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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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he. played the well the celebrate the holiday today we hear quite say he could be jailed when the judicial is the ceremony has been taking place and. they have no choice but to endure his hard by the fallout ultra noble this community has remained intact for twenty five years managing to survive on contaminated land. the libyan government claims there are new civilian casualties as american drones strike broken down for forces meanwhile the rebels gain ground in strategic constance's. and also is running out to women and families find some twelve or so you turn to gender
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selections abortions in a drastic bridge to secure their financial future. twenty four hour news coming to you live from the russian capital you all with our t.v.'s four am and mosco thousands of people have welcomed easter sunday at russia's main cathedral as christians worldwide celebrate the most holy festival this year falls on the same day for both orthodox and western worshippers. witness them outside the cross to say that cathedral in moscow. easter is a major holiday in russia with the traditional the service that takes place here at christ the savior cathedral and. over five thousand people attending
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including president medvedev and prime minister and also families inside bringing their children it really is a family event a religious event that's marked by thousands and thousands of people every year but to look at the table and celebrate not only inside but also lined the streets as well with candles just to take part in the ceremony. to celebrate easter it's a russian christian holiday which is always been some russian. business trip and we just couldn't help but come here. is the first time you had a chance to celebrate this festival in moscow so we came to see the service here it's a joy to be here and it's interesting. the comprising i came here straight after work it's a great holiday. now to another church after we've seen it here and we've had the bells timing out like. all the service has lots of
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candles and flowers unless by patriarch kirill and people attending with their children really a family affair it's really a major celebration here in russia and this year on the same day by the orthodox church and the catholic church doesn't always happen because the easter holiday isn't always on a fixed date it's called immovable face this year celebrations pulling on the same day now some of the russian traditions that include making the kate and also eating a type of perch. not actually the original name of the easter celebration it's. we saw the big procession from christ the savior cathedral it's traditional procession that goes around the cathedral grounds with patriarch kirill leading that they carry the crucifix and thousands of people joining but before they go
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back inside they continue the ceremony now the actual will itself really have absolutely but the meeting history it might look very all dated and grand but it's actually less than twenty years old in ninety one the building was completely destroyed and then rebuilt in the ninth really is an absolutely magnificent first thing to hold that if the servers all around russia families will be celebrating a religious holiday. throughout the country will be marking with their own the main one in russia and of course for everyone celebrating it around the world very happy from us here our thing. was artie's sarraf earth reporting from outside russia's main cathedral for all the highlights of the elaborate easter mass there go to our web site at r.t. dot com. so it's weeks after disaster struck japan's fukushima nuclear
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plant locals still living inside the twenty kilometer creations own are being ordered to leave the area has already been to the infamous exclusion zone around trying novel which was established twenty five years ago but some who should have left but never did. find out why. do exclusion zone on the border between russia and. although it's more than a hundred kilometers from chernobyl it sure seems something strange you have to follow trying to nuclear accident. people were advised to leave but not everybody has to this used to be a thriving community of more than five thousand people are there to noble it was deemed unsuitable for living i don't know how with a very house and put the view measure the radiation around here it's still several times higher than normal but just walk down the road and russell people living all
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around their area at first glance bush cough looks like an ordinary village and most here live off what they grow in their gardens and the livestock they keep. the government says that to me from animals fatten the local feed from contaminated land isn't safe to eat. of course we're scared of the radiation but we simply can't afford to go anywhere else according to the government anyone who is living in the exclusion zone is an equivalent housing outside it but actually getting it is a problem. of who personally for the fire trail noble is the mayor of the nearby town of numbers they call him it's the current system isn't working. there is a commission that values the housing of those people who want to leave and gives the money for it but the money is so small those people wouldn't be able to afford
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a house in most places around russia so many people choose to stay here. the cancer rate in the area has gone up way seven climb since chernobyl and the fact of the contamination may not have peaked yet. with in the first few years out of chernobyl at least till the government programs to clean up local food supplies but now they are gradually coming to an end we're being forgotten about. three years. after holding his clearly doctor for no visitors relative at home eighty six year old husband died of cancer from a family contaminated materials she says she plans to live out the rest of her life here. i was never given a chance to leave and now i'm too old to go anywhere else but was maybe too late to move others here because so enjoy life without a shadow of radiation. either and no party beyond screeching
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even though through fukushima plant remains in crisis energy experts have told r.t. that japan has little choice but to clean up and carry on rely heavily on atomic power. it's certainly a very serious accident it's the second most serious after chernobyl in the history of nuclear energy there have been releases are very direct the material is the environment and have been evacuation i mean i think we run the thing when the sun likes it and just properly dealt with which i am certain this year is that we need to look into do you see it certainly does seem to be the cavs but the high level of pressure. in one direction possibly reaction of the world weather events a brother but later the grafter speculation of that build up of pressure may have affected the seals within the ranks a vessel which could have given the route the material to come out and i do say having been commentating throughout this that i think the speed of information coming out of japan has not been as high as one would have cause to tsushima they
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are getting cooling water into the sensors of the reactor but they haven't got to what's called cold weather all the water inside directors are a liquid that means there will be escapes of radioactive material but they were able to start looking at a long term solution until they have the senators about reactors brought under control and they can remove material to the third biggest economy in the world it doesn't have room for lots of choices japan imports eighty four percent of its energy it's enormously dependent on imports of energy from the middle east and of course. russia and the former soviet union has come industries prior to keep british ships it's pretty much used all of it's cold and it doesn't have enormously valuable renewable reserves there and with her novels twentieth anniversary just two days away we'll bring you plenty of coverage on what happens appetite mount the consequences of the disaster and that's one thing you'll also be able to catch an
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exclusive documentary on the terrifying legacy or not will last right from the heart of the exclusion zone. twenty five years of. the most devastating nuclear disaster in history. culture of the century has monthly its mistakes. the legacy of chernobyl. opposition forces in libya have been preparing a new offensive on colonel gadhafi military in the east and. which has been in stalemate for nearly two weeks it comes as gadhafi forces retreat from the port city of misrata where they face twenty five from rebels human rights groups claim
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the sponsor is on the verge of a humanitarian crisis after the thousand people died in the seven weeks siege i kept up the troops meanwhile the libyan government says three people have been killed in nature as strikes near a duffus compound in central tripoli so dunn who has just returned from a monitoring mission in libya thinks the decision to intervene in the country was groundless. the basis for nine hundred seventy three of the u.n. resolution was that the claim was that gadhafi had bombed from that three particular districts in tripoli subsume first moon and we visited these places there was no indication whatsoever of any aerial bombardment so they go it just it just goes to show that if there's a claim this has to be actually cooperated properly and that hasn't been done and what we've got is a situation where nato has gone to war going to stop sovereign nation on the base off an allegation which in terms of our findings was just baseless the point is
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that there has been no international investigative teams to investigate the nato bombings as well. collison is spiraling the pressure on government forces in libya as the u.s. carries out its first predator drone strike asia times correspondent. old r.t. that's military action in the country it's nothing party war on the nature of cover in their minds ok so don't tease drones have a. two thousand and one time line so they can make them to. civilians on friend list this is obviously not true and coming back to the sun they're crazy and why we have been told that this is not a us war where west africa the african command there was its first african war determine hearts were lost by general carter ham which is the commander of africa then the rest switched to nato which is basically the plan for going to
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weaponize the army in europe nursing is decided in brussels without an american ok and i look we have been told that the us is of less thursday out of strike missions in libya and u.s. creditors underground so it's wound right off another nonstop and. boots on the ground of course. it is thirteen minutes past the hour you are watching archie still to come on the program the electric trash cycle. of the apple story yesterday and the results are right now broke out over the i don't know what do you think of that i think it's ridiculous. america's obsession with the latest gosh it sounds the wave of tide out to acknowledge you to countries like india archie asks people in new york if they think twice before ditching their digital garbage.
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the infamous qur'an burning pastor has been briefly jailed in the hugh asked after accord blocked his plans for an empty islamic protest outside a mosque the courtroom that the rally which was to take place in a city described as america's capital could cause violence christine for czar has been looking at how free speech can threaten public safety. they came to show that the planned protest was not causing a rift in their community even formed a human chain in a show of solidarity christians jews and muslims were not afraid. that we work together as a team as if it is one family they came to send pastor terry jones a message whatever has him tormented i want to pray and as god to deliver him this is to him is praying for you he needs help more than seven hundred people attended a service on the eve of the protest planned by a man that has held the qur'an on trial and another man who actually set the holy
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book on fire to fight what some here deemed the greatest offense with peace. peace. but where some in the city of dearborn are divided are along the lines of two rules of law the constitution and the qur'an actually it that freedom of speech but i think it should be a little bit more stacked with people they get to create problem he has every right to say what he wants to do what he wants this is america this is not the middle east but at least he should not hurt your feelings for some across the country the question is will freedom of speech incite violence. earlier this month in response to pastor terry jones actions more than a dozen people were killed in mazar e sharif in afghanistan here in dearborn it is about public safety pastor jones was refused a permit to protest at the mosque but was told he could protest elsewhere he should
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not be stopped from expressing his opinion in other venues that he's been offered including in the city hall under local laws here there are four designated free speech the henry ford community center the public library city hall and right here in one thousand nine hundred three court but the bigger question for many is should there be designated free speech zones or under the first amendment of the constitution to the entire country designated for speech them in their war in michigan christine for sound r.t. . the recent census shows engineer is becoming an increasingly male dominated society with the more a father son considered more financially lucrative the unborn baby girls are falling victim to gender selected abortions and as origin has proved true to reports there's gendercide which have a devastating effect on the country's future. it takes a village to raise
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a child the saying goes but in the village of korra about three hours from the indian capital not every child is given a chance here there are twice as many boys as girls and according to the latest indian census numbers the trend of more boys is a national reality and no coincidence. these should be at least one son. of the family business of the family name. dr rajiv is a physician at a hospital in hurry on or in india sex selective abortion and finding out the sex of a baby before birth are illegal but every day good the sees patients who are willing to do just about anything to construct a family with more boys than girls. nor . people who have sex for donation and they won't go. on board.
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while the villagers in cora can't deny the statistics few will talk about what is happening to all the baby girls they do you however admit that having boys is more attractive to them financially especially when it comes to the indian practice of a bride's family paying a dowry to the groom's family before their wedding is there are. there are a lot of poor people in the villages who are mostly due to illness defeated sorry it's like a big obstacle in the. gendercide continues at the rate it's happening now by twenty twenty one india will have twenty percent more men than women in one major concern for people here is who would be as young boys only when they grow up if nothing changes. this is a worry for everyone even we have two sons the drilling number of goods does worry us whether we will find wives for our sons are not in. some places like hari are not the gender ratios are so skewed that some villagers are traveling to other
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states to five brides for their sons. guides for poor families are brought in for. the family but money and there have been several stories of imported brides who end up harassed and ostracized for their cultural differences. between clans. people. who go there for three brothers. one for you to many it's a rooted mentality if it will be difficult to change everybody you can suffer as a burden and wishes that it is not born in the family leaving the future for females in the country unknown preassure either r t cover or india. as a mate of downsized to america's last for the latest techno got it at archie dot com reporting on home developing countries are paying the price or horse honest to the streets of new york to find out of people care about their cost offs.
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american spirit is about three million tons of electronic waste every year and countries like india and up as a dumping ground so how many gadgets have you got this year this week let's talk about that is the word gadget that you're lusting after right now as a g.p.s. that you are desperately yes you have no way to track where you're going without it basically you know maps. were just not as good but an i phone ended she already have a phone course what was wrong with that but she needed my phone was on my phone i was at the store yesterday and it was almost a riot. what do you think of that is ridiculous actually why do you think americans are so all about their get. tonight short attention spans. of money taken out of you guys. i forgot what are you talking about
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everybody is inside way like you see these people right here when i drive because. every door is a type of way so it bit out ok if we just say well everyone's doing it someone jumps off a bridge the ok to do it too. i mean it is what it is we don't seem to care why is that you say. it's invisible it's you know you should be doing is somebody else's problems like a civil war in africa if you can't see it it's not really happening do you think people do care and just don't do anything about it or do you think they really don't care i think it's industry driven i think industry should create an infrastructure for taken aback because people would react. how would we get them to do that. how would we get in through that. little reaction in recent years and maybe figure out some way to make it profitable for right now is about the bottom line honestly i think you just need laws from the bottom line is that millions of
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tons of just started gadgets are polluting your planet every year so please do think about that the next time you feel that gadget lust coming up. time now for a closer look at some headlines from around the world from number of deaths among cells traders in syria has reportedly topped one hundred thirty after police opened fire on more are also fancy government protesters killed in fighting it was the glossy a star in the north of times freshens with security forces opening fire on a crowd of tens of thousands of protesters who thought to make his sons and local really just leave it for a sign of protest rallies in syria continue despite the president putting an end to his songs and more solo. at least eleven soldiers have reportedly been killed in an exchange of fire between thai and composure in troops it's part of renewed violence in an ongoing dispute over the two countries both sides said the gunfire last of
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several hours and kept thousands of civilians out of their homes composure and military accuses time forces of using shells loaded with poisonous gas. yemen's embattled president has agreed to do to step down within a month after more than three decades in power. has brokered by gulf are ready as it's been accepted by the opposition out there concerned that the laws meant which is dominated by presidential moralists to reject his resignation and the largest demonstrations get hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters relative the capital on sunday or saturday just crackdowns that's how ridicules one hundred thousand people. well some of the world's most talented drivers have raced to russia for their rally masters charo which has had its most good debut among those taking part a british racing star who also appears in the hall of wood block boston artie's but
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all of that to watch the fast and furious in action. the three times british champion british champion taheri most go to strategies stuff is of course the man behind the driving in james bond the quantum of solace so he's being whizzing around this track behind me like a thunderbolt with a view to a thrill that you could call him the spy that drove me to it drove me well not just to market in the rest of the computers and just here to allow me to make terrible james bond funds they're here to showcase the way of the rally mostest now this is the first time events being held here in russia and from next year it becomes a regular on the racing calendar so they've been here trying to just drum up support for the sports here in moscow and glorious on the glorious day the founder had plenty of pills and spills to see himself was telling me the course here in moscow provides a unique opportunity for the drivers as well as the spectators to be the sport of
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rally i think it's great to be running it's quite difficult to watch in the forest you know you got to travel a long way away to get a normal stages that you see and hear is this bringing relief to the people you know it's close it's very simple it's very different i mean the water alongside this is it's one of those type of the bench where you can really throw it away you know so in the champion on the track you're also. the driver behind making behind james holmes and the way he drives us a bit more yeah we did the quantum of solace which was with the driver actually the body chasing for most of it so that was a different experience for me i mean i spent my life being told not to crash there's a few occasions we have a crush on that so that was great i have to say after watching them going round this truck around with them not me the whistling round so close to the banks of the most cool ribbon here breakneck speed so that's the way it looks a as they try to promote the sport of rallying here in russia. time to go to
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a close up view of rational today we take it to the country's copper mining hard also renowned for its incredible landscapes the trends by region. as terri is celebrated for its amazing views of almost untouched nature sporting might amount to and huge forests valuable always found here over sixty years ago but it's only now that mining works have started going full scale arches so suburbans has literally gone underground to dig up more. natural beauty reaches across russia strands i call region and beneath it a wealth of natural resources bringing them to the surface is why abdullah and the crew from the bike how mining company are here in the economy it's one of. the eastern side of the. it's divided into three sectors and these are areas we drew
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thirteen thousand meters and twenty ten it's the first stage of his deposit. it's expected to take five years to get from the exploratory phase to full scale escalation of the twenty million tons of copper only to be buried here but to get to his crew are now has taken nearly six decades carter was first found here an eight hundred forty nine with a lack of infrastructure an energy grid escalation difficult then mining effort stalled with the union still the work there began back then and the starting point of today this mine was initially explored by soviet geologists and if you take a little group here you'll see whether modern day counterparts have dug to verify their findings to determine the viability and capability of escalating with mine. long ago that we need to develop is deposit but the absence of engineering energy
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transportation facilities and infrastructure made those plans a possible past delays and present challenges architecture in the work of investors or the hopes of local government. the project means more investments and new jobs but it will also provide additional tax revenues into the entire region and new social programs will be launched some ecologists war all skill as well profitable could harm the environment the regional government and the car mining company help return a strategy that they insist will preserve the local ecology and enrich the economy so that the people of the trans by car region will not only benefit from the beauty of the area but also from its abundance period resources. r.t. . and in a few minutes most go out to sky was all things latino in the russian capital that softer recap the top story which is next.
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to. the russian republic lindsey's story diversity with economic diversification for oil drilling industry pushes for tomorrow's federal chemical products traditionally the issues of the focus is on the phone i lived through.


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