tv [untitled] April 20, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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saw back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half of the white house he introduces what they call an innovative online privacy policy allowing internet users to use only one password for all personal accounts but is this option really safe plus it's a battle to save the bay in alaska were a billion dollar copper mine actually far more than copper threatens the life supply of the nation's finest salmon spawning ground so who will win this fight a survival nature for big business and a florida unemployment agency is under fire after it tries to help potential job seekers the rather bizarre scene in tonight's daily take i'll tell you why the irish scot is probably horrified by the idea of a state full of unemployed. who seders.
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the white house unveiled a new online policy that could change the way we all surf the internet the new policy is an online id unique to each user which would replace everyone's passwords is that having a different password to log in to facebook or check your bank account or whatever pay your cable bill you'll have one unique credential that all websites will recognize you by it. the white house said a consumer can use their single credential to log on to any website with more security than passwords alone provide it can provide it's a completely voluntary program but the white house is urging consumers and businesses to sign up for it calling it an innovation for online privacy so that's really the next step in keeping our online personas secure or is it the next step in losing our online security david seltzer is an attorney specializing in cyber issues and joins me now from our studios in florida david in miami david welcome to
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the program hi tom how are you this evening i'm great thank you so much for being with us first of all just real simple is this proposal by the white house a good idea or a bad idea. on it's face to me it's a bad idea but it depends how you look at it if you want to simplify your life it's a great idea but if you want to have huge exposure identity theft it's a horrible idea think for think for example if you lose your username and you lose your password somehow you write down the sticky and you lose it or you leave it on your desk someone may have access to everything it depends on how they want to do it some banks will give you a unique identifier almost like the size of a thumb drive that every time you log in it changes a six digit code so you need to have that device with you to log in if they do it that way yes it's more secure and a good idea so you don't have to continually fumble for a member hey if this password a.b.c. or the for this website but if it's the same used a password there's no change or secure device to keep track of it then you're going to have people that are going to lose it and they're not people that say hey i do log in to my bank i didn't withdraw that money well the bank going to say you did and then you have more issues yeah to say the very least you know i recall when and
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socials you know i don't recall and so security first rolled out that i know that when i was a kid now i'm not sure at what point of change i think was during the reagan administration it was a crime for example for example if i open a bank account or you know went to the doctor the dentist or whatever for them to ask me for my social security number he used to be that our social security numbers were absolutely private and corporate you know you know what i'm talking about right. yeah i do not anymore you get so scared of everything you do it you know even if you log into you know your horizon company to ask you for the last four years so scary number have time to verify your identity right and this is this is to be your social is your unique identifier that's right you would use that for most secure financial transactions if someone got your social security number which is readily available these days they can are one step closer to stealing your identity why now give them that push why not give them your username you know steve
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smith username password you know all son to have access to your whole life well to take that to take that analogy just a step further social security numbers were originally given to us by the government as unique identifiers that we could trust in that would keep us here and now all the corporations in america use them and anybody with the web or anybody who works for any company can extract you so security number without much difficulty. doesn't this single id that the government is proposing actually lay the groundwork for future government agencies or for that matter corporations to track us. yes but we live in a world of technology and i think there's a way of getting around the tracking we pay our taxes we file returns we do everything that basically reports saying here we are this is what we did this year they are tracking us we're not going to get away from that you know that you unique identifier logging that they're trying to do well yes they can sell the metadata after that and say look we've got so many consumers logging in for these sites at
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these time of days they'll give them a a nother source of funding potentially to sell that information to marketers and advertisers and that's probably not what they're thinking of right now or maybe i don't know but another source of generating revenue to me the only way the system works of unique logon identifiers for the government is if they do it like a bank that creates that i said i had a red little u.s.b. drive every time i log in i got a new six digit pin the problem with that is getting everybody on the same secure server and same secure system is going to take a lot of time and a lot of money i don't know if they're ready to go that far to make it secure if this is such a dumb idea right if they come up with the where did this come from do you really need to ask that question this is the government well. yes and no i mean you know sometimes the government does things right and so security's never fill the pitcher . and i've seen a lot of corporations screw things up it does it i mean is there is there some rationale behind this could this present or was the world really hey let's figure
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out a way to get the post office in the mail business where this might be a way or something like that i mean was it you have any information about what brought this about i don't put sending emails free so i'm not sure how the post office would make money from doing the email business part of it as well as the whole issue it's completely yeah it's completely voluntary so where's the government to make money on this if you think about it the only way they're going to make money on it and the companies will make money on it too is in the data in the data mining so well and speak and i understand they're trying to. well speaking of the data mining we now we now know that a number of species are doing what's called deep packet inspection and others rather than just letting the data pass through they're actually reading what the data is as it passes through and many of them are doing that so that if for example they notice that you're downloading large video files they could throttle your speed down i mean they're doing it for economic purposes but they could just as easily or somebody working at the. internet service provider could just as easily
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extract the data you know in a more precise way pull all passwords information and i believe that the new anti-terrorism laws are requiring them to keep the stuff on on file or on servers for a certain period so i'm a year or two years something like that given the fact that our passwords are already readily available to a malicious employee of one of these companies or to a company that decided that they were going to go after it and all of our behavior how is a unique identifier from the government going to make any difference in this kind of irrelevant at this point haven't we already exacerbated i want to turn. i think so and you're going to have and again the issue is it's voluntary so what's to know if i have bank of america of arisan eighteen t. i have all these different accounts to say they're all going to partake as it stands i say i log in five times a month to do my banking with different institutions or pay different bills i have five different usernames and five different passwords because i'm secure and i want
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to make sure i'm secure but if i still have if only one of the five is partaking in the voluntary program what is that going to some of. it does this does seem like like a bit of a mess david thanks so much for being with us tonight and for the great conversation any thoughts on have a great evening great talking with you thanks for showing up in miami the internet is rapidly changing the way we do business around the world each step of the way there's going to be a tug of war between those who want to keep us secure and those who want to exploit our private data especially our lawmakers or at least on our side when it comes to privacy. crazy alert from bad to worse wisconsin republican state senator randy hopper is having a heck of a year not only is he one of the four republican senators facing a recall election because he voted in favor of governor scott walker's anti-union bill but his wife also kicked him out of the house for having an affair now just as
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he's trying to reconnect with his constituents and fight for his job he made another critical error thanks to a typo mailer that was sent to voters constituents trying to reach his office at the number given in the letter encountered well take a listen. welcome to an extent a new way to go one on one with hash only girls weeping right now get coffee you lie down exchange. and get ready to meet real local students housewives and working girls from a little bit it can change hundred yeah that's what you get when you call is the office number at least according to the brochure not exactly the best way to keep you recall election campaign i get confused as to which number was his office and which number was the direct line to his mistress.
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there's there's an environmental battle brewing in alaska in the pristine confines of bristol bay only to the world's largest wild sockeye salmon runs foreign investors are trying to build a one hundred seventy billion dollars copper and gold mine pebble mine as it's called doesn't sound small and cute pebbles is said to be the world's largest and it's going to build on top of the world's largest pile of underground copper and gold trillium assets and calvert investments want to rip it out from the top down strip mining and it's built astronauts would be able to see it from space a massive to one mile wide several thousand foot deep pit it could pour toxic waste into the waters and fishing habits of bristol bay public outrage is growing into the proposed mine natives of bristol bay and local businesses have petitioned the e.p.a. to do a full review of the effects of the mine on the salmon population and fifty eight companies jewelry companies including tiffany and zales as signed
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a petition saying they would not buy minerals mine from bristol bay so here we have the world's largest salmon habitat within the world's largest online source of copper and gold that's going to happen for the view from alaska i'm joined by shana moore host of the shannon moore show and more up north chana welcome back thanks so much for having me tom great to have you here with us i know you've been following this very very closely is corporate greed going to get the world's largest natural salmon spawning area. god over my dead body i'll tell you what there is nothing that i fought harder in this state including sarah palin don't mess mine i think it's the number one threat not only to alaska but to an amazing food source wild protein source the last rate giant run of salmon in you know we also have twelve thousand jobs that are involved in this fishery we
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have been fishing waters here for hundreds of years thousands of years and there's no reason that we can't continue if we can see it unless we you know mess up our environment some way here and certainly this is a giant threats you know how are these selling this thing to people i mean typically if you know like in coal country in west virginia or you know the dry i think it's in the anaconda copper mine is that it's the one that you can see from outer space i mean the way that they sell these things when they go into a community is you know we're going to create jobs we're going to create prosperity and sometimes they actually do at the cost of the environment i'm curious how up in alaska this british canadian consortium it's not even america where the profits are going to go but in any case how this how this company or this this consortium these investment companies how they're pitching this to the locals what are you hearing what what what what's the sales pitch to you as an alaskan citizen. well eighty
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percent of the people aren't buying their pitch in that particular region the people in that region very much rely on subsistence and and the jobs from from commercial fishing and having grown up commercial fishing myself and started fishing in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight it's not what you do it's who you are and so this is really a potential of an identity stripper and what they're trying to sell is that this is going to be jobs this is going to be you know jobs that are high paying they've gone out they've worked very very hard to try to buy as many locals as they can and they've split some some towns really in half when you have a small population and people don't have an income in some cases then it's easy to buy them it is everything they are trying everything they can last has you know has a really high rate of incest and rape and the newest thing that was said to me recently on my radio show was that i was pro incest and pro rape because people
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that don't have jobs tend to turn on their own i mean it is getting that desperate . they also pitching they will mind all this copper and gold they'll be a lots of money and just like the oil up north some will be royalties for that money and that will go to the state treasury and therefore the state frazier will be better off and everybody will be better off and might there be some truth to that well you know interestingly enough fishing pays higher taxes even though it's a renewable resource in mining mining case to the state point seven percent. yes point seven percent so there isn't a huge treasury coming to the alaskans however we're being asked to burden all of the risk and the people in this particular area you know it's red gold to them you're able to harvest and eat yourself and sustain your own families and really know that this is something that your family has done for thousands of years and you know you can't make that up by ran out of town hall meetings all around the
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state of alaska talking to alaskans about this particular issue about cattle mine and and i had people from the mines show up and i asked them straight out can you promise me that nothing will ever be fluted and they said they'll be known now ross meaning that you know once they could possibly do a clean out promise nothing would happen but if they would restock well these are genetically wild fish we don't have farm fairs in fact it's illegal to farm fish in this state so you know it's just really difficult right now and route really trying to educate the rest of the country because so much of the seafood that ends up on the plates of people across this country come on a personal basis if they are right this is the largest literally in the world the water just last natural sockeye salmon run. i'm curious we might come back to this for a second but you you also have been on our program before and you've done
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a lot of reporting over the years on sarah palin in fact you broke some of the sarah palin story specter in the election and i'm curious when she went to madison wisconsin last week and she was shouted down booed down the media didn't portray it that way because they just took that to the side audial off her mike but there was . a thousand protesters a few hundred tea partiers. is she back looking her wounds and have you heard any kind of feedback on how that was and and how much did a cost to get her to go all the way it was guns. well it's ours we can tell she was paid about the same amount as at least two teachers failures salaries to go and say teachers made too much money. new poll came out that said today that alaskans over sixty percent disapprove of sarah palin you have to realize that one point when she was here she was eighty five plus percent approval ratings at the time that she was at that approval rating her husband had a union job and she was writing in project labor agreements into really large
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projects here in the state of alaska so sarah was always pro-union here and sadly you know sarah love sarah and when it worked for her to be pro-union she did and now she's in wisconsin trying to tell them what to do and i don't think they're listening to her there any more than they're listening to or hear. well let's let's hope so just to wrap the mind thing up one last quick question here which i was shannon more and we have a little less than a minute what what is the timeline here what is the thing that a pop is they're going to be a vote is that you know how how or how does this play out well i was just traveling back there and saw you when i was there time in washington d.c. and we're asking lisa jackson the head of the e.p.a. to really run. this study to check out this project and run against it for zero four see the ruling clean water act and see if you know truly we can stop this on
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as at a federal regulation level and hopefully you know let alaskans don't like to ask for outside help necessarily but in this case and this is just too precious of a place too precious of a cmin run for the country not to be involved in not to weigh in on it so hopefully . she will be ruling on this at some point in the next several months ok shannon more than a bank is so much. always a pleasure tom great to see you sadly what we're seeing in bristol bay is becoming the norm in america foreign companies come in strip mined our resources and take the profits back to their countries this is insanity and it needs to stop. it's time for the good the bad in the end same really oddly first the good massachusetts supreme court yesterday the state's high court ruled that the smell
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of marijuana smoke could no longer be considered reasonable suspicion of criminal activity to prompt a search of york are one reason behind the ruling is that possession of less than an ounce of pot is no longer a criminal offense in massachusetts it's good to hear that at least one state has adopted some common sense drug reforms good news here on for twenty. bad charlie sheen what do trump and sheen have in common besides massive egos of course there are both birth there are sheen brought is critically and one man stage show to washington d.c. last night and took the opportunity to entertain the idea of running for president in two thousand and twelve and jump on the birth of.
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koran. shane being a burglar is not too hard to believe what is hard is singling out only warner reason why sheen deserved to be a good bad and ugly of us there's just so many and move very very ugly brian kilmeade this morning on fox and friends kill me to introduce a story about charles manson and like any well trained talking head on fox or called news he had to compare the story a serial killer to a prominent liberal. after twenty years charles manson. breaks his silence and he sounding a bit like al gore on what he has to say coming up. in a recent interview manson talked about the dangers of global warming so what kilmeade should have said is that nancy manson actually has more sense than every single newly elected republican in the house of representatives because they all
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deny global climate warming and that's piri piri. probably not superheroes have the ability to do anything beyond human reach but even perhaps find a job early that was the rationale for one unemployment agency employee. you know sometimes you see a story on the scene so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't i'm sorry is a big. it's a bird it's a plane oh someone without a job. a local on employment agency in florida is under investigation after they came up with a marketing scheme to draw attention to their services for people without jobs it was to help get jobs plan and give them a red cape and have them pose with a cartoon character named dr evil unemployment then put them on the agency's website to hopefully impress could potentially employers that's right they can pretend like they're superheroes fighting against some lex luthor type dog named dr evil on employment turns out it wasn't the best way to help people who are at the
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end of their rope praying they don't get kicked out of their house or can't put a food on the table for their kids here's a cake they were told everything would be better oh yeah lucia's border. agency actually spent seventy three thousand dollars on the campaign and they're calling the capability challenge which prompted a florida state oversight board to open an investigation into the agency for insensitive and wasteful spending that was obviously a bad idea but frankly i think there's something else going on here obviously governor rick scott doesn't care about wasteful spending the seventy three thousand dollars spent on red capes is nothing compared to the billions he's given away in wasteful tax cuts to millionaires billionaires and transnational corporations in his state but what i'm guessing scott is most afraid of is all the unemployed people in his state wearing red caves highlighting just how many jobs have been
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lost due to republican policies over the last few years. florida alone has an unemployment rate of eleven percent over a million people who can't find work that would be one million people donning red capes constantly reminders of those red republican policies work for godes and that they would have the loud some of the nation's largest corporations to ship over tens of millions of jobs overseas and let banks toure's blow a several trillion dollar hole in the economy nationwide the official unemployment rate is eight percent eight point eight percent with thirteen million people out of work and if you count the ninety nine er's and people who've already given up looking for a job that number is closer to fifteen percent about twenty five million people without work magine of twenty five million people around the nation supported red capes as a reminder of all the red republican policies and where i think you get there were
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a bit of life out the middle class in america where we all tend to gloss over the unemployment numbers unless we're one of those working people without a job but if those numbers were right in our face if we saw a day in and day out for people who've been screwed not just since bush rose to power in two thousand and one but since reagan gave us reaganomics back in eighty the republicans wouldn't be able to sneak through congress their programs to encourage the offshoring of jobs and bigger salaries for fat cats the. employees are all around us and just because they're not wearing capes doesn't mean we can't recognize that the direction reagan republicans have taken our nation over the last three decades is worse than any devious plot device luthor could ever have come off with. i mean this whole idea this whole free trade notion oh yeah let's
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just drop all of the protective barriers around this country and let any transnational corporation do anything it wants and so they set up their factories in other countries and buy and sell with themselves you know fifty percent of all trade in the united states international trade is actually within companies it's really not trade it's the outsourcing of jobs these brilliant policies frankly from both parties but they originated really largely with the republican party have led to this disaster and it's time for us to put an end to them and put people back to work with or without red capes and that's the big picture for more information on the stories we covered visited you our website at tom hartman dot com and our team dot com also check out our you tube page is that you tube dot com slash the big picture r.t. and slash tom hartman and this entire show is available as a free podcast on i tunes and remember democracy begins when you show up when you get active tag your it will sort of.
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