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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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mine. would be soon which brighten if you knew the sun from france to pressure its. stance on t.v. don't come. blow again here is a recap of the top stories here on our t.v. fierce mount over the future of egypt where the al qaeda linked muslim brotherhood movement is poised to clinch victory in the coming election as a plumber vote will be but country's first since hosni mubarak stepped down and passed power to the egyptian military. the saga of russian antivirus google you have get a gust whiskey has reportedly been a kidnap for ransom in moscow officials have confirmed that they are searching for
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a twenty year old. who went missing two days ago. and doctors warned that the people exposed to the gulf of mexico oil spill could face a greater risk of cancer a year on and many who took part of the clean up operation are seriously ill with officials accused of trying to sweep the story under the rug what b.p. which was responsible for the disaster is fighting a legal battle to shift the blame away from itself. next al gore doll of talks to edward the president of the american university of moscow about why he wants to end a cold war era law that u.s. russia relations that's up next. hello again i walk into the spotlight they enter the show. i'm al going out and
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today my guest under studio is edward allows honest here his colleague anthony sal of the new york city politician and political scientists have gone to court trying to force president obama to counsel the jackson very commandment which hampers russian american trade relations this cold war era law has been defacto disabled for more than twenty years now but why not eliminate the obsolete amendment altogether and do way with a pain in the neck we are about to learn more from one of the petitioners president of the american university here in moscow had a word. to two years ago the american congress introduced an amendment limiting trade with some communist countries. the law was to make the u.s.s.r. now its citizens really emigrate. about twenty years ago russia was deemed to be
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compliant with the amendment and the law was suspended but it has never been completely cancelled it remains an archaic for explorers relations between moscow and washington. welcome to the show ok thank you very much be with us well first of all i want to remind you that you would you probably know problem editor remind our viewers not only of this month in moscow u.s. vice president biden made an official statement that he will be leading the effort in the congress to get the jackson's then it amendment lifted that's what he said vice president now. why are you still. making this this last and you're never going to trust people for from the white house because the story before is not on the vice president biden resurrect your story finish this line it
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was biden who was actually opposing. this amendment on it hears ago when he was senator from delaware and the reason was that he was you russia was not buying enough poultry and bill of our state is one of the main producers for america what does poultry have to do with the jackson valley commanding ground jackson valley commandment was about russia not letting enough jews only great from the soviet union had this is the reason why what why they admitted this and then meant to punish the soviet union for not letting people getting away from russia it doesn't have to do anything with birds with dead birds coming back to to retch i did not think national leader i heard didn't use it as a personal it's not only jews let's make any real history in a gray sugar which was mainly. not only germans nor if you look at immigration. it's a substantial number there almost any ethnic group. from russia is presented
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in the united states more and not only poor people some wealthy here of course but. also some members of elite including children of police bureau . for examples of gromyko young in my neighborhood for sure because the way the former communist rule is a russian here and said you and i'm sorry to mr zyuganov but here he is here or just a star and his daughter also is somewhere in this constant so if you gratian it's not only jews who are germans it's just it's a right of every individual to go back. enforce the law that we're not discussing today and i think that you encourage your not discussing the initial cause of the jackson like the about the immigration you're discussing what does it have to do with american poultry have made across this amend in the us actually accepted i was
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all in favor and actually some projects and charles rennie congressman i think vision you praised because they did a great thing opened this gate they opened this iron curtain you are a russian born american i know you emigrated thanks to this a man who did your yourself and my family of course the taint and i was trying to get my wife and daughter for six years and this amendment help to reunite my family and first thing i did when it came to united states and i third person was sent to jackson and congressman bennett because they did a great job and you know person we probably should mention him again because he's the plain important part of the story is the richard perle richard perle who was a guy who actually wrote this i mean he was a senior aide to senator jackson and he was the one who wrote it and its center he was still an active politician you know yes he's scholar he was the american enterprise institute but he speaks he has expertise or was on t.v. and he comments on many important issues and actually one good reason why we filed
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this lawsuit because richard said something as this event we do every year old russian form wasn't you you hosted this world russian forum this year as far as i know. the incentive to start this lawsuit it actually happened can you tell us more about it ok because so many things are you trying to jump a story for jumping from one circle another let's make a point straits an emotional thing or a big chance and then it could make a man who is today it's a promotion is it so just as when we deal with let's just move. jerks and really are good guys going to be the guys they're good guys and they should be think well just pay me my family but old. people in russia who now can travel freely and don't need exit visas they should thank those two great individuals now let's. now go to present what happened. to points if it's not in this law jacksonville it does nothing about jews or any other ethnic group worth two points country for for
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america to have good normal traditions russia can't or any country this country has to qualify for two things has to be a free market economy and freedom of travel freedom of integration going to things without rushing look mentioned soviet union mention group is mentioned two things so if country is not not free market economy or restricts immigration travel then this country is subject to government russia now. for almost twenty years no law it's free market economy and has absolute total freedom no exit visas of them that's why russian this american has to be lifted a long time ago and every u.s. president starting from scranton george bush and obama publicly privately on t.v. a meeting was put in mid if they all say we want to get rid of this amendment because
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it hurts it's irritating but congress doesn't want to do it congress so they blame it on congress so when president vice president biden already mentioned was he when he was in congress he was against lifting this amendment now he's saying he's for it and of course he did it because president obama talking to so you lose it doesn't he is he is no longer in the congress now he wants to live in that and he goes to the congress and says i'm going to push it through the congress but james seed pits lead attorney for years in your lawsuit state i quote a lawyer a close reading of the amanda and shows that congressional action is not necessary to remove rush per. we fell from these al gated iraq perversions the president has all the authority he needs and we respectfully held the seat of the will and tell him to use it and quot so why then go to the congress if the
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president if biden can just advise a bad guy and he could just put a single show that made record this to happen apparently people didn't read this lot and i have to admit there i didn't read it myself very early yesterday wrote because you thought this is a has to be done because congress saying that it will become a believe that congress has to vote and leave this amendment and this happened in the past for example ukraine was created for from this amendment and congress voted to do that so we thought this is the way to do and this has until richard perle remember i told you the guy who actually rose it's been doing this conference he gave a speech in our conference a year to duplicate it to find ways for closer us russian cooperation i invited richard perle because i wanted to have some kind of debate and so not just everyone saying let's be friends the difference i thought maybe something like so something that people can talk and discuss and their consent because the chair of was head of
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the russian delegation and it a very good exchange was paroled protocol saying not very nice things about russia present your voice and so on and i think about america and people who had about three hundred fifty people in the room who could make their own decisions intellectual or get into the actual discussion then someone asked richard perle about this jackson bennett and richard perle said why are you talking about this amendment is null and void because since russia is now free market economy and here's an oil immigration restrictions congress doesn't have to vote because it's out now in obsolete when richard said it i thought he started crying or sensation here you know first didn't even realize what was going on here so. called everyone in the audience and so. do you agree that good richard said now changes the whole picture we don't have to go to congress and president obama can simply sign it and forget about it so then i wrote an article it was article most good times in
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a row daughter problem is that he's a magazine author and i was expecting russian government to do something about it but the russian government was director soon so they were slow and as no longer a middle of the usually have more than or freedom of action so i called my friend jim douglas who is. he was really expert on russia and he was working in the state department and also in the senate. and then i was jim's find me a law firm which can help us do to see what's going on and jim in called me next day and said there's a great law firm they can do research and if you want you can fry a lawsuit on your behalf and then tell you salvia agree to join so there was file a lawsuit there was on april eighteenth. i know the position of the russian government the russian government says say today and i've heard them say so more the ones that americans need to live through this and many more than russians as a matter of fact and i hope you believe this is what i think this is true yes now
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listen another interesting thing the republicans in congress say that there is a some sort of a connection between this and that meant russia a little on the one side and colombia and panama and the others what's the connection with colombia and and why is this republican interest to to keep this in another crazy thing which is not relationships and then it for russia like chicken for example it's laughable it just ever lost. it was a great moral thing for jackson and to doing now it's circus first we're talking about chicken now to grow panama because republicans want also to have some kind of a trade deal. the bunkers i say it's like a three do and they want to link these three things or get hold of one says edward president of the american university in moscow spotlight will be back shortly after a break so stay with us don't go.
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we have seen the damage it has done to a college environment mark chemicals but the fire probs we do not want any more and no g.m.o. . of course as a mistress goes it goes more experience and i'm just just appalled that that's allowed to go on where. we are getting this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it there's no labeling there for it being used like a board to experiment you can use those get a. little knowledge we have more questions
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than we have access to guards. like. is he. trying. to. say. whoa i'm back in the spotlight i'm out do you know even just to remind that my
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guest in the studio today is edward lozano ski the president of the american university here in moscow when talking about the last few days mr lizanne ski. and he's colleague anthony sally had the director of the american institute in key of these two people. hold a lawsuit against. the u.s. i guess president and i'm not trying to force him to lift their jaxon van a commandment which is discriminating russia because the soviet union thirty years ago did all the jews i'm a great they're from russia and not only jews but other people ok now listen the russians believe today most of the russians believe that the jets and then a command is still alive because it's an instrument to pressurize russia to put pressure put political pressure to make it easier to make it she was russians now on the other side here's a quote from fowler about ms and here's what he says in my opinion this is not true
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that the jackson valley commandment gives washington some means to pressure on moscow then anachronism cannot serve as a real political instrument are. then current or so which point of view do you support is it a new cement or not. not for administration because i would leave president obama and i want to emphasize that is this is fruitless and we're not trying to punish obama or something or go we want to help you i'm going to help you money from about you know another or even one dollar because a judge in our story says what we did was like you know one dollar symbolic and i'm on east you about matt and his wife made to lie sless than the me last year he says so let's not there is not money and he's in a war they're losing money this is very good to help him because i believe that we can assess that he wants to leave this gypsum in a commitment i believe he wants to do but what happens is that person who can do
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the whole thing he probably didn't read this document and so we're trying to help him say listen you don't need congress you can do it yourself you have a pen to sign and. have ceremony and forget about it and he used the phrase do this is a great theme song from a musician point of view is not political thing now from congress point of view it's i think it's both political because you know panama and colombia have nothing to do so it's different the politics and trade because some of the commanders of congress they're from the states who produce poultry so you come back to this poultry and they wonder is the pressure on russia this lobby called the chicken it's a name is a it's a huge it's a very powerful lobby because here almost every state including delaware senator biden remember so they want russia to buy more cheating and so they want to use this as leverage to do that so it's absolutely crazy i think it's simply disgrace and also it's really hurts their memory because jackson and really when they did
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this they really wanted to help russian people to have three of them have all of the to be free and you know in these he wanted them not to say line. they have free market economy in food stores now we don't know about the right translation what in russia is called corruption in america is called chicken ok let's take a closer look at the jacks and then a commandment is all about a new report out by spotlights elian and to me there are. about one and a half million people and that you were system for israel in the usa between one nine hundred seventy five and one thousand ninety one when the union collapsed they were working to get an exit visa which wasn't an easy thing to do one of the obstacles was the so-called diploma tax introduced in one nine hundred seventy two which meant anyone immigrating to compensate us after their higher education the sum was astronomical one hundred times their rich salary to pressure the soviet
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union into the hour when integration the jets and then the commandment was adopted in the u.s. it certainly mitigations on trade relations with the soviet union. well the fact of jackson vanny on the soviet union is questionable it does have an impact on relations between russia and the us today. of though the amendment has been regularly waved since one thousand nine hundred four it remains in force now after the collapse of the soviet union and russia sees it isn't justifiable tree discrimination standing in the way of its accession to the w two year old china was also subject to jokes and then it but it was removed from do legislation overturned years ago. over you or you were present at one of the settings you saw yaz witness and testify are you certified so so all these facts when the amendment was waived mean that it actually doesn't work today i mean that i mean
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it is defacto not functioning so what's the problem let it be i mean i mean what's what's wrong with the. website of the traditions with having those those old red telephone balls on the streets of london i mean that's just a traditional law not at all because you see a. person can really only for one year so let's say i am american businessman and i invested in some russian. business and then who knows maybe next year you know you know really you know you're sure and this is one that you can surely see and so this creates some uncertainly and this amendment is lifted i think it's a signal to american businesses you can and i invest in russia and now it's not about demand of trade between russia and states is not a book but if this amendment is lifted i think it will increase ten times are is there any general because. arguments today in favor of the amendment or not not not at all not at all because they really amendment reads. by law.
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only those two things. free market economy and freedom of travel then we're just speaking about emotion that's looser it's all about emotion i mean your emotionally in favor of trade with russia somebody isn't emotionally and there is that big check and we should remember the big joke and it is an early motion. just really nice or not nice where with russia well in my shoes it's ok but you see there's a group called american russian business council and it is a seizure are for about three hundred trucks and three hundred companies big companies some of them are really big like exxon mobil and boring good small companies new companies they want to do business with russia and very i mean lobbies to remove this judge and really because it hurts their interests but they're not as proper powerful as big and it's crazy but you see boring cannot compete with this assumption ok ok listen i want to quote widen once again rice
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president biden said that the value of goods that cross the u.s. borders with canada and mexico every other day every or every few days he said exceeds the annual u.s. trade with russia is it because of the traffic renato not not to some extent not not hundred percent but just going to play a certain role that is so small and negligible and once it's removed i think projected to increase ten times at least maybe more. all this time jackson then i guess that jackson very quickly i mean this lawsuit of yours is part of the reset you're like you're in the trends you're apparently lobbying the interests of american business which is ok and you're trying to be in the trend of there and i want to help on the one you want to go to ground zero but do economic problems leave a bomb any chance to be real or actually what would you say i think there are by my house basically my chances for reelection and it's not just my point of view. it's
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interesting maybe also it's a different subject but it's a good situation for your viewers one russian a mathematician and i like mathematics i was still in mathematics myself and american historian there were theory it's called thirteen keys and the thirteen point speech of resilience or you're so not all in the parent's razor a bomb is on not only a bomber is reluctant on up reluctant will not realize it it's called thirty g.'s and so it's allan lichtman my colleague from american neurosurgeon watching through the sea and looking at his work and you have a russian that could be of science he's a mathematician he story they researched all the elections american presidents back to lincoln in early and thirteen keys student economic factors military stand those number of seats in congress and if for example for bama if they answer to five is negative then he's not really
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a five out of thirteen and already if you look at this now already seven negative zone fortunately unless i'm close at them and they're miracles and it happens but according to mathematics which is the most precise sine well unfortunately maybe fortunately life doesn't work according to mathematical methods it's not chess that does that anything to do with chess is a mathematical game and life is a different game maybe my last question today. if adama is not relax it's andrew card in the can come back to the white house doesn't mean the end of reset oh well depends who i mean the republicans different about right in the rear and the wrong reason i think i'm one from the wrong reagan school we didn't like communism didn't like soviet union but we liked russia saw it in a minute about a smaller good and if you are those hearing some capitol hill there are many members of congress including republicans like gun iraq and others who want to live
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destruction american we want to continue to set up so it's not obvious in what one people see when they're. doing the campaign and when they come to the white house it's quite different so for example mitt romney now he's pretty tough on russia but once he few selected and he has very good chance i think we can we have a choice that we have to work with going to public and administration and we're watching for all help there is it is it ok for a for republican to to try his best these best to support it i didn't credit the president is it is well sometimes you have to cross party lines again and again not all our problems are and are for keeping this amendment so. i think it's what's best for the country for right now for america is best to lift this thing it will help the south it will have american business it will help general reset and it's good thank you thank you very much edward and just
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a reminder that my guest in the studio today was edward lazear on ski the president of the american university in moscow and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your sound card right drop me a line about life will be back with more for some comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take it thank you.
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home. mom.
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in the czech republic and he's available in generally hotel as my central hotel provision the nice and most frequent full stop by you to which i am a taste in bosnia and herzegovina counties available in bosnia.


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