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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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get from. israel right today is a really interesting story about this is well if it's come an awful long way there's a lot of planning a lot of the just takes the rice i guess you just tell us about this how it starts how they get syracuse where this light goes all around the world just this time of year for last believe about ten years it's came a tradition of the addition from russian orthodox churches coming on their holy saturday to jerusalem i think in the service where they getting these holy fire and then as you said the plane bringing to the different regions not only to moscow but all over russia this piece of this holy fire and then before the easter service the giving it to the believers as we see it on the picture and a significant happens in there many of the capitals around the world medical service is going on around the world as well yes exactly it started from the east and then hour by hour it's going along. to the
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west. that cathedral crosses a cathedral is a beautiful cathedral will go into its background how it was indeed rebuilt which is kind of what you see on the screen when you're looking at those beautiful shots of it's not quite what it appears to be is it is not quite as old as it seems to be looking at the congregation the people who are already there i gather visit this is space for up to ten thousand i don't think it's thousands about five or seven thousand can be in the church of course and said if it will because they have to actually chapel the main presence of the cathedral which is actually the seat of all the padre and the one is the name of the transfiguration of jesus christ. and just by the picture of where this cathedral is well it's not a place called in scotia very close to credit for of use abroad it would maybe have been the most creative say. because it is always on the main tourist site list is
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also one of the places the seekers are stunning because tell us a little bit about the banks of the moscow river and it was rebuilt quite recently was there let's talk about that actually interesting history of building this cathedral itself in one century because the idea was to build this cathedral in the memory for winning the war over the public in eight hundred twelve and firstly we wanted to build it of your hills which. we're now moscow state university is situated it's not due to some growth shifting they decided to build on the proportions korea originally had by the kremlin the place for the former saint the exist monastery which was here but in the negativity six as far as i remember it was really by the record of stalin and only starting in one thousand nine hundred five i believe. it was rebuilt again and in ninety six there was the first easter
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service held there where with without all this fortune that we see right now here there was only great walls. now or at least ten years already fifteen years. i think actually having services in this cathedral most of the people trying to get into their. home such services as easter christmas and so on father it really struck me you you look at the people there now we're. waiting for midnight to come for easter sunday to happen this place is such a lot to the congregation there and of course the many many many people that can't get in there tonight awful to think that quite within living memory good for a lot some people still within living memory just wasn't there i remember myself.
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earlier in soviet period there was a swimming pool there and when i was a kid i used to go there swimming. after i found out the story and all the changes in the history of our state took place we all had. that backless cathedral and i think it's now over so that some of the historical parts are now coming back our whole life and you have to say it's a huge building as well just a pretty picture for our viewers are how high it is it's three hundred thirty eight feet tall from from floor to the top of the dome when you're inside but you have to look at the workmanship and it's a huge site next door to the kremlin next door the most the river but so much of the builders put interest in the architects put in it pretty much like the original is exactly like the original it's exactly right right there is you know or only modern iran because they have some places for cars. a holes for conferences
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some walking offices or clergyman there and as i said there's two chapel that's a lawn and they're up around. it up around and that is you know from the well if you just take a moment now for about thirty seconds or so and just again get a flavor of what's going on then this needed to be the site in the sand if you christ it's a vehicle fleet. week . it'll. leak.
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i. would just remind you what you're watching on your screen super moment here from the r t international news channel your watching the easter services we get closer and closer to midnight and. seeing live pictures right at the moment from outside the cross the savior cathedral with me in the studio here to talk through what you're seeing on your screens that give you a lot more insight for the next twenty minutes the so far the. father you mentioned the procession would go outside and sure enough that's what's happening right now that's exactly what we see on the picture and bishops priests and all the people
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who will go out of the cathedral the world around the round it. will start before they close the doors and. will stood before the close of those open himself symbolizing the christ who is actually trembling doors of hell and letting all the people out this is the time with midnight you know when when. when it's said christ is risen christ is risen and then then the worship is replied he is risen indeed i am really really joyous time now we know that president dmitri medvedev and his wife svetlana midvale of are there as well we believe tonight i think will be will come a little bit later when that with the jewels and we will see that. the real world. will greet them. and. see with with this crisis reason and summation
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and they will reply to him and it is reason of course this takes the twenty fourth the heading into something the twenty fourth of april respectful time because the christians in the east in the west for the first time for the first time but for the first time in a while celebrating easter on the same date as. actually the century the solutions will be more often than it was before and actually it's a good sign that all the christians around the world you know have addressed period of celebrating easter together for instance i think jews are celebrating their easter day before so it's kind of. very good timing for people just to see how we actually united despite all the different religions that we have and. with protestants with woman calculates and other christian confessions i think we really
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enjoy the celebrating together in one day i was walking speaking the other day with my catholic brothers from rome and commiseration each other and wishing to liberation these days and probably some days later war with visits from just to. say my greetings to them what does this mean personally for you and i'd like to my easter. live for me as for all the christians. you see in orthodox church easter is more available if i can speak so peace as a christmas we know is in the in the west most of the people as a liberating christmas more brightly than peace itself but easter is meaningful some abrasion of defeating death by the resurrection of christ that's why i'm not in the church a church is not only in russia but in the front of the countries. pushing morse
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stressed stressing this event one more precise place. and this is a busy time as well in russian homes it's going to be a busy day tomorrow we're going to have just a minute i just really wanted to ask you about the younger people younger orthodox christians are they keeping the faith as we head into twenty twenty twelve are you seeing i see from a lot of people or even asked to work you favor start to lend a lot of people say and i have are you seeing younger people as enthused as maybe the older people are. actually. very good for a country that younger people coming to church not only just to celebrate the feast itself but most of them trying to go through the events and periods and during the days of preparation for this easter service for instance in our parish a lot of congress are going to zeeshan so they were coming to us and helping to
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consecrating always food that people bring whole day long. as we call. up and say with me been cordoned different things another thing to lucia's cake yes if they can stay away from the self at least a creature. that's a sign of resurrection of the peace that we have today. let's listen a little bit more now nineteen minutes to midnight this saturday night thanks for being with us on the r.t.e. international news channel from moscow you see these live pictures from central moscow. as we head towards easter sunday just ninety minutes away from it now with me father yogi machine talking us through what we're seeing will give you a bit more flavor i'm small samples.
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what we're seeing here is the main ceremony but similar ceremonies also going off in other cathedrals around russia of course has definitely every church right now is getting ready to celebrate easter and every church will have the same services with the sessions around their churches cathedrals in different cities different regions so not only russia but also all the former soviet union states and.
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it's the laureus peace for all the believers as being the picture of wouldn't want me to celebrate with this on this paper i see the head of the russian railways company here. are you calling in and there is they are all taking part in this procession and the civic officials are very huge run so it takes more time to go around it and. actually in the past people in the service were also seen in and singing because most of the parents and all the services will be same by people and by choirs and the main feature of this actually possible service is that the gospel that will be read later will break on different languages including more than ones english range german and so on. and the asian one greek or russian as
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world's one you can sign and so on. it's a beautiful backdrop as well we're talking to sara further on second features lit up special night lights night is a lovely peaceful night there as well isn't it to tell us where the rest of the people are because of course it's five to seven thousand people inside there's no thought of people outside as well there's no room for everybody wants to get there now our cameras aren't quite picking out where they're at the moment they're kind of further back again on the way i think most of the people will stay in the future or just for the. just take. because if you will measure five thousand will go. right away and so we have the service for them to be where worshippers they would like to go but because this is the people that are allowed in there it's that kind of by invite only isn't it yes there are some people that would that would like to go there and say that they're having to listen to what's going on from outside but there will be different people stationed outside the cathedral so
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other people would be able to get into the you know if it will solve world take part in the services world but there are all the different other churches they can . get into the ones ok father go he do stay with us you're in so it's most valuable it's really good to have you here with us tonight just it was for a few more minutes yet the ribs are great for let's talk now to sarah for correspondent she's outside the cathedral across the savior of the sarah tell us a little bit more if you would the way you are about the atmosphere there we watched him for the last fifteen twenty minutes or so but of course is not quite the same as when you're very yourself take us through what you're seeing. at the edge of this really is that it's gotten under way if he can hear the bell climbing advocate the hill behind me that he's amounts of people at the fact that they can actually get this thing just in but they could make sure that the kids off to the side there's lots and lots of people at that time i think just the two. i pod and
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the whole experience and the whole celebration of the holiday. celebration here in russia this year because it doesn't actually pull out a fixed date and basically go it on the killing calendar with a different date to be added this year the celebrations on the same day but the all the dogs and the catholic church as well but now we've had the bed around five thousand people who already inside president the fate of his wife to arrive shortly as well had enough to leave one believing for the mile they think it is that there's lots of people have tied up and i get a backdrop now the cathedral it has a fascinating history although i think very old and i just think that it's actually less than twenty years old it was destroyed at nineteen that he was built in the nights and ninety's but no less wonderful is that think that's not it's just not that is as he said got under way now and that's being led by patriarch kirill thank
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you so good to get perspective from where you are as well with these pictures. around the world live from central moscow on the t.v. news channel it's now forty minutes away from midnight you're watching our live coverage of the easter service from the christ the savior can feed for a couple can sky in some form must go with me in the studio for the machine to take us through what we see specially for some of the uninitiated that may not know exactly what is happening here what some of the. some vents that we're seeing mean. everybody come outside just to round it was so what's happening among the procession is getting to it's. mostly because. of his home especially. doors of the cathedral and soon enough they will still by will be the first explain . of christ is reason and his holiness pope opened the doors and wrote and
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submitted seadrill campbell service matins. which is the first service for the new day starts with the past couple of parents with us cola singing with the possible songs and all the people definitely will sing all the song in the course of. now there's a pope said twelve minutes to go i guess same till that happens just take us through what's happening inside now. during this time before everybody goes in the routes i want something inside of. inside people just waiting as the people outside . open the gates of the cathedral which symbolizes christ's open the gates of. hell just to let the people from the day before before christ
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so that the most of the soonest you get that it took to happen and this we very closely smallman and soon enough that were killed i think the magic. a. little bit on my own speech in a just to try to transcribe a bit of what's being said they all the essence of what they said there's just listening no can't sort of the many of us so to give all of you is a taste of what's happening all over it. a bit low bid low to. load off though you did it float could there. be a. oh a bit slow to load. the. oh oh well
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over a. bit. close it is close to zero. zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. zero ok whoa. father tell us a little bit about what the what was being said there is the repair and we just said the crisis isn't on that trampling that right there and those in the future we still like. that will be saying all the time doing a full service but with hundreds of times and the like you said it the words christ is reason everybody will change their. their glory. joy for these events which actually brought all the people not only those who believe in christ but christ say for all the people in the world worth pointing out
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of you for the question of this in a sanctuary away from the region worshippers or as well many of the money accessible by priests in mideast just like we're seeing now with these outside the within the cathedral that there's those remain closed until the stroke of midnight that's when the priest opens i'm going to approach is the old holding a crucifix and candle saying christ is risen christ is risen and that's when the worshippers joins as well yes it's already started the crisis reason he said even on the stairs before the doors and when they be opened all the procession will get into the church and the pastoral service began during the service they will change their white vestments into the red ones which will be also symbolizing the turning form especially the borough of moments the right person and so it was somebody like this this kind of. girl services into the glorious one which symbolized by red
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rose. of course is well worth all the orthodox church to this holiday also signifies there's no the end seven weeks of meant as we've mentioned before orthodox believers they do. animal products such as meat fish is allowed though twice during lent isn't if i remember correctly with. total foods or food is welcomed on some days to most people stick to that. actually the lens is not only dire it's only only diets but also. doing good deeds most of the people calling up to think or for work they were being doing the whole year to bring repentance for those probably inadequacies that they had in their lives and to think about what good things they can do for their neighbors actually this is another thing or another meaning of land and if you'll hear the
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gospel or also reading said before lent is said that it's not only in abstaining. from this that kind of food but also thinking of for the soul for. the good for the people and for the others big practical side of this is that of course of course now tomorrow listen to this service listen listen listen will go on this mass will go on one two into doing a good while ago here that actually the pastoral service last for one week during this week they will be on of course the royal doors in every church where they will stay open while during their normal period there they stay close so during this week everybody will have an opportunity to get to the bell tower and the ring the bells especially across the save the cathedral it's actually. much more on the kids
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suicide tapes some activity as well as well as the team as well as the celebration as well as the joy of it and get up there and ring the bell as well i mean we're talking about it earlier on the big day for families for families to get together around the table to speak to be is one yes exactly and probably not only among the families but also. different people who will probably come see a child at the sound time these celebration would bring them together you know just during the whole week at least at the use of the brakes in this case and i wish this whole week will be. probably in some way wrist future. walk off. after breakfast to morrow when people have recovered you say they will then go and see their friends or go and see their colleagues and there's also the giving of easter eggs isn't it yes it's a good tradition actually some of the easter eggs so will be. given to the
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participants of the service after the end of it and tomorrow in the evening they'll be served their pasco evening service also by his holiness petra. and all the adverts for actors of different churches of the concerts in moscow region just a few to eight. patra with this holy east festival and the world brings them easter eggs as well and he will give them a presence to look let's just listen again from a thirty seconds or so but to say goodbye to you after that but i want to come back and say goodbye john indeed wish you happy easter but let's listen in for another thirty seconds and get a feel of what schooling. would be. all over. the week.
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the. the load. of the. oh i have to. pull it in order to join our coverage over the last forty minutes is so these live pictures from life seems for information across the same theater in central moscow also the invaluable coverage we've had as well to further go he or she news or taken the time that to be with the cinema and talk us through it i'd like to wish you a very happy easter as well thank you ever so much for your grace and reason thank you for the time that you've spent the currency is today we'll let you go off and and. carry on and enjoy the rest that they think is so much of a thank you. ok you can watch more of the same as well in full on our website r.t.
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dot com we will be back soon with further coverage of the first invents in moscow one of kevin i will update the headlines for you in a couple of minutes time. download
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the official tea happily cation choke on phone the i pod touch from the q sounds to . life on the go. video on demand tease my blog comes and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. questions on the. wealthy british sun.


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