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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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it's all past the hour here and i say this is the headline it's a government media conspiracy of knives the french model today the truth about the conflicts that are unfolding which grew in the country's international sunday when many are against president suckles and policies which they say are following an imperialist agenda. the game within the game lawsuits by the fires in the middle east and the resulting in american strategy to slow the wrong use of china x.-prize claims in stabilizing countries will suffer thomas tried is that if you security
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prevents it from becoming the new superpower of. a sick russian a business request for a massacre in imports fresh from based on what they consider major should be legalized one song called it the others insist it should be a basic why should there be ill patients now it's been a tough year for russian fallen as author of last year's record drought and destructive wildfires next the man in charge of the industry tells r.t. how the site say it's recovering. bringing you the latest in science and certainly some of. the future.
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how again a welcome to spotlight i'll do you know then today my guest on the show is william that spain. in today's world great export is run the main indicators a country's economic might but last year's catastrophic drought forced moscow to impose and then bargain on exports so will this year's harvest the any better than last year and what are the perspectives is russia ready to lift the embargo please welcome russia's agriculture minister. russia's grain export ban has been a popular topic for speculation in many countries as he's meeting with king abdullah of jordan prime minister putin said moscow would do its best to return to the market as
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a grain exporter but this could take some doing given prime minister viktor zubkov says the band may be standard till the end of the year in two thousand and ten of the harvest was thirty million tonnes less than the year before just help the farmers the government offered subsidies but subsidizing me become illegal in russia george w. shield and that brings the question on russian farmers ready to compete against foreign agriculture. mr screening thank you for coming to our show hollow the first question which you very much interests the world community is there russian embargo on grain exports when and under what conditions will it be polished or are there any concrete steps forward in britain where in the middle of the spring campaign now and as soon as we're certain about the current state of the winter crops and so far we know there's a yari in good shape in russia's north caucuses and southern federal districts.
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almost as soon as we get some hostin estimates of before but once addressed the issue of lifting the ban coupled with what you as of today can say what we'll have since the aftermath of the last year's drought is still felt so have to check the winter crops. or would not six months ago we shared our cards let's just in our studio chairman of the russian cranial you know him dance record with he told us in the studio that the band had a very negative effect on our transport companies and the manufacturers and were obviously nothing good to russia the same time we lost their good reputation as a korean exporter how could you comment on that or six months later by saying it. i don't agree with that for us priority is to me domestic demand for food and
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cattle feed the russian grain rule. is about our food security here is a part of the world so who's amazing is that we have banned exports also the grain to be used to feed cattle was situation is far from perfect. and has bred grain. of the world is it down to only in order to lower grain prices the government is doing the following first. bradly must be sold through an exchange. as for fatah grain or is sold based on requests from retailers in order to support our agricultural produces a saturday by the drought. so the prices for this grain us thirty to forty percent lower than all the markets are using religion i would like to know. that as we were
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selling fodder grain rippled through an exchange based in regional requests the prices went down by ten percent on average so the tendency is with the prices to go down so our priority is to provide our cattle breeding farms was everything they need in florida grain as a food market was bred grain. or as for export where indeed keen on returning to the broad market and preserving our export potential the decision will be taken only after the harvest in campaign this year of the you were no food and agriculture organization the prices are at their highest level ever since ninety ninety one that given that report from union the demeanor. the price of wheat was up sixty percent in two thousand and ten and it's still rising floods in australia and fires in russia are two major reasons but this
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year's drought in the largest weed growing country china concerned the global price for green skyrocketing we are of course extremely concerned about. rising food prices in particular because of the impact on the poorest even well to do nations start feeling it the british have seen their first drop in real incomes in thirty years and on a global scale food movement people have been forced into poor it is since last june north african countries and their importers of food and it's the poor who are greatest hit by even small price rises the rising cost of basic foodstuffs was one of the reasons behind the revolution in egypt oh prices also have an effect on basics when the oil prices of very hard that is definitely more incentive to produce more biofuels the goodness of those in more food crops to produce them and
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this is what happened in two thousand and seven and they admit it was one of the factors that led to the shop increasing prices of food crops much depends now when what is going to happen to groups they see here for instance if there are large enough exploit of grains from russia could be resumed last year after a devastating drought most school introduced a ban on overseas sales of cereals to protect the mess to consumers russia has been criticized for the decision which sent world prices up and now analysts fear the ban could remain in place until two thousand and twelve and an upward pressure on food prices. who a lot of you mentioned that grain prices went down our food prices on the whole of going up and my wife can tell because she goes shopping regularly and she says that in the past year well she began to spend about fifty percent more on the food in
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the living because the crops are data sheerly the prices go down with them so the net is this possible. for us to all along their i.q. factors that have an impact on the food market. first it is the drought the heat wave we hired last year and second opinion the current trends on the road market will stay the price increase. push a ripple through what we go for these two factors are defining the situation so harass if i already is to preserve the market balance between be areas industries crab scale breeding and so forth. nestle food prices will. you where in close contact with the anti-monopoly agency let me assure you that any instances of speculation price fixing and justified price increase are minded and
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dealt with. by situation with buckwheat as you know and potatoes possible got the best russian agricultural production volumes. our position is steady. all of the good out production of poultry meat and poor is growing but we knew what how you know for grain reserves and don't have to import new. openings that the situation is stable although the prices are growing as expected but not in such a disastrous proportions as it was was back we are going to. mention international transfer glory. an official forecast of the. they're saying that food prices are going to rise yes that's the current trend is how the world market is the russian government have the same forecast and you can say anything
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more optimistic for our viewers can you. this thing is that it is up to the economic development ministry to deal with forecasting but in humans everybody knows that prices are rising. however the government is taking your buy the range of measures to support agricultural producers started by the drought about thirty five billion rubles were relegated to their talent to support agricultural companies so they can go on with their schedule to kill it is and start a spring sowing. the prices for fuel in love brookins have been lowered by thirty percent less compared to the market prices more money is allocated for foetal ises and seeds also measures are meant to support agricultural manufacturers in terms of production values. avoiding a sharp increase in prices with the risk of it if you're saying that you're supporting your great cultural manufacturers' which is true but if russia becomes
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a w t o member nor will he will you still be able to continue doing this. nobody can prohibit this approach but there are certain rules and the rosten rules of course you have reached an agreement and we're still negotiating when a met with the representatives of the cannes group i was authorised by the government to represent russia in in the toolbox of recent agreement the trash will be allowed to support its agricultural sector was more than nine billion dollars today we support it was four point five billion dollars law of course this limit of nine billion dollars will gradually below it by the final figure will be over four billion dollars so we. in the process of reaching a final agreement russia isn't the way to joining the w t o and this will have no negative the fact all states support for all agriculture minister has the minister
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of agriculture for human aware of the fact that most of the money allocated for agricultural producers never reaches you being nice i don't agree i have been writing as the minister for two years and the first thing we did when i took a job with the role was to create a register of subsidy recipients in order to monitor whether the money reaches them or not the whole next these year all i know was sign an agreement with the region to sense i'll support there we demand from them a schedule of payments this is see when the money will reach agricultural companies so well mines are in situation today and fully informed about the situation at the local level because i'm in charge of the russian farming project and i have personally talked to farmers in trying to find regions it says here in the screen a clear russian agricultural minister scott i pulled it out for a quick break so play with us welcome in this interview in less than
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a minute. to it. has been to the chile of its reach for the longest secret of steel it's been discovered. articles here. still lake baikal with the longest russian railway line. of the study desert lies in the siberian mansions of her people full of the same roots as hundreds of years ago. welcome to the
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trancelike. russia close of the park to. welcome back to spotlight on al her novel and just through in mind that my guest in the studio today is here on the screen the agriculture minister of the russian federation. mrs crane keeping with president medvedev is instructions she will step down as a member of the board for the united green companies here right now and it's not only you many high ranking officials once you do seem to know how will a new director be left and will you have some input it is important what takes your place right. not over we are currently considering the best way to implement the president's instructions and if course we will follow his instructions but we need to work out all the technicalities when the government spends almost three hours
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today discussing this issue so we're working on it first so your ministry will have some and it's not like some stranger will come and you have to fight with him later all of the biggest that would be iran without any of those and you know of course not the united grain company where i and the chair of the board is a strategic company because of their peers it is this company that sells grain from the intervention fund. this grain is sold on the market sober from or go thought agricultural companies affected by the drought with the propose a company will continue working in this way with interventions only this we will still control is that it is because the company plays a crucial role on the food markets of the word of god you should go up with my next question is important to you is the shadow of this company the company of somehow russia's accession to the w t o a third of the competitiveness of the russian agricultural producers including on the world market.
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also making our industry competitive is a task of paramount importance this wasn't program that was in the national priority program and we have increased production of poultry by seventy five percent. and pulled by forty percent which is very important. all that was made possible was the launch of consoles in five hundred modern new liquid farms the one that our own mayor respects better than similar farms abroad. it goes without saying their products are competitive. as we harmonize all with karen mary and peter sanitary regulations were those in the you will certainly start to export our products to those countries south of the recent meeting prime
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minister william are putting haddon brussels canal sell our dairy products on the european market we have harmonized our approaches our with terry nary requirements are considered sufficient according to the international bureau. i can tell you that the bureau will soon open an office in russia this office will cover fifty two countries of the world. will view this as a sign of trust i will certainly continue barking in this direction. so have competitive high quality goods and new acts pools offer a good opportunity for our industry to grow i would go with the program on this issue of joining the w c or first came up with i think this was even before your appointment officially our think our agricultural producers who are the main opponents of the accession are yours but you seem to have no fear of the w t o or does this mean that all the problems have been solved or maybe you are still afraid
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of the w c or are you worn out by senior knew of the negotiation process has been very hard. i can't botany myself and we still have some things to finalize like i said the territory and it is sanitary regulations this work is complex it was clear about everything and you conduct negotiations properly there is nothing to be afraid of after all all the pantries share the same approach when it comes to supporting the agricultural industry the level of stays poor that we have agreed on . it is sufficient for example not long ago i visited australia does it tell me easy support us as regards this level of pay support in our w t o aspirations in general view so many to keep working on this i mean we need to explain clarify our situation have high quality composite and environmentally clean products i know
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that the main enemies of agricultural can do serious star agents monopolists who boost the food prices actually and this happens not only in russia but the same thing happens all over the world as far as i can tell when it comes to consumer like myself asks a person like you why the price for milk is so high the answer is always that it's all because a middleman are you able to do something about it in russia or is it impossible to recognize civil this requires a systemic approach and gradually working on that. for us to have adopted a law on government regulations for trade and they're also developing production xampp of we're developing family dairy farms where farmers sells a mill were not for all their own shops. that's making the prices more compact a tive of. our anti-monopoly service also works on this dog susie be collusion overblown prices. investigate the situation
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our ministry has a hotline to receive complaints about price hikes say for milk. we're ready to deal with such complaints. however production is the key of what we need to produce enough to meet the demand. at this point will produce enough grain to meet the demand and will soon meet the demand for milk poultry meat and pork. so there is no shortage of prices may arise for several reasons as i mentioned is the road market situation. and the drought aftermath police year in any case really to control the situation everybody is vocal with commas and questioners and they're ready to deal with problems. and i mean be mistaken but i think countries like the netherlands or hungary are supplying more food products to the european market than
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russia but here is the storing to change in fact russia is capable to provide food for the whole of europe then you could in each of our history books see that russia used to provide grain for the whole of europe. that's absolutely right developing exports is a growth opportunity for our industry fully aware of that as well modernizing our district office systemic government support of the government program and other fundamental document for the development of our agriculture is the food security doctrine which says domestic production should cover ninety percent of the demand for dairy products eighty five percent for meat was ninety five percent for grain and so forth. definitely increasing our production values. z. amount of government support and further plans for developing the industry through
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our old presented in syria's government documents like the food security doctrine much so business people consider our industry attractive for investment i'm sure will soon be exporting our goods. let me quote from a newspaper will have oppressed day just year and they needed me within the next couple months or russia and the e.u. will fully harmonize their return area regulations for poultry meat and pork russian companies start exporting their products to european markets it has richard this is great. but do we have such forms or farmers are ready to sell their need on western markets and. sure. we do have such company as they produce food products a very high quality market if you go to a supermarket you can compare domestic food products with imported goods. and you
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will see that you are not inferior to them or their own bettering quality he used when you feel we are down or like you see it i'll try to upset you once again you can't there were four of my little well you know this perfectly well yourself you see the one you shop we have a huge amount of imported goods but they're not with us and these are products that you would expect to be produced in russia like tomatoes or potatoes why sold of a leader has developed into a sort of addiction if we remove foreign producers it seems as if we will have nothing to eat oh no thirdly have something to be. our meat production is good. but we count each even five years the same results as the west achieved in eighty five years but why did it happen was it more expedient of a certain station or economic development to import food for thought you know the situation perfectly well and so do our viewers. we're developing our agricultural
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industry systemically by now the government program until twenty twenty. and we are positing that is suitable export our food products of high quality environmentally clean at a competitive price. our retail chains like a copy or even sure if you want to sell to master products we're truly prefer imported goods because they're easier to sell. i need rule of law for says they do take the master products for instance vegetables was or was not what the mullens in potatoes and so forth is those categories domestic products sell but are also on the same is true of poultry meat in poor has been you would get them you from your bible so i peel not only is agricultural minister.
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but also patriots of our country commissioner but i have to conceal was my you fashioned domestic allusion in the first place to support our domestic farm our open borders you our systemic approach will make it possible to increase production values. have raised production of poultry meat by seventy five percent. by more than forty percent in five years opposite meanings for solution here. going to syria you must agree serious when you last booted had milk while it was grown if not for the drought pluto's a slight decrease it will compensate this with the help of our partners and bellows or in terms of grain how every college our exports but i'm sure and i'm sure if kerosene is all right with the weather this year will return to the international market at the same level as in two thousand and nine. years so paula zahn's tall systemic measures or as
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a favorable investment climate. we will be manufacturing high quality food products thank you very much for being with us in just a reminder that my guest on the show today was meant to screen the russian. spotlight will be back with more things than promise i'm going in and out of. state on quality and take. it the.
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