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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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even. though that time for a look at the headlights now at r.t. egypt sets out along the path to democracy gearing up for elections in september but there are warnings islamic radicals linked groups about muslim brotherhood could take root in the existing power vacuum. a year after the explosion of the deepwater horizon rig spilled millions of gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico has filed two lawsuits for damages for those whose health has been wrecked by the disaster still struggling to get the help they desperately need. and the russian
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police keep a constant vigil to prevent terror attacks in the whole town north caucasus with more than one thousand militants killed in recent months the country's terror committee says the region remains the main hard training extremists. next although no talks to enter the zone skeen president of the american university in moscow about why he's asking the west to cancel a cold war era new or hampers us russian relations. for the full slim we've got it from the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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hello again no walking to spotlight the interview show on tape i'm al green now and today my guest in the studio is edward. he and his colleague anthony sal of the new york city politician and political scientists have gone to for a trying to force president obama to counsel the jackson very commandment which hampers russian american trade like this cold war era law has been defacto disabled for more than twenty years now but why not eliminate the obsolete amendment altogether and do away with the pain in the neck we are about to learn more from one of the petitioners presidents of the american university here in moscow edward
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. g. years ago the american congress introduced an amendment to limit intrigue with some communist countries. in the world was to make the u.s.s.r. allow its citizens really emigrate. about twenty years ago russia was deemed to be compliant with the amendment and the lord was suspended but it has never been completely cancelled it remains an archaic form that spoils relations between moscow and washington. oh mr zones can walk into the show ok thank you very much they will. this well first of all i want to remind you that you would you probably know better remind our viewers that only of this month in moscow u.s. vice president biden made an official statement that he will be leading the effort here in the congress to get the jackson's then
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a amendment lifted that's what he said vice president now why are you still. making this this last eight year old nephew don't you trust what people for from the white house say the story before is not on your vice president biden rosary just to finish this line it was biden who were posing. this moment on a few years ago when he was senator from governing and the reason was that in his view russia was not buying enough poultry. state is one of the main producers for american what does poultry have to do with the jackson valley command the ground jackson valley commandment was about russia not loading enough jews only great from the soviet union had this is the reason why we're why they admitted this amendment to punish the soviet union for not letting people getting away from russia it doesn't have to do anything with birds with dead
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birds coming back to russia i did once you can actually look the right words and use the first rule is not only jews let's make their employees very graciously which was mainly g'kar say not only germans and no if you look at immigration. jews it's a substantial number there almost any ethnic group. from russia is presented in the united states more in not only poorer people sunbelt. here of course but. also some members of the elite including children of police bureau. for example. my neighbor unfortunately passed away the former communist rule as a russian. sure and i'm sorry to mr zyuganov but here he is here or joseph stalin his daughter also is somewhere in the sky on some so immigration is not only jews who are germans and just it's
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a right of every individual to go back and forth in the last month when not discussing today and i think that you in court you are not discussing the initial cause of the jets nearly to the head about the immigration you discuss what does it have to do with a very compulsory had made of course this amendment was actually accepted i was all in favor and actually some projects and charles rennie congressman i think they should be praised because they did a great thing we opened the gate they opened this iron curtain you are a russian born american girl you have a great set thanks to this matter did your yourself and my family it was detained and i was trying to get my wife and daughter for six years and this amendment help hearing like my family first thing i did when it came to united states i think personally something jackson and congressman bennett because they did a great job and another person we probably should mention him again because he's the important part of this story is the richard pearl richard perle who was the guy
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who actually wrote this woman he was a senior aide to senator jackson and he was wrong who wrote it and its center he was the inactive politician well you know he's he's scholar he was the american enterprise institute but he speaks he is expertise almost on t.v. and he comments on many important issues and actually one of the reason why he filed this lawsuit because richard said something at this event we do every year old russian formed you you hosted this world russian forum this year as far as i know. the incentive to start this lawsuit it actually happened ok can you tell us more. be on it ok because so many things so you try a good german sorry for jumping from one circle an undeveloped let's make it pouring straight an emotional thing and really the dance and then it can make a moment is pure today it's pure emotion is it so this has not only deal it's just going to point the jackson and when you're a good guy a lot of good guys they're good guys and they should be thanked not just pay me my
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family but old people in russia who now can travel freely and and don't need exit visas they should send those two great individuals and now let's. now go to present what happened is that two points if it's not in this law jokes i'm going to because nothing about jews or any other ethnic group what it says is two points country for for america to have good normal trade relations was russia you country this country has to qualify for two things has to be a free market economy and freedom of travel freedom of emigration the only two things without russia is not mentioned so beginnings of mention group is mentioned two things so if country is not not free market economy or restricts immigration it terrible then this country is subject to jacksonville russia now. for almost twenty years no law it's free market economy and has absolute total freedom and no
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exit visas of this why russian this american has to be lifted a long time ago and every u.s. president starting from scranton george bush and obama publicly privately on t.v. the meeting was put in the media if they all say we want to get rid of this amendment because it hurts it's irritating but congress doesn't want to do it congress so they blame it on congress so when president vice president biden already mentioned was if he when he was in congress he was against lifting this amendment now he's saying he's for it and of course he did it because president obama talking to say it is it doesn't he he is. he's no longer in the congress now he wants to live in there and he goes to the congress and says i'm going to push it through the congress what jane seed pits the lead attorney for years in your lawsuit states i quote a lawyer a close reading of the amanda and shows that congressional action is not necessary
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to remove rush permanently fell from these outdated cold era provisions the president has all the authority he needs and we respectfully held this seat in the will and tell him to use it and quote so why then go to the congress if the president if biden can just advise a bad guy and he can just put his signature this playground for this to happen parents people who didn't read this law i have to admit that i didn't read it myself very obvious that they wrote because you thought this is very has to be done because congress saying they believe that congress has to vote and leave this amendment and this happened in the past for example ukraine was created and this amendment in congress voted to do that so we thought this is the way to do in this house until richard perle remember i told you the guy who actually rode this thing during this conference he gave a speech our conference he used to do cater to find the race for closer u.s.
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russian cooperation i invited richard perle because i wanted to have some kind of the beat and so not just everyone saying let's be friends the difference i thought maybe something like or so something that people can talk and discuss americans and of course the chair of was head of the russian delegation and they were very good exchange with pearl pearl hussein and a very nice things about russia because it sure was and it's only now i think about america and people who had about three hundred fifty people in the room who make their own decisions was the intellectual we're getting to lecture discussion when someone asked richard perle about liz jackson bennett and richard perle. why are you talking about this amendment is null and void because since russia is now free market economy and here's not immigration restrictions congress doesn't have to vote because it's out null and void and obsolete when richard said it i thought he's talking trying a sensation here in first didn't even realize what was going on here so i called
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everyone in the audience and so. do you agree that what richard said now changes the whole picture we don't have to go to congress and president obama can simply sign it and forget about it so then i wrote an article it was a little more school times than a road article is of use america's your time and i was expecting russian government to do something about it but the russian government was bureaucracy so they were slow. as no longer a militia they have not been a freedom of action so i called my friend jim douglas who is. he was really expert on russia and he was working the state department and also in the senate. and then announced jim's find me a lot for him if you can help us a little to see what's going on and jim in called the next day and said there's a great law firm they can do research and if you want they can file a lawsuit on your behalf and then tell you salvia agreed to join so too was file
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lawsuit there was on april eighteenth listen. i know the position of the russian government the russian government says say today and i've heard them say so more the ones that americans need to live through this and many more than russians as a matter of fact and i hope you believe this is clear i think this is true yes now listen another interesting thing there are republicans in congress say that there is a some sort of a connection between this and that meant russia and the one side and colombia and panama and the others what's his connection with colombia and then why is this republican. interest to to keep this in is another crazy think which is not elation the just a minute for russia and like chicken for example it's laughable it just never lost . it was a great moral thing for jackson and big to do it now it's circus first we're talking about chicken now the crowed panamera because republicans want obama also
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to have some kind of a trade deal business to countries i say it's like a three do they only want to link these three things or you get all trade in says edward lasagnas keep president of the american university in moscow the spotlight will be back shortly after the break so stay with us there are no. we have seen the damage it has done to acknowledge the environmental mark of what the for profit we do not want any more new g.m. olds. or course estimates because there was a dismal experience and i'm just i'm just appalled that that's allowed to go on where. we are getting this unfortunately because we don't know the
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senate there's no labeling there for it being used like the borat or the experiment being used as guinea pig. now we have more questions than we have matters guards in like. down the field for sure on t. allocation. i pod touch from the shops to. enjoy life on the good. video on demand all season long fuel costs and all registry now in the palm of your. question on the.
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welcome back to spotlight on now you know even just to remind that my guest in the studio today is edward he had president of the american university here in moscow and we're talking about a lawsuit that mr liz and ski and he's colleague anthony sally have the director of the americas that you can key of these two people for a lawsuit against. the u.s. i get presents and i'm not trying to force him to lift their jaxon van a commandment which is discriminating russia because the soviet union thirty years ago didn't the jews emigrate from russia and not only jews and other people ok now who said that the russians believe today most of the russians believe that the jackson very command is still alive because it's an instrument to pressurize
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russia to put pressure put political pressure to make it easier to get cheap it was russians now on the other side here's a quote from fowl bammers and here's what he says in my opinion this is not true that the jackson vandyck amendment gives washington some means to pressure on moscow and anachronism cannot serve as a real political instrument of pressure and current or so which point of view do you suppose is it an instrument or not. not for administration because i believe president obama and i want to emphasize that this is friendly lawsuit and we're not trying to punish or bomb our or something like oh we want to help him we want to help him really from about another or even one dollar because the judge terry says i mean you could like you know one dollar somebody with this year a gram and his wife made twice less than the me last year so so so so let's not
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money in these you know or they're losing money this is very good to help him because i believe that when he says that he wants to leave them in a commitment i believe he wants to do it but what happens is the person who can do the whole thing he probably didn't read this document and so we're trying to help him saying listen you don't need congress you can do it yourself you have a pen to sign and have said or more in forget about it and you'll be praised this is a great theme song from a musician point of view it's it's not political thing now from congress point of view. it's i think it was political because you know panama colombia has nothing to do so it's definitely politics and trade and because some of the commanders of congress they're from the states who produce poultry so you can better this poultry and they want pressure on russia this lobby called big chicken it's a name is a it's a huge it's a very powerful lobby because they are almost in every state including delaware senator biden remember so they want russia to buy more came in and so they want to
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use a leverage to do that so it's absolutely crazy i think it's simply does greece and also it's really hurts in memory projection and vinick and they did this they really wanted to help russian people you have to tell you a third of the to be free and you know in these he wanted them not to see a line. for free market economy in full stores now we don't know what the right translation what in russia is called corruption in america is called chicken ok let's take a closer look at why the jaxon van a commandment is all about a new report out by spotlights union and the media. about one and a half million people and if you were says south of israel in the u.s. say between one thousand nine hundred ninety five and one thousand ninety one when the union collapsed he was working to get an exit visa which wasn't an easy thing to do one of the obstacles was the so-called diploma tax introduced in one thousand seventy two which meant
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a new one in the greeting and to compensate us to suffer the higher education the sum was astronomical one hundred times the average salary to pressure the soviet union into allowing integration b. jackson there nic amendment was adopted in the us it certainly mutations on trade relations with the soviet union well the fact of jackson vanny on the soviet union is questionable it does have an impact on relations between russia and the us today . although there. and has been regularly we since one thousand nine hundred four it remains in force now one of the collapse of the soviet union russia sees it isn't justifiable tree discrimination stand in a new way of its accession to the w two year old china was also subject to jackson granted but it was removed from the legislation overturned years ago. but were you you were present at one of the settings you saw here i testify or use this device
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so all of these facts when the amendment was waived mean that it actually doesn't work today i mean that i mean it is defacto not functioning so what's the problem let it be i mean i mean what's what's wrong with the. with sort of the traditions with having those those old red telephone poles on the streets of london i mean that's just a traditional law no not at all because you see a. person can really only for one year so let's say i am american businessman and i invested in some russian so business and then maybe next year you know you know really you know if you're a sure and business wants to be sure i see and so this creates some uncertainly and this amendment is lifted i think it's a signal to american business of you can now invest in russia and now it's laughable demand of trade between russia and states is not at all but if this amendment is lifted i think it will increase ten times are is there any generally
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call. argument today in favor of the amendment or not not not at all not at all because the real amendment reads by a week ago by law. long as those two things. are free market economy and freedom of terrible then when to speak about emotion just looser it's all about emotion i mean your emotionally in favor of trade with russia somebody isn't emotionally and there's the big check and we should remember that. it is an early motion well just really nice or not nice where with russia well and russia. you see there's a group called american russian business council and it is a seizure are for about three hundred trucks and three hundred big companies big companies some of them are really big like exxon mobil and boring small companies new companies they want to do business with russia and very a main lobby is to remove this jackson really because it hurts their interests but
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they're not as proper powerful as big chicken it's crazy but you see boring cannot compete with the chicken business something that ok ok listen i want to quote widen once again once president biden said there the value of goods that cross the u.s. borders with canada and mexico every other day every or every few days he said exceeds the annual u.s. trade with russia is it because of the chaff invent not only not not to some extent not not hundred percent by just going to play certain role that is small and negligible and once it's removed i think of a particular piece ten times at least maybe more. all this time jackson veni i guess that jackson bernie the i mean this lawsuit of yours is part of the reset you're like you're in the trends you're partly lobbying the interests of american big business which is ok and you're trying to be in the trend of there and i want
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to help on the one you want to go to government but do economic problems leave a bomb any chance to be real that so what would you say i think about my house basically my chances for reelection and this is not just my point of view. it's interesting maybe also it's a different subject but that's a consideration for your viewers russian a mathematician and i like mathematics i was still am with them of myself and american historian we have a theory it's called thirteen keys and there are thirty four inscription resilience for your so know in the pence words or a bomb is on not only obama is reelected or not real that will grow not realize it is called thirteen keys and so it's allan lichtman my colleague from american neurosis in washington d.c. and look at his book and remember russian it could be a science he's a mathematician he says story they researched all the elections american presidents back to lincoln in the early and thirteen keys to make an omelet factors
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military scandals number of seats in congress and if for example four by month if i answer to five is negative then he's not really a five out of thirteen in already if you look at this now already seven negative zone fortunately unless of course adam and eve miracles happens but according to mathematics which is the most precise science well and here unfortunately maybe fortunately life doesn't work according to mathematical methods it's not chess that doesn't have anything to do with chess is a mathematical game and life is a different game maybe my last question today. if a band is not reelected and republicans come back to the white house doesn't mean the end of reset oh well it depends who i mean the republicans different about more it is their rear and their own reagan i think i may run from the wrong reagan school we didn't like communism we didn't like soviet union but we like russia
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saw it in many other problems like that and if you are those hearings on capitol hill there are many members of congress including republicans like done a runner in august who want to leave this jackson bennett we want to continue to sit so it's not obvious and what once people see when they're. doing a campaign and when they come to the white house it's different so for example mitt romney now he's pretty tough on russia but once he few selected and he has very good chance i think we can become a truce that we have to work with. going public on the musician and we're watching for will help there is it is it ok for a for republican to to try his best does best to support i had driven credit with president is it is well this is that and sometimes you have to cross party line and again not all are public and this hour an hour for kicks in just a moment so. i think it's what's best for the country for right now or for america
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is best to live this thing it will help or set it will have american business it will help general reset and it's good thank you thank you very much edward and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today was added lasagnes he the president of the american university in moscow and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your sound card like drop me a line spotlight will be back with more from first on the common sound of what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take it into.
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we'll. bring you the latest inside stanford college from around russia. we've done the future coverage.
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