tv [untitled] April 22, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to do about the ongoing financial heart unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never saw mainstream news. nothing that is so. neat the political. parties are just. hey guys welcome to shellings tell the obama show what part of our just stop to sound the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to you tube video responses are the twitter profile of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on the. today the show is going to sponsor. playboy.
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all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and this evening it goes to oklahoma republican senator jim inhofe and the g.o.p. senator is a firm believer that global warming is just a hoax he's perpetrated or that he thinks it's perpetrated by evil scientists who are trying to destroy american business i also happens to be a major supporter of oil and natural gas drilling here in the u.s. so during an appearance on fox news host brian kilmeade radio show this week he spoke about hydraulic fracturing that's a method of extracting natural gas which is known as fracking and take a listen to his comments. one. that grew water could get would asian. perjury short of it we get. you could not get what you preach.
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interesting comments senator inhofe there's never been one documented case of contaminated ground water from fracking i beg to differ just this week there was an accident at a natural gas well in pennsylvania thousands of gallons of water filled with chemicals ran into a nearby street and seven families in the area had to be evacuated the company doing the drilling has now stopped all fracking in pennsylvania of all investigates so your comments well they're just simply not true senator let's also not forget that there was a documentary that was made called gasland by josh fox believe interviewed here on this show and that documentary displayed the dangerous effects of fracking and as you viewers may recall we've also covered a fracking issue here on our show numerous times in fact archie reported on a pennsylvania family who can't drink their water after a natural gas company began drilling on their land. it got so bad that uli and his
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cousin lives down the street just let me just find out what would happen if they let their water and fire. a lot of flames would kill a gal. like what's here with a clean slate i like that high. so senator inhofe he is still think of fracking as a cause of the water contamination ask that pennsylvania family who can now light their drinking water on fire and if you still aren't convinced senator there's a new study from cornell university is going to be published this may and it says the fracking could be worse for the environment than coal mining and didn't president obama just a few weeks ago call for more drilling of natural gas here in the u.s. maybe a few years everyone will be able to like their drinking water on fire so on this earth day wouldn't it be nice if senator inhofe and other g.o.p. leaders started telling the truth about climate change and the dangers of drilling for oil natural gas or unfortunately i doubt that will ever happen and that's why senator inhofe is tonight's told time warner. now today is earth day to day that
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we're supposed to be reminded to take care of our planet to appreciate it to realize that well it's what keeps us alive i realize that hey maybe we should try a little bit harder not to screw it up for ourselves for future generations for all of humanity and these days that we have science to help guide us in the right direction but unfortunately it's something that so many politicians in this country refuse to accept now only our legislature is full of climate change deniers and lawmakers who are easily bought off by oil and gas companies so that their business models don't get regulated for the sake of profits at our expense we also have authoritative bodies label anyone that tries to expose us to some not so easy truths and eco terrorists who discuss this is will potter author of green is the new read an insider's account of a social movement under siege well thanks so much for joining us. you've got a great book here and what better day to talk about it right but before we really
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get into the eco terrorist aspect here i want to look at what's going on in you know politically in this country obviously we've got budget to face going on on capitol hill for the first thing if the instantly goes happens to be you know the e.p.a. or funding for other. you know excuse me for other programs in the work with climate change why is it there's just no political will why isn't this being made a priority is especially the time when everyone including people like james inhofe you just mentioned consider themselves going green there's nobody who will say that they're mocking environmentalists or don't care about the planet because it's not publicly acceptable right now but it's acceptable to say that i don't believe climate change is real exactly and that's the contradiction so with the b.p. example you mentioned i mean the tax cuts and the tax breaks that b.p. received were actually more than the entire budget of the e.p.a. from an article that was circulated around so we lose the stark disparity between
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what people stated purposes or what's actually taking place and one of the things that i also think is interesting that you mention in your book to you is that this isn't just about profits of course corporate profits play a large part here but it's also about a war of values and about culture and let me use texas example right now i know it's her home state and i know there are horrible wildfires going on there right now there's a drought and governor rick perry has officially made the next three days days of prayer for rain so why is it ok to officially have a government make days for prayer but it's not ok for the government to officially acknowledged that climate change exists i just don't understand is where your courage people who just pray about it and make it better and you don't actually have to address the problem right and that's unfortunately what perry and inhofe and all these other politicians with vested corporate interests are trying to do they'd rather just presented oh you're just buying a prius or. this other product or pray for rain let's not address the systemic
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problems that are at the root of all this ok now let's get to the money aspect of it let's get to the intimidation and also say that special interests really are the ones that created this term eco terrorists and they're the ones that really pushed it into the spotlight in the eyes of our politicians and our law enforcement agencies how did they do that starting in the 1980's they realized that the power of language so they created this word you call it terrorism and started flacking it relentlessly in the press and in congressional hearings and in press conferences and every step away along the way that threat became more and more real and less of a p.r. campaign and it got to the point especially after nine eleven that it was completely impossible to distinguish corporate rhetoric from official government policy now they are indistinguishable and you yourself have had experience with that right of the author already is putting that into action tell us about how you got f.b.i. agents showing up knocking on your door i was working at the chicago tribune i was
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covering blood and guts metro desk reporting and like a lot of people on the cop shop would be just as you really depressed and pretty dark so i went out the food in on an issue that i was already aware of from some previous stories. controversial animal testing company and i thought it was the most i could do. my job in the newsroom so we just door knockers on people's doors in a neighborhood where one of these executives lived we were arrested and disorderly conduct charges all eventually dropped out of course because it's ridiculous but even more ridiculous is to f.b.i. agents came to my door and they said unless i helped found and became a government informant to investigate my co-defendants and these other activist groups i'd be put on domestic terrorist list and this was only a few months after september eleventh so in that short period of time. we already saw this ratcheting up this terrorism rhetoric to go after activist and now it's been nearly ten years since then do you think that this type of thinking mediation
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is working do you think that it's stifling the environmentalist movement that people are scared to join or are scared to take action well there is a lot of fear there's no doubt about that i mean especially with going on the events for the book tour and doing public speaking you hear all these concerns from people but at the same time i think once people learn about what's going on it can be empowered because all of this is taking place because these corporate interests you these groups as a threat they're affected they're growing they're part of a movement that's demanding real change and that's becoming more and more powerful and that's why they're being demonized and that's happened throughout history with social movements so in that sense i think people are able to cut overcome their fear so how do we keep it going we obviously have a book here to educate people but even if you talk about education within schools it once again becomes a cultural issue right and i think you're absolutely right this will really only change it's going to come it has to be from one on one interacting with our friends
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and colleagues other social movements it doesn't matter if you're an activist or not because through all of this sort of working on these issues of actually become a little bit of an optimist and listen that's rare oh yeah let's go to something because every time i talk to people around the country and people who are. environmentalists or. once they learn about this people really pissed off and i think the more we educate people more people are going to get angry and i mean change and i guess more people are going to be labeled as eco terrorist groups like angry they should be well thanks so much for joining us and. now still to come tonight we have my fireside friday and i have some fun because if happy hour archie producer jenny churchill and the reason foundation's anthony ran down so join me in just a few minutes. we know that in the hard part of the
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legend the media well. we never got the says he heard him say for get ready for freedom. hey guys welcome michel ancel on the obama show put part of our guests up to sound the topics now i want to hear from audiences has gotten a you feel to video response or to twitter for part of the question that we've host on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is currently playing along what's it. feel.
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show the holding a fundraiser in san francisco president obama was met by a group of protesters who paid to be there by the way and who stood up and sang a song about bradley manning's unjust treatment it was to me a sign of hope it was great to see the president confronted head on by average citizens people who refused to live as president think that no one's paying attention or the way that this government is treating bradley manning is going by i noticed but i wish there were more of them of course and i wish that the media would do a better job of asking the president these questions and forcing him into a corner so that activists don't have to pay five thousand dollars apiece i'll turn mine of that he's not living up to his promises of course and the fact that money is the only way to get through to politicians is a perfect example of democracy doesn't belong to the people anymore but i'm happy that someone was willing to pay to create this action because all we really got out
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of the attendance of these activists was a direct answer from the president and what he thinks about bradley manning after the speeches and the songs price was able to talk to the president one on one and he caught it on camera. we don't have a very good. lawyer. well. if you hear that he broke the law that's interesting considering that bradley manning hasn't been put on trial yet considering that he hasn't been convicted of any crime and yet our president has already made up his mind when it comes to his guilt and that's justice for you coming from the former constitutional law professor that's a sure sign that bradley manning will never get a fair trial he'll be used as an example to scare whistleblowers and deter them from exposing our government's actions to keep us all scared enough so the
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government can keep waging wars around the world to bring us nothing but more death and more danger also make sure that we don't question it and you know there's a famous phrase in times of war the law all silent it's happened before it's happening now so let's make sure that our voices don't do the same. well it's that time of year again when all of you all do waiting for the week when media moguls in d.c. elites pick up their copy of time magazine's one hundred list that's right every year movers and shakers in new york city of the beltway anxiously await to see who makes the front cover they desperately flip through the pages to see the official list of who's who in the world who time considers the most influential and this year is absolutely no exception issues cover features pictures of a few people on the inside and like past issues you look at a nice collaboration of media stars politicians entertainment masters and even
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cause celeb activists but there are few people in this one hundred list that to be honest i just don't understand according to time this list is comprised of the most influential people in the world and their ideas spark dialogue dissent and sometimes revolution. it must be really intense right now we initially became concerned we saw. joe scarborough on the list he's the m.s.n. b c morning show co-host of the show morning joe and in this piece he's praised for his independent viewpoint which is oh so rare these days really really is joe scarborough really that unique from what i know joe scarborough is an ex politician who positioned himself as the sole voice of reason in a nation of crazy people they've gone for us that every day americans have joe to tell us when we've gone too far or call out his buddies in d.c. when they've done something that not only big time doesn't mention is nobody other
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than d.c. bureaucrats in new york city professionals actually watch morning joe i want to timeless be without yale's varial mill amy chu an author of the book battle hymn of the tiger mother yes she's hot she's ivy league and she was taste of the week for the new york media who had her on day after day for what seemed like weeks to discuss her scary chinese style of parenting and of course to up the drama time even threw in a few real tigers to show how truly fierce she is naturally but let's move on to the member of the list the really boggles my mind blake lively i mean i'm having the same thing here i will let you guys at home just think about this one for one single second name one thing she's done that's made her worthy of being on this list. you're still thinking aren't you and you would be correct because she's done nothing at the only reason she's memorable is because she's hot so let's get back to lists the whole which is nothing more than a popularity contest for new yorkers d.c.'s movers and shakers to discuss what
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their next cocktail party is like a problem king and queen for new york except that there are one hundred of them and year after year we see the same politicians c.e.o.'s and media hacks make this ridiculous list and the same new york media thing ups like the same mainstream media hosts that are loved by no line but the establishment media themselves like joe scarborough and just to make matters worse near and dear friends of those featured in the list write up the information for them that way they can get just as many disconnected to leave voices in on the list as possible so cheers to the time magazine popularity contest contests is just one giant collective eagle masturbation as if the people who made this list need another pat on the back from folks over time to save yourself the time the money and the energy and skip the time one hundred most influential people that is unless unless you're looking for a laugh.
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ok it's friday use of time for happy hour joining me tonight argue producer jenny churchill and the reason foundation's anthony rand's as well. let's start with something that really just seems so ridiculously complicated but people want to do this all the time evangelical christian minister and political activist david barton is claiming that the net neutrality violates the free market principles of the bible i mean first of all i didn't know that really you can apply the bible to net neutrality to the internet to these kind of issues this is like an archaic piece of work with very new technology but i don't know the bible as well as you do anthony please please tell me about all the free market principle the book of the in the book of friedman which is in the years in the new testament you write also all sorts of these things which now it's very simple you can take any you know one
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or two phrases and extrapolate out from any basic principle about government being hands off and then you can apply to something like net neutrality means that these were you know i guess if you want to talk about really have you talk about net neutrality here at happy hour we will be so you have a government that is hands on this is really the reality is the bible doesn't tell you anything about the market the bible tells you what pope that jesus was a socialist so why do you want to go to work to iraq he wants everyone to heaven and that the things according to the guy you know i just i can't see jesus being capitalist so i can't see the bible being a free market but out apparently barton can't see just being a socialist so it is sort of picks out where i wanted to thanks very much for dahmus of them. if you could see he's actually right about the neutrality but it's ridiculous to link it to the bible obviously he says the net neutrality is socialism on the internet but i just love it this is the guy that thinks that the governor. that socialism on the internet is net neutrality but he also thinks that
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homosexuality should be regulated by a view that he is also one of the favorite people so obviously as one of the most credible sources author of you. let's move on to something that isn't as funny actually i think it's really really really screwed up and after so the nine eleven first responder bill that took years to get passed right to give the people that were the first responders compensation for their medical bills because so many of them have already died so many of them now have cancer from breathing in this toxic dust and now we've just found out that there's a little clause in this bill that means that names have to be run through the f.b.i.'s terrorism watch list before you can actually get any of that money or any of that help. yes yes it's you know on the surface it sounds about a screw up of something could possibly say sounds pretty insulting and i i honestly i wracked my brain all day trying to figure out like the reasoning behind this and really all i can come up with is there they must be assuming that after horrific
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way they have treated these american heroes that they are now here because they are just like devastated their lives so her ethically made them so angry that you know they just said if there's violence in the house that the government's not us i'm going to this is this is the problem i'm going to go back to my libertarian monterey here this is the problem when you set up government programs for stuff like this and we shouldn't even have had to go to the nine eleven first responders bill in the first place where we should have been one big cherry thing you have everything that jon stewart did to highlight this should raise a whole bunch of money so they could have been private funds doing this in the first was you once you're going to be a big government then you have to really have very easy things no matter how many americans say that they really respect and honor the first responders if you really think that you're going to raise enough money to cover all these people's medical bills i think you're dreaming sorry but that's just not how the word it's really aside from the point anyways because you're sitting here saying this turned into such a mess and we should have just made it charity it should have never turned into a mess i don't understand people in congress arguing about whether or not to help
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people who are dying because they pulled people out of the wreckage from nine eleven i don't get that i will never get that and i have to say i mean this is is this happy hour i know very you know it's going through the. hours with i mean think about you know if we can do extreme whole make over and we can have all these this is highlight themselves to build a building why can't we have medical companies highlight their good charitable or by offering incentives for the season i don't know yes i believe yes you believe so you're saying that your solution is to put these poor people on television and show their recovery that's being financed by companies are as you. thank you no let me let me call companies offer free services to these guys and actually give them the credit they deserve they offer the future what is he going to do with an oxygen chain. i mean that. is really happening here is it now we know how screwed we are right because we know that you can get put on terrorism watch list for ridiculous
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things these days that really are just on documentaries but if you were one of the first responders that actually help save lives you know after we experienced the worst terrorist attack on american soil ever and you can still be put on a military wife really and there is no hope for any of i think we're all done as was pointed. out the hour ok very light something that's a little happier i guess i think but we have a perfect example of the stupidest criminal of all time and this is when pride it really gets in your way there's a l.a. gang member anthony garcia who committed a murder it turned into a cold case that in fact was on it couldn't find the guy that committed the murder and then he got arrested for some minor charge and it too the guy had a tattoo of the exact murder scene played out on his chest and that's how they saw all of that he confessed right there now he actually didn't prostrate there they had us on video he confessed on video because they had cops go in pretending to be
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people who were also gang members who were arrested right through course semantic and i think i think we're missing the real story in the real story here is a whole new world of street art that is now opening up right sort of bases next film is how he's going to partner with some street hoodlum in l.a. and they're going to go across the country tagging gang bangers chess with new york mean that's that's what's really beautiful about this is we now have this whole new art scene that's opened up i'm not sure really happy that but i love that i like that i have to say this guy's probably more upset about this article in the l.a. times than he is about being arrested because at one point they call him gee i don't know other people and i believe and doe eyed i mean he lost all street cred if you're like you're. really got into the details on this on this tattoo because they even had like the christmas lights because it has become or the murder was committed sometime during the holidays he wanted this you know memorialized before you have sex because like this isn't a spur of the moment decision either because they said that the type to evolve over
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time as he got arrested for different things so like at one point you know the street sign didn't have a name. those also gets to how cool cops in l.a. are now because they can actually look at this and they figure it out like well you know want to let's point out that we that's news really underlying story is a good new or next time great cops in a way ok i'm down with we're going to go the route that i think i look areas of a guy maybe guy guilty of the time pass which is why i decided to start solving you know a little piece of the puzzle. and adding more detail ok thank you for joining having friday that's here for tonight's show paying for tuning in to make sure you come back next week we'll speak to a contractor in afghanistan about a mission on wartime contracting his hearings on ways to reform in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter kind of missed any night show or any other nights you can always catch all the you tube dot com you know on a show or you post the interview as well as the show in its entirety coming up next
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