tv [untitled] April 21, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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tonight on artsy fears mounts over the future of egypt where the al-qaeda linked it was legal brotherhood movement poised to clinch a victory in the coming elections there. will sign off russia's antivirus software or glue to the us just he has been reportedly kidnapped for ransom in moscow why not all the details in just a few minutes. also doctors warn of the people exposed to the gulf of mexico oil spill could face a greater risk of cancer a year on many of took part in the cleanup operation a seriously ill fall officials are trying to sleep the story of the rug. and the sewer superjet one hundred of the first
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a russian made aircraft in the past two decades completes its first commercial flight to moscow find out more business both are around twenty minutes to. nine pm now here in moscow you're watching the r t international news channel warm welcome to you my name's kevin now in our top story ahead of september's election egyptians are raising the memory of ousted president hosni mubarak but destroying icons in renaming streets and while the west is cheering for democracy in egypt there are now fears the vote could bring about an all together and wanted regime out is the remedy explains. the more things change the more they stay the same certainly that's how it seems in egypt where the army is clearing cairo's tahrir square of demonstrators to show everything's back to normal and they're not
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wrong after months of upheaval it's very much the same people in charge as before there's a concern that they may have already the dictator they haven't really had to take the deep concerns as to whether the reforms are going far enough whether the restrictions on the role of the military is still too great for true freedom to emerge in egypt and that is the debate that's probably polarizing society but without the army a power vacuum and poised to step into that vacuum the muslim brotherhood links to al-qaeda the brotherhood is understood to be multiplying and organizing from the mosques according to their spokesperson they expect to win seventy five percent of the electoral seats they contest in september's election sun expect something more sinister there would be a deal. between the army and between the muslim brotherhood to share power and basically hijack the whole revolution this is the oldest and the best organized political movement in opposition and of course if the field is more or less been
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leveled now after mubarak has gone they have more chances than others who are not well organized back at the beginning of the year european leaders appear to adopt a hands off approach to supporting democracy in egypt but the east democratic change has to start. it needs to happen now for greater freedom and democracy. but americans are now arriving in droves to exert their influence over the democratization process it's very worrying to see so many advisers from washington arrive in cairo and perhaps try and hijack the revolution for washington but we must always. remember that egypt was a strategic lynchpin of washington foreign policy that all important issue is going to hell and the nile river basin so we'll see the forces aligned against any leader that doesn't merge in egypt washington will definitely try and get it on.
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but what if it's the muslim brotherhood although the west has had some dealings with the brotherhood it acted very differently towards its roots organization hamas classified by some countries as a terrorist organization in two thousand and six have mass won a democratic election in the palestinian authority in response to middle east quartet interests to fear sanctions according to the merriam webster dictionary the definition of democracy is government by the people but what will happen in european corridors of power if the people of egypt sees what's perceived to broads be the wrong governments the world awaits the results of september the lack said the rabbit. meanwhile libya an arab nation inspired by egypt's example is struggling to overthrow gadhafi regime of two months of fighting nato allies have announced plans now to said military advisers to the rebel side quarters to help
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the opposition break the stalemate with pro-government forces and russia's foreign ministers warned that pulling international officers on the ground could have a predictable consequences. with those are the latest developments in libya not making us happy it's a clear launch of the ground conflicts we consider these moves extremely risky which could lead to unpredictable consequences if increases in history when it all started with sending in military advisors and then it drags out for years and resulted in hundreds and thousands dead on both sides we call on everyone to respect the u.n. resolution in solving this conflict. this is just as a bit more and we're joined by the deputy editor of the british internet magazine spiked rob lyons on the line rob good evening to you thanks being on r.t. so russia's been raising concerns and we just heard there again today that nato allies have gone beyond russia sees in a u.n. resolution in their actions in libya how serious those violations as you see it so
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well because the original u.n. resolution was so vague i think what's happening is that britain france and other countries are stretching it out as much as they possibly can so the definition of this is billions of. has gone from taking a few pot shots at tanks through to putting a few boots on the ground and that may even go further this talk of i was standing in military personnel to protect humanitarian aid so they are really stretching the bounds of what's actually. resolution but at the same time i think they're very. underside of themselves about exactly how far they want to go i think they would want to avoid getting involved with. logic of their positions back to get rid of gadhafi constantly pushing them towards getting more and more involved i guess not the argument of the moment is the coalition airstrikes in so far but enough to prevent the civilian bloodshed so i guess there is
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a strengthening the case then for a ground operation is the best way ultimately. well i mean there's a few stages in between for example the transfer persuade the americans to bring in some particular kinds of aircraft very good at tackling small targets. doing their very best to try to avoid putting possibly kind of isn't a predictable situation and faced with the possibility of after all the effort so far that large numbers of civilians get killed it's going to put them in a very awkward position about what they do next well the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon he's in moscow right now has called for an effective cease fire and political dialogue in libya nice words but do you think there's any real chance of that happening any time soon. to be as if. it's pretty determined to try and put down this rebellion and. establish for control when it's again and that's going to be very very difficult as long as the western powers are involved
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so what you're going to end up with is actually a bloody stalemate where not killing goes on as we've seen in disaster in the last few days killing goes on but there is no nobody has the strength for either side to actually force a resolution on the situation and i think about we're going to see a lot of start of the next few weeks do you think this is actually gone too far now between the two sides in libya never to get round the negotiating table. well i mean. i would only this will all get together in the right circumstances a little moment as long as the west intervenes on one side of the rebels hope. every interest in trying to keep the thing going hoping that the west will step up their involvement and so things will carry on this as i said. for a while for a while yet i think what you make of this a warning from the russian presidential level representative for african affairs saying that if ground operations do begin it could trigger a much larger african war is that really
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a prospect you think that nato countries would want or could even cope with indeed if it happened well i don't think they'll want that and also everything they can to stop at the moment it seems that libya is a fairly isolated case that brought the regimes around which are much more stabilized now and the you know you want to keep out of it as much as possible because i've got our own problems so i think libya will be kind of running sore for a while yet but it will remain relatively isolated place for the program problems deputy editor of spike magazine good to hear your views. let's turn now to a story unfolding in moscow where the son of russia's most prominent antivirus guru you're going to because he's reportedly been kidnapped for ransom our correspondent got piskun off scot the latest on this developing story tonight. the alleged kidnapping happened are few days ago it's only on thursday that these news came out according to reports twenty year old yvonne just because he was kidnapped right
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next to his work in moscow and on the scene day his father you gave just yes he who is the founder of one of the biggest antivirus software production companies in the world he reportedly received a phone call from the kidnappers who demanded three million euros in ransom this is not yet been confirmed by the authorities although he did confirm that yvonne gustier speech is missing but also reports that people on the head called his home address and his work address posted on the wall of the social network so perhaps that could have helped organize this all legit kidnapping when it comes to his father eugene gustier ski he founded his company back in one thousand nine hundred seventy his wealth is estimated to be worth around eight hundred million u.s. dollars had the moment police and the federal security service is searching for his son so we know for now of course we'll be monitoring this story as it develops.
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next tonight a year after one of the worst environmental disasters in history the gulf of mexico oil spill b.p. is trying to shift the blame by suing his contract his millions of gallons of oil speed from the deepwater rig following the explosion which killed eleven people at the time and while b.p. fights over big bucks in the court is now the locals are bearing the brunt again out he's gone and she can't stop the story. five million barrels of oil in combination with almost two million gallons of highly toxic chemical dispersants used to fight the oil spill a cocktail that contaminated not just the water in the gulf but found its way into people's blood a year after the disaster an environmental group tested the lot of dozens of cleanup workers as well as residents of coastal areas they found levels of ban seen thirty six times higher than normal or call for. shader truly want to work in the open a bottle or. clayton mathur and worked as
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a boat engineer he says he was in perfect health before he was exposed to the toxic chemicals in the gulf now he's fighting a bouquet of illnesses car the social flugel the part of the actual military officials from clayton is not alone in his fight george price owns a small boat yard in louisiana perfectly healthy just a year ago he has lost thirty pounds in the last few months george was diagnosed with severe anaemia on a sunday and must still hold the story and will be no you really know dr michael robbie chom who's been practicing medicine in louisiana for forty years says he's never had such an influx of patients with respiratory and blood issues he fears the worst it's a distant stream and authorities for calls can be robbie cha is one of a few doctors who is outspoken about gulf coast residents sometimes connection with
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the toxic chemicals that they've been exposed to many other doctors refuse to recognize the cause as dr robert shaw says either because they don't have the necessary training or they don't want to be called a court. and environmental justice group told residents in several coastal communities almost half said they have experienced health problems like coughing skin and eye irritation or headaches that are consistent with common symptoms of chemical exposure doctors say the consequences of having for example benzene in the blood could be a lot more serious it can cause a decreasing red blood cells leading to a ninio or cancer of the blood forming organs it's very clear when you look at the ingredients both oil which is considered so. it is considered as rather a hazardous material couple with the ingredients in the toxic dispersants. and when you mix those together it actually creates all its arms more toxic and these are
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exactly the same rules that are truly literally in people's blood many of the fact it gulf coast residents and those involved in the cleanup of the gulf say fear along in their fight with the consequences of last year disaster many of them likely don't even have health coverage through. you or should worship every day marine biologists are saying it's going to take at least twenty years for the gulf ecosystem to recover president obama signed the country's environmental agency to investigate health effects of the spill but many gulf coast residents are sure the agency will do its best to sweep the findings under the rug and any recording from washington are. really worrying picture there will scientists say it could be years before the full extent of the damage is known let's talk more about this i'm going to suffer from this is from the u.s. center for biological diversity joining us on the line from san francisco thank you being on the program tonight well you know year on there are reports that b.p.
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oil can still be seen along the louisiana coastline and to think of of houses being burned is still being done to clean up this mess. absolutely not there really needs to be a strong focus on cleanup and it's pretty remarkable here one year after the b.p. oil spill disaster began there's such a short memory of what's happening. already the government is in the habit of saying no to our shore drilling and they're making plans to lease new areas to our shore yet as you said before many of the impacts of the oil spill are still yet to be seen and even in its most recent review of this new lease that it's planning an issue in the gulf of mexico it said well we don't really know what the impacts are yet we're still conducting those studies but our gases that there are very little and so we don't think there's any new information that we need to take into account when doing analysis for as you said very difficult to get information about the
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impact you know we all recall those heartbreaking pictures those poor seabirds the animals listen to the stories of the fishermen the people living along the coast those lives actually decimated how do you think the damage still really is from the information you've gleaned. well we've heard reports of massive standings of sea turtles and that's likely only the ones that. there's probably about five times that amount were injured out of the ocean or not washed up on the shore and there's also been major reports of over one hundred fifty baby dolphins that have stranded on the shores and likely that vast underestimate of the damages that are out at sea and correctly there are still tarballs washing up on the sea shore reports of layers of oil that still covering the sea floor yet much of the information about the assessment that's being done to try to figure out what the damage is has been
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kept quiet and it's very difficult to know the exact numbers and know the exact causes yet at the same time as the previous reports many people are reporting illnesses and feeling sick still and a lot of people are afraid that by shellfish and fish from the gulf of mexico which is really harming the communities also you know those pictures are coming out. just as we try to shift responsibility for the disaster. sort of lawsuits against suing b.p. the blame game well and the way who do you think should be held responsible for what we witnessed all certainly b.p. responsible party but i would add in addition to that but the u.s. government has played a role in having more oversight of our troil and gas that promised regulatory reform to really rein in this industry that's kind of gone wild and yet at the same time we're seeing a year later permits going forward with still no none of the adequate compliance
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with environmental law that the commission found was some other problem that led to the b.p. disaster in the first place so they really need to change the culture of the u.s. government and and start doing the proper analysis and looking at i'll turn. i'm not playing risky your position you want food at the forefront of a lot being for change your a sense of biological diversity leaders launch number of lawsuits against the u.s. government doesn't it and it's lobbying for reforms it is saying on offshore oil practices what changes though do you think regulation we should see to prevent similar accidents like this from happening again could you ever really safeguard against it. that's true and absolutely an oil spill like the b.p. disaster could happen again tomorrow and especially with the progress that's going on and one of the really important reforms is that we saw with b.p. disaster there was a complete waiver and environmental review for that project and those environmental
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waivers are still on the books so that's one obvious place that can certainly use reform the second area is but there basked under estimates of what an oil spill could do you i think. prior to the b.p. spill they said oh the most oil every spill into the gulf of mexico from all of our . over forty years would be about thirty thousand barrels and we saw that in just one day of the b.p. disaster. from the u.s. sent for biological diversity in san francisco did like to tell going to program for the i think you. bring up today really world news headlines in brief asylum seekers have burned down an immigration detention center during riots in sydney it's a roof tiles and other objects that firefighters were called in to put out the blaze started with the tailings protesting over rejected asylum applications police say that no injuries have been reported with the has now been restored the story is recently see the increase of the number of asylum seekers rising from sri lanka
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afghanistan and iraq. forces loyal to the ivory coast new government of exchange fire with former president laurent gbagbo his troops it's part of attempts to restart the security after heavy fighting earlier this month the incumbent leader he was arrested last week with the help of the un and french forces during a raid on his residence in the main city of abidjan the internationally recognized leader of the song of tara has been trying to unite the country following last year's to speak with. the syrian president bashar al assad's officially lifted the country state of emergency rule after almost fifty years in effect it comes after weeks of violent anti-government protests calling for the president. to move to end the law which granted authorities. the rights will rest people without charges because thieves will try to diffuse the unrest he writes from pages so more than two hundred people have been killed in the records against them for. their an earthquake with a six magnitude has rocked eastern and northeastern japan no tsunami warning has
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been issued and there are no media reports of any casualties or damage but japan has declared the twenty kilometer evacuation area around the stricken fukushima nuclear plant an official no entry zone now that comes after police found more than sixty families still living inside the affected area after the march disaster plan crippled by both the quake and that huge tsunami by a series of explosions and radiation leaks on board some latest for the through to we've managed to get free of pain by remote controlled robot that japan's crippled fukushima plant the robot you can see sitting here exploring damaged buildings and trying to take radiation readings in areas considered far too dangerous for humans to go into the plant on the northeastern coast was devastated by that quake and subsequent tsunami that hit japan in march. voice your opinion about any of the stories you see of course you can by going to our website our team talk on there here you'll also find plenty of stories waiting to be discovered around the clock
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a lot on there for you as ever and our teeth all come on the stories now you might be interested in going i phone you'll be careful you go seems your i phone is tracking you such as a ring in the previous three alarm after discovering that i phones are tracing and storing big uses every movement we are aware of that if not check out our dot com. news about that u.s. pastor who rose for him from a burning a qur'an and he's now apparently probably going to rally outside the largest mosque in america again if you want to get more background on the ongoing story it's at r.t. dot com two. just one of three minutes past nine here in moscow tonight but later this hour hope you can stay with us we've got a special report on the hardships that farmers are forced to face right now in the
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u.s. let's talk business before that would be my just ahead. indeed she's available in hotels. resort and spa. resort and spa come a considerable amount of turnbull's real sentry in bali resort and spa sun your beach hotel the western resort the use of doing club med bali sofrito some in the. resort and spa the ritz carlton hotel grounds many articles of the ten seasons hotel the sultan returned.
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watching business savvy a company i'm going to make the bank of the russian co-owners of considering suing b.p. of violations of the company's shareholder agreements consortium of russian shareholders . say the lawsuit may take place in two weeks time however the amount of the claim has yet to be revealed it was reported it may want up to ten million dollars from b.p. and jan you the british royal signed enough of exploration i'm sure that's what agreement with another russian oil major was now have to consider the move to be against the joint ventures agreement and temporarily block the. russia's largest private oil company lukoil may take part in exploration and development of the arctic shelf opposes a license to ross napco companies. first aims to raise property of the existing projects. moscow's sheremetyevo airport has played host to the arrival of the first commercial flight of the new superjet one hundred. aircraft named after the first
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man in space during a garden was carrying its. capacity of passengers on the trip from europe are the first russian passenger plane produced in twenty years super jet is intended to be a competitor to rival medium range aircraft manufactured by canada's on badia and brazil's embraer. so to the markets now u.s. stocks are looking positive after a strong wednesday session they're driven today by serious shares of apple and morgan stanley apple boosted first quarter profits with sales of its stock is up more than two percent this out of. europe and of the day max the fourth just a notch there however technology sector stocks were up especially air some l. holdings after a forcing better than expected profits. and here in russia the markets also ended the day next the r.t.s. up half a percent myself down by just the last which is ahead of the european easter holidays
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so even if some of the shares their gas problem is up two percent after announcing it will be taking part for the time being in the development of the elephant well field in libya polymaths all still among the top news is despite high precious metal prices that's after the company published disappointing results. the nature of money is the jump out quickly come break very quickly so soon as people realize it is just one of effect. continuing don't greet the old since the risk of losing people still to come back and that was reflected in the very good performance of russia in the past few days so really all those back to the room few days ago and again the names which were hit worst of the worst own gas. leading players performance in the post to the. go back to the markets and
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commodities now with a four percent gain so far this month following a ten percent rise in march crude prices by keeping their heads up nights with up thirty five cents brant forty seven cents down not much of a correction is still above one hundred twenty three dollars. gold prices are continuing to advance we're seeing prices of fifteen hundred sixty dollars per troy ounce gold all time high yet again silver is trading around forty six dollars per ounce it's price level in three decades and yet again worldwide inflation and death concerns are causing investors to look for safe haven stocks. and some economic news now consumer prices in russia grew as much as four point one percent so far this year this pace of growth has accelerated compared to last year when it reached three point four percent the same prime minister earlier pledged to maintain inflation within seven and a half percent. russia's international thorax and gold reserves have jumped to
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their highest level in more than two years by a rise in euro euro denominated assets account for forty percent of the reserves which are now topping five hundred billion dollars that's still lower than in china and in japan. the rule is that a new record versus the greenback as well prices are fueling prospects for fast economic growth in the country russian currency gained almost one percent to the dollar on wednesday the greenback is now worth around twenty seven rubles nineteen copecks that's a low since twenty seven months and the prime minister is calling for further strain from the ruble in order to make a reserve currency on the posts of space europe today will be back next hour with an update of the business news count is next with the headlines and stay with.
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the king has been to the chile of inspiration for the long lost secret of dumbest steel has been discovered. now archie goes east of lake baikal with the longest russian railway line runs. for the sunday desert lies among siberian mansions the for people full of the same routes as hundreds of years ago. welcome to the track.
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