawn into this war as well.
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catherine as are about r t e c ga. later we look at the dangerous lives of those in the black ghettos of california is fourth biggest cities around francisco we got the story of how people there are trapped in a place where gun crime rules that say here are see throughout the day. live in a country that don't understand that there's more violence in the streets in this country than there are.
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i think it's another insult sunny's by the headlines this hour with a helicopter carrying twenty. crashed in northeast india the border with china seven a team that people were feared dead in six of those have been taken to a local hospital for treatment officials of the helicopter had a warning but into flames minutes before it was meant to land the chopper was on a regular flight between a popular but it's pilgrimage site and the capital of the state. people are fleeing their homes are the riots are rotted following the presidential election and nigeria red cross says many people were killed and hundreds injured when angry protesters gathered homes churches and shops the riots escalated after the current president goodluck jonathan is really like that is leader in what was seen as a largely free and fair poll jonathan has appealed for an end to the violence and
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impose a twenty four hour curfew. he was little more provocative fidel castro was finally resigned from his post as the longtime leader of the country's communist party the announcement was made after the ruling party approved sweeping changes and elected new leadership back to its first congress for fourteen years now a top political positions will be limited to two five year terms. power of private property deals such as the buying and selling of this has also been lifted. workers are japan's quake hit atomic plants of the began removing highly radioactive water in the basement of a nuclear reactor building this should give work is access to carry out repair work to vital cooling systems knocked out by the nazis and no army but god operates a hazard is expected to bring the crisis under control by the end of the year and most of the workers have been unable to answer any of the damaged reactor buildings
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that were focused on the plant since the natural disaster. now the e.u. is being criticized for failing to track how it spends its aid money and is accused of squandering billions of dollars on unnecessary projects and corrupt regimes we're m.p. david campbell bannerman says brussels is incapable of controlling its a budget in the money it spends at world. clearly the system isn't working and i think this report makes very clear. but there is no surprise i mean from our point of view here you have the european union for sixteen years in a row they haven't signed off their own accounts because of auditor's you know so much fraud in their cars they can't even sign them off so it's not a surprise that you know there's a allegations of private jets being bought by certain country leaders surely that after receiving this kind of the u.s. aid the whole thing is a mess it needs discipline and i think it's going to done by nation states
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a bit of two thirds of the way actually goes to non poor countries i mean the biggest recipient is turkey which is doing pretty well economically and a lot goes missing i mean some is going to terrorist groups like hamas in palestine and you've got incredible figures like a. job creation scheme is costing one point five million pounds for each individual they actually find a job for thorough there's a huge amount of waste here. and all the details on the stories we're covering are allowed website and there's plenty more to discover dot com as well log on any sign of things music videos speeches and more is a great taste of what's waiting for me there right now applause from the pasta rush enthusiasm cross awards an album of evil rock bands for our adrenaline pumping oil . lost the presidential election is fast approaching here in russia but the next
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leader president is six years the stakes are high and we're bringing you the latest news and opinions on the top job find out as dot com. business he's on the way now it's a victory. and welcome to the program global markets are catching their breath often so your big hits on monday that's up to standard and poor's cut the u.s. economic outlook from stable to negative over the country's spiraling. as the story from new york. here in midtown manhattan is possibly the best view of
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america's ugliest economic state right there is the u.s. debt clock ticking away above fourteen point five trillion dollars and that is the reason why leading credit agency standard and poor's has downgraded america's government debt from stable to negative the first time since rules of war to the u.s. long term credit outlook has been downgraded to negative now all of this is happening because us and he says they are concerned over the u.s. government's ability to agree on a cause consolidated plan to to reduce the u.s. budget deficit now all parties agree that the u.s. is spending too much money they just can't agree on where to cut their spending from now we've seen in europe how austerity measures have been put in place social programs have been cut taxes have been increased markets continue to be concerned
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if they remain concerned if that concern gets even deeper there's a chance that the u.s. dollar can lose its value which would push super take another financial collapse in the u.s. and possibly that could spread throughout the world reporting from it how many times. new york. the warning about the u.s. credit is not the main focus. of capital believes investors in russia and abroad assume mostly looking at the european problem. the big key right now is spain which is a very large economy and the markets are bear i worry that what's happening in portugal going to greece is going to be explained as well and if that happens then once again they'll be a big increase in recession and russia will sell down russia in that sense in the bad sense is it is safe compared to compared to a lot of other places but a lot of the money that's been coming into russian markets over the last three or four months has been quite short and whenever there's an increase in risk people
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tend to sell risky assets and the world still views russian equity russian markets as being risk. second go the markets are performing a very sour european stocks are gaining after heavy selling in the previous trading session recruits are focused on the trading updates burbery is up more than six percent to thirty percent increase in the second half revenue and positive full year profit outlook in germany car shares a high after new car registrations rose in march germany and the from. russia markets also in trading in the black of night excluding around one point the root of hard five percent there are just one point three percent that's after losing four percent monday individual shares the most energy stocks are on the rise with ross now after gaining almost three percent their banking stocks are also high as were banged up around one percent and gold of course is gaining on reports
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holds and talks with a new more mining and anglo gold ashanti on the possible merger this deal could make the russian company one of the world's top gold mining significant commodity itself now it's coming down by just not sure from the new record highs see that for two hundred ninety five dollars almost pro-choice although it's slipping back good mounting inflation around the globe and concerns of the u.s. that are still standing investors so look at something with more value silver is also close. to a thirty year highs. and also a decline with seeing for the second session in a row but well it's continuing to lose value prices dropped sharply overnight reverberation from news of america's sovereign right brant crude is cutting trading at around one hundred twenty dollars per barrel of light sweet is around one hundred six. in other news one of america's most widely respected business and
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has picked russia's urals as a top manufacturing location they would follow the head of the industrial parts maker have a son says the reach of provides a unique mix of resources and human expertise amazon plans to double the size of its operations in russia. our goal is is to double our business to almost three quarters of billion dollars here in the next five years and you know i feel with investments we're making we will do that we're going to bring more production here and more capabilities. we're growing in russia quite rapidly right now economies coming back so we'll probably get a growing twenty percent in russia this year just to be one of our largest growth this year our largest growth will be in latin america and russia will probably one of the top three what competitive advantages do you think rochelle for as i look at the process capability industrial capability the metal capability and this is one of best regions in the world i mean i look at this region germany united states are
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the three the best in the world china doesn't have this capability and i think a lot of companies haven't seen that here we we ran across this so that's why i like this so much right here i'm going to paint brush and all the emerging economies and along the level of the wages are low wages are one thing but over time wages go up and so everything becomes equal and then it's productivity and technology and so every country over time will evolve and we see that we've we've operated on the world so you know china is going through a phase right now with the trying to increase wages and then we'll spend more capital and use less labor and more productivity and india will do the same thing down the road and so here you know we have a hybrid of capital and people it's a mix. from amazon and that was his business i think we will be back in around fifty five minutes and you can always go on to upset forward slash business for us
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video on demand cheese mine gold compass an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. questions on the dot com. to something has been to the chill yet inspiration for the long lost secret of thomas steel has been discovered. now archie goes east of lake baikal where the longest russian railway line runs. through the sunday desert lies the most siberian mountains to cover people full of the same routes as hundreds of years ago. welcome to the trancelike. russia close of parts of. the.


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