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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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it stops the worse here in our t.v. ad our invasion of western military initiatives in north africa backfired holly and the french president already losing public trust over what's described as these colonial one patients. shit you truly want to work anymore open the bottle or even. one year after a major oil spill in the gulf of mexico coastal residents exposed to toxic chemical say have been left to deal with severe health problems on their own. and christians around the world are united in easter celebrations with thousands flocking to his service at russia's main orthodox cathedral.
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in the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina josh welcome to the program after more than a month of allied operations in libya the word stalemate is frequently being used to describe the situation there and for those countries involved in the action it's beginning to cause political trouble at home especially in france where the president's feeling the pinch reports of how the country's intervention in libya and its former colony of ivory coast has backfired for nicolas sarkozy with accusations of imperialism if nicolas sarkozy hoped intervening in libya and the oil every coast with his popularity is big for oil he's now for the most unpopular president in the history of france's fifth republic according to the latest opinion
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polls the main beneficiary has been marie le pen as head of the national front party she's expected to milk him out of next year's presidential election because the world's pledged france will never again kill people in africa the pen told me he's broken up. promise. this as a past colonial reaction by france where behaving like a well spell least men deciding who's bad and who's good the president's policies a myriad of former colleagues one inflexible personal style x. finance minister. lift the ruling party this month admitting they can't work together to form a human rights minister remy yet they has quit to sarkozy let colonel get death a use france she said as a tool met to wipe blood off his feet by hosting him in paris now he's hunting the same man down sarkozy also sacked his integration advisor for disagreeing with him
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i have to recommend that man told r.t. the president does know how to compromise. there's no place for twentieth century colonialism today but there should always be room for negotiation it's all leaves nicolas sarkozy with few friends just when he needs them has become a lonely life inside the presidential palace but mr sarkozy not only a political opponent of pulling apart his four policy even former allies like nobody now talk of his serial. view plans work with the president for over seventeen years the former premier fears libya turning into another afghanistan a deeply unpopular war with no clear line we cannot go. any country without knowing when we will go out i think this is the listen we did not come from afghanistan in its global diplomacy it's the same problem analysts warn france is
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facing criticism for what some see as heavy handed intervention in the ivory coast the result is a presidency experts more kept at home and abroad for his arrogance. warlike monarchical public trailing both. the pain and the socialists in his bid for reelection in twenty twelve so as he looks on likely to mellow leaked memos from a voice as claimed his only chance of winning is to make his policies even more extreme than you bush will see paris meanwhile a massive flood of migrants from tunisia and libya has made france think of suspending the e.u. border for a travel agreement last weekend a country temporarily shut its border two trains carrying african migrants from italy sarkozy is expected to address the issue next week when he meets with a tie in prime minister silvio berlusconi thousands of people have been fleeing the violence with italy claiming it alone has received over twenty thousand refugees.
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well as we britain france and italy announced they'll be dispatching military advisers on the ground in libya russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov warrant against the move saying it will only cause more bloodshed we're pleasure the latest developments in libya not making us happy it's a clear launch of the ground conflict we consider these moves extremely risky which could lead to unpredictable consequences if in cases in history when it all started with sending in military advisors and then it drags out for years and resulted in hundreds and thousands dead on both sides we call on everyone to respect the un resolution in solving this conflict as a journalist simon assaf says nato is seeking ways to go beyond the un mandate while hiding behind humanitarian motives. i think the original demand from the rebels inside eastern libya. in the cities and less than it was simply no fly zone
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to stop the most from is coming in and some humanitarian aid the red line for them was ground troops and now we're beginning to see the first steps towards a creeping. across the critical arrival of foreign or foreign forces that is there this is exactly what happened in vietnam i mean various other conflicts and it always starts with it's about humanitarian intervention and then where is that leading to and this i think is a very very dangerous move and what we're seeing in libya unfortunately is well i put it is really the west hijacking this revolution and in this process they're making very very difficult for the revolution succeeded and there are fears raging on rest in the arab world my jeopardize the global economic recovery as we reported later in the program. we are one shot away from a full grown crisis. find out what france the world's financial system is facing including some coming from washington in just
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a few minutes here in our chief. there was a major breakthrough in the fight against terror and russia this week the country's security forces killed two top terrorists in the north caucuses both had links to al qaida and were believed to be behind nanny attacks in russia are these north caucuses correspondent you know question of reports. this week russia's north caucasus witnessed a number of successful anti terror operations last sunday a key militants leader is that you'll believe john up was killed in an aerial strike in the biggest russia's unteach terrorist committees the most wanted man. has personally point of what is on the past the hand of militants in that he's done in the last year now it's also believed that religion of wasn't moved in almost every terror attack that happened in the region and was also linked to the most school not troublemakers last year he was among the four terrorists that were killed a week ago and i guess does lead to hail the operational success ounce up of the
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militants only understands the language of force. the militants willing to engage and they reject us when we urge them to lay down with. peaceful. having committed so many murders in terrorist attacks they know you understand the language of force meanwhile and nothing the torah's terrorists figure out was killed the saudi militant also known as no gun yet was soon identified as a chief out quite an agent in the north caucasus he was also perceived by the militants as the absolute religious authority as well as an influential field commander now rushes on to terrorist committees that he was involved in almost every terror attack that happened even russia in recent years now despite the strains of high profile success russia's security forces still say there is no evidence that russia's most wanted terrorist martyr has been killed holds could be
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eliminated in one of the operations in english it's here were shattered when d.n.a. task found no presence of him among the that meanwhile he has claimed responsibility for a number of terror attacks that route russia enclosing the most school tween suicide strikes and the bombing of the capital the main airport still there is no clear information of just where russia's most wanted terrorists might be hiding in the north caucasus. but in the caution over there now you can always go to our web site r t to call for more food or to have a special operation in dagestan and there you can also find the c.c.t.v. pictures of last week's attack on a better in the battle of russian capital that helped solve who was behind the atrocity. this week japan extended the exclusion zone around the paralyzed because she was planned to thirty kilometers twenty kilometer zone was declared an official no go area because of radiation risks those
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who entered the zone could be subject to fines or even detention you know while the workers at the plant continue to pump highly radioactive water from one of the reactors at least step towards easing the crisis thirty people have already been exposed to maximum radiation levels at the facility this why the ongoing crisis professor patty ragan from the physics department at the university of surrey says japan has little choice but to stick with nuclear. it's all depended and has very limited natural resources which is the reason one reason why it's it's become relatively reliant at least a significant about so that's called for. for the sick to. my personal views i think it doesn't have a choice i think it will have to continue to have nuclear power there let's not forget there are the fifty fifty reactors in japan that are operational well since the very beginning of the nuclear crisis in japan parallel ours have been drawn
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with the churned out with disaster and as the twenty fifth anniversary of the worst nuclear accident in history nears stay with r.t. for more reports on its aftermath well on monday we'll be bringing us special documentary on the legacy of the catastrophe. twenty five years before it's. from the most devastating nuclear disaster history. culture of the century. his monthly it's the stakes. legacy which are. on the market. wednesday marked the first anniversary of one of the worst environmental accidents in history the gulf of mexico oil disaster killed eleven people and caused millions of gallons of oil pour into the ocean and while b.p.'s trying to shift the blame by suing some of its interactors it's the local people who are still suffering the
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aftermath of the spill. five million barrels of oil in combination with almost two million gallons of highly toxic chemical dispersants used to fight the oil spill a cocktail that contaminated not just the water in the gulf but found its way into people's blood a year after the disaster an environmental group tested the blood of dozens of cleanup workers as well as residents of coastal areas they found levels of benzene thirty six times higher than normal courtroom for the overturn it. are shader true want to work in open a problem or even a rumor. matter and work as a boat engineer he says he was in perfect health before he was exposed to the toxic chemicals in the gulf now he's fighting a bouquet of illnesses flugel got a lot of trouble free of usual for clayton is not alone in his fight george price
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owns a small boat yard in louisiana perfectly healthy just a year ago he has lost thirty pounds in the last few months george was diagnosed with severe anaemia osun a man must still hold of this story and will be do you know you really know dr michael robbie chom who's been practicing medicine in louisiana for forty years says he's never had such an influx of patients with respiratory and blood issues he fears the worst bits in distance troubador tourist recalls robbie chalk is one of a few doctors who is outspoken about gulf coast residents symptoms connection with the toxic chemicals that they've been exposed to many other doctors refuse to recognise the cause as dr robert shaw says either because they don't have the necessary training or they don't want to be caught up in. an environmental justice group polled residents in several coastal communities
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almost half said they have experienced health problems like coughing skin and eye irritation or headaches that are consistent with common symptoms of chemical exposure it's very clear when you look at the ingredients those are all which is considered so. it is considered as a hazardous material total with the ingredients in the toilets of this persons and when you mix those together it actually creates an. arms more toxic and these are exactly the types of images that are truly literally in people's what many of the fact that gulf coast residents and those involved. cleanup of the gulf they fear alone in their fight with the consequences of last year disaster marine biologists are saying it's going to take at least twenty years for the gulf ecosystem to recover president obama signed the country's environmental agency to investigate health effects of the spill but many gulf coast residents are sure agency will do its best to sweep the findings under the rug and any reporting from washington are
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. the e.u. has come under fire for how it spans its aid money and you report reveals billions of dollars being pumped into unnecessary projects among them dancing classes in two african countries your m.p. david campbell bannerman says brussels is incapable of controlling its own budget let alone the money it sounds brought to the system isn't working i think this report makes very clear but it is no surprise i mean from our point of view here you have the european union for sixteen years in a row they haven't signed off their own account because of auditor's you know so much fraud in their cars they can't even sign them off so it's not a surprise that you know there's a allegations of private jets being bought by certain country leaders surely that after receiving this kind of the aid the whole thing is a mess it needs discipline i think it's better done by nation states a bit of two thirds of these actually goes to normal poor countries i mean the
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biggest recipient is turkey which is doing pretty well economically and a lot goes missing i mean some is going through terrorist groups like hamas in palestine and you've got incredible figures like in. job creation the scheme is costing one point five million pounds for each individual they actually find a job for so there's a huge amount of waste here. global finance leaders warned of the looming threat of a new konami crisis at the i.m.f. and world bank and all spring meeting and while some blame turmoil in the middle east for standing economic recovery washington also came in for a fair share of the criticism its failure to tame a huge public sector debt and budget deficit has triggered calls to strip the u.s. off its right to give financial advice to others as. reports. and when you will spring gathering about the world economy produced
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a dreadful financial forecast we are one shock away from a food crisis critics say through the establishment of the international monetary fund and world bank america has positioned itself as an economic dr to the world using the institutions to retain global domination and fulfill the business interests of large corporations creating resources belonging to cash strapped countries to. pressure governments to cut spending or raise taxes there could be very very dangerous. recession worse by tale all too familiar to latin america the middle east. and most recently greece. where tens of thousands stormed the streets protesting austerity measures public spending cuts and tax hikes. as the largest financial contributor washington
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also wields the largest voting power at the i.m.f. the furn of the i.m.f. it is run by the us treasury department. quote from the european approach there right there tells you most of the problem this is supposing you know hundred. countries and it's run by just a handful or maybe just one and american has always served as president of the world bank since its creation in one nine hundred forty four but now with its own backyard in disarray america is hardly in a position to hand out financial advice to others in two thousand and eleven america's financial management is best defined by a nonstop borrowing binge see that off over there it's a running ticker of u.s. debt which has surpassed a ceiling of fourteen point three trillion dollars now the u.s. may want to consider investing in a bigger clock. with a few more digits on the display our problem is so bad the us president can't
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ignore it and the government can't seem to solve it we have to live within our means we have to reduce our deficit republicans have refused to support measures such as raising taxes on the rich or cutting defense spending all eyes are now on the nation that sets the bar for others to see if they could clean up its own bad debts at home marina for naya r.t. new york later today in our special report we reveal the difficulties and dangers of living in black ghettos in the u.s. where rival gangs continue to incite violence on the streets i live in a country that don't understand that there's more violence in the streets of this country than there are the streets of baghdad. bracing.
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christian believers are united in eastern celebrations and this year the man falls on the same day for all of them for thousands of worshippers in moscow a service was held in a main russian orthodox cathedral artists are further witnessed the grandiose ceremony. there's over five thousand people have attended the service this year including both president medvedev and prime minister and lots of families inside bringing their children it really is a family event a religious event that's marked by thousands and thousands of people every year but plots to look at will and celebrate not only inside but also lined the streets as well with candles just to take part in a ceremony. to celebrate easter it's
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a russian christian holiday which is always been celebrated all over russia where in moscow want to business trip and we just couldn't help but come here is the first time you had a chance to celebrate this festival in moscow so we came to see the service here it's a joy to be here and interested in. thank you here in st i have to work it's a great holiday do you. know who's going to another church after we've seen. their side the cathedral is really need for the service has lots of candles and flowers and less by kate here really a major celebration here in russia and this year marks on the same day by both the orthodox church and because some of the russian tradition for easter includes making the case and also eating a type of curd called patch and that's actually the original name of the easter
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celebration itself now we saw the big procession from christ the savior cathedral it's traditional procession that goes around the cathedral grounds with patriarch kirill leading that they carry the crucifix and thousands of people joining that before they gave back inside to continue the ceremony all around russia families will be celebrating a religious holiday church think if they do throughout the country will be marking with their own for many and of course everyone celebrating it around the world very happy easter from us here r.t. log on to our web site to read the russian people. to your car you can also find more r.t. coverage of this and other top stories. now
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the story of a convicted killer who once das himself a russian prisoner has racked with pain from ellis is pleading with the authorities to be released from his misery the case has reignited the debate over assisted suicide a practice that's illegal in the country where he is and often reports. cannot east forty five and he's dying. and it's an independence diabetic has lost sixty can legs in ten months. now i almost blind he can hardly distinguish objects in the back out of the jail by his second sentence for murder his encounters thanks herit and doctors forecasts he want the fractures for much longer he'll need a real chair. i can't live without pain killers. i'm always on drugs if if i didn't take them i'd be unable to walk at all of the sport i'm sure you're a former soldier and war veteran can i do you no longer has the energy to fight for
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a life and instead his specially fighting for death. and that his health has not always been so bad he deteriorated rapidly after he was pulled behind bars in two thousand and seven he was sentenced to eighteen years in prison cannot he needs specialized treatment and care something he just cannot get here or you're going to die or. what else do i need i used to be a man now look at me i'm not even half of them around. a doctor to help him die is officially forbidden in russia before. when i started being who could kill who could facilitate a suicide nobody even the most zealous euthanasia supporters villa said that they would do it themselves because they would become murderers of a did not have from the point of view of russian legislation nor from the point of view of
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international law all ethic norms can euthanasia be justified. there is a huge debate on whether terminal patients have the rights to and their own life to escape chronic pain those against euthanasia and they are the majority claim among other things that even hopeless cases can sometimes be the recklessly hailed but a voice from behind bars where miracles rarely happen a change that perspective sure it will if they know that the rest of their lives will be suffering was the reason to prevent them from doing that especially those sentenced to life in prison and that many letters from these people they ask for death as life becomes unbearable conditions there are after all so why not. foggy ninety a strong orthodox believe or euthanasia has been a hard decision and it won't be without its victims on the other side of the prison bars. no i will not allow him to die i will not.
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enough his mother can understand what's pushed her son to sick death that she country can sell herself with the reality of that decision. if he dies i'll die with him what would i leave for who fall. in haste in a life but is waiting wishing for death whether it's natural or. are too central russia. back with headlines shortly go away.
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i live in a country that don't understand that there's more violence in the streets of this country than there are in the streets in afghanistan or baghdad. one night in desperation the young man bracing for. the buzz of the buscema the. crowd gathers momentum
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call. it. if. the show would be soon which bryson if you knew about someone from phones to freshen it's. not for instance on t.v. don't come. to. it.


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