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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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and then he lives something else and you can hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry because if you. are you ready to rumble joining me on the panel tonight it seemed was stupid little observers daniel helper deputy on line editor of the weekly standard erica kennedy democratic strategist and jamie weinstein deputy editor at the daily caller welcome
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to all of you thanks for joining us thank you let's get into this in less than a month our nation will hit its debt ceiling and if nothing is done by lawmakers and we default on our debt the entire global financial system could come crashing down this is a no brainer right. not exactly republicans led by eric cantor this week warned that they would not support raising the debt ceiling unless they get a list of their demands met one demand including a two thirds majority in congress to pay for any new acts increases or pass them. on the rich so republicans really willing to crash the system just so they can prevent millionaires and billionaires paying higher taxes in the future so. before before i give my analysis i just want to let you know that in the light of the previous segment all my analysis should be taken in fifty thousand one hundred thousand years. or so so please understand that before that it would be a little bit although. i think what they should do is pass the ryan plan because
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that actually raises the debt ceiling and actually gets us on a fiscal course this is the ability so this could all be solved by simply passing having the house and senate pass paul ryan's plan for prosperity and this is this is a matter of whether or not people want to be serious in government that separates who has a kind of protest. are and who the real people are because if you're going to say that suddenly that we're going to play political games or game of chicken with that feeling right now you aren't serious you particularly don't care about the country or being economically powerful in any manner it is it's just it's an it's a no that's a nonstarter we've done this about a hundred times the reason the debt ceiling was put into place was so that congress could spend as needed to line its i mean i think it's literally about ninety three ninety four times and it's not been a particularly controversial vote but the fact that we would hold this kind of thing or at play games with it or use it as a political partisanship on both sides can agree that the end outcome that they want is to have the debt ceiling raised daniel be the five senators who voted most
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frequently to raise the debt ceiling are all republicans number one is mitch mcconnell. what's the problem this time i mean you know the eleven million eleven trillion of this fourteen trillion dollar debt was run up here under republican presidents you sure and you know how washington works just as well and probably better than i know how washington works and washington doesn't work until they have a deadline right and so i don't think it's so bad i don't think anyone seriously thinks that they're not going to raise the debt ceiling i think i think yes the political game of chicken but i think at the end they'll that ours are all going to do it yes you could you just heard those are encouraging a bunch of the looks i think i think when it comes down to you're setting a deadline that's good because otherwise they won't do anything with the deadline look at the government shut the near government shutdown they didn't do anything until they had a dead giveaway had they called it was something i think i'm going to tell you where it was really sort of what i think there was a serious admission here erica admitted that she voted for a man who's done serious because he played games with a deadlock and that's going back to the forest guard lie about it already i'm going
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to agree with all of you and suggest. that it soon will be raised and be the democrats will cave in and give the republican something which i think is totally wrong i think it should be a clean bill but you know history is history ok the s. and p. standard poor credit rating agency had some bad news for the u.s. this week. a new report stated we believe the risks from the u.s. for an initial sector that would be the banks are higher than we consider them to be before two thousand and eight and other words things are worse off today than they were before the collapse in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight s. and p. also predicted that if the markets crashed again this this time the bank bailout could cost taxpayers as much as five trillion dollars because continue to do everything they can to block reinstating the financial regulation that prevented any serious bank and its one hundred thirty five to two thousand and seven bodies that republicans just huge fans of wall street bailouts i don't get here literally from george washington until nine hundred thirty five this country never went more
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than fifteen years ago back panic and from one hundred thirty five until two thousand and seven we didn't have a single one i think really important things about and report you know it's not that they said that we have so much debt that our government can't handle it but what they said that they didn't think that that washington and congress and the two political parties had the ability to negotiate or to do this in good faith or to actually settle on an agreement that was more style and outlook on how washington is approaching dealing with the economy right now and that again going back to the status that the republicans blank check and that then it kind of get this kamikaze mission that we will throw the whole thing out baby and about lot art to get what we want politically as you know obviously the markets because this isn't this isn't a game for them it isn't a game for the next game for anything else quite the opposite this is how we know it's the opposite what we're dealing with now is a serious budgetary probable long term budget problem the republican side led by paul ryan is taking what is traditionally not
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a politically. rewarding position which is taking on the third where there are marriage her third rail of politics why would they do this because they believe it is their idea or cause they believe it is necessary necessary to win and what is the present because there are you know what also is doing his the. regarding it they want to kill seniors they want to do this so you want as many rare and that you serial numbers as nothing serious about the ryan budget whatsoever talking at two point eight percent unemployment which we've never really seen when i had a trillion dollars along i really think using numbers from the heritage foundation is a post that never thought this but the heritage foundation a sense provides i mean it isn't a serious plan something serious how do you know with a serious point magu having a lawyer here and there to say that this is what we seriously want to do that we want to have we want to we want to go to mr ford second we want to cut medicare and give people death benefits and then to think of things that we get from that we're going to use to give more tax cuts to rich people who has never had it with facebook i don't even know why we're taking it as
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a if you report seriously these are the people that missed the subprime mortgage meltdown these are the people that missed greece and rated greece the same is germany their midst this whole meltdown and also this is a win win situation for the you know if you triple his you know what if we were formed to this and he can claim victory and if there's if if things go wrong to the s. and p. can claim victory it's win win for the s. and p. they're playing politics and it's that is true and. in that spirit my take on this is that wall street wins a matter what if they crash the economy they get bailed out when and if they don't crash the economy they've got this year record profits literally in the history of the banking industry and will continue i just you know it's just it's like we've created this monster and how the wall street journal released a new report this week about job outsourcing turns out some of the biggest so-called american corporations including g.e. wal-mart and cisco have dumped two point nine million american workers off their payrolls as two thousand and one at the same time these corporate giants have added two point four million jobs overseas so at
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a time when america is broken needs its industries to create jobs at home these corporations are instead dodging taxes sitting on two trillion dollars where the cash and creating jobs overseas isn't there a word to describe these guys like hers it's savvy business but i think that what they want to create jobs of this is going on already jr you know there's a good. your point here is you have to want to be there sitting on cash because there's a long term uncertainty they're not sure what the administration will do if you if you give them incentives to invest they probably would number two is that you know economists agree on very little there's a lot of debate one thing they do agree on is that out free trade which involves some outsourcing is beneficial for us and beneficial for the world out of rio i would like to say that i have noticed concern within investing i'm a concern with them investing in the job market creating jobs and this goes back to where the jobs worst jobs plan dinners and the speaker of the house for over a hundred days where's the jobs plan just give me one someone throw one out there because i haven't seen it as seen claims to repeal health care which would increase
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the deficit by trillions of dollars if we repealed that i've seen this you know kind of this budget plan that has a numbers that are based in non-reality and actually cut out a social safety net you know you really brought about was closer to the idea i completely understand that and i got a lot to do that was a sorry guess not the speaker of the house and they could they control the house and senate for the last six years the house came in with this party and they said they had this big mandate and that the economy was the number one issue that voters said when they left the polls the reason why they voted they were upset they wanted more jobs they wanted a better they wanted more point on the economy and i have yet to see anybody make a serious effort to go to the right way and that puts the economy on the path we're going to find money to stop them which is something ability will cause american companies to invest because they know that america has a path to get the budget under control except for those look at the debt and control the budget of the season is that now have to be sixty so you did i know you know what what does the debt have to do with any company in america deciding
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whether or not to invest money don't companies invest money in factories because there's demand for their goods well there's a certain amount of that but there's a certain amount of insurance you also as jamie mentioned but i would raise another point and i wouldn't i wouldn't but we're going to have a return of demand for goods so the corporations are just trying to maximize their profits and that. that's what corporations are that's what you and god bless them for the problem is that what indeed wall street journal report that you initially cited in your first question the problem are that you're those are companies like g.e. general electric whose c.e.o. jeffrey immelt is on reprise events the commission on job creation on this because i mean i don't i don't understand i wouldn't be outraged at g.e. for maximizing their profits and if you have to go abroad and you have to go abroad i would be average of the president who is rewarding this kind of this but is i don't i saw him receive thirty years or are you going to start here is the same hope is that the idea because of reaganomics you're already in this town of can i add that top notch operation into not creating jobs but in fact how jobs spend
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whatever scenes are and i would say that's a considering that the massive tax cuts that he would like to think that maybe we think people are creating jobs not very choppy waters with the they're making with the road rage that are people who are. going to say you know our laws have been bought our politicians are paid off and i don't see any resolution to this and over the short term until we fix that any a wednesday was the one year anniversary of the b.p. oil spill today or oil is still washing ashore on the beaches of the gulf coast despite the fact that eleven men were murdered aboard aboard the exploding oil rig hundreds of millions of gallons of oil contaminating the gulf and thousands of species of marine life choked to death thousands of small businesses were shut down hundreds of people falling or died as a result of the oil contaminants not a single piece of legislation not one has been passed out of congress to prevent what happened a year ago from happening again democrats offered many solutions many of them actually passed through the house of representatives last year but the republican party in the senate went to great lengths to filibuster every single one of them so
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is this the result of a government and in particular the republican party being completely captured by the bill big oil lobby it's also the case that we haven't had another oil spill of this magnitude now there's never a way to ensure that we have and i'm not the oil i'm just there for everything five no it should have been done i mean i'll let you know that. these are all over again there are let you go what i was going to suggest is that there are other incentives for companies to reform and to be more careful and part of that is public outrage it doesn't we don't this really need to resort to regulations and to regulatory methods in order to stop what you're already just going to change the law for others but yet i think i think if you're b.p. and you realize how how much money they have spent to clean it up how much money that is but you're going to make sure that you're not going to do that again or so i think that's actually one of the biggest problems is that the cap on the liability liability limit was lower and b.p. did pay more and they put aside a separate find under that was not going to he would you know but here's the thing that here's the thing is that that needs to be addressed the fact that the cost of
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the cleanup if but if that company if he hadn't willingly done that what if a company decided not to do that you know that cost goes to that comes back to the american taxpayers and so in talking about how like you know redistributing not necessary like responsibility here and that saying that the burden of the suffering and you know paying for and cleaning it up goes to the taxpayer that the company gets off scot free that's not ok and b.p. luckily stepped up and did the right thing here and a lot of it was public i'm pressuring a lot and i'm doing the right thing can resolve these things without regulation to go to our front yard i didn't even know on bail until the law failed big billion dollars bailout and how it was a bigger strategy to deal with abuse that rages that a year after the b.p. oil spill they're still not letting the oil drilling permits to drill go for gas actually i think this is a very forgiving water here if you want everybody to really think they're leaving the cold hearted already article the article you read articles all the time of one company going off the coast of israel to drill because they can't get a permit to drill anymore and they're saying they're stationary louisiana senators
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are begging them begging them to go should permit was you answer the question do you think that our politicians are bought and sold by the. bed finally after ten long years nine eleven responders will be receiving the health care they need because republicans are finally shamed by the media into dropping their fill of us . of the nine eleven first responders health care bill these courageous firemen and police officers are now finding there's another hoop they had to jump through before they can get treatment for their bloody long literally banks republican cliff stearns an amendment was added to the bill to force nine eleven first responders to undergo a terrorist background check just to make sure they aren't secret operatives it was some of the law before they can receive health care more money for the security is free millions of dollars in fact check these guys out and months two years of added delay for six first responders so this case just confirmed what we all suspected that the republican saw on nine eleven or as an opportunity then as a disaster so i think it would be ridiculous but i this is the legislation is
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ridiculous as well i don't think this paints the entire republican party is trying to be opportunist on nine eleven why they passed what it what it is is this stupid stupid piece of bill that would have their idea that even if a terrorist was you know hiding out in the building and hoping to build it or whatever removing the rubbish why would you apply for health care you probably want to stay under the radar it's it's colossally stupid. when it's done you have that we notice it and i like to thank you for your interest to think both patriotism and also the the kind of red tape and its idea that republicans in congress hate it government and bureaucracy create a whole other layer of bureaucracy on to people getting their benefits for protecting the citizens and our country and also this idea that we wanted and it happened i mean it was senator coburn in the senate that put the hold on this bill and didn't want to pay for it just the fact that people could go in first responders and risk their lives and their health and that they wouldn't be
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compensated for that or that we wouldn't learn how even if there wasn't a policy there that we wouldn't as just good citizens of our own country and fellow man you know why didn't i guess that they got the flavor of the hold on this thing in the first place you know for years on which amy this is this is ridiculous and so. if you want to put a good face on this there is a possibility i mean there's plenty of social welfare programs that run a book and people often take advantage of it so if you want a good face i think the only way you can truly a good way even by that i have no cause hearing the people who. run this is. my take on this is that the republicans did in fact see nine eleven as an opportunity rather than a disaster in one thousand nine hundred nine george w. bush talking to maybe herskowitz the biographer of his family had hired the right charge to keep his autobiography actually said this was a year before the election but if he got elected president the first thing he was going to do was invade iraq specifically iraq because it would give him political capital to privatizing social security he's on the record as having said that and
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that that was the first topic of a first meeting in the white house after he was elected this was nine months before nine eleven so that any of that's my conspiracy. last question a great admirer yeah you know i figured you would last question quick for the man in the headlines this week is donald trump thanks to his berth or talk he's surging in republican polls and seems to be position itself for a run of the white house but only on this show would you hear the hard hitting question about donald trump the one that everyone is really asking what's the deal with his hair is it a he comes in from the front to the back the problem a back to the front or c. it doesn't matter how much he comes out it's obviously a template. or something else it's called the biden treatment you know you get some hair plugs in there some people have to do it but why does you know that you know joe biden did this guy can i don't know i think he has an ear plugs i don't think it's i don't think it's naturally as they could as it is i think i think what we're seeing is better than it could be. milady yes that it's actually apparent but i'm
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referring to. the medical release and they have when they go and have a physical exam will they actually believe you know it's going on in his hair i know it's right there how you're supposed reported by going to say we need is not talking about we're serious about here seems to be. if you know god willing makes it through the report. primary and ultimately the white house will be the biggest test to show that the american people have overlooked everything and said are very forgiving that man even with his hair could be elected president i'd say ok what i think is that it's a rabid weasel thing and i think he said it it's it's taken control of his brain. thank you all for joining us today thank you daniel erika jami it's great i appreciate it right after the break a daily take on what corporations don't want you to know about the history of our nation.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the us. i think the bombings eatable and one well. whenever the government says they are keep you safe get ready because of the freedoms. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else and if you're see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't i'm trying hard look at the big picture. five. four. five.
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democrats are looking for new ways to overturn the supreme court's citizens united decision last year a decision that gave corporations many of the same free speech rights as people like you and me for the right to rain down on limited amounts of secret and often foreign cash on our nation's elections actually more rights than us in that regard congressman chris van hollen has filed suit yesterday and petition the f.e.c. the federal election commission to force corporations and nonprofit front groups to disclose all of their secret political contributions that help were publicans win in the two thousand and ten election and of course carrying forward twenty twelve there are also reports that the white house may soon issue an executive order that would require all federal quantic contractors huge defense corporations included to disclose what kind of money they're throwing into our elections and which politicians there by the small step what is needed to prevent what happened in
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twenty ten from happening to twenty again in two thousand and twelve. the supreme court's decision had a profound effect on the two thousand and ten election in the last midterm election back in two thousand and six outside groups spent sixty eight point nine million dollars influencing voters in two thousand and ten that number more than five roubles as outside corporations and front groups don't nearly three hundred million dollars into our elections most of that money from secret donors could have been from the koch brothers could have been from saudi princes we don't know as long as they use the corporate supreme court says it's perfectly ok to even let trans national corporations open their political war chests and take down our democracy and see our democracy is not about voters anymore it's about who has the most money it wasn't always this way no corporation doing business in the state this was that
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old wisconsin wall that the used to have no business doing no corporation doing business in the state shall pay or contribute directly or indirectly any money property free service or thing of value to any political party organization committee or individual for any political purpose whatsoever or for the purpose of influencing legislation of any kind or to promote or defeat the candidacy of any thurstan for nomination appointment or election to any political office as was the law in most of the states in virtually all of the states the united states literally from the founding of the republic until the eighteen nineties and the punishment for violating this law prison that's right of people working for corporations the people today we call lobbyists and c.e.o.'s and p.r. and ad firms. that produced political ads in campaigns we're doing today are doing back in eight hundred seventy is what they're doing today they have been sent to
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prison for two years and their corporation would get the death sentence it would be dissolved but soon things changed and this all really started back in eighteen zero three in the case of marbury vs madison the hard right wing federalist chief justice of the supreme court john marshall gave his own court the unprecedented power which is not in the constitution by the way to strike down any law it wished the result of us are co-equal branches of government disappeared and the supreme court rose up without any checks or balances whatsoever on its power it started the civil war with the dred scott decision it created the segre is created segregation plessy versus ferguson it ended the end of segregation brown versus board of education it basically making laws the supreme court and his new court the high court set out to give corporations more and more rights under the constitution the
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role of corporations was no longer in the role in the hands of the people to decide it was now in the hands of these justices who are not elected and thus not accountable to anyone after the civil war thanks to president abraham lincoln giving away millions of dollars in free land grants and tax exemptions to it and full railroad corporations in the eight hundred sixty s. to build the transcontinental railroad system and help the north when the civil war a small group of railroad barons rose up to be the wealthiest men on the planet and with that wealth they bribe several million members of the eight hundred eighty supreme court people like justice stephen j. field to say that their corporations should have the same rights as people and thus the right to influence government. eight hundred seventy three the graduating class at the university of wisconsin law school was issued a warning by the soon to be chief justice of that state supreme court edward g. ryan ryan saw something on the horizon of american politics and wanted to tell the
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group these last two tins of future lawyers what it was that he saw he said there is looming up a new dark power the enterprises of the country are aggregating bassed corporate combinations of an example capital boldly marching not for economical conquests only but for political power a question will arise in your day which show rule well for a man which shall leave money or intellect who shall fill public stations educated and patriotic free men or the futile service of corporate capital thirteen years after ryan's warning corporations led by the railroad barons would claim a huge victory in the eight hundred eighty six supreme court case of southern pacific railroad versus santa clara county when the court reporter john wait said that they have the same rights as persons since then the supreme court has quoted that reporters note which wasn't by the way what the court actually ruled almost forty times and from that point on with
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a brief reprieve in the early one thousand nine hundred would teddy roosevelt as the tillman act again providing corporations messing around in government from that point forward to now the rich and powerful were on the march to power america klugman aiding in the twenty ten citizens united case that by any hammered the last nail in the coffin of our democracy and an over our system of government of corporate millionaires and billionaires a decision the democrats today are trying to overturn now more than ever we must listen it was constant cheese chief justice edward ryan's warning soon we will have to settle it once and for all the pressing question america who shall well rule wealth or man today wealth rules but it doesn't have to be that way tomorrow of men because to. touche to say the corporations aren't people and that's the big picture for more information on stories are covered by check out tom hartman dot com and r g dot com and don't forget democracy begins when you get out of it and when you show up when you get agitated your head will see you next week.
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and you'll. see official. called touch from the.


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