tv [untitled] April 21, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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the leader of the g.o.p. who kills shirts in new delhi who took. eighty hoto cleary collection among the close of the maiden's hotel believe park plaza movie the radisson shift it was promised but the for cash purpose. tonight on the program fears mount of the future of egypt where the muslim brotherhood movement is poised to clinch a victory in the coming election. the sun off russia's antivirus software guru gus gus he has been reportedly kidnapped or and some in moscow why not all the details in just a few minutes. and doctors warn the people exposed to the gulf of mexico oil spill could face a greater risk of cancer a year old many who took part in the clean up operation is seriously ill while officials told us read the story under the rug.
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hello thanks for being with us tonight is no eleven pm here in moscow this is the r.t. international news channel my name is kevin hour and first this hour ahead of september's election egyptians are raising the memory of ousted president hosni mubarak by destroying icons and renaming streets about the west is cheering for democracy in egypt there are now fears that that vote could bring about another and wanted regime out he's the rabbit explains more. the more things change the more they stay the same certainly that's how it seems in egypt where the army is clearing cairo's tahrir square of demonstrators to show everything's back to normal and they're not wrong after months of upheaval it's very much the same people in charge as before there's a concern that they may have already the dictator they have a mood of if you take shipper deep concerns as to whether the reforms are going far
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enough whether the restrictions on the role of the military is still too great for true freedom to emerge in egypt and that is the debate this calmly polarizing society that but without the army a power vacuum and poised to step into that vacuum the muslim brotherhood links to al qaida the brotherhood is understood to be multiplying and organizing from the mosques according to their spokesperson they expect to win seventy five percent of the electoral seats they contest in september the election son expects something more sinister there might be a deal. between the army and between the muslim brotherhood to share power and basically hijack the whole revolution this is the oldest and the best organized political movement in opposition and of course if the field is more or less been leveled now after mubarak has gone they have more chances than others who are not organized back at the beginning of the year european leaders appear to adopt
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a hands off approach to supporting democracy in egypt but the east democratic change has to start now. it needs to happen now growth of freedom and democracy. but americans are now arriving in droves to exert their influence over the democratization process it's very worrying to see so many advisers from washington arrive in cairo and perhaps try and hijack the revolution for washington but we must always. number that egypt was a strategic linchpin of washington for causing that all important. the nile river basin so we'll see the forces aligned against fairly leader of the those emerging egypt washington will be if we try to get it on. but what if it's the muslim brotherhood although the west has had some dealings with the brotherhood it acted very differently towards its roots organization hamas classified by some
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countries are the terrorist organization in two thousand and six have mass won a democratic election in the palestinian authority in response to middle east quartet imposed to fear sanctions according to the merriam webster dictionary the definition of democracy is government by the people but what will happen if european corridors of power if the people of egypt sees what's perceived to be brought to be the wrong governments the world awaits the results of. your rabbits are to be loved. meanwhile libya an arab nation inspired by egypt's example is struggling to overthrow gadhafi regime after two months of fighting nato allies have announced plans now to said military advisers to the rebels headquarters to help the opposition break the stalemate with pro-government forces and russia's foreign minister has warned that putting international offices on the ground could have unpredictable consequences. with those are the latest developments in libya
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not making us happy it's a clear launch of the ground conflicts we consider these music streaming risky which could lead to unpredictable consequences if increases in history when it all started with sending in military advisors and then it drags out for years and resulted in hundreds and thousands dead on both sides we call on everyone to respect the un resolution in solving this conflict. the russian foreign minister has gone out of spec and wanted to discuss the actions of a coalition in libya let's talk now to simon assaf who writes for the london based socialist worker newspaper simon thanks for being with us what is the deal here then as you see it the u.k. has reiterated that the coalition is not creeping towards the use of ground troops in in here but nato military advisers as we just mentioned are being sent to the rebels base in benghazi how does it all add up is it do you think the first step of the alliance putting boots on the ground seems like a very big step i think the original demand from the rebels inside of.
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the cities and western libya was to the no fly zone to stop most of these coming in and some humanitarian aid the red line put them was ground troops and now we're beginning to see the first steps towards. recruiting arrive or foreign or foreign forces this is exactly what happened in vietnam and in various other conflicts and it always starts with it's about humanitarian intervention and then where is that leading to and this i think is a very very. some political way forward there says intensifying humanitarian assistance to libyan civilians is a main priority but you know to achieve that wouldn't military support be needed i tell those people bringing the aid in. well i mean the international agencies like the red cross and the red cross are usually can bring aid in through making agreements with both parties i think once you step away from that then it becomes
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very dangerous to make a hostage to one side or the other and i think this is i think this is a full red herring i don't think they need an armed force to bring in aid they just need to go through the normal channels but they always do. nato of course struggling to adhere to the terms of the one nine hundred seventy three resolution with its goal to protect civilians still not achieve with that in mind well what power does that document actually have is it full of thought on its face do you think well the thing is about is that the original resolution was about if you like trying to stalk. excesses of the gadhafi regime but it also stops the rebels being able to win so for example nato. war planes grounded rebel jets they stop shipments of rebel arms coming into misrata so it's not like nato is simply making life easier for the rebels it's not making life easier for the rebels and i think there is i think we have to remember i think at all points is that these
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revolutions that are taking place across the arab world and across the region are about the expression of something new not simply a replacement of your dictator by a foreign power or as in the case of egypt by one bad regime with another it's about really expressing something new and what we're seeing in libya unfortunately is the best way to put it is really the west hijacking this revolution and in this process they're making very very difficult for the revolution succeeds what do you make of the latest reading from tripoli sending out a warning to nato saying it will unleash quote hal upon the coalition if its offices enter any libyan city is that just more time rhetoric do you think that there's going to really have more firepower up his sleeve that we've not seen yet. i'll tell you what he has you see the thing about imperialism is that it's an every day question inside the middle east but here in lebanon the south lebanon and palestine or you're in iraq you know the these are very very very big questions and
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the idea what gadhafi has is that he'll be able to pull more and more the idea that he represents the resistance against imperialism and this of course of a very powerful impact on that would have a very powerful impact so yes if the involvement of the west becomes more and more ground troops go in if they start talking about politician then you can see under these conditions gadhafi making an appeal to the arab street so it's a bit of players are really talking about not just immediate fire possibly absolutely a pretty much broader picture because the thing is is that the libyan revolution is not isolated but next to it is the tunisian revolution and the egyptian revolution and you know in the previous news item i talked about the arrival of the americans inside of egypt so people will begin to question we made this revolution what were the demands of these revolutions self-determination dignity and to poverty and corruption and so on and simply what seems to be happening is the west not simply the west but they seem to be taking time to take advantage of this in order to some
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ways hijack these revolutions and different places that they can on different forms but the truth is there are revolutions taken place and these revolutions from below from ordinary people some to mention just now ban ki moon and the the political list he is trying to take to pull the sides together the u.n. suggesting the two sides call a ceasefire negotiate but you know if you could do nothing refusing to budge and the opposition it seems determined to force him out of power is that wishful thinking on this stage. well i think from the point of view of the libyan revolution i cease fire would be a disaster because what what what is it that's being asked for from the rebels our withdrawal from regime troops from the cities misrata in the mountains all these places and this the regime is unwilling to do so what exactly will this inspired be will simply be a delay of a more bloody confrontation down the line will it mean. an end to the bloodshed all these things i think are in the balance the real question is the libyan revolution
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for it to succeed in a real way it has to draw on egypt and has to draw into an easier and understanding them separately won't work you have to understand it as a whole regional movement of course as these revolutions develop and they are developing then the real the revolution inside of libya can express itself and of course we know there's not support in the streets of tripoli is not support and lots of areas on the on the control of gadhafi regime these people have to be the author of their own destiny not foreign troops or not anyone else sometimes in this process of revolution they make a new society yes i mean there's a lot more that could be said about this a lot more told who we could do if i got a time from now but the sound of stuff from the so says work at least paper in london thanks give us your thoughts on the program. and still to come here now calm by seeing terror. being a policeman and russia's north caucasus region is a notoriously dangerous job we go on patrol in turbulent darkest hour on the front
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lines of the fight against islamic insurgents join us on our special report in just a few minutes on our street. but now the news from moscow where the son of russia's most prominent and computer virus. has reportedly been kidnapped for ransom now corresponding piskun also got the latest on this developing story today. the alleged kidnapping happened a few days ago is on thursday that these news came out and according to reports twenty year old yvonne cust b.s.t. was kidnapped right next to his work in moscow and on the scene day his father you've given gus b.s.e. who's the founder of one of the biggest antivirus software production companies in the world he reportedly received a phone call from the kidnappers who demanded three million euros in ransom this is not yet been confirmed by the authorities although he did confirm that yvonne gustier ski is missing but also reports that uganda had called his former address
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and his work address posted on the wall of the social network so perhaps that could have helped organize this alleged kidnapping when it comes to his father you getting gustier ski he founded his company back in one thousand nine hundred seventy his wife is estimated to be worth around eight hundred million u.s. dollars has the mormons police and the federal security service is searching for his son so we know for now of course we'll be monitoring the story as it develops. a group as kind of our correspondent there a year after one of the worst environmental disasters in history the gulf of mexico oil spill b.p. is trying to shift the blame by saying it's contract to millions of gallons of oil spilled from the deepwater rig at the time of that explosion which also killed eleven people and while b.p. fights over a big bucks in court it's the locals are still betting the plant out is going to cameras get the story. five million barrels of oil in combination with almost two
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million gallons of highly toxic chemical dispersants used to fight the oil spill a cocktail that contaminated not just the water in the gulf but found its way into people's blood a year after the disaster and environmental group tested the lot of dozens of cleanup workers as well as residents of coastal areas they found levels of band seen thirty six times higher than normal record for. she truly want to work in the open a bottle or even. clayton mathur and work as a boat engineer he says he was in perfect health before he was exposed to the toxic chemicals in the gulf now he's fighting a bouquet of illnesses carter salute you little thought a lecture most crucial for clayton is not alone in his fight george price owns a small boat yard in louisiana perfectly healthy just
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a year ago he has lost thirty pounds in the last few months george was diagnosed with severe anaemia us military and must still hold of this story and we. know you know dr michael robbie chom who's been practicing medicine in louisiana for forty years says he's never have such an influx of patients with respiratory and blood issues he fears the worst hit seen as it's true in the tourist recalls robbie chalk is one of a few doctors who is outspoken about gulf coast residents symptoms connection with the toxic chemicals that they've been exposed to many other doctors refused to recognize the cost as dr robert shaw says either because they don't have the necessary training or they don't want to court a court. requires an environmental justice group polled residents in several coastal communities almost half said they had experienced health problems like coughing skin and eye irritation or headaches that are
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consistent with common symptoms of chemical exposure doctors say the consequences of having for example benzene in the blood could be a lot more serious it can cause a decreasing red blood cells leading to a nino or cancer of the blood forming organs it's very clear when you look at the ingredients both of which is considered so. it is considered as rather a hazardous material couple with the ingredients in the toxic dispersants. and when you mix those together it actually creates all its arms more toxic and these are exactly the same rules that are truly not literally in people's blood many of the fact that gulf coast residents and those involved in the cleanup of the graph say beer alone in their fight with the consequences of last year disaster many of them likely don't even have health coverage through. your solution every day maureen biologists are saying it's going to take at least twenty years
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for the gulf ecosystem to recover president obama signed a country's environmental agency to investigate health effects of the spill but many gulf coast residents are sure agency will do its best to sweep the findings under the rug i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . scientists say it could be years before the full extent of the damage is known during conservation specialist professor richard steiner told me the last two spill was a disaster waiting to happen. we knew there was a high risk of an offshore catastrophic blowout like this particularly in the deep water high pressure high temperature reservoirs that they were drilling we knew that the government was not providing adequate oversight of these deep water exploratory projects and so this was kind of when we knew this would happen sooner or later the there is a playbook that governments and they will industry use in major oil spills and that is to understate the size understate the impact and overstate the effectiveness of
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their response that's exactly what the u.s. administration has done throughout e.p.a. disaster is what they all industry has done and the truth of the matter is this was an enormous release of a toxic substance in a productive coastal system the damage was extensive it will be with us for years unfortunately there's no effective way to respond well to a major release of oil in a marine environment they only recovered about three percent of the total value of oil that escaped their containment efforts. coming there from marine conservation specialist professor richard steiner. dozens of militants have been killed in many terrorist attacks prevented following recent security raids here in russia but the country's southern republic of dagestan still remains a hotbed for extremists with police putting their lives on the line daily hoping to
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put an end to the violence of these time bomb reports. that's on the frontline in darkness down in southern russia but this isn't a battlefield of tents and missiles but of daily skirmishes bombs and hit and run attacks no controls or. challenge the person yes i'm afraid of there has to be someone to do this job and recently the dangers of the job brought home with a bang. as this easy t.v. footage shows militants drive up in the fire a person from a kalashnikov into the police station door before speeding off. five minutes later a second car left behind explodes seven policemen wounded the local prosecutors office the federal security service building took the brunt of the blast. the local police chief is and no illusions about the viciousness of their opponents. as police we have to use only legal means to fight these militants however there is
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one but here when these ballots these things like blowing up cars in busy street then we must fight them in their own way the town of kids will get itself is a modest trading center surrounded by villages many of which are friendly to the hardline one happy form of islam and militants it's typical of many such places throughout much of the north caucasus which is struggling with radical islamic insurgency and opals refer to people joining the militants as having gone to the forest but can't understand how they justify their acts of god then i know it is crucial to find a common language for those in the forest but there should be a way to reach some compromise. version of that sometimes it feels like a little knot in dagestan but in afghanistan real muslims wouldn't go to the forest is on as a social religion and the forest is for all our wills not people it was obvious the bush i knew would not play well curse the harvest killing their brothers they're
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not real muslims new muslim one stars that are not the terms five hundred police are mostly muslim just like the militants even so they are usually the main terror target but they're keen to distinguish between hardened terrorists and new recruits i tell you of course young people who made a mistake and went to the forest should be given a chance to mend their ways but those who persisted killing civilians and policeman will destroy them all from i've seen enough of his opponents to know about their methods and motives however dangerous they are and doesn't think if it is a special threat. those who go to. for a start just slightly many criminals they're just scum and it's awful to be using islam to disguise theory. look at the police station the reinforcing the concrete barricades they want to be prepared for the next wave of kalashnikovs car bombs were at a checkpoint on the outskirts of the town police say their life here over the past
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decade has been one of virtual partisan warfare and yet nobody seem to be able to answer those two most obvious of questions how or when it might tend tom watson r c kids the years darkest i'm. bringing up to do some top world news headlines tonight at least fifteen people have been killed by a bomb in pakistan's largest city karachi thirty others were wounded in the attack officials said the blast went off inside an illegal gambling club the explosion took place and neighborhood where warring drugs gangs operating. forces law the ivory coast's new government exchanged fire with former president laurent gbagbo his troops in spite of attempts to reestablish security following heavy fighting earlier this month to oust the incumbent leader he was arrested last week with the help of u.n. and french forces during a raid on his residence in the main city of abidjan an internationally recognized leader other summer tires trying to unite the country following last year's disputed election. the syrian president bashar assad has officially lifted the
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country's state of emergency rule after almost fifty years in effect it comes after weeks of violent crimes and government protests calling for the president to step down the move to end the law which runs the thirty's the right to arrest people without charges being seen as an attempt to defuse the unrest human rights campaigners say never two hundred people. will crackdown against them break. those quake with a six magnitude rocked eastern and northeastern japan no tsunami warning is warning was issued in there are no immediate reports of any casualties or damage meantime though japan has declared the twenty kilometer evacuation area around the. stricken fukushima nuclear plant unofficial no entry zone now that ban comes after police found more than sixty found is still living inside the affected area after the march disaster the plant crippled by both the earthquake and then the tsunami has been hit by a series of explosions and radiation leaks following on with the story we've got this latest footage to obtain by
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a remote controlled robot at the fukushima nuclear facility you can see it exploring the damaged buildings there taking radiation readings in areas that considered far too dangerous for humans to enter right now there's been a struggle to this week the mayor called remove highly toxic water from the plant just this week as fears rise surrounding the waste leaking into the sea. i want to know more on that we've been tracking all the latest developments in japan ever since the devastating earthquake struck last month just head over the web site for the full timeline of events including the fukushima nuclear disaster and it's a quick look at what else we got in store for you tonight our team dog home got an i phone interested in this than be careful when you go into tracking you research is a ringing the privacy alarm after discovering that i phones traced and store their uses every movement. plus the u.s. pastor who rose to infamy by burning a koran is now planning an armed rally outside the largest mosque in america try
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the latest on my ongoing story to at r.t. dot com. just like you know mark skies will be here to reveal scandals around the latest financial headlines in just a few minutes time on r.t. from moscow but it's business next with dmitri. i know what your business i think it's good to have your company the russian co-owners of t. and k. v.p. are considering suing b.p. over violations of the company's shareholder agreement the consortium of russian shareholders says the lawsuit may take place in two weeks time however the amount of that claim is yet to be revealed earlier was reported it may want to ten billion
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dollars from b.p. in january the british oil signed an arctic exploration share swap agreement with another russian oil major snapped are considered to move against the joint ventures agreement and temporarily block the deal here's most interesting from their capital . the standing you should offer was made to the region of the new fifty cent. because. it's sort of midway. could be really good thinking this. is the one of the key partners. essentially state this is the new interest through history so i think you know this. political game could continue with. the. the agreement and this treaty as you do of b.p.t. . province meanwhile russia's largest private world company lukoil may take part
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in exploration and development of a share of the profits licensed to ross net of companies say the decisions on first day profitability of existing projects. russia has appealed to chinese officials to settle under payments but while supplies for negotiations the action followed after the country's oil pipeline monopoly transept declared it may file a lawsuit against china in the course the grounds for the lies that the chinese partner see. pc's failing to meet the agreed price for the east side of europe pacific ocean five ply says its monthly losses are valued at around twenty million dollars for all the overall that has exceeded one hundred million dollars. also should be made to go after which has played host to the arrival of the first commercial flight of the new super superjet one hundred aircraft named after the first man in space you to god it was carrying its full capacity of passengers on that ship
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probably at about the first russian passenger plane produced in twenty years super jet is intended to be a competitor to rival medium range aircraft manufactured by kind of the badia and brazil's and grip. now is take a look at how the russian markets closed the first day session that was a mixed picture with the r.t.s. broke off a percent my six point one percent secular good some of the stocks gas pradhan was one of the biggest gainers up two percent as it announced it wouldn't take part in exploring the elephant field in libya right now probably met so still on one of the top losers despite high precious metal prices that's after the company published disappointing results. and that's all we have time for coming up next on our see the headlines with carol if you stay with us.
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