tv [untitled] April 23, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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we've got the future covered. life in the exclusion zone artie visits an area severely affected by the chernobyl nuclear disaster twenty five years ago it is still inhabited today. as nato bombs the libyan capital and she's bizarre his forces out of the rebel held city of misrata for civilian casualties intensified calls for investigation into the blocks actions. and india's gendercide the country's latest census deals and amounting sex ratio exposes a trend of abortions when parents discover they're having a go. pro
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you're watching r t we're live from moscow welcome to the program as japan continues to grapple with its nuclear crisis many are joining parallels with the chernobyl disaster i say assess the true cost that's nearly twenty five years since the worst nuclear accident in history but it still affects something today. it's a village in the exclusion zone where people are left to live with the risks of radiation. they exclusion zone on the border between russia and belarus although it's more than a hundred kilometers from chernobyl it sure seems something serious radioactive fallout from the nuclear accident in there and you know eighty six. people were advised to leave but not everybody has put this used to be
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a thriving community of more than five thousand people after so noble it was deemed unsuitable for living and its inhabitants were a house and but if you measure the radiation around here it's still several times higher than normal but just walk down the road and rostow people living all around their area at first glance bush cough looks like an ordinary village and most tell of off what they grow in their gardens and the livestock they keep but the government says that the meat from animals fatten the local feed from contaminated land isn't safe to eat. of course we're scared of the radiation we simply can't afford to go anywhere else according to the government anyone who is living in the exclusion zone isn't titled the equivalent housing outside it but actually getting it is a problem mikhail miller chair of who personally for the fire to ennoble is the mayor of the nearby town of numbers they call he admits that the current system
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isn't working. there is a commission that values the housing of those people who want to leave and gives the money for it but the money is so small those people wouldn't be able to afford a house in most places around russia so many people choose to stay here. the council rate in the area has gone up by a certain climb since chernobyl and the effect of the contamination may not have peaked yet. with in the first few years after chernobyl at least two were government programs to clean up local food supplies but now they are gradually coming to an end we're being forgotten about. three hundred. the holding his clinic doctor for no visitors relative at home eighty six year old husband died of cancer from family contaminated materials she says she plans to live out the rest of her life here because we're all out of the way i was never
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given a chance to leave and now i'm too old to go anywhere else but was maybe too late for ana to move others here can still enjoy a life without a shadow of radiation. there are no. grounds krege and. that's the twenty fifth anniversary of the chernobyl disaster nears stay with our team for more reports on its aftermath and on monday we'll be bringing a special documentary on the legacy of the catastrophe. twenty five years the fallout. from the most devastating nuclear disaster to a. quarter of a century as mankind and its mistakes. legacy to no. one the party.
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in libya nato airstrikes have forced colonel gadhafi troops to pull out of the rebel held city of misrata almost two months standoff meanwhile allied aircraft carried out fresh air strikes in the capital tripoli overnight the government spokesman saying at least three people were killed in the raid some current china has just returned from a monitoring mission in libya believes there is no justification for nato's actions . the basis for nine hundred seventy three the u.n. resolution was the claim was that good after he had gone from that three particular districts in tripoli subsume pretty soon. we visited these places there was no indication whatsoever of any aerial bombardment so they go it just it just goes to show that if there is a claim this has to be actually corroborated properly and that hasn't been done and what we've what we've had is a situation where nato has gone to war going to serve sovereign nation on the base
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off an allegation which in terms of our findings was just baseless the point is that there has been no international investigative teams so far to investigate the nato bombing there's a world. the u.s. is sending arms drones to target dolphins forces but eric stoner the editor of the website waging nonviolence dot org says the move for only cause more innocent deaths. but any claim that this is a step forward is really hard to hard to jive with with the facts on the ground that there has to mix will vary widely in terms of the civilian casualties due to drone strikes but the brookings institution a pretty centrist democratic organization think tank and you see. a couple years ago i read a report that showed that for every militant killed. another ten civilians were killed with each attack so i don't see any reason why that ratio
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would change in libya so introducing drones into the war in libya is likely only to mean more civilian casualties and more suffering for the libyan people. and plenty of sense if america sending its trends it's clear the u.s. doesn't trust nato. well the introduction of armed drones to believe called flicked makes the whole situation too familiar again with the u.s. president obama was adamant the united states will pray only a superior air logistical role for the nato led operation against colonel qaddafi but the deployment of american predator drones over libya and here is praise means several things first of the united states has completely lost faith in the capability of nato or the local randall's to regain the initiative on the ground
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the second point is that as of now introduction of the predator drones into libya and carl think the united states has retaken before the responsibility for the endgame in levy united states policy might as well issue me its name from the drones itself the predator policy. well britain italy and france are sending military advisors to libya in a move that has once again cause critics to call for the allies to obey the regional un resolution. asking what do you think about it we're going to r.t. dot com and have you all say. that you can have a look at that the majority of our viewers think that the military advisors will simply pave the way for a full scale invasion and so well a third believe it just says to prolong or and hence western interests well twenty
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two percent of you are skeptical if the tactic will be successful at all and six percent hope that it's a softening up mission before peace negotiations would get out about the arctic up come and have your say. well india is becoming an increasingly male dominated society as the latest census shows the number of girls born there is at an all time you know families are desperate for sons as they're financially for more attractive that's resulting in a rising number of gender selected abortions as are teens preassure reports this gendercide may eventually need many indian men without partners. it takes a village to raise a child the same goes but in the village of korra about three hours from the indian capital not every child is given a chance here there are twice as many boys as girls and according to the latest indian census numbers the trend of more boys is
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a national reality and no coincidence. should be at least one son who can look after the family business of the family. dr rajiv is a physician at a hospital and hari ana in india sex selective abortion and finding out the sex of a baby before birth are illegal but every day good the sees patients were willing to do just about anything to construct a family with more boys than girls is something which. you have people who can do. good for you nor. people who have to go in addition. to anything while the villagers in cora can't deny the statistics if you will talk about what is happening to all the baby girls they do however admit that having boys is more
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attractive to them financially especially when it comes to the indian practice of a bride's family paying a gallery to the groom's family before their wedding is their reward of what he wanted me there are a lot of poor people in the villages who are mostly due to illness their few dari it's like a big obstacle in the. gendercide continues at the rate it's happening now by twenty twenty one india will have twenty percent more men than women in one major concern for people here is who he is young boys will marry when they grow up if nothing changes in many of us this is a worry for everyone even we have to do some. the drilling number of birds does worry us whether we will find widespread our sons are not in some places like the gender ratios are so skewed that some villagers are traveling to other states to five brides for their sons. guides for poor families are brought in for other states they had their families with money and there have been several stories of
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imported brides who end up rasslin ostracized for their cultural differences there are fights between plants and. people and instances. of three brothers who get one brave to many it's a rooted mentality that will be difficult to change everybody thinks of a girl as a burden and dishes that we don't do is not born in the family leaving the future for females in the country unknown preassure either r t cover or at india. also the health field we ask if americans are bothered by the growing pile of computer drug result of an insatiable appetite for new devices that pollutes other countries. it's invisible you know you should be doing years somebody has a civil war in africa it's not really happening. and it's the already have found or it's what was wrong with it that she needed a nice. close
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up team that goes underground to a copper mine in russia's trans by cold region for harsh climate doesn't stop people from taking their treasure. of course has ruled that the infamous koran burning pastor terry jones cannot hold an islamic rally in a city described as america's muslim capital just as the court and evidence decision and form ruling about the proposed rally can start violence the outrage the community has also been protesting he said resting for went to see her freedom of speech is being brought in today. they came to show that the planned protest was not causing a rift in their community even formed a human chain in a show of solidarity christians jews and muslims were not afraid. that we can work together as
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a team as if as one family they came to send pastor terry jones a message whatever has imported it i want to pray and as god to deliver him or not this is to him is a preview for you he'd meet still more than seven hundred people attended a service on the eve of the protest planned by a man that has held the qur'an on trial and another man who actually set the holy book on fire to fight what some here deemed the greatest offense with peace. peace. peace. but were some in the city of dearborn are divided along the lines of true rules of law the constitution and the qur'an and truly with that freedom of speech but i think it should be a little bit more strict with people they get to create problem he has every right to say what he wants to do what he wants this is america this is not the middle east but at least he should not hurt or feels for some across the country the
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question is will freedom of speech incite violence. earlier this month in response to pastor terry jones actions more than a dozen people were killed in mazar e sharif in afghanistan here in dearborn it is about public safety pastor jones was refused a permit to protest at the mosque but was told he could protest elsewhere he should not be stopped from expressing his opinion and other venues that he's been offered including the city hall under local laws here there are four designated for. the henry ford community center a public library city hall and right here and i think this record but a better question from. he is should there be designated free speech zones or under the first amendment of the constitution should the entire country be designated free speech them and their born michigan christine for sound our team. so that we have more insight into our top stories on our website that's all
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t dot com let's look at what's lined up there few right now russia's mysterious south represents the costume check out our special photo section for the shots it's captivating beauty plus. a man who's he gives a tie the knot of his one true love was actually painting and said plenty more but also eat up the cost. of living in a country that don't understand that there's more violence in the streets of this country than there are the streets in less than a baghdad. one discouraging. racial. issue that.
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crowd gathers. the streets looking. for. mine. would be soon which bryson if you newly bought son move from phones to trash in movies. he starts on t.v. don't come. to me just. the russian republic claims historic diversity with economic diversification oil drilling industry pushes for tomorrow's petrochemical products traditionally the focus is on the one i lived through the government security. by going online to
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understand at the heart of russian innovation on technology update we've got the future covered. leg. in a. bag as the latest must have gadgets hit the high streets outdated device and soon found themselves on the scrap heap and a pile of computer junk soon becomes someone else's problem this week whether journalists or how often it was known as the resident hits the streets of new york to find out how people that feel about other countries paying the price for america's infatuation with technology.
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americans produce about three million tons of electronic waste every year and countries like india and up as the dumping ground so how many gadgets have you got this year this week let's talk about bat is very gadget but you're lusting after a countess a g.p.s. that you are desperately yes you have no way to track where you're going without it basically you know maps we've got a mass we're just not as good but an i phone and if she already have a phone course what was wrong with that but she needed an i phone was an i phone i was at the apple store yesterday and it was almost a riot that broke out over the news. what do you think of that i think it's ridiculous actually why do you think americans are so all about their get it. done i shortened response. money taken out of you guys.
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you know where i forgot. everybody in a sense a way like you see these people go right here when they drive because. everybody go to some type way so it is ok if we just say well everyone's doing it and someone jumps off a bridge that's ok to do it too. i mean it is what it is we don't seem to care why is that. it's invisible it's you know should be twenty years somebody else's problems like a civil war in africa if you can say it's not really happening do you think people do care and just don't do anything about it they really don't care i think it's industry driven i think industry should create an infrastructure for talking about saw because people. how do we get them to do that. how would we get in through that . tunnel the reaction is recycle. and maybe figure out some way to make it profitable for right now is about the bottom line of the i think you just need. the bottom line is that millions of tons of just started gadgets are polluting your
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planet every year so please do think about that the next time you feel that gadget left. probably flook some other stories in syria funerals for some but for testers to get troops out of. rest in the country before there's a crackdown by security forces on friday have to suzy pro-democracy princess deadliest day of the uprising tens of thousands took to the streets of the morning it is divided into its. leader has formally ended five decades of urgency as an attempt to defuse the rest. of the people several weeks of problems. here in the capital the scene of the largest demonstrations in two months of unrest from pizza thousands of unseating to prove government protesters are continuing to
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take to the streets more people are joining the uprising despite sort of cell phone killed thirty people were killed in protests across the country friday from the fifteen. killings turned the many of presence of its closest allies against the victim. got into a protest turned to the capital city. the japanese government has announced a fifty billion dollars budget for the recent earthquake and tsunami same that's disaster relief to provide temporary housing bill clinton's infrastructure ok their streets cost three hundred dollars. the march eleventh earthquake left more than twenty seven thousand people dead or missing. well it's hard to get a closeup view of russia now and today we're taking in some countries a copper mining hub also renowned for its incredible landscapes and trends by coalition. the king has been to the children of inspiration
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for the long lost secretive job ask stealers discovered. articles east of lake baikal the longest russian railway line. on the subject as are two lies about siberian man translated her people follow the same route as hundreds of years ago. welcome to the trance like. russia close up on the part. of the area is renowned for its amazing views and i see mountains huge forests and of course famous right by car also the famous long distance bank of america and well way stretches across the region faster trains. their current and construction took more than half a century but the last section of track laid for the annual committee of the region's rich natural resources stacey difference doesn't actually gone underground
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to dig up more. natural beauty reaches across russia strands i call region and beneath a wealth of natural resources bringing them to the surface is why abdullah and the crew from the micro mai-ling company are here and it was a comment when i heard him say we are the eastern side of the come coke opposer is divided into three sectors in these areas we drew thirteen thousand regions in twenty ten it's the first stage of these deposits just like nearly it's expected to take five years to get in the exploratory phase to full scale and skill base in albuquerque million times of copper believed to be buried here but to get a grip of the and his crew are now has take a nearly six decades copper was first found here in a. for tonight it's a lack of infrastructure an energy grid escalation difficult then mining efforts of the soviet union still the work they began back then and the starting point for
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stuff today this one was initially explored by soviet geologists and if you take a look at this group here you'll see whether modern day counterparts have dug to verify their findings to determine the viability and capability of estimating the mine. that we need to develop this deposit the absence of engineering energy transportation facilities and infrastructure make it possible past delays and present challenges are concerning the work of investors or the hopes of local government. projects means more investments and jobs but it will also provide additional tax revenues into the entire region and new social programs will be launched some ecologists war. has to be profitable to harm the environment the regional government and the mining company have agreed on a strategy that they insist of the local ecology and bridge the economy so that the people of the trans i call region will not only benefit from the beauty of the area
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we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals with the poor props we do not want any more new g.m.o. foods. of course this mistress there was abysmal experience and i'm just just appalled that's allowed to go on. here getting this unfortunately because we don't know it's an ad from there's no labeling there for it being used like the board for the experiment can be used as guinea pig. now we have more questions
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than we have answers to the guards in flight. the ticket. to sochi has been to the chile of inspiration for the long lost secret of thomas steel it's been discovered. now archie goes east of lake baikal where the longest russian railway line runs. through the sunday desert lies among siberian mountains. for people full of the same routes as hundreds of years ago. welcome to the translight. russia flow so far to.
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hungary for the full story we've gotten firsthand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers i'm not see. wealthy british style holes in the past but on. top of the. markets finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on r.g.p. they faced it this is not a provocation but warned. the forces that we should see scary but you sure it's a pretty tree speak so they have no idea about the hardships the face. plate one is this is it is all of them too nice and for any army the life of a using is the most precious thing in the world.
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