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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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market why not. i don't want really happening to the global economy with my stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on or keep. pitching to us here the main stories we're covering for you this hour american drones are in action over in libya as the coalition turns up the heat on colonel gadhafi it's more than a month since operation started out with the allied forces and trenched and they are saying across the campaign there is no way. moscow has warned the coalition that sending military advisors to the here is risky breaks the u.n. resolution bodies chief is in moscow to discuss the situation the arab world with the russian leadership. and reports crane the son of russian software tycoon
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was released after fair. for a three million dollar ransom as we know official confirmation about any of the facts of the case from the transpersonal family. well up next r.t. takes a look at the latest high tech innovations in technology update with the. hello and welcome to technology update this month we're in because it's the capital of the russian republic of the stone and the city of contrasts where religion same cultures from east and west collide but it's also the site where a thousand years of history are giving way to an upstart innovation based economy newcomers to cosign are sure to take
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a tour of the city's kremlin to see mesko world heritage site with a breathtaking array of minarets to get detail domes within a few hundred feet of each other increasingly though it's visitors may just be stopping off to see the sights while pursuing more serious business that was certainly the mood last fall when a delegation of silicon valley entrepreneur met with other suns top officials to discuss investment opportunities in the russian republic after a long trip from their familiar california confines their hosts were eager to point out that the necessary infrastructure was in place or should be dealing just we're doing now is specializing what we have seen grad will develop the petrochemical industry has. specialized in information technology research and development flush we have a facility in the town of comes only where palomas will be reprocessed and we have specially designated zones for major high taken vestment projects are looking like much of russia to stan's economy is heavily dependent on industrial production
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accounting for nearly half of the regional g.d.p. within that segment traditional strong suits like mining metal works and oil refining remain the driving force behind the statistics there's a growing interest in modernization across all industries high tech is long played a role and goes on to come to me but it part innovative industry has a shiny new home. to california venture capitalists also came here to get down to brass tacks on why i took the stand was worthy of investor attention. push an international companies that have already enjoyed success in the republic maybe case in painstaking detail to clear message to tears. stunts economic tide is turning towards a new emphasis on top technology. economic regions of the russian federation it's about sixty percent of. comes from the. industries and one of the main objectives of. the economy
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we looking for investments but first. investments. in. and. business name should imply some smart investment in the information technology sector has already found fertile ground within an idea since our visit last october it's come alive with new tenants in for monaco's one of us in that already directly impacts the lives of the stone citizens notably in a project they've realized for the republic's government interested in the buzz around a good ministrations but still largely bogged down in traditional bureaucracy a step towards the solution the inform my kiosk for unified online state services with. a series of strict requirements for the financial from it if she wants a number of specific functions and this includes a full form of printing a variety of payment service is scanning and
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a video link up with the cool sensor. from the looks of it being in for much has a lot in common with the automated tellers that pump out our cash or the electronic kiosks where thousands of russians pay their mobile phone or home internet bills and on the whole that's a good thing users are quicker to adapt to familiar looking hardware but the key element that said that in from out apart from its look alikes in previous generations are wired in its inner workings the government asked him for monica to incorporate become passive he didn't pay for signing up for apply for and receive confirmation of a wide range of services provided by an equally broad spectrum of state aid. each of these functions means it's a whole new software and hardware design. a strange thing like at this point we don't know of any competitors that produce this kind of equipment with the same characteristics some of them have princes with tiny trays for example holding only two hundred fifty sheets. this haven't included a video link with
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a cool sensor using a single lens reflex camera as a scanner is our own plates inside solution. the camera allows for doctrine scanning without the own we'll be cover other features right at your fingertips you can read your bank cards bar codes and passports full size documents or cashiers receipts and take payment for everything from property tax to parking tickets myself. about the first award for a motor was developed here where tilt angles an ergonomic current serious six or four inch iand. a full scale called model had to be created you would wish it to focus groups and group of the voters opponents based on individual preferences said whether it was convenient or inconvenient and whether they like to look disliked it only after that did we switch over to metal start making the real thing.
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that go ahead was given informatica went to local design fabricators to help with much of the new hardware. the tiniest detail protective plates and siding panels have to be perceived in cars and welded from sheets of the desired metals and local workshops have valuable experience in the arena of mass production metalworking. it's an interesting example of how a new high technology solutions can support the continued growth of more traditional economic sectors. these in turn benefit from a call to compete for contracts to help the products in a buyer's market expecting higher standards. as a significant no. components involved in monitoring its own state including he never consumption rates the tools. it says. down the body to inform my terminals in proper shape in terms of stun red white and green in for money he gets down to the nuts and bolts of packing the kiosks full of
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the electronic communications equipment they need to do their many jobs each of the employees needs to be seen to go to the central computer which they need to connection to the government payment network some of the solution seems almost too good to be true with hard drives printers and given the digital camera hardly different from the ones we have around the office but here simplicity is savings we're talking about the ease of supplying servicing and replacing components when staring government buildings all over the republic. there is a wide range of different services provided by these in from out machines the principal task was to provide appropriate access to the service to various state structures for example if cash based operations are carried out of the right door then only cash handling and security organizations should have access to it in this case banks or some other specialized organization. over on this side only people who change their site roles in the receipt printer or service these machines will
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be given access to them this could be tax collection agencies or some other organizations that have access to the register blood isn't a full print consequently only organizations that service the channel should have access to it and even if this is also for opening servicing or taking out the camera the scanner here organizations the service the printer in this case change the contracts load the paper and generally ensure that the printer operates normally we showed up at the state property registry to see the informatics in action we found them being used by a broad segment of citizens they may have come here for something specific but services related to other administrative divisions were also excessive. use they get. because of the popularity of these machines. talking to submit the application is through the info so they don't have to come here two or three times but instead submit their applications where it's convenient they come to us only cocain to finalize documents before going to official figures for the first three months of
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two thousand and eleven in for my visits have more than tripled their handling nearly twice the volume of the inquiries and more than four times the info about locations as people realize they could reserve other appointments if it she asked that figure skyrocketed as did the number of payments made via in from out of that i t. park another company has attracted a crowd of potential foreign clients and investors to present their unique integration of the russian glow not sat nav system with just software and communications complex they coordinate seen from and start their stance emergency services but i think. russian companies need to be creating in earning money on a regional intellectual property and with that in mind information technologies a sector in selection of probity concerned it's a products pretty quickly becoming a good source of income that's part of the objective with the glowing us one one two pilot project based hearing because on with this satellite network in place they're developing and marketing a system to integrate and simplify emergency dispatcher services one one two is the
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unified emergency phone number for the e.u. and now russia much like nine one one in north america or ninety nine in the u.k. these operators take those calls and direct urgent information to emergency workers in the field whose locations they can track on the maps generated by the glowing us sat nav system. and merge and see situations can strike almost anywhere at any time and the response has to be ready time is precious and this is to mange to cut out steps by getting info straight to the service needed increasing our first response capacity. this central cars on fire station agreed to show us how the new glow in this one one two system is impacting their work and the effectiveness of the lifesaving services they provide. the control room is all computerized with the integration of locally developed sat
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nav and software producing interactive digital maps of emergency sites and units in the field we didn't light any buildings on fire to test them but the calls came in over the last. asli if we received a message that the fire rescue line zero one about a road accident where people needed some kind of help we had to dial the police at zero two or the state road traffic and special order we had to dial a third number to call an ambulance so we had to carry out all three of these operations in turn now with a new unified one one two system the difference is that dispatchers fill out a single online form they write the address and what kind of help is needed and simultaneously dispatch this information to all services. russia's federal emergency situations ministry plans the future of such systems to look something like this traumatization transmitters in private cars will signal the call center that an accident has occurred if calls to the gloominess emergency phone in the automobile aren't successful rescue teams are on the ready guide to the scene of
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the emergency by the same set of network rescuers cut down on time it's crucial to saving endangered lives it may seem a bit far fetched today but not for long transmitters like those being tested by cars on emergency vehicles may be required on russian cars by twenty thirty one and she was very interesting and important that separate regions have already launched projects both on their own issues and in cooperation with the arab world in a system where creating a live already started and the goals of basically decided in the future will combine our developments and experience to create the final product of the republic of tatarstan. has accumulated considerable experience in this field just in local people for goodness one one two informants both came from his onsite t. park but there's two more innovation centers in that city neighborhood and seven across the capital with focuses in different sectors of the stones for example beyond preside to include several high tech investment zones in cities like nice
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new columns now addition to show me and women of course it's in the sense of the most densely populated area and every second of the russian federation lives within one thousand kilometer distance and today it's very important for the multinational companies that are located in the center of the. car because their maintenance and in russia they concentrated in minnesota human resources he's one of. us in terms of quality quantity and travel to the. level in the public with us on this about forty five percent of or even less. which case invest flexibility as you face in motivating people sixteen hundred new workplaces were created with the two thousand and ten opening of the massive technical refinery in these new cars its first stage a new wealth would have seven million tonnes of crude continues to advance to the
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strunsky petroleum position petrochemical products like polyethylene and rubber begin to understand which tops forty percent of russia's productivity and both as well as roughly a third of the whole country's tires many of those tires go on to talk to stun me trucks to total thirty percent of russia's output these are either durable come ons work orders from the british need show me or feed on trucks from the lot will get special economic zone because on helicopter factory pumps out choppers used around the world and that's just one part of the important aviation sector that's long been top flight in time for stock increasingly modern aviation engineers are building specific. machines propelled by programs are remote guidance systems essentially planes that need no pilot to control their flight path. drawing on over a half century of aviation no help is on socal experimental design hero is making strides in this expanding. just turn the tables from its first piloted engine with
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spiders in the sixty's unpiloted aircraft today. the idea of using drones as flying targets is really quite obvious so you. has embraced so-called design bureau has accumulated a unique experience in this arena since it was founded by a sense of prizes designed several generations of unpiloted flying target systems mission and each of these targets was used by russian armed services and it's time for. the most recent generation of so-called targets is called done again it's designed to take off from a light mobile launcher for use almost anywhere in military testing in training they can flying groups of oka for stay aloft for over an hour and ranged from fifty meters to roughly nine thousand meters in elevation weapons systems are complicated and costly so they're fine tuning the functionality are worth the cost of flying targets but designing a full arsenal of drone targets for different simulations is overkill so the
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dynamic is meant to perform is the objective of many different in-flight exercises and the trends are in great demand not only for the air force but also in the anti aircraft defense schools is they need droids which have the capacity to serve as multiple weapons are effectively imitating old kinds of command. only three hundred fifty kilograms the done m. is pretty light for any aircraft and that's an advantage in a field that values flexibility and ease of transport it just means so goes workers have had to develop lightweight electronics and control systems to maximize their flying targets maneuverability with a minimum of bad mass to imitate various targets the dunham's engines can generate speeds from three hundred to seven hundred fifty kilometers per hour blasting it out of the sky isn't the only possible goal so it's equipped with a dual her shoe cover system which allows a single target drone to be used up to ten times a commute guided via programmed autopilot or from the remote control center all of
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these features undergo constant updates. and cheaper and more reliable line of control systems has been developed as paul sold tests and is. rating successfully and edition i knew also a pilot system has been introduced which has significantly improved the quality of flight. so who's flying targets are so tricky that only about one in every ten gets shot down this low birth rate teaches an exhibition stand for development and testing of navigation and control systems that are basically the eyes and brains of the drones we designed the ground based test complex consists of computers that control the flight dynamics of a model as well as performance wondering equipment the navigation and control system installed here is exactly like the real thing now we're going to switch on this equipment. of control actuators shows how the pilot system reacts to
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disturbances which we can create with the help of a rotary axis type changing the pitch angle of the sensor units and the banking angle this is how we imitate in a cross angle in surgical electoral play and we can judge whether the flight control system is ready for operation by changes in the test parameters of the sensor units substitution of miniature components in control systems has decreased the system's weight increase the speed of the aircraft increase the maximum fuel payload and the flight range accordingly this is a craft can withstand acceleration force of up to nine g. can nose dive and pitch up and sustain lateral acceleration forces sensually it's a flying robots. with all the smart stuff packed into the fuselage it's time to hold everything down. and see if the drone is up to snuff before it can put top weapon systems to the test it done him has to undergo some pretty stringent testing of its own the list of modern russian designed military hardware to dynamics help
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develop is nothing to mess with and includes fighter jets like the me twenty nine which is being delivered in a massive contract with india's navy. visu thirty variation developed for the chinese air force and the s four hundred triumph of any aircraft system stu more on pilot excitement lies ahead for so-called. future unpiloted and croft we plan to reach an entirely new technological level bush will on the one hand and i was to significantly raise the aircraft tail end. we'll say be providing a new generation of equipment to you that allows new hardware and programming solution something. the so-called design bureau is planning to carve out a nice in the already crowded russian drone market will build an unpiloted multi-purpose aircraft weighing in at about one hundred kilograms so for its own blueprints behind closed doors given their past excess the picture looks good going
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forward in the soviet union kodak moments were brought here by castro who made their film professor chemicals right here at this because on factory today the same site is home to a brand new innovation chemical cluster called him that the so-called tech novelis has resurrected over one hundred thirty hectares of mostly have been in brownfield in the place of one giant organization decide is establishing a base of innovative small and medium sized petrochemical projects they could help jumpstart economic development across the republic the sun you suppose would have to be here are several major petrochemical plants and cars are stunning just because you support a considerable part of their products most was going to school many of that's why we have seven objective to process at least thirty percent of color is a republican is going to get to the jobs taxes as the out of value remain in the republican economy just we could disappear at him grab high tech cluster we're creating the necessary conditions for
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a quick start up for companies the aim to do the kind of work the pleasure process polymers the movement in this is their infrastructure has been created a company can count on preferential terms for moving in. premises in a module building like this one which fully meets all safety standards and is fitted out with all modern technological infrastructure to work just if a company is already somewhat larger it can obtain a lot allotment with requires utilities where is will be able to erect production facilities or install equipment suitable for its technology quickly and without any holdups to bush it was launched in two thousand and seven today we have a hundred eleven residents and more than four thousand new jobs we sent an ambitious goal to increase the number of companies operating in him to at least two hundred with these companies we hope to create a total of ten thousand new jobs wolf ones that will fulfill a disease each of which is as of today a deflection factory within the human complex is the production facility of the russian flexible packaging company down to fix if you've been in russia long enough
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to shop for your favorite condiments there's a good chance they're cracking plastic film produced hearing because on to put all those products on supermarket shelves these lines pump out kilometers of labeled plastic wrapping each day if the item of the hour here is minis massive rolls of translucent polyethylene film are loaded through these machines with code simpler and safety being layered on progressively as the plastic passes the rollers the machinery is all about perception so that the red writing is exactly the right grid the egg yolks are exactly the right yellow and the vegetables they're natural great the reels finally finish samples are tested electronically to assure the true colors where does the plastic film come from in the first place. before still in the plastics extrusion process everything stops with granules these granules get trucked into special you matic lines through the hole and into extrude has an extra just the crown you get now to down then this melted material gets pulled into the
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special rotating die and then the film bubble goes up to twenty meters cooling slowly. after that it's pressed by a special collapsing frame and turned into what's called a light. the flats in this life not film comes back down there it gets cut to the sides and wound into robes i want to. bring that start the whole process are made of kali actually the world's most common plastic both clear unlike wrinkles produce the corresponding color of packaging material in a clear brain you'll see that supply down affects army right down the road it doesn't or seem to russia's biggest polyethylene producer the equipment design is about cooling a plastic film of the desired thickness not just because a twenty meter plastic tornado looks amazing plastics extrusion can be performed by many different methods this is called blown film extrusion the volume and pressure of the air balloon and the massive tube stretches in determining the dimensions of the film that will descend on the rolls it's the most efficient way of producing
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this kind of film but down the flicks has new packaging materials in its sights. on the prison so recently we produced mostly known barrier packaging based on the polyethylene and polyethylene terra follicle like these for a standard mayonnaise package so we produced beriah packaging based on the leaving them for a while but full is rather difficult to process and convert just by bringing it to you can see i've recorded a lot of what it's processing it by machinery is even harder even worse this material is practically known recyclable has will supply it as a result of projects was started to produce thin film membrane instead of aluminum foil in the project was established together with. through that project we produced the first membrane that has the same barry attributes as aluminum foil body of the with a number of additional advantages it's transparent which allows you to see the product inside it because so much more this film is recyclable. so the new membrane will
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replace traditional foil in highbury or packaging all the same properties in a tiny fraction of the thickness. composite films are also on the menu for the gun a flex must know partnership. produce products ministry composite materials will go into the mixture from extrusion creating stronger packaging at a lower cost as russian in a representatives made clear during the california delegations visit last october this project is just the tip of innovative investment nice we should buy if we believe the agreement we've signed with works very well very reliably which in the doing we have projects plans in the so-called clean tech sphere including alternative energy solar batteries fuel cells and a number of projects related to biotechnologies and optional components for telecommunications. behind the facade of traditional beauty because on the surrounding region is focusing on twenty first century functionality if you go to visit just my constituents we've only just begun to scratch the surface of the
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sounds high tech potential we're at a time for this month in moscow stalling fortunately we can go home to the russian capital knowing it's not the only topic all russian innovation join us for more on the next technology update until then enjoy the right.
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in taiwan all cheese available in this type. type eat the how it falls hotel type be sure to type the hotel hotel while shall his the groom for town the show with her child some will do see type the whole town kuvasz over town full of hotel evergreens the hotel type eat french victoria hotel a prince or town hall springs resort and spa tied to a hotel while she plans come closer to the town of her town the type a evergreen calls a hotel in thailand tyee london hotel time ambassador type the hotel full points and how it prints her town the splendid hotel in touch with a hotel in touch a good chunk of kooragang how an international house flow.


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