tv [untitled] April 21, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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well to burn the qur'an in florida and now head to ignite hatred in the heart of the arab community is the first day of his america versus the muslim world. and in the world of finance is the us dollar hit a two and a half year low are golden opportunities a result of the greenback losing its shine. the government has. jet fighter planes they haven't the sheen guns they have howitzers. so the government gets out of control how do you keep it in check well group of americans are using their second amendment rights to form a militia. that
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evening it's thursday april twenty first eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lester you're watching our t.v. now some americans openly carry their guns wherever they go to exercise their rights and normalize guns we profiled some of them yesterday but for some gun and gun owners arms aren't just for carrying they're for keeping government tyranny in check archies kalen ford has more. trouble spots never leave home without a loaded gun if it is between someone else or my family. someone else is going to die carried openly on his belt. for flats militia is a state of mind and gun control a carte blanche then government has absolutely no fear of repercussions and they can essentially do whatever they want and government is meant to be kept in check
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the definition of tyranny is that which is lawful for government but is illegal unlawful for the citizenry. the government has. jet fighter planes they have a machine guns they have howitzers they have tanks they have nuclear aircraft carriers. the militia today. we are left with semi-automatic handguns. and semi-automatic rifles back as part of the three percent a militia with its own flag plenty of guns and a manifesto that proclaims it only takes three percent of gun owners to overthrow the government thank you added last year on the banks of the potomac but the warning to those in power quote i tend to further oppress us by your own peril people here send you to act on them you can die for your. stupid failure to comprehend the real situation that we are all in and said to message that they won't back down americans are. increasingly westpoint our
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citizens. more of what subjects. more and more of america's eighty four million gun owners say they're tired of compromising on the right to bear arms three percent refused to follow any new gun control laws we all have a right to some. enery president wayne la pierre recently moved closer to the three percentage when he refused president obama's invitation to even discuss new gun lines saying quote why should i wear the n.r.a. go sit down with a group of people that have spent a lifetime trying to destroy the second amendment in the united states property. clinton was the last president to tackle gun control with a one thousand nine hundred four assault weapons ban which by his own estimates cost this party twenty seats in the subsequent election and with the two thousand and twelve presidential race looming tackling gun control now might also prove a misfire for president obama feeling for art see washington d.c.
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. and earlier i spoke with just a co-op he is a militia man himself and also host of freedom fighter radio he told me the government is making him pay for his god given right that's what he doesn't like take a listen. my county clerk to county georgia requires you to have one in order for me to carry a concealed weapon in my case of my choice forty five to pay only five ninety five dollars for a concealed weapon permit that means i'm having to pay for a god given right let's get back to the case in point with his gun rights and kind of some of the issues that militia movement like yours like yours see with america you mention god given right is it a god given right or a constitutional right i mean shouldn't a government be able to regulate that if it isn't the right to bear arms is is a law that men may not not one that god did actually read the second amendment. they are a reasonable rights what was printed in the second amendment is that was put on paper the founding fathers were expressing on paper what they were god given right
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that they should not be infringed upon ok or regulated by the government and that's exactly what is the ministration trying to do because they are trying to disarm a bill that they can basically impose their will i want to i mean we're already seeing like in michigan cellphones being of data taken out of even if you're not arrested they have a reason to fear because the second amendment is put there to protect us against tyranny in government not by words but these are the words of thomas jefferson i think again your website says that it's becoming clearer and clearer that if this country doesn't wake up soon life is america life in america as we know will cease to exist it sounds like this is about more than just guns it's about a bigger perception of threat to a way of life what are you concerned about we're concerned about the redistribution of wealth i'm concerned about how america is becoming a socialized nation let me ask you about that let me ask you about that
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redistribution of wealth because it says that if this is a socialized nation all of the data coming out shows that the income distribution is the greatest divide has been in eighty years that the. well it's a bit top one percent and the divide between that income and everybody else is the greatest in eighty years there's a redistribution of wealth going on it doesn't really seem to be there to go there it's tempting to like ok for instance if you look at the reagan administration when the rich are more tax rates and i'm far from being wealthy there are more jobs out there has been a rich and trivializing you for being is not the solution in fact if you want to if you if you tell everybody a hundred thousand dollars or more at a hundred percent rate you'd only be able to run the government for forty five months but what is the solution but the solution is that i believe with budget cuts we've got to put america first thing i noticed i'm sorry what happened in japan but
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foreign aid has become secondary suit in need of america well it doesn't mean the biggest problems are you know some of the biggest chunks of the budget are entitlements and defense spending when you cut defense spending on the defense is this spending i believe can actually be cut and still keep the same amount of weapons is imo i've worked in the defense industry for harris corporation with government contractor understand bomber programs and store weapons in the eighty's and i can tell you the ways that they put in there i mean you could look like you've heard two thousand dollar twenty feet this is not far fetched i personally witnessed that they can be more efficient with their spending and make the thought they can actually reduce defense spending and still increasing amount of weapons i mean the jam get money out to my question just to get back to the idea of moving towards socialism so is your real concern that they're going to raise taxes on the wealthy and that that's the move toward socialism that and bush tax cuts for the wealthiest americans it's not just the standard plus the ability to criticize you
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were government how accounting limited ok well for instance government agencies coming after you using local good agencies. the pressing our first amendment right to speak out that is happening on a continual basis and you could see it with my county when the county georgia i was arrested for the simple act of flying the flag upside down i was arrested more recently a charge of criminal defamation because i identified the one in california that. made a death threat against the leader of the minuteman and the county's more concerned about people that it loosely disagree with than people that are out there trafficking drugs trafficking weapons illegally they are look this country by law enforcement agencies primarily where they flee motivated in the middle of that on a local level or do you think on a broader level because we see even this weekend this friday a rally to the highly contentious in dearborn michigan where someone who would burn
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a koran is going to have a protest against what he perceives as the threat of shari'a and jihad and chances are he's going to be able to do it regardless of how people feel because of free speech because free speech in this country is so processed in but with not being reported what you didn't address you may not be aware of you're referring to pastor terry jones of gainesville florida the christian outreach center and i was on the phone with the office the other day they are trying to make him pay but he dition will security that's what's not being reported they can hear responsible for the additional security may mean very kind of pay for the right the speak out you have to take because it's costing the thought because you know you know the burning of the koran is not blind and that is the book i do i believe in bible i'm not an attack on perverting the bible the violence is those that would attack or for merely burning an inanimate object those are the dangerous people terry children being pressured by michigan dragged into court being forced to pay up on the line
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not being for if i don't think that that happened i know that there's that but that they're trying to put that pressure on him ok and the state department i mean the penn. on the state department labeling him a threat endangering american troops overseas because he's burned a koran you know there's nothing we can do that will make us hated any more unless we submit to shari'a law and shari'a law is a threat to america and we are already seeing what's happening in europe england should be the canary in a coal mine under threat of shari'a law well that's not a highly debated issue and i don't think that i think a lot of people just agree with you there but i just it sounds like a lot of it boils down to money that you feel like you shouldn't have to pay money to register your guns you should have to pay money to protest that the rights that are in the constitution are being limited because you have to pay fees to. placing right in a privilege and that's the bottom line why are becoming privileges like word of
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government we're going to give you the opportunity to carry because you know i like in some states open parity should be if you're not a felon you haven't committed a violent felony every american citizen should be allowed to carry a firearm ok there are some places that do that. firearm are there liberty for the people here and i've always said it again and again the safest community in the world is in my state. that was just a co-ax host of freedom fighter radio and in fact we have learned since then that a dearborn judge ruled that pastor terry jones who we were speaking about must pay a one hundred thousand dollars apiece bond if you want to protest the islamic center of america now it just doesn't post that bond he could be ordered to stand trial this according to the detroit news now he is already the florida pastor that seemingly ignited the world when he first threatened and then did preside over the burning of the koran now it sparked three days of protest in afghanistan they
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turned violent twenty died eight united nations workers were killed the burning sparked condemnation from u.s. officials and questions over the limits of free speech now pastor terry jones is at it again he's planning a protest against a real law and jihad in dearborn michigan which we were speaking about outside of the biggest mosque in the country our chief christine for that was actually there on the ground and she has this report dearborn michigan is a suburb just one thirty miles southwest of detroit home of the original ford motor company in fact i'm walking along ford road right now but here in the midwest of the united states a lot of people say it looks more a time like the middle east because here in dearborn out of the one hundred thousand residents forty thousand or arab american there is the largest muslim population in the country and also the largest mosque you can see it here right behind me people who live here say it's a peaceful place but many are concerned about what is scheduled to take place right
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here tomorrow remember florida pastor terry jones the one who threatened to burn the qur'an on september eleventh cancel that but then ended up burning one last month well he has scheduled a protest here as he's protesting against radical islam also on good friday were many christians would tend church and the mosque is that right between two churches and see one of them right here. a lot of people are concerned and are asking many questions today they're wondering will there be violence will there be riots and many are asking even a bigger question how will the actions of one man reflect america across the world in dearborn christine for zero r.t. . there are these christine for that i will be following these developments and will bring us more tomorrow in a live report again from durban michigan but joining me now for more is dr aleo cordy she is an activist and a muslim american to weigh on in this i want to thank you so much for joining us
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now burning a koran is something that is very offensive to muslims we've seen the backlash in in countries where the u.s. is at war as a result of pastor manning's actions last month yet free speech is constitutionally protected in the united states you are an american muslim and i want you to choose which is the bigger priority honoring the qur'an or honoring free speech in this case. well i think that we should actually clear up as far as the backlash such a statement goes what happened on of them a stern has absolutely nothing to do with pastor terry jones to say that it is this kind of a distraction and it's it's an inappropriate statement to make what's happening with aniston is due to the fact that we have been occupying it for the past ten years this is why that there's a backlash against our military puzzle to do with someone you know exhibiting their first amendment rights but let me just using your own of the constitution. that's
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not really a question by these to be asked because i don't have to choose the constitution has does not conflict with my beliefs or the koran and vice versa so there really isn't anything to choose me ok that may be the case but how can you deny that in protests they interviewed people that were protesting and they said death to america we want who ever burned the qur'an to be punished clearly this issue incited this response regardless of what the you know the occupation and afghanistan if it's something that happened in the united states because of free speech thousands of miles away triggers this backlash isn't that an issue. i don't see it is as it being an issue i think it's actually very irresponsible to even suggest that people who are having their land occupied who are being murdered who are their children are being gunned down for sport having their pictures taken by soldiers their fingers cut off their
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women raped as being something that they would be complacent with and accepting and that i have something that is ok in they'll just allow that to happen and then some guy who's a nobody who's a joke a character in florida. but it's the thing that sets off the fire it also begs the question to be asked them what exactly is the media that karzai for example or we're allowing them to see instead of us is that of an islamist then what type of news outlets are they having access to the congress showing them the carnage it's going on in their country or are we showing them pastor terry jones i don't question these to be yes that's what the media is focusing on that thing that should be done terry jones has fifteen minutes of fame and he's to be over with he has his right to do what he wants to do. it doesn't make it right doesn't make it acceptable but that's his right so i don't know if it's what's causing so we're down. in the sound in this case like you're choosing the constitution over the qur'an that he should be allowed to burn the qur'an invent name of free speech in
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the united states. well look we're on allows free speech free speech to i think that's what needs to be understood look at our own doesn't go along to say that we must go and kill or do something horrible to someone who speaks out against it there's a story with the prophet muhammad when some woman would constantly put garbage on his door and threaten him and he didn't do anything to her and one day that didn't happen that he got it that's not what i am going over to visit her right eye someone who's directly you know it's acting the prophet and i completely hear what you're saying about what's actually what's actually contained in the qur'an and that that is not something that separate from free speech but in this case where the qur'an is a symbol and burning it offends people and free speech allows someone to do that are you saying that free speech should win out over concern over burning the koran or if the offense of burning the koran i think it's a distraction altogether this whole issue. of it which do you. i told you i
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choose both there is no conflict between choosing the current choose and constitution i'm a united states citizen i was born and raised here in new york. i have no problem with the constitution in fact i love the constitution and think it's a great article a body of work and it should be upheld. there are some people who may try to manipulate it every now and then but i think the real issue of people need to be held accountable are those that are in a position a powerful position as just such as senator harry reid or senator. lindsey graham who have said they need to take action against terry jones for what he's done but at the same time these are the ones who have supported the war in iraq who support of the world afghanistan who don't want the guantanamo bay to be shut down these are people with blood on their hands these are the people that need to be put on the spot these are people need to be scrutinized and looked at because i think a bloodshed that's been caused a lot more horrible than someone burning
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a piece of paper there and if i hear your guy then you're going to make a good point but do you believe that he should be able to do that. yes it's a constitutional right all right there is always going to be someone that's going to say something you don't like is if we want to prevent him from doing that that's taking away of someone civil liberty and the more civil liberties you take away from someone you're nuts i'm going to be not someone else is going to be next and we can't do that we have to we it's funny because i'm a muslim and i'm defending his right to do that whereas you'll see media or americans to christian americans or whatever saying the opposite i'm not upholding the constitution so it's kind of contradictory goebbels argument saying that we are not for the constitution but meanwhile here i am saying that it needs to be upheld as as as horrible of a thing that he did and i condemn what he did all right but it is saying right thank you so much for a way i'm about opinion you and seemingly the supreme court and a.c.l.u.
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who have really fought for these cases and perfectly free speech that was activist dr ali al already weighing in on that thank you and pretty speech actions targeting muslims on u.s. soil to a green light for fresh attacks on the muslim world abroad u.s. president barack obama has approved the use of predator drones in libya this according to secretary of defense robert gates he made his announcement tonight at a pentagon briefing now after the news a tweeted regime change was always a political goal complicated works best when done from inside and always takes time general cartwright tweets armed predators uniquely suited for urban areas to minimize collateral damage now the first drone mission with scheduled for today but scratch due to poor weather now you may recall the use of drones has been a point of contention between washington and islamabad also contentious because of civilian casualties in those cases. meanwhile precious metals are getting more
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precious but why gold prices have been soaring to record highs after jumping above fifteen hundred dollars an ounce for the first time yesterday it's trading at above fifteen hundred dollars to take a look at that trajectory the blue line going up now look at the dollar that's the one going flatlining and going down now when we talk about precious metals copper has also risen silver has surged and you see the dollar it's falling to multi-year lows so what is this about this about the decline in the u.s. greenback the global reserve currency not to mention well joining me for more is charles goyette he's author of this new york times best selling book the dollar meltdown i think i have an idea of what he's they think so mr gore yet what do you think is going on with gold is this surging this high as a result of concern over the u.s. dollar. well you could say that but the truth is that the value of gold is more or less holding steady and that's the value of paper currencies that are not denominated in gold the us fall and so the purchasing power of wool over the long
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period will stay more or less the same with the purchasing power of the dollar as you know from filling up your gas tank and as you know from going to the grocery store the purchasing power of the u.s. dollar is falling as are all the paper currencies the poorer i thought were the purchasing power what about concern over with investors with central banks with governments over the dollar is that reflected and they arrive and bald and comparison to the debt all the dollar you know it's very clear that the republicans and democrats in washington are not equal to the challenges ahead of us they cannot solve the problem and so economic events macroeconomic of events are in the driver seat that this thing will unfold in a very unfortunate manner because you know you get for example the ryan plan abouts balancing the budget here in the united states you're talking about balancing the budget twenty sticks here it's down the road twenty six years so none of this stuff is serious even around the park him up with your proposal to cut five hundred
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billion dollars from annual spending would still leave this country with a one point one trillion dollar deficit so none of these proposals nobody in washington seems to really understand the scope of the problem and the u.s. dollar is getting squeezed now not only internationally as you mentioned the reserve currency of the world you've got some programs around the world that are disinvested in from the dollar bilateral multilateral one grievance to get trade out of the dollar and into their currencies at the same time to a mess typically there is a little bit of foot in several of the states across the land to work and do something to protect the states citizens against the dollar so the mise en and three monetize gold and so we're going to lock ask the state of utah to that effect just recently so it was for a poet. and you we do see the circumvention of the dollar even just recently with the brics the largest emerging countries needing to work out trade deal or deals in their own currency it's certainly a trend but what really is going to be the tipping point because still you don't
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see any kind of mass movement to replace the dollar as the reserve currency and so how realistic is that as as an outcome. yeah it's actually happening before our very eyes i mean you know we saw things i can see you're so ago the central bank of india which normally the central base hold dollars as a reserve currency and issued their own currencies against their dollar holdings the central bank of india just as an example disheartened two hundred metric tons of bull i mean a bigger part of what were the dollars to replace it with gold let me give you a better example here in the united states university of texas has one of the largest academic and dominance in the in the world and they moved they they now own a billion dollars worth of gold with these bought blotting out in garments and never used to think about such in something like gold but even what's more important the university has decided not to leave its gold in the institutions in
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the positive or even the commodity exchange and to actually take physical to libya and this is a trend that is going on around around the country counterparty risk government risk or has people concerned around the world so it does but since they but if you fast forward a couple of years the dollar will look very very different so that's part of couple years what do you thin a couple years on the dollar longer be there with their currency are they going to give much longer time. and i've written about this in my book the dollar melt down because you know that foreign central bankers understand this the dollar will not last is the reserve currency of the world those days are over and you know timothy geithner goes to china and he tells beijing university students all the dollars fine everything's fine and they laughed at it but here the other day is you know standard course gives a negative prognosis on america's aaa bond rating and it and nobody in the united states really seems to understand the impact it was cool and not so the central bankers of the world know what's going on the american people are the ones that will be victimized by this and those are the people for whom are hurt in this world
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so they can protect themselves from this government ok ok let me let me go down that path our second that western part negative outlook there's a lot of people are you going about with political that it's a lot. had to deal with its deficit so that's one argument another issue is that it was a downgrade the u.s. has a aaa credit rating is still considered the risk free asset in financial models for many people the world over so what really is at stake here the u.s. has not been downgraded even japan has been downgraded neighbor doing just fine selling a treasury that did that well let me give you the real answer to that my friends in the financial community and i use this is the real answer we use behind the scenes by the own standard and poor's gets it it's too late it's week too late so you know we don't need standard horse to tell us that the united states has one hundred trillion dollars in unfunded liability and there is no mechanism whatsoever i would sure those obligations can be paid ok this is so this is just hard pressed
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to count right now let me ask you this as long as the u.s. is the global reserve currency can't just print its way out of debt is this an issue that the u.s. can continue to run the death and deficit as long as the dollar is the reserve currency and nobody really can because nobody is forced to keep the dollars the reserve currency look right now to do with the reserve it is now this is moves the federal reserve is now the largest holder of u.s. government debt and it used to be japan used to be china now it's the federal reserve but when china buys u.s. government debt they do so but they use real resources real stuff to make real things that the cost of real labor to sell to us to earn money to buy our debt to fund our debts when the federal reserve now the largest holder of united states government that when it buys that it does so with money that didn't exist that warning if you just gave it up the worst of the world sees us they're not obligated to keep funding or our debts were to keep pulling us dollars nobody else do we get
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they still are. well i mean that they are you know they are today but you know it's like five or six guys standing around a room looking at the exit trying to you know nobody wants to spook the other five to be the first one to help with the war but i mean this is what we'll here's what happens but it becomes difficult for the u.s. government funded so that it starts it starts offering higher returns interest rates go up that kills the domestic economy it kills in the sense of a recovery but the government is not like you and me when you buy your lamborghini they you know you you have to look at the interest payment you think well ok i can afford a lamborghini i'm a little news anchor and i do it does it doesn't matter to the government but government has to borrow money in the interest rate and you will note that all of these projections about the budget of the united states going forward the deficit going forward whether from the republican camp or the democratic and all of these projections come of this rosy scenario about interest rates being down here forever it's just not happening well and simple like that looking at the technical chart
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interest rates are due for a crack at the just look at historical right but i want to ask you how much do you blame the federal reserve for what's happened with the dollar they have been having a massive debt by back program as you mentioned with i can't even have the last two years but that of the radar but now it's pretty well it widely known about. then publicized but how much do you think that that's responsible for what's going on the federal reserve has destroyed ninety six for ninety seven percent now think about this they have destroyed ninety six or ninety seven percent of the dollar's purchasing power in the in the rest of the one hundred years that they've been around i mean if you have a family company your great grandfather started the hand and you know managers that turned it over to you today and it was worth three percent of what it was when the company was was created you fire up and we keep these same guys in charge they have not solved the problem since the mortgage meltdown they have passed the buck to the american people and we will all see higher prices with the growth.
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